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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4



"Bugger," Wrenwil muttered under his breath as they dismantled camp in the early hours. The Tome would have to be a work in progress, like most books, when things got interesting there would always be a distraction.

As they plodded along all day, Wrenwil kept his eyes open and stayed by Ordechai's side, keeping pace, engaging in small talk, whatever it took to distract his mind from the dismal reality. The knight's strange actions were a worry, had Wrenwil insulted the man by confessing to being just a common man? An old bloke with a sordid yet excruciatingly dull history? Or was it the Tome that sparked the reaction? Wrenwil was determined to know more, when both time and place were a little more fitting.

Ordechai: Clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "One wrong word to these Quresh, easily recognizable by their golden eyes, could get us all killed! Do not anger or insult them!" He warns. "Do not underestimate them, they are scoundrels. If anyone asks, I was hired as a guide by Wrenwil into the Kingdom of Vulkh. You are both his bodyguards." he says nodding to Kryslogious and Alic in turn. "So far as it is possible, let me do the talking."

"Thank you Ordechai. Two bodyguards? They are going to think me a noble or man of importance. This is one role, that I am certainly not familiar with." Wrenwil winked to indicate an "ok", a reassurance that if push came to shove, the old cleric had a little "gift of the gab" of his own, but only, if only, as a last resort should their story unravel.
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Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral


Burrai gave Vanlen the briefest nod of recognition, but said nothing else. The memory seeped back in like dark oil poured into clear water, darkening his thoughts and collecting cold and heavy in his chest. It didn't hurt, or ache; just there a constant reminder of all he'd lost and the duty he owes to his son.

So he turned back to his ale and waited for Elloral to conclude her business with Vanlen, whatever that might be.

Vanlen apologizes if he gave offense and immediately moves away from your table. Elloral looks at you with guilty eyes.

Elloral: "I'm sorry Burrai, bumping into him was such a surprise I didn't think to explain anything. Vanlen was never told of your families death because, as you know, dwarves don't go around speaking of such tragedies to outsiders. Family business is private business. I should have anticipated his questions."

As you shrug it off she continues. "If you feel like talking to him again he's selling goods in the east market. Hes got pretty good connections in the merchant trade now. He's also some sort of wizards apprentice, I guess that's what he meant all this time when he referred to his master."

The pair of you eat lunch while you explain the arrangements you made for Rol. The rest of the day passes quickly. Before long the sun sets, and still there is no sign of Avar...


Bill has the cloak draped over the arm with which he is holding the vial, and he holds the cloak in such a way as to conceal his wound from all but the most studied eye.

Bill thinks back to the earlier conversation, going over it and over it in his mind.

~Jabbar's voice: "We'll keep it simple. Just go in there and buy a drink, take a quick look around. If possible sit close enough to Burrai so you can eavesdrop on his conversation. Fifteen minutes tops, then leave and tell us what you found out."~

Bill almost glides, so casual is his step, as he makes his way to the tavern. He does his best to relax his posture, and to steady his countenance. As he approaches the door to the tavern, his final thought on the matter is:

~I hope this Burrai fellow is still here. We wasted a lot of time dealing with those idiots in the cave. Ok, there's the door. Look sharp. All eyes will be on you, at least for a moment, as you enter. First impressions count. Poker face. Not a scowl, just firm resolve.~

And with that thought complete, Bill opens the door, and steps into the inn, looking (but not looking) for a Mountain Dwarf named Burrai.


As you push your way through the entrance it is clear to you that most of these patrons are poor men of rude taste who stink of hard labor and hard lives. Their eyes do not linger long past your breastplate armor and greatsword however. Intimidating things for common thugs to be sure.

The interior of the common room is cramped with tables and booths. The owner clearly never wanted the inn to go wanting for available seating. He is behind the bar at this moment serving drinks and jabbering at the help. He is a squat, chinless, round-faced Okian with black, expressionless eyes and a perpetually scowling mouth. Putyuk’s long hair hangs low down his back and over his shoulders. He wears a stained apron and a pair of strange knives tucked through his belt.

