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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 3


Ania, Ersun

“You do not say…” He replies after catching his breath for a few moments. “You are not exactly one to talk about betrayal hmm?” He remarks snidely with a wry grin as she did betray the trust he gave when she poisoned him, plus there is the thing about working for her father’s arch enemy.

Before she could collect herself to reply he continues. “Go rest and arrange what you have to. Let’s meet a half hour before we have to leave to the meeting point at the Worm in the Bottle.”

Ania: Glares daggers at you before she walks away. Your words have clearly wounded her deeply.


After a while you return to the Worm in the Bottle tavern. It is a plain structure, built of stone and earth, as things usually are underground. The floor and walls are made of mortared stone. The roof is made up of heavy nets made from roots, animal hides and moss. A single hearth warms the place, fueled with dried dung and other organic materials. Only the very rich dream of burning wood down here. As you sit and enjoy a drink you can't help but note how long ago it seems since you were here last. Indeed so much has happened since this this morning you might feel like a different underfolk altogether.

After a while however, Ania does not show up. However someone else does approach you and introduces himself as Shul. He tells you the spot you are to meet with Izel. With no alternative you are forced to meet with Izel as arranged without speaking with her first. Izel Atharas is a senior member of the Warmage council in his late forties. His head is shaved as is custom for those in positions of leadership in your tribe. Izel is known to be critical of chief Sargen's leadership and protested when Sargen was chosen over him by the head shaman as the next chief.

Izel remains very influential within the Warmage council, and dangerous without. Over the years, suspicious accidents and disappearances have occurred against his enemies. Rumor even has it chief Sargen has called secret votes to outcast him from the council but always fails to achieve the required majority. Many within the tribe feel Izel would make a better chief and there are those on the council who agree.

At your last meeting Izel asked you to travel with an emissary from a surface city far to the east known as Masaeus. You are to learn all you could about their city and their culture in the hope an alliance can be made. Now at last that mission is upon you as you reach the arranged spot where Izel awaits you.

You note he has the same pair of guards of the warrior caste by his side, easily recognizable by their outrageous hairstyles. Different families within the caste sport a variety of mohawks, dreadlocks, braids, and any other hairstyle you can imagine. The warrior caste prides themselves on bravery and makes little effort to armor themselves as well as the Warmages do. Instead they favor various bits of toughened hides and furs that won't hamper their mobility much and strap pieces of bone, steel, or corded bracers on their arms and legs that also come in handy to bruise or batter their foes in unarmed combat.

Most warriors on patrol duty favor bows and spears carrying smaller hand-held martial weapons for close-quarters combat. Those on guard duty tend to carry heavier hand-held weapons that serve better for intimidation purposes. Guard #1 carries a wicked looking battleaxe, Guard #2 has a deadly-looking pick and you would guess they both carry a dagger or two concealed somewhere for backup.

Each of them is heavily muscled and scarred from years of harsh training and combat. You'd be hard-pressed to handle one of them alone. Together, these warriors would easily outmatch you. Izel himself of course would personally have no trouble dispatching you either if his reputation for arcane prowess is anything to go by.

There is obvious relief on Izels face as you approach.

Izel: "Ersun! I heard a report you were accosted near an impromptu sermon by Moruk, the so-called prophet of Ghaunadaur. Apparently you disappeared before you could be questioned further on the matter? I'm glad your ok." He says clapping a hand against your arm.

[Ersun: What do you do?]
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Kryslogious of Anasteria

[all items claimed by Kryslogious and unclaimed by Wrenwil are now in Kryslogious' inventory]

Kryslogious studies the vial briefly, without any particular training in poisons he doesn't waste much time trying to find its properties. It was at this moment Ordechai walked up behind him with a soft hand on his shoulder making his presence known to the knight. He reaches out with a beckoning hand gesturing to hand over the vial in which he obliges.

