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Deeper Education [IC]


Master Atharias smiles at you. "While I am loathe to leave the Academy, even for a short time, I am confident that I have chosen well--the eight of you should have little difficulty managing the academy during my absence."

Behind Atharias, a vast school of platinum tyel fish float lazily in circles, sweping in broad arcs past the curved transparent walls of the master's private chamber. The master himself, a dark-skinned humanoid with four sharp green eyes, sits cross-legged on the room's bare floor, seemingly completely relaxed. He blinks slowly as he looks at each of you in turn, gauging your reactions.

It's not altogether rare for Atharias to hold council with the instructors. Such meetings are usually the master's way of keeping up with the progress of the Academy's charges and mediating disputes and disagreements between instructors and students alike. So when he called you to his chambers this evening, the last thing you anticipated was being given the responsibilty of running the entire academy!

Jodan Korlaac, the youngest of your group, coughs nervously, but Master Atharias appears not to notice. "The Naveion system has been chosen to host a very important gathering. Masters from across the galaxy are coming here in order to discuss something of great significance. I cannot say how long the talks will take...but I expect to be gone for a least a week, and quite likely more."

"If they're coming here, Master, then why do you need to leave?", Jodan interrupts.

"Not here, specifically. But to Naveion, yes. The Jedi have decided to meet on Masu, so as not to interfere with our students' training." Atharias pauses. "While I would dearly love to bring all of my instructors with me, it simply isn't feasible at this time, especially with the large amount of new students who have recently arrived."

Atharias deftly operates a small device around his wrist, and a series of small holographic images appears before him. The images are of three children, a Rodain, a Farghul, and a Human. "Zeth, Vassa, and Sol. Three highly promising students, each strong in the Force, all brought to the Academy in the span of less than a month." Atharias raises an eyebrow as he looks up at you. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you how auspicious this is--normally, we recieve no more than two or three qualified students in the course of an entire year."

The master looks up at you. "So far, we have yet to decide on a course of training for these three." Atharias spreads his hands. "During my absence, I expect you all to fully examine each of the subjects, and have a report prepared for me upon my return."

Before you have had a chance to digest these words, a soft chirping sounds from Atharias' door. The master waves his hand casually. "Enter."

The door slides open quietly, and three young children, barefoot, walk cautiously in. "Ah, just who we were speaking of," Atharias says warmly. "Welcome, children." The Rodain seems sullen, perhaps angry, but both the Human and the Farghul seem in good spirits, though both are obviously trying to hide their nervousness.

"My fellow instructors, these students have been staying at the academy for a short while now, but we have had little time to give them a proper welcome and orientation. This is something that I hoped we could remedy at this time."

Atharias bows formally to the children. "Young ones. These men you see here will be responsible for you during your time at the Academy." The master then turns and bows to you. "Instructors. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to these students and let them know what their purpose is here."
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Greeting children, I am most excited to make your acquaintance. My name is Sylara Musashi, I am the schools master at arms. I will be the instructor who introduces you to the weapon of choice for Jedi all around the universe, the Light saber. As well I am the quarter master for the school, you will be stopping by my office later on so that I can provide you with bedding and clothing. You will find my office in the East wing of level 7. If you have any problems locating it feel free to speak with any of your fellow students.

With that Sylara steps back to allow the other instructors to introduce themselves.

[sblock]Sylara attempts to use Diplomacy to put the children at ease, and the entire party is amused to see him being his most charasmatic self. (result 20, 17+3)[/sblock]


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>>With that Sylara steps back to allow the other instructors to introduce themselves.

Nor waits for Sylara to speak and then adds, "Yep, pretty much exactly what Sylara said (smiles) except I am not that hot with a lightsaber, don't quartermaster much of anything, so please, please don't ask me for bedding. And, I can not be located on east wing of level 7. Other than that, excatly the same. . . "

He looks like he is done for about 5 seconds and then adds, "Oh.. And of course you are welcome to attend my courses for piloting, astrogation or starship gunnery. It would be best if you graduate able to shoot, fly, astrogate, or for ghu's sake at least drink better than Captain Pumba, my co-pilot and partner in crime. Sadly, past experience says that does not always occur, so please apply your self. And, if you need to find me outside of class, then just head for the hangers and look for the War Pig, shes almost always the only ship there and Timone, my R2 unit, will know where I am." After which, he winks and grins at the new students to dispell any doubts they may have about his speech
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Master Tyren

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Tyren is dressed in classic Jedi garments, but the colors are dark blue highlighted with grey, instead of brown and white. After Nor has finished speaking, he returns a bow to Master Atharias then turns and bows respectfully to the new students. Before speaking, he regards them with his brown eyes, searching for any apparent strengths or weaknesses.

Without smiling Tyren steps forward and says...

Welcome to the Navieon Academy. My name is Master Tyren, and I am the language instructor here. You should know that my fellow instructors and I will be training and watching over you. We will help you find your weaknesses and banish them; we will help you find your strengths and solidify them. By the time you are finished you will be Jedi like us, therefore we expect nothing but your best at all times.

With that Tyren steps back to allow his remaining peers their chance.


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Master Tersh gets up and strides towards the young children, his moves as supple and calculated as a cat's.

"I too hope you aren't too overwhelmed with everything here, children. I know this can always be a bit scary at the outset. So, I will not attempt to bring you over to my own personal 'opinions'. (With this last remark he eyes Sylara and Nor warily)"
He takes a tentative step forward. "Rather... I will simply state thus. I teach galactic history here, as well as martial arts, though the latter is an optional class for those who wish to learn to defend themselves without the need of 'lightsabers'. If you ahve any questions, concerns, or you just want to talk, you can find my office in the West Wing of level 4."
He tries to smile nonchalantly as he strides back to his seat. He makes sure not to sit next to Sylara or Nor.


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After Master Tersh seats himself, Tolark clears his throat. He does not rise to greet the children, but merely takes a sip from his tea and says,

"You will attend my in the Archives daily for tea and cake. There I will teach you the proper way to enter certain rooms, and how to retrieve items from the top shelves."

His attention returns to his drink.


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Noticing the look, Tolark silently communicates his reasoning to Tersh...

If you must know, I agree with Atharias. There is something unusual with these three arriving togeather as they have. I wish to see how they react to my unusual invitation. All in all, I have a bad feeling about this.

[sblock]Take 10 to use telepathy on Tersh. It should work, unless he resists.[/sblock]


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Tersh's eyes widen a bit, but he shows no other signs of the mind intrusion. Knowing Tolark can probably hear him, Tersh thinks.

These are little children Tolark! They're scared out of their wits! Don't cause more trouble for them. Besides, children cannot be spies. And even if they were, scaring them is not going to help. We can only hope our compassion and teachings will show them the error of their 'supposed' covert ways. I find your suspicions biased and unfounded and bordering on paranoia.

He sips his coffee again.


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Tolark raises an eyebrow.

Spies? What are you thinking about? I merely find them unusual, and wish to examine them from a different starting point than the rest of you. I would no more wish harm come to them than to my own padawan. There is anger in that Rodian, and I fear that emotional plattitudes will not serve to comfort him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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