Another Okian, much taller, with a heaver-build stands beside the kitchen door. He wears a loose tunic beneath a ring mail shirt, sleeves rolled up revealing large forearms crisscrossed with scars. His hair is also long and black. Around his neck is a necklace bearing large tusks from a sea lion. On his waist he carries a strange knife, along with a large cudgel made from some creatures leg bone. He eyes you with similarly expressionless eyes and a deep scowl.

You estimate there are at least thirty people spread out in this common room, which is warmed more by their own numbers than the single hearth at the far end. A table maid stops before you on her way back to the kitchen carrying a tray stacked with used cutlery and dirtied plates. She is neither pretty, nor polite, as she states.

Table Maid: "Sit where you like." Before she pushes her way through the kitchen door.

The bar is no place to properly observe the room in this crowded establishment, you will have to meander through the tables looking for Burrai. It helps at least that you are freakishly tall compared to most elves. You spot him at last seated at the far end of the room near the hearth.

There is an adjoining table with an open seat that looks like it might offer a chance to eavesdrop, though in truth there appears to be no point. Burrai sits silent as a stone, eyes focused on the flames of the hearth. His companion meanwhile, the older dwarven woman, calmly reads a tome.

(Fate Pool Spot Check: = 19)

However, while it might seem there is nothing worth listening too at Burrai's table, you notice a strange pair observing them from a booth. Both are careful to avoid looking like they are looking, but since you are doing the exact same thing you find it easy to spot.

They are both dressed in cloaks, carrying no obvious weapons. One is an Akhenaten man, the other is a woman who differs slightly in looks and complexion being Neferese. They speak to each other every now and then to appear as if they are carrying on a conversation, but if they speak of anything at all it must be some plot.

The man and woman aren't far apart in age, but you would not guess them to be a couple. Neither appears to be particularly happy or delighted with the company of the other. Rather, it seems, they are merely waiting, and watching.

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Ready To Party!

What The Other Inn Patrons Saw When Bill Walked In (Bill's Physical Description):

The elf standing before you is a rough-looking customer; he stands over 6 feet tall, and he wears a longbow and a greatsword on his back. The greatsword is sheathed in a special, quick-draw rig, and the longbow looks as if it would require a good deal of strength to nock. His raven black hair hangs well past his shoulders, although it is tied into a large, single braid. His icy blue eyes betray his stern demeanor, along with a hint of danger and unpredictability; his face is lean, and his arms are long, and leanly muscled.

As he walks into the tavern, he removes his gloves, along with both studded leather forearm coverings, for a two-fold purpose; first, to allow his skin to breathe, and secondly, to make eating and drinking easier and more convenient. Covering his left forearm, from wrist to elbow, is an elaborate tattoo, which depicts an eagle clutching a cluster of arrows in its talons. The eagle is in mid-flight, soaring upward, above the tree tops of an illuminated forest, toward a large, full moon, surrounded by twinkling stars. Underneath, is a banner with the motto, "Shaenellon Multyr," which is elven for "Shoot The Moon." This is the mark of the Sacred Order of Elsalemar, an elite scout unit of the Elven army, whose members are all master bowmen. On his right forearm, there is a nasty-looking, bright pink scar, which looks to be the bite pattern of some large beast. It is evident that he has seen his share of action.

The breastplate he wears looks both well-worn, and well cared-for. He has the look of an ex-soldier /professional mercenary about him, and the very way he carries himself suggests that he is confident of his abilities, perhaps even looking for an excuse to fight. An initial analysis of him is that he should not be taken lightly, and that any approach or contact should be conducted with caution.

The Elf is doing one thing that seems odd... he is holding his cloak, gloves, and arm coverings over one arm, like a gentleman at court. You wonder why he would do that, in a place like this... but you think better of asking him, allowing the question to die on your lips.

There is an adjoining table with an open seat that looks like it might offer a chance to eavesdrop, though in truth there appears to be no point. Burrai sits silent as a stone, eyes focused on the flames of the hearth. His companion meanwhile, the older dwarven woman, calmly reads a tome.

(Fate Pool Spot Check: = 19)

However, while it might seem there is nothing worth listening too at Burrai's table, you notice a strange pair observing them from a booth. Both are careful to avoid looking like they are looking, but since you are doing the exact same thing you find it easy to spot.