Ordechai: Takes the vial from Kryslogious, takes a sniff and gestures back to the Vul. "Vul have the ability to see scents from the air, especially blood. Day or night doesn't matter. It's part of what makes them such excellent hunters. All this..." He gestures to the blood splatter on the sands. "...Is something they can find, regardless of what we do with its body."

Kryslogious diverts his head to the sand then to the sky, his previous idea to dispose of the body was a moot point. He looked at the broken creature as Ordechai continued his explanation.
"It is said Vul favor Keu above all other prey, except perhaps dragons. That's what lured it so far from its territory. This one was only a hunter, easier to kill than a Vulkyrie. That was good for us. It's still a Vul though which means the Vulkyrie will investigate its disappearance. That's bad for us." He gestures to the other camp.
Kryslogious looks towards the camp, the slight chinking of his armor shaking like a chime.
"You see, they're already in a panic, packing their tents, eager to flee in the middle of the night. They know the Vulkyrie will kill anyone near this place. Some of them may turn about and go south, avoiding Vulkh altogether. That would be good for us. Some may press on, hoping to avoid scrutiny before the Vul find a trace of their missing hunter. Anyone of those witnesses who ends up in Vulkh will be bad for us. They know our names and our descriptions. It only takes one of them speaking about this to a Vulfear informant..."

Malic: Interjects. "What are you saying? What would you have us do?" He asks with a furrowed brow.

Ordechai: "I'm saying things have changed! Whatever I have to say about the black network is a moot point if the Vul come for our heads. I'll take the odds of survival from a trial in Barossa any day over that!"
"On the contrary, It seems I am also after theirs." He kneels down next to the Vul with his newly aquired bone knife and began working at sawing through its neck as to decapitate it. While Kryslogious set to work Malic interjects.
Malic: "Its just bad luck. My son and I will hope for the best and carry on with our mission. Nothing needs to change until it needs to change."

Ordechai: Shakes his head. "Sometimes I wonder why they call me a mule when full-blooded dwarves are stubborn as an ass!"
Wrenwil rubbed his palms deeply against his forehead. ~Too late. Too bloody late. Such a waste.~

With great care, he closed the Keu's eyes with an outstretched finger. "May you travel to a better place now, a heaven where you can spread your wings freely."

After a quick look to his companions, the old cleric stated his intentions. "This warrior of the sky we shall bury like brethren, and together we shall show our respects. It is only fitting that the humble coin be put to good. I have no need for it, but if any of you do, all I ask is you use it wisely and remember from whence it came. The healing potions are no doubt better for someone without the gift of healing, take them if you will. The writing instruments I have a use for, as I do for the book of spells and flasks and vials. Alic, Malic, Ordechai, is anything here of use to you?"
-Responds to Wrenwil's offering- "I want nothing to do with that dead creature. In fact I'm rather confused why you feel it deserves our respects? It wasn't traveling with us, it wasn't known to any of us. Why should we mourn its passing? I don't blame you for trying to save its life, but its fate was sealed the moment the Vul wounded it." He gestures to the bone vial Kryslogious handed him. "This is Wyvern poison. Very deadly! If it had taken the time to reapply more to its spear Kryslogious may have also died!"
Kryslogious pauses a moment as his mortality came to question, Malic interjects with an appropriate response.
Malic: Nods. "That may be so, but so what? Kryslogious is a fighter, as are my son and I. We face our foes bravely, as all fighters do. We are also men of faith! We accept our fate and don't speak of murdering innocent bystanders!"
In agreement Kryslogious nods to Malic.
Ordechai: "There's an old saying about dwarves. Even when dishonor keeps them alive, they choose honor."

Malic: Snorts. "You didn't complain when the honorable thing was preventing Garrisan from seeing you tortured and killed. Don't start now."
While Ordechai and Malic were arguing back n fourth Wrenwil came to his side and spoke to Kryslogious in a low tone.

