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Daunton's Dead Shadow (DM:Ukingsken, Judge:????)


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Vrrsk't looks across the battlefield, assessing the damage. I think it best we finish this tonight.

Kamotz follows Vrrsk't's eyeline, to the bodies at the entrance, We have time, if they were wrongly felled, the church may be able to correct the situation. Guardsman, can you make this inquisition faster by showing us to the questionable parties?

Neither of the large humanoid warriors seems to come off-guard, keeping their weapons at the ready, and Vrrsk't proudly bearing his shield.

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Vrrsk't watches the dwarf in silence, waiting for an answer to Kamotz' question, but his eyes are filled with implacable determination and, perhaps worse, sadness at what he might have to do should the dwarf not prove cooperative. The dwarf crumples under his stern gaze, answering abjectly, "Yes, yes, of course. Anythin' fer th Chairch, aye? Maister Crabhairn, he'll be lang goon hame fer the nicht, but Mess Porphyria 'as ane o'her friends ower, anither ane'a them lassies wi'mair gowd than brains, ye ken. I saw them, an ire or twa agone, sneekit ite tae th' mausoleum. It's a beg stane 'un, centuries auld, wi' dozens o' crepts an' sech, all undergrind. Ah'll tek ye thair, shall I?"

The dwarf limps through the night, navigating his way expertly through the grounds with the familiarity of long practice. Shortly you approach a stone entranceway set into the side of a small hill. Tall marble carvings of somber-faced angels flank the entrance, and wide stone stairs lead down into darkness.

As you near the entrance itself, you hear a faint scream from deep inside the hill.

ooc: I rolled an intimidate check for Vrrsk't to finish off the skill challenge: 32. Yeah, we'll call that a success.


First Post
"Yes...it's time to end this evil and avenge the death of the inocent ones." Grakk states as he equips his sword and follows side-by-side with the warlock.


Spurred on by the muffled screams, Grakk and Morvannon lead the way through the crypt. You pass several rooms full of sarcophagi and elaborate relief carvings on the walls, before coming to a T junction. The screams echo from the right hand fork, and after passing through a larger, more crowded room full of lesser gravestones, you reach another stairway, this one crude and unfinished, in a rough, uneven archway. The stone edges of the stairs and arch seem fresh and sharp, in contrast to the smooth, rounded stones of the rest of the complex. Grakk doesn't stop to examine the stonework, though; he goes pelting down the stairs and bursts into a room full of the walking dead.

The subterranean chamber is a large, high-ceilinged chamber, with smooth stone walls studded with torches in sconces at regular intervals, illuminating the scene in a flickering, smoky light. And a memorable scene it is: The center of the room is dominated by a huge, octagonal pit, full of viscous fluid that bubbles with an unnaturally sickening stench. A sickly glow swirls beneath the surface, illuminating the sour fumes with a ghastly light.

[sblock=Nature or Heal DC 10]Contact with the liquid would probably not be good for your health. [/sblock]

Suspended above the pit by eight sturdy chains anchored to short pillars at the corners of the octagonal pit is a large stone platform. A robed figure, impossibly large, stands on the platform with his back to you, facing a polished obsidian altar on which is bound an attractive young woman in purple and yellow silk. She is the source of the screaming, and as you enter the room she treats you to an achingly loud and threatrical sample.

In the flickering shadows around the glowing pit are perhaps a dozen other figures, all of them clearly undead except another attractive girl, bound and gagged in one corner of the room. Her eyes meet yours, pleading for help.

In the far corner behind the second girl is a bookshelf, containing various papers and half a dozen small glass vials. In the other far corner is a small pile of dead bodies, haphazardly stacked in a pool of congealed blood.

The far wall contains an door of heavy wood reinforced with iron, and barred on this side.

As you enter, all eyes (and empty eye sockets) turn to you. The ruined face of the creature on the platform splits, and a familiar voice emerges. "Hold them off. I must not be interrupted." It is the voice of Slardazial, the rogue priest turned to Zal'Ekthees, who you defeated once before in Lauto's catacombs. He turns away from you again, and resumes a low, buzzing chant. The girl on the altar screams again, but Slardazial ignores it. The bound girl in the corner tries to scream, but the gag ruins the effect. The dead shamble slowly forward toward you...


Magnus 19
Kamotz 17
Vixo 9
Morvannon 8
Vrrsk't 17
Grakk 23

Enemies: 8. Rerolling the tie for Morvannon and the enemies: Morvannon wins. So all the PCs go first.


[sblock=status and initiative]

  • Kamotz 31/31 hp, 7/9 surges
  • Vrrsk't 33/35 hp, 10/12 surges
  • Vixo 38/38 hp, 7/9 surges
  • Morvannon 30/32 hp, 6/8 surges
  • Magnus 29/29 hp, 9/8 surges
  • Grakk 44/44 hp, 9/12 surges
  • Wight unharmed
  • Grave Drake 1 unharmed
  • Grave Drake 2 unharmed
  • Maw unharmed
  • Rotter 1 unharmed
  • Rotter 2 unharmed
  • Rotter 3 unharmed
  • Rotter 4 unharmed
  • Rotter 5 unharmed
  • Rotter 6 unharmed
  • Rotter 7 unharmed
  • Rotter 8 unharmed

Resources used:
  • Grakk: AP
  • Magnus:
  • Morvannon: AP
  • Kamotz: Beacon of Hope
  • Vixo: Blinding Barrage, Duelist's dagger


[sblock=Enemy stats]
Slardazial ??

