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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 5



Alic: Protests "It doesn't feel right to boast of spending his coin. We should not forget who gave it to him or how they acquired it."

Wrenwil quietly let Alic and Ordechai play their games, yet was surprised by how soft the underbelly was on this young hardened dwarf. ~Haven't had much to do with dwarves before, definitely an odd bunch.~

"A coin can pass through many hands, good, bad, ugly, devious, pretty, yet it doesn't choose the hands to and from whom it may pass. A coin can only be that... a coin. I meant no disrespect Alic, merely an observation that things sometimes play out in the most unexpected of ways. Look at us, three most unlikely strangers, now friends having a meal in the most unusual of Inn's."

Ordechai: "I think you need to try this aqua-vitae..." Ordechai says pouring you a shot. "Don't be a sour-drinker like Alic here."

[Wrenwil: What do you do?]

"Just one Ordechai, a toast, to reaching our destinations in one piece." He leaned forwards again, whispering, "Unlike your good selves, this old man... he can hold his drink all right, but now is not a time for me to fog the one and only tool I have which is of use." The old cleric tapped a finger on the side of his head, and took a reluctant little sip, testing the water so to speak, to see if this aqua-vitae was compatible with his pallet.

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Kryslogious of Anasteria

Kryslogious places the skull back into the sack on his hip. Asusk and Svexyn leaning away to discuss plans on what to do with him. Kryslogious relaxed his weight against the cart and let out a heavy sigh as he peered into the dark sky.

~I wonder who I am as well...~ he thought to himself as he rummaged through the scattered thoughts of his past, both the clear and unclear ones. he began humming a simple tune from his past.


Ersun, Rasul

He quietly listens to the tale of Rasul and wonders why exactly he got so attached to her, that a base sympathy and common suffering makes him go to such lengths even after so long. He has no reason to distrust the story so far either, so he silently ponders on it for a bit.

“You two went through a lot, and it is admirable to come out from it with such will of iron.” he leaves the moment a quiet toast out of respect. He also finds it interesting that he could see her as a beacon, something better to cling to, he does not think he would share her goals and ideals by himself. Not that he is certain about it, one can never be with such impressions.
“The world is the same everywhere it seems indeed, at the least I can relate to your problems very well. You have told me the story mainly from a personal viewpoint, with indications to a much bigger picture, I can sympathize with both.” he sighs. “And things are never simple if you try to look at them even slightly objectively... Nevertheless, I see why an alliance would work very well with us, but it also requires quite the dedication and co-reliance, it is not a simple thing.”

He is intrigued by the concept of a joint upper and undercity, some kind of a dualistic nation could spring out from it if shaped well.

Ersun: (Fate Pool Listen Check: = 22)(Fate Pool Spot Check: = 7)

You hear the sound of squeaky hinges on the postern gate of the gardens outer wall as it cracks open in the dark. You do not spot who opened it. Rasul hears the sound as easily as you do, holding a hand up in a gesture for silence as he peers towards the shadows. A tense moment passes until a soft whistle comes from behind the gate.

Rasul: Whistles back, prompting another fit of coughing.

The gate opens a tad wider revealing a small cloaked figure (too short to be a man) that quickly slinks through. It moves much like an animal, darting between shrubs and herbs of the garden with a long rats tail trailing behind it! As it nears the edge of the Veranda it pauses to peer up at you with timid caution. Beneath its hood you glimpse large dark eyes and a whiskered snout.

Rasul: "Do not be alarmed Ersun, this is no foe. It is a Rhat. An altogether clever, diligent and most observant creature. His name is Ren, my most loyal servant."

[Ersun: What do you do?]

Aust Thale

Searching the unconscious prisoner you find a coin purse (contains 12 gp and 16 cp), a dagger, hidden gemstones in her boots (2x rubies), a vial of mysterious fluid (possibly poison) and a bronze key in her pocket. Around her neck, hidden beneath her blouse, is a finely shaped talisman on an iron chain in the form of a black rat with two tiny red ruby gemstones for eyes.