"dear knight, when you are done, may I have a word with you alone?"

He spoke back softly to his Master "Mine lord, thou hast mine undivid'd attention"

The head came loose as he quickly stowed it into a free sack and tied it to his waist band quickly, later he would clean the flesh off and let it bake in the sun. He rose from his kneeling position to which Wrenwil beckoned him away. They walked a few paces to more privacy but still well within eye shot of the rest of the group.

"what wilt thou has't of me?" He asked respectfully, raising his helm visor revealing his face to his lord, he bowed his head slightly but never breaks eye contact.
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"Keep the extra silver.." he says, as he hands over 14 silver pieces. Sure, it was a little much, but after all, he did recently come into a little bit of money. The half-orc wouldn't know any better and can thank him later. Besides, who knew when his next meal would be his last, as this place just seems to exude with death hanging around every choice he makes.

Tylia: Smiles and bows her head respectfully for the tip.

"I meant no disrespect, or harm. I was merely looking to inform the half-orcs employer that he ran into trouble. Although, it now seems they both did. As a gesture of no ill-intent, I would like to buy you three a round of Akhenaten Tejj, if you wouldn't mind the company while I wait. Is that agreeable?"

The two Maharathan merchants decide to give you another chance and sit down again.

"My name is Svexyn. Been on the road for quite some time and some warm food and cold drink is a welcome change to the gritty taste of sand in everything. This place is a bit strange to me, so pardon my interruption earlier. Seems as though people die out here for any apparent reason. And no, I don't fancy that the next one is me, so I'll change the topic to something different."

Svexyn shifts in his seat, stretching his limbs as the drinks are brought. He pays for the rounds of drinks and takes a small sip before continuing. "I'm a traveler by nature. Odd jobs when they spring up, and not one to shy from hard work. You three look to know the sort, so maybe you can let me know who to look out for, who to avoid, and any dangers I should keep on the lookout for?"

[Subtract another 9 silver for the Tejj]

Maharathan Merchant 1: -Answers with a smirk and a low voice- "For starters traveler, this is no regular inn. This establishment is owned by the Quresh! Surely you've heard of them?"

Maharathan Merchant 2: "There is no law here to protect us except the Quresh. When you ask questions about men like Drasus, you do so at great peril."

Akhenaten Merchant: Nods
"Stay away from Drasus if you know whats good for you. He's a killer-for-hire who started staying at this inn about a year ago, near as I can figure... Sometimes he goes away on business but he's here far too often for my liking. He must have some sort of arrangement with the owner, possibly as simple as eliminating undesirable customers..."

"I heard something earlier before nightfall out there in the dunes. Mogan thought he saw a dog or something, but larger. What kind of creatures do you have out here, and should I keep a fire going all night to ward them away?"

Akhenaten Merchant: "I wouldn't worry about wild beasts while you're camped near this inn. The Quresh keep a low profile but they are quite capable of defending their guests. Some years back a group of wasteland trolls attacked this inn. Such terrors they were, ten feet tall with strength enough to crush a warhorse with a single blow! Any other inn would be reduced to a smoking ruin by such brutes but this one still stands."

"There's a low parapet atop the roof, accessible from a stairwell on the second floor that's always locked. They keep some heavy weapons up there, including a ballista. It was the perfect spot to attack the trolls from high ground. I remember some Quresh spellcasters also got involved in the defense. I feel much safer here knowing that we're so well defended, but it's also made me extra cautious about offending the owner or his people."
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He spoke back softly to his Master "Mine lord, thou hast mine undivid'd attention"
"what wilt thou has't of me?" He asked respectfully, raising his helm visor revealing his face to his lord, he bowed his head slightly but never breaks eye contact.

After collecting the few possessions that he though useful, Wrenwil briskly made way back to Ordechai's small camp fire. It was a fair distance, but the old cleric needed to temporarily lure the knight away from the others.