Zombie Rotter 1 HP, a missed attack never damages them. AC 13, For 13, Ref 9, Will 10.
+6 vs. AC, 5 damage

Grave Drake: 49 HP, AC 19, Fort 16, Ref 15, Will 14
+9 vs. AC, 1d10+3 damage and the target is grabbed

Deathlock Wight: 54 HP, AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 16, Will 17
+9 vs. AC, 1d6 damage and the target loses a healing surge

Maw: 44 HP, AC 17, For 14, Ref 15, Will 14
+8 vs. AC, 1d8+2 damage

Chains: 15 HP each, AC 8, Fort 8, Ref 8, Will N/A
Chains have +12 to all defenses against ranged attacks from non-adjacent squares.


[sblock=map and terrain notes]

The pit's surface is 5' below ground level.


First Post
Oooo... Magnus was clearly impressed with the ritual trappings.

Eehehehe...even a pool of life threatening liquid...

Slipping a little farther into the room he raised his crooked staff, and with that motion the shadows among the undead also swept up into the air, writhing and grasping at whatever came into their reach.


It might not matter, but I believe Magnus has 6/8 surges remaining.

Nature: DC 10 (1d20+9=25)

move: move to T10

standard: Grasping Shadows: vs Will (Area: Enlarged, Burst 2 centered on L6) [Target Order: Rotter 1, Maw, Grave Drake 1, Rotter 6] (1d20+6=15, 1d20+6=22, 1d20+6=19, 1d20+6=26)
if it hit: Psychic Damage (1d8+5-2=5), and target is slowed until the end of Magnus' next turn.
[edit: Looks like I crit Rotter 6, Crit! (1d6+11=14).]
effect: Shadows writhe in the designated area and continue until the end of Magnus' next turn. Any creature that enters the area of the grasping shadows takes 4 psychic damage and is slowed until the end of its next turn.

[sblock=ministats]Magnus Madiron- Male Dwarven Wizard 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19, Senses: Low-light
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:15, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:29/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/8
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Cloud of Daggers

Grasping Shadows
Staff of Defense
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere
Healing Word
Circlet of Second Chances


Full character sheet[/sblock]
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First Post
The spry kobold jumps into action swiftly and decisively. Not liking the look of one of the many undead, he picks his spot and throws his weapon, hoping to catch it off-guard.

[sblock=ooc]not around much this weekend but will try to check in[/sblock]

Minor:nature roll about liquid (1d20+2=3)
Move: V14,V15,V16,U17,U18,U19
Standard:deft strike (ranged) w/ dagger vs Grave Drake 2. including combat advantage and sneak attack since he goes before the drake (1d20+12=16, 1d4+5+2d8+3=21) looks like a miss.[/sblock]

[sblock="Mini stat"]Vixo - Level 3 Kobold Rogue
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +5 Senses: Normal
AC: 17, Fortitude: 14, Reflex: 17, Will: 12-- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 38/38, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges left 7/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Deft Strike
Riposte Strike

Dazing Strike
Student of the Sword (Multiclass Fighter)
Sneak in the Attack
Nasty Backswing

Blinding Barrage
Duelist's Dagger Daily Power


First Post
At the sound of Slardaziel's voice, Morvannon's eyes go even wider as a furious outburst resonates in his head.

*no! that one again! unclean! FOUL!*

The warlock levels a blast of energy at the hulking figure on the platform before stepping to the side and drawing the comforting shadows around himself again. "Master dwarf! Get back to the house and warn your lord what is happening here!"

[sblock=Actions]Heal skill check: 1d20+2=19
Standard: Attack Slardy with Eldritch Blast: It's a crit! Bonus damage = 2, for a total of 19.
Move: Walk to V-20, gaining concealment from Shadow Walk.
Minor: Warlock's Curse on Rotter 7.[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Morvannon Rinael - Level 2 Half-Elf Warlock
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 19, Initiative: +1 Senses: Low-light
AC: 16, Fortitude: 13, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6, Size: Medium
HP: 30/32, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 6/8
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Warlock's Curse (minor)
Misty Step (Warlock Pact Boon)

Scorching Burst (Dilettante power)
Thunderwave (Arcane Initiate feat)
Caiphon's Leap (Utility)

Curse of the Dark Dream[/sblock]


First Post
ooc: that was weird...one minute no map...the next minute a map appears.

Moving slowly at first Grakk appraises the battle ground. He then charges a drake, unleashing a thundering roar that echos throughout the chamber. Unfortunately for Grakk his emotions got the best of him as his swing hits only air. Grakk screams again in anger.

movement: move to T19
action: charge to O21 and attack grave drake: 1d20+9+1= 11
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