  • Dagger
  • Coin Purse (12gp and 16cp)
  • Hidden gemstones in her boots (2x rubies)
  • vial of mysterious fluid (possibly poison)
  • Talisman of a rat on iron chain
  • Bronze Key

[Aust: What do you do? Make an Appraise Check; DC 14, to gauge the value of the gems and a Knowledge Local (or Religion) check; DC 18, to recognize the talisman.]

AUST: (Appraise Check: 10 and Knowledge-Local: 9 and Knowledge-Religion: 13)
Aust collects the items, taking special care with the dagger and the vial. ~This little one means to conduct a deadly business.~ (Examines dagger closely. Is it coated with any substance?)
Puts rubies in coin purse and puts Talisman and key in his own pocket. ~ We'll just have a chat about this when she wakes up.~
He places the vial in a separate pouch and places it on his belt. ~ I'll have Jabbar take a swipe at identifying the items when he returns.~
Aust goes to the most convenient window still within view of the prisoner and listens and looks carefully for signs of Jabbar and Avar.

[Is there anyone that Aust trusts among his men to guard the prisoner? They seem silent about nearly everything else Jabbar and Aust engages in; does that loyalty extend to this kind of exercise?]


Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral, Kong

Bill moves directly to his right, three squares (15 ft) and fires twice [Rapid Shot]:

(Both shots are at Kong, not letting him get away!) (First shot hits AC 19, Hit Location: Right Arm, Damage: 7 points.) (Second shot hits AC 20, Hit Location: Skull [Fort save or stunned], Damage: 8 points.)

Both your arrows land true, the first piercing the links of Kong's blackened chainmail around his right bicep (Arrow stuck in his flesh!), the second cutting deeply into his scalp, thudding against his thick skull (Deflects, NOT stuck in his flesh).

Kong: (Fortitude Save to remain conscious, DC 8: =25, Saves)

The large gladiator growls with pain at two fresh arrow wounds, angry at the nerve of this pointy-eared stalker interfering with his match with Burrai Steelborn!

Meanwhile, Elloral swiftly strikes at thug 3 with her staff, surprising him with speed and strength belying her age.

Elloral: (First Melee Attack w/ quarterstaff: =10, Miss)(2nd Melee Attack w/ quarterstaff: =14, Hit)(Location: Skull)(Damage: =8)

Thug 3: (Fortitude Save to remain conscious, DC 8: =19, Saves)

With his right hand and arm bleeding and prickled with arrows, Kong's huge two-handed axe, the Ono, is useless to him... in his rage he makes a hasty decision to reach for a short sword on his waist with his off-hand... however the move is a feint!

Feint said:
A Feint is a standard action. To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by a Sense Motive check by your target. The target may add his base attack bonus to this Sense Motive check. If your Bluff check result exceeds your target’s Sense Motive check result, the next melee attack you make against the target does not allow him to use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made on or before your next turn.

Kong: (Bluff Check: =15)

Burrai: (Fate Pool Sense Motive Check: = 12+ Base Attack Bonus = 16, Success)

At the last instant, instead of grasping the hilt of the short sword, the former gladiator palms a concealed bladder of ink-blind instead and hurls it at the face of Burrai Steelborn!

Ink-Blind said:
Ink-Blind is a mixture of ink, oil, charcoal powder and other ingredients packed within a delicate bladder made of intestine like a sausage. Once palmed, the sausage can be 'popped' squeezing it in ones grip and thrown at the face of an enemy like a splash-weapon. This trick can only be used effectively in melee combat with an adjacent opponent. If the attacker is successful with a ranged touch attack, the ink splatters across the targets face. The target normally gets to make a Reflex Save, DC 14. If successful, the target avoids being blinded by the ink, which has a sticky consistency that's quite difficult to smear away. If this weapon is used as part of a successful feint attack, the target receives no saving throw. Targets who fail the saving throw are considered blinded until they use a full round action to smear away the substance. The DC for smearing it away with a rag or water only: DC 18. With a rag + water: DC 15. With a rag + Wine: DC 12. With a rag + Vinegar: DC 10

Kong: (Ranged touch attack with Ink-Blind: =19, Hit)

Kong's deception pays off... the ink-blind splashes across Burrai's scarred face!