Ordechai's advice hadn't fallen on all deaf ears, Wren respected it, and fully accepted that yes... they were in the deep end now, knee high in excrement of an aroma only these cursed lands could dish up. He'd promised the knight "freedom" and if he wished, the choice to lay his own path. It was a little unsettling for the aging cleric that he'd claimed a third name now... ~ Wrenwil... Nik... Lord. ~

As they walked briskly, he quietly spoke, "The feathered friend that you fought so bravely to protect, brought with him... her... something I expect is of great importance."

When they arrived at the fire, he gave Kryslogious a curious look, and asked for his help. "Would you mind standing at my back? Make sure I am not observed, this will only take a moment."

With fire to his face, and the shadow of the knight to his rear, the old cleric held the parchment to the flames, sucking each and every word into memory as best he could.

~ It gets worse. Of course it does... ~

Wrenwil wanted to spill the beans to his trusting sidearm, but he just couldn't, not now, and certainly not if his shining friend was going to be carrying rather gruesome and undeniable evidence around.

He paused a moment, the more the knight knew, the worse it would be if any of them were captured. If this knowledge was to lead to death... then Wrenwil saw no point in sharing his more than likely fate around. This was on the tired old healer's shoulders now, and his alone.

Wrenwil whispered, "It is true, I have news. Masaeus is bleeding, Vulkyrie and some hideous winged beast, taking victims by the hundreds, nipping the bud of some rebellion or somesuch unrest. A prisoner has escaped, with help of the rebellion. Perhaps the time has come for a change. You, me, whoever will come with us, will head to Tabba. Alas, that is all can say, for now."

Then came the hard part. Jarahdrin was an unusual fellow, and one small detail had Wrenwil scratching at his head and stroking his chin.

My personal seal contained with this letter will ensure their cooperation. Be sure to burn this letter as soon as you read it and destroy my seal to aid deniability of any association with me if you are captured.

His tired fingers moved to remove the seal, delicately fingering the clay coin-sized trinket.

The flames of the campfire which gave birth to his dear friend's words, moved to take them back, as Wrenwil reluctantly dropped the parchment into the hungry licking flames.

"Fire gives and heat doth take, Pentos' wish is now our fate," he muttered.

It felt terrible, a burden to have to render to ash his good friend's text, and even worse that the danger was clear. As the words became nothing more than drifting ash, Wrenwil moved to his pack, extracting his copy of "Once a Fine Maiden", and tucking Jarahdrin's seal safely between his two favorite pages. This was no time to dwell on gritty romantic fiction though, he dropped the book straight back in with the rest of his belongings.

"Right. Lets drown that ugly bird of yours, bury the other with respect, and be on our way."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

He leans forward for emphasis. "I'm not the only one who's used these caves. Over the years I've found other smugglers inside, and sometimes worse. We'll have to be on our guard. Anyone using the caves knows its a death sentence if they are caught."

"Will leaving Khaleds camp be a problem for you Billanverthorne? Do you need him to make introductions to Jarahdrin?"

Bill replies, "That had been my original plan, that is, to have Khaled make the introduction. Also, I did sign a contract to serve as guard until we reached Cabarda, which still technically hasn't happened yet. However, I know that he plans to terminate my employment as soon as the introduction is made, because he fears that my 'popularity' with the Hobgoblins might negatively impact his trading activities---can't say as I blame him on that one. At any rate, I could simply ask him for permission to be absent the rest of the night, and then arrange to meet him in the morning for the introduction. Do you think we have time for that?"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
The two Maharathan merchants decide to give you another chance and sit down again.

Maharathan Merchant 1: -Answers with a smirk and a low voice-"For starters traveler, this is no regular inn. This establishment is owned by the Quresh! Surely you've heard of them?"

~At last... it seems that I have found a glimmer of hope here... For the price I'm paying, this better pan out well... Let's see just how loose they are with information...~

"Quresh?"he whispers, feigning ignorance in hopes that they would provide more information.