They are both dressed in cloaks, carrying no obvious weapons. One is an Akhenaten man, the other is a woman who differs slightly in looks and complexion being Neferese. They speak to each other every now and then to appear as if they are carrying on a conversation, but if they speak of anything at all it must be some plot.

The man and woman aren't far apart in age, but you would not guess them to be a couple. Neither appears to be particularly happy or delighted with the company of the other. Rather, it seems, they are merely waiting, and watching.

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]

Bill's mind races with excitement at this newfound discovery!

~Hmmm. Something's wrong, here. This Burrai fellow looks harmless enough, but I don't like the look of those two. I should warn him... But how?~

Bill sits down at the table adjacent to Burrai's without asking. As he does so, he gives everyone seated there a hard, mean look.

To The Table (In Common): "I hope you boys like mining chanties. Because if you're going to share a table with me, you're expected to sing along, and make merry. I'm in a foul mood, and ready to fight. I need strong drink to distract me from these urges. If you're not with me, you're against me. So you'd best make merry! Understand?"

Without waiting for a response, Bill calls the bar maid over, and orders an ale, along with refills for the whole table. He gives her 4 gold pieces, and tells her to keep the change.

As the bar maid leaves, Bill unstops the vial and drinks it, looking at his "comrades." (Potion roll (2d8+2) = 15) [Bill is now at 21 hit points.]

To The Table (In Common): "Don't worry boys, just priming the pump."

All the while that the Barmaid is absent, Bill scans the room, keeping an eye on the two cloaked figures.

As the barmaid returns with the drinks, Bill stands up, leaving his cloak, gloves, and arm coverings on the table, and raising his glass. He says the following to his comrades, while smiling "in general" at everyone in the vicinity, letting his eyes linger briefly on Burrai and his companion.

To Bystanders, In Common: "Take a look here, my friends, we are honored to have these kind Dwarves 'neath our roof! This calls for a mining chanty!" And with that, Bill begins to sing, smiling at Burrai.

[This is a chanty; you don't have to be a singer to sing it. It's basically a folk song that is spoken in time to a tempo. Hence, its popularity among commoners in situations such as this, where there is drink and fellowship to be had.]

At work in the mines, of old King Lanore,
Our picks they did swing, 'til our shoulers were sore;
And we suffered bad usage of most every kind,
And we worked just like slaves, for the diamonds to find!

Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.
Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.

Before the sun rises, our work do begin,
There's plenty to do for a Dwarf and his kin,
Our main and top foreman so loudly do bawl,
For sweat and for glory, put your picks to the wall!

Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.
Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.

My good friend's a hard worker, and Avar's his name,
He sweats all the day long, and I do the same!
Keep an eye on your back, lad, for the diamonds ye mine,
Draw foes ever closer, of all sorts and kinds!

Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.
Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.

Come all brother miners, wherever ye be,
From King Lanore's mines I would have you keep free!
You'll work and you'll sweat, heaping pain hard upon ya,
'Til ye gets in half dead, back to good ol' Cabarda!

Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.
Derry Down, Down, Down, Derry Down.


As the song ends, Bill shouts, "Huzzah!" and raises his glass to Burrai, smiling. "Well met, friend Dwarf. What are you drinking? The next one's on me!" Bill turns his back to the cloaked figures, so they can't see his facial expressions or read his lips.

To Burrai, In Dwarven, And In A Low, Almost Whispering Tone: "You've attracted unwanted attention, my friend. Those two cloaked goons behind me. I fear they mean you ill will."
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Ersun, Rasul

“They could be better behaved...” he concurs sincerely. Then he puts down his bag and takes a seat carefully and inspects the differences in their attire which he finds curious. It seems he will stand out in many many ways. As for the offers, he does agree to share a drink, although will not brave cigars for now.

“Excuse me for asking but, do you not choose your own guards, especially your personal ones?” he contemplates. First things first it would be nice to get to know who his host is and what can he expect from him, so he will venture to such topics. After that, he can ask about the local culture and situation, and of course about what are the dire tidings from the other city, Masaeus.