Burrai: (Fate Pool Reflex Save, DC 14: = 15, Saves!)


<Round 2>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(16) Billanverthorne
(12) Elloral
(10) Kong (-9,-9)(-8,-7)(Arrow stuck in leg)(-5^)(-2)(+30^)(-12)(-7)(Arrow stuck in arm)(-8)
(08) Burrai
(01) Thugs
- Thug 1 (-10^)
- Thug 2 (-5^)
- Thug 3 (-8)
- Thug 4 (-5^)
- Thug 5 (-5^)
- Thug 6 (-5^)

[Burrai: It is your turn, What do you do?]
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Aust Thale

AUST: (Appraise Check: 10 and Knowledge-Local: 9 and Knowledge-Religion: 13)
Aust collects the items, taking special care with the dagger and the vial. ~This little one means to conduct a deadly business.~ (Examines dagger closely. Is it coated with any substance?)
Puts rubies in coin purse and puts Talisman and key in his own pocket. ~ We'll just have a chat about this when she wakes up.~
He places the vial in a separate pouch and places it on his belt. ~ I'll have Jabbar take a swipe at identifying the items when he returns.~

Results of Skill Checks:

[Sblock=Appraise] You estimate the value of one of the rubies at 110gp and the other at 120gp, but your confidence in those numbers is mediocre at best. (Difficulty level for appraising common gems is 12) If Jabbar were here to hear that estimate, he would say you should be ashamed to call yourself a smuggler![/Sblock]

[Sblock=Knowledge (Local)] You fail miserably recognizing the significance of the talisman according to your local knowledge.[/Sblock]

[Sblock=Knowledge (Religion)] Your religious knowledge check is a little better, but again not quite enough to be really helpful. You have a nagging feeling the talisman represents an evil deity or cult of some kind, but your mind is cloudy remembering the details... perhaps you had too much to drink earlier?[/Sblock]

Aust: (Fate Pool Search Check: = 28, Great Success!) Your careful examination of the dagger reveals it is coated in a poison you recognize all too well... Large Scorpion Venom!

Large Scorpion Venom: said:
Large scorpion venom Injury, DC 18, 1d6 Str, 1d6 Str, 200 gp

This particular poison is common in these lands, often preferred by thugs and bandits for its relatively low cost and reasonable effectiveness weakening an enemy. (No examination is necessary for the vial, as you plainly deduce it contains 2 more doses of the same poison)

[Is there anyone that Aust trusts among his men to guard the prisoner? They seem silent about nearly everything else Jabbar and Aust engages in; does that loyalty extend to this kind of exercise?]

Jabbar wouldn't employ anyone uncomfortable breaking laws, but keeping watch over a kidnapped female, and a complete stranger no less... is certainly a big ask. Religious Akhenatens consider it a grave sin to touch an unmarried female (who isn't asking for it in a friendly way). This one is not be a local, she looks Neferese in fact, (half-Caishian/Akhenaten) but the taboo still applies. Akhenaten culture frowns on man-handling and mistreatment of women who aren't your own kin. Thus, the only slave Jabbar has that your positive wouldn't have a problem with this is Shaba, a female former slave from the Commonwealth of Athenea who's also half-Mgorongoron.