Rasul pours a drink into the other glass. "This is Tejj, a spiced, honeyed wine." He says handing you the glass with hands that are still surprisingly steady. He waits for you to taste it before he continues talking. "It wouldn't matter much if I did hand-pick my personal guards. I don't know who to trust anymore. My organization isn't exactly the type to inspire loyalty." He snorts. "Do they have rogues among your kind? Thieves? Cutthroats?"

As you nod he continues. "I don't know how your kind organizes things, but up here we have to be very careful. Thieves guilds in Vulkh are only tolerated so long as the merchant lords in power get a hefty share of our takings. Our local lord, Farik, is no exception. However, despite their bribes, the merchant lords offer little information or protection in exchange."

"Vulfear informants are everywhere, sniffing us out like rats, gathering information about our activities and our accomplices. Merchant lords swear to serve the Vul, and so long as they do so ostensibly their corruption is tolerated. They understand much of our bribes end up in the Vul coffers eventually through taxes and tariffs. Common thieves however are open-game."

"Vulfear are brainwashed fools who revere the Vul like gods. They say all non-Vul exist to serve the Vul, and thus it is only natural that they should claim everyone's wealth, ill-gotten or otherwise..."
He pauses to take another puff of his cigar and continues coughing for a few moments.

"Once they get good information about a thieves-guild treasury they report its location to the Vulkyrie. Those winged monsters swoop in, kill everyone and claim it in the name of their king. I've seen it happen many times, including a few since I've lived here in Cabarda. However, once I seized power I devised a way to keep the treasury safe." He says with pride.

"With our treasury out of reach, the Vulkyrie won't risk open battle. There isn't enough reward to justify the risk. That is the primary reason why I've lived this long. The other leaders of the guild need me alive to access the treasury. That is as far as their respect goes."

"We have no rigid hierarchy. I may be guild-master for as long as I live, but I show no favoritism. Those who want to have a say in guild decisions have to pay for the right to vote. Earners have votes. The rest are merely followers. We convene every week to plan for the following week. Various thugs, thieves and cutthroats present their ideas in a council. I listen to all the proposed ideas and eventually call for a vote after arguments are settled."

"Whoever pays the most with their vote gets my blessing. I then give further orders to make sure that plan pans out with all the guilds resources at their disposal. Half their vote-coin ends up in the treasury. The other half goes into my personal share."

"Its a good system that rewards proactive thinking and new ideas. I admit I likely could not have brought us this far on my own plans alone. But such a system has earned me many enemies as well. Several leaders in the guild bear serious grudges against me. They'd no doubt slit my throat if they could get away with it, but the entire treasury will be lost to them if they do."

"Once I pass away from natural causes, access to the treasury will be granted to my successor. But as I said, I hold no favoritism so it won't be anyone of my choosing. They must be elected by the others."

[Ersun: What do you do?]
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Kryslogious of Anasteria

[Kryslogious spent the guard duty the night before cleaning the skull and sewing up the cut in his coat]

Kryslogious kept pace with Ordechai and Alic. His armor dawned when temperature would allow, helm adorned in a thickly stained Vul blood handprint. Along the trail to the inn he grabbed at the loop on his belt line holding his new crossbow and bolt quiver and passes it over to Alic.

"Your outfit is better suited for using this, take it on loan to keep you safe."
he said to Alic, the volume muffled under his helm but his annunciation was sharp and his sentence slow as to make what he was saying understandable.

He then turned his attention to Ordechai, "I must ask a favor, please keep the Quresh from inquiring about me at all cost. I will refrain from all speech as long as they are in our presence... unless we are in danger of course, I will keep what I need to address in simple gestures."

His right hand had the torch elevated above his head as to spread the most light, his left arm with the shield drawn. He now slung two new small daggers next to his sword and the Vul spear across his back. A blood stained sack hung on his right hip with a Vul skull contained inside.


Alic, Asusk, Bax, Kryslogious, Ordechai, Svexyn, Wrenwil


"Hold up, and keep close to me. You wounds aren't fully healed, but I gave you something that should be able to allow you to heal quicker over time." Svexyn activates his healing aura again, allowing some healthy respite for Asusk. His wounds start to close up, but will take a little while.