Shaba is a fiery, sharp-tongued woman in her mid thirties that knows a thing or two about hard work and hard living. She was a local merchants house-slave, serving drinks when Jabbar met her at a business meeting. The way she scolded her master for poor manners amused him greatly and he insisted on making her part of the deal. Now Shaba keeps his other slaves in line with her famous temper and tenacity for speaking her mind. Shaba's talent for breaking down a mans pride is also useful to Jabbar in his business dealings.

Shaba's not one to shirk from violence, having already killed a few men in self-defense or prior escape attempts. Fortunately for you, Shaba likes Jabbar too much to do him harm. Where she comes from, women don't look out much for each other, so she'd probably enjoy slapping your prisoner around a little. However, you'd also expect a terrible scolding letting Jabbar go off on his own. She's always on your case about watching his back.

Aust goes to the most convenient window still within view of the prisoner and listens and looks carefully for signs of Jabbar and Avar.

As you move over to the window, peeking out into the street, you note a nearly-full moon has started to rise above the thick cloud cover. Suddenly, the unconscious prisoner starts to moan and squirm on the floor, as if suffering through a nightmare they struggle to wake from... but when her face starts growing hair and her fingers form claws you realize the nightmare is yours!

[Aust: Declare actions and roll initiative!]
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Ersun: (Fate Pool Listen Check: = 22)(Fate Pool Spot Check: = 7)

You hear the sound of squeaky hinges on the postern gate of the gardens outer wall as it cracks open in the dark. You do not spot who opened it. Rasul hears the sound as easily as you do, holding a hand up in a gesture for silence as he peers towards the shadows. A tense moment passes until a soft whistle comes from behind the gate.

Rasul: Whistles back, prompting another fit of coughing.

The gate opens a tad wider revealing a small cloaked figure (too short to be a man) that quickly slinks through. It moves much like an animal, darting between shrubs and herbs of the garden with a long rats tail trailing behind it! As it nears the edge of the Veranda it pauses to peer up at you with timid caution. Beneath its hood you glimpse large dark eyes and a whiskered snout.

Rasul: "Do not be alarmed Ersun, this is no foe. It is a Rhat. An altogether clever, diligent and most observant creature. His name is Ren, my most loyal servant."

[Ersun: What do you do?]

"Nice to meet you, Ren. My name, as mentioned, is Ersun."
He looks at the Rhat friendly, then he leans a bit back from the conversation to see what the new arrival brings to the meeting.

He also wonders if the Rhat was arranged to meet him, in case Thiara scheluded the exact time with Rasul in advance. On the other hand his guards were rather surprised, but on another hand he would not be one to put much confidence into them. He remains curious if his first guess would be rigth, or if he would gain a more mundane guide.


First Post
Burrai Steelborn

Battle descended on Burrai like a blanket, smothering him in noise, hot breath, the ripe smell of sweat, the timpani of falling blows ringing off his shield. It was almost a comfort – the simplicity of survival, the binary outcomes of winning or losing, mixed with the infinite complexity of combat. Bodies pressed in around him, connecting them all like parts of the same organism. He read their strikes frantically, shield swinging in great arcs, or turned the bulkier plates of his armour into the blows so all they did was let him know where his attackers were, how hard they could hit, when the next attack might be.

But of course there were others to worry about. Whoever was firing into the melee was doing a solid job of feathering Kong with arrows, but Burrai sensed as much as saw one of Kong’s men circle around to his flank, cutting him off. More importantly, it closed the lane of escape.

“Elloral!” He snarled, shoving away the blow caught on his shield. "Withdraw if you can before they surround you. I’ll try and – “ Motion caught his eye as Kong’s hand went for the sword at his hip, but the action was too obvious, exaggerated.

Instinct more than any cognitive decision brought his shield up between them. Even as he did Kong flicked his hand forward and whatever it was clipped his shield’s edge. It burst sending cold liquid across Burrai’s face a moment after he’d closed his eyes. He cried out, but it wasn’t acid or poison – nothing stung of burnt. The black smear across his shield and braces, like shadows painted on in tar, told him that Kong wasn’t interested in a fair fight.

“Petty brawling tricks? Really? I see honour isn’t one of your better – No you don’t son!” As the thug that had been circling him tried to sidle further around to close off the alley, Burrai shifted his feet and without really looking swung backhand in a wide arc, low to the ground, setting his shield squarely before him, but connected with nothing but air. The thug was faster than he expected - perhaps this wasn't as much of a rabble as he thought....

OOC: Combat expertise (Increase AC by 3 to 24)
Attack thug 5 (8 = miss)
Move: none
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Ersun, Rasul, Ren

"Nice to meet you, Ren. My name, as mentioned, is Ersun."
He looks at the Rhat friendly, then he leans a bit back from the conversation to see what the new arrival brings to the meeting.

He also wonders if the Rhat was arranged to meet him, in case Thiara scheluded the exact time with Rasul in advance. On the other hand his guards were rather surprised, but on another hand he would not be one to put much confidence into them. He remains curious if his first guess would be rigth, or if he would gain a more mundane guide.

Ren: Stares at Ersun a bit impolitely. "Why do you look so strange?"

Rasul: Chuckles. "Don't be rude Ren! Ersun is an underfolk; a race of under-dwellers from the Sezzara Wasteland. He is a stranger to our land."

Ren: Keeps staring, very curious. "...Under...folk..." he says slowly.

Rasul: "Ersun is a potential ally of Thiara. She wants me to show him our ways."

Ren: Smiles. "Thiara was here?!"

Rasul: "Yes, but only briefly. She may return in a few days. Now what is it that you wish to report?"

Ren: "There has been some fighting in the northern caves. Jabbar Najafi entered through the concealed tunnel, accompanied by Avar DarkChains and another stranger."

Rasul: Smirks. "I knew that old smuggler wouldn't tolerate that nonsense! Charging a toll to use those caves is just the latest example of Noro's pigheadedness!" He Spits with emphasis "What happened exactly?"

Ren: "The stranger in Jabbar's company, an elven archer, offended the dwarf Noro put in charge, Odan RamHorn. Odan charged, but Jabbar incapacitated him with a wand. After that, they negotiated a toll with Shafi and passed through safely."

Rasul: "Any casualties?"

Ren: "Shafi went back and killed Odan before the wands paralysis wore off."

Rasul: Frowns. "A pity... an experienced craftsman like him was wasting his talents working for Noro. Switching loyalties was a foolish decision. He should have known the risks working with that sort of scum!" He comments breaking down into another coughing fit. "Did you see anything else I should know while you were in the caves?"

Ren: Nods quickly. "They work day and night chiseling stairs down into the crevasse. Perhaps they found a fresh vein of silver? It might be very valuable indeed with the amount of effort they're putting in to get at it. That also explains why he wants to seal off the caves so no one else can claim it."

Rasul: Laughs. "I think not... those caves have no silver left in em I assure you. Besides, that sounds too much like honest work for Noro..." He says taking another puff of his cigar pondering something. "...I suspect those stairs aren't intended for him at all. Something else must be waiting for a way up!"

Ren gasps, suddenly understanding the implications.

Rasul: "If I'm right we have no time to waste. Where's Jabbar now?"

Ren: "Last I saw he was watching outside Putyuks Rooms. I believe they planned to make a rendezvous there."

Rasul: "Business as usual in Jabbar's trade... I'm glad to hear Avar fell in with him. Sundered dwarves have a stigma it's true, but Jabbar's wise enough not to judge someone purely by race. I think perhaps, the time is finally right to include him in our plans."

Ren: "Do you think so?" He asked excitedly.

Rasul: Nods. "It was only a matter of time before Jabbar and Noro butted heads. I needed this to happen before I could expect Jabbar to seriously consider joining us. The Najafi name still carries weight in these lands and Jabbar has a lot of influence in this town. Noro can't afford any rivals of his caliber. He's likely already giving orders to have him killed."