"If you are intent on meeting up with them, then I would like to accompany you. After all, you are slightly in my debt, so consider me your employer if needing an introduction."

Svexyn looks to Mogan, knowing his distaste for Folg. "Mogan, can you and Folg fill in the hole and make it appear that it's occupied? There's some feed that we might be able to spare if we need to. I'll be right back, once Asusk and I meet up with this man called Ordechai"

As he prepares, Svexyn looks over Asusk, shrugging off the obvious and exits the tent. "Lead on.."

[Fast Healing 1, until Asusk reaches 1/2 max HP, then it stops - not waiting for his healing to finish, but it will work over time while they go to speak to Ordechai]

The pair of you move away from your camp to intercept Ordechai's group. As you walk Asusk speaks.

Asusk: "Ordechai is a half dwarf. I'm not going to lie to him, especially if I'm asking for his help, and neither should you. Ordechai's been through a lot, he'll see right through any sort of play like that. He has a price on his head so most people misjudge him as someone who should be feared or pitied. Some also presume he is weak or easy prey because he's missing a hand and an eye."

"Despite those handicaps, Ordechai has proven himself a capable smuggler and trader. I met him for the first time in Tabba several years ago. Back then I was more of a barbarian than anything else. I couldn't read or write and I didn't have any aspirations beyond hunting for my next meal. Ordechai saw more potential in me than I saw in myself. He gave me a basic education and introduced me to my recent employer. I owe him a great deal." He says frankly.

As you approach them you have an easier time taking note of their features as they all carry torches. Out front is a mountain dwarf and a tall man in full plate armor. Behind them is a taller human (very pale compared to the locals) and the half dwarf who must be Ordechai missing a hand and an eye. You also spot a goblin trailing the half dwarf.

[Svexyn, Kryslogious, Wrenwil: What do you do?]

[sblock=Alic Helmmaker]
Mountain Dwarf, Male, 4'4", 170 lbs, Age 55, Black Hair & Beard, Brown Eyes
Battleaxe, Handaxe, MW Heavy Crossbow, Dagger
Chainshirt + Bracers & Greaves
Heavy Steel Shield
Boots, Hooded Cloak

Human (Chivalan), Male, 5'10", 160 lbs, Age 24, Blond hair and Blue Eyes
MW Longsword, Longspear, Small-size daggers x2
MW Fullplate w/Closed face metal helm.
MW Heavy Steel 'Kite' Shield
Boots, Cloak and Gauntlets

Human (Chivalan), Male, 5'10", 170 lbs, Age 57, Balding, Brown Eyes
Staff, Light Crossbow, Dagger
Leather Armor
Knee-high-Boots, Hooded Cloak

Half Dwarf (Barossan/Mountain Dwarf), Male, 5'6", 180 lbs, Age 38, Black hair & Beard, Blue Eyes
Throwing Hammer, Buckler-Axe, Dagger
Boots, Hooded Cloak

Goblin, Male, 3'5"", 40 lbs, Age 16, Orange Skin
Small Dagger
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End of Scene 4


<End of Scene 4>

Experience Award Time

Main Group_________________________________________

Kryslogious - 250 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp +1 Fate Point
Svexyn - 750 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp + 1 Fate Point
Wrenwil - 250 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp +1 Fate Point

Alic - 500 xp
Asusk - 500 xp
Bax - 500 xp
Folg - 500xp
Malic - 500 xp
Mogan - 500xp
Ordechai - 500 xp


Other Group____________________________________

Billanverthorne - 750 xp + 750 bonus roleplaying xp + 2 Fate Points
Burrai Steelborn - 500 xp + 1,000 bonus roleplaying xp + 1 Fate Point
Ersun - 500 xp + 500 bonus roleplaying xp + 1 Fate Point

Avar - 500xp
Elloral -500xp
Jabbar -500xp
Thiara - 500 xp


Part 2: Act 1, Scene 5 can be found here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...on-Part-2-Act-1-Scene-5&p=6760691#post6760691

Please adjust your sheets for xp and fate points and post your next actions in the new thread.

Long Live Sion!

Voidrunner's Codex

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