Ren: "Shall I fetch him for you master?" Ren asked.

Rasul: Shakes his head. "Noro has informants watching this manor day and night. Bringing Jabbar here is a foolish move Ren, you know this!" He says chidingly.

Ren appears to shrink with the shame of suggesting something so foolish.

Rasul: Takes another puff of his cigar. "We will have to meet where your kind live old friend."

Ren blinks with surprise.

Rasul: "Can you think of a better place? I've spent so many years in comfort and luxury, delving into the sewers is the last thing they'll expect."

Ren: Stammers. "Master is always welcome of course! When will you come?"

Rasul: "As soon as possible. Meanwhile, you must find Jabbar before Noro's thugs do."

Ren: Looks worried. "But master, leaving the manor puts you in grave danger! You told me many times that Noro will take any chance to kill you if you leave this refuge!"

Rasul: "That's true, but Noro doesn't know all my tricks. I'll manage somehow." Rasul says with a rare grin before he breaks down into another coughing fit. Finally he looks back to you Ersun. "I'm very sorry, but events have arisen that make it impossible to shelter you any longer." He says matter-of-factly, stuffing out the embers of his cigar. "I understand if you don't want to get involved in this? Ren can show you the way into town. No hard feelings I hope?" Rasul says offering his hand.

[Ersun: What do you do?]
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Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral, Kong

Kong shouts something at two of his thugs. "Huòqǔ de nǚrén! Tā yǒu zhè běn shū!" Immediately both thugs drop their weapons and attempt to grapple Elloral. (Both Thugs have Improved Grapple)

Thug 2: (Touch Attack: =13, hit)
Thug 3: (Touch Attack: =20, hit)

Both thugs manage to spring on her and get their hands on her.

Thug 2: (Grapple Check (+1 for aid by thug 2): = 21)
Thug 3: (Grapple Check (+1 for aid by thug 3): = 11)

Elloral: (Opposed Grapple Check: = 17)

Thug3 looses his grip as Elloral struggles, but thug 2 grabs her staff and tries to pin it up against her throat, under her chin.

Thug 2: (Attempts a Pin: =6)

Elloral: (Opposed Check vs Pin: =23) Elloral twists away from the maneuver, but is still held in a grapple, just not held immobile.

Meanwhile, Thug 4 and thug 5 continue their strikes against Burrai.

Thug 4: (Full Attack with Shortsword: =14, Miss)(Full Attack with Dagger: =12, Miss)
Thug 5: (Full Attack with Mace: =19, Miss)(Full Attack with Dagger: =9, Miss)

Both thugs are clearly frustrated at the apparent futility of slicing and hammering at the steel-plated dwarf. Last to act is Thug 1 who finally recovers from the Daze effect of Ellorals Spell. He does a double-move along the wall, behind Kong, placing himself within 30 ft of Billanverthorne, taunting him in the common tongue.

Thug 1: Double-Move. "Come closer, coward!"

<End of Round 2>

<Start of Round 3>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )

Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(16) Billanverthorne
(12) Elloral
(10) Kong (-9,-9)(-8,-7)(Arrow stuck in leg)(-5^)(-2)(+30^)(-12)(-7)(Arrow stuck in arm)(-8)
(08) Burrai
(01) Thugs
- Thug 1 (-10^)
- Thug 2 (-5^)
- Thug 3 (-8)
- Thug 4 (-5^)
- Thug 5 (-5^)
- Thug 6 (-5^)

Both Billanverthorne & Burrrai need to make Spot checks, DC 14.

[Sblock=Successful Spot check]Somehow, despite the frenzy of flashing steel and desperate hacking of weapons, you note movement atop Cabarda's outer wall as two town guards (carrying lanterns) are drawn to the sounds of battle. They will be in a position to peer over the wall directly above you at the end of the round. Just fyi.[/Sblock]

[Billanverthorne: It is your turn, What do you do?]


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