Maharathan Merchant 2: "There is no law here to protect us except the Quresh. When you ask questions about men like Drasus, you do so at great peril."

Akhenaten Merchant: Nods[/I] "Stay away from Drasus if you know whats good for you. He's a killer-for-hire who started staying at this inn about a year ago, near as I can figure... Sometimes he goes away on business but he's here far too often for my liking. He must have some sort of arrangement with the owner, possibly as simple as eliminating undesirable customers..."

Nodding at their advice, Svexyn decides to entice them with a little prodding. He keeps his voice low, hoping that others don't overhear his comments.
"I am not familiar with the Quresh, so anything you can alert me on what to look out for would be greatly appreciated. As for avoiding Drasus, I apparently owe him a drink and considering your warning, I think it would be unwise to ignore that. Have any advice to make sure I make it back down the stairs without ending up like his most recent unwelcome guest?" [Bluff +11, 1d20+4=15]

Akhenaten Merchant: "I wouldn't worry about wild beasts while you're camped near this inn. The Quresh keep a low profile but they are quite capable of defending their guests. Some years back a group of wasteland trolls attacked this inn. Such terrors they were, ten feet tall with strength enough to crush a warhorse with a single blow! Any other inn would be reduced to a smoking ruin by such brutes but this one still stands."

"There's a low parapet atop the roof, accessible from a stairwell on the second floor that's always locked. They keep some heavy weapons up there, including a ballista. It was the perfect spot to attack the trolls from high ground. I remember some Quresh spellcasters also got involved in the defense. I feel much safer here knowing that we're so well defended, but it's also made me extra cautious about offending the owner or his people."

"That would mean there are quite a lot of their number. I don't see how they could all stay here in the inn, unless they have someplace nearby as well? I heard rumors of all manners of hidden places in desserts, but I only see an Inn and the Barn out back. I even heard tales that can't be true, but then again, I am unfamiliar with this place."

He shifts in his seat, glancing around casually to note if anyone is paying particular interest to him at the table.

"Speaking of which, I asking for some gear. I am waiting on Gedeon to get someone by the name of Tamas. Tents, a mule with saddle bags and bit&briddle would go well along with some camping gear. Oh, and a shovel of course. But if either of you have some of those items for a better price than Tamas, then I would rather hand over coin to you. And some whistles."

~Seems as though I have found the nesting grounds for this Quresh tribe. There are many questions, but ones that have to be played well at the right time, and with the right audience. If I play this right, I might be able to get some clues as where to look next. Ju-long has not been forgotten, but who to actually trust in this place is going to be hard to figure out...~
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First Post
Burrai Steelborn

Uthal: Stares and Burrai and exclaims "Damnit! How am I supposed to eat with such an ugly dwarf in the room? My gag reflex can barely stand it!"

The other three mercenaries gape with horror, white-knuckling their knives and forks fully expecting the famed dwarf to charge into their table with his waraxe raised high!

Burrai let the insult bleed into the silence, dropped like a pound of Orc flesh onto a King's table in the middle of a banquet. Then with slow steps walked over to the table. Uthal stood beside his stool, and Burrai didn't halt until he was looking almost straight upwards. He might be tall for a dwarf, but the bearder visage, haloed with white hair like a moon limned with a thick mist. He cleared his throat.

"You should know well enough I can't let a slight like that pass. Retribution must be had, honour defended." Reaching up Burrai closed one hand and rapped the old mercenary lightly on the top of the head. "Naughty!". Then his face broke into a grin and he clasped forearms with Uthel amicably. Two warriors having seen a far different amount of years, but both old nevertheless, and you either fostered respect, or one killed the other. "God's curse it Uthal, but you always did have a an acid tongue sharp enough for a Artani assassin's dirk. I'm both surprised and glad someone hasn't tried to cut it out at the neck yet."

"You couldn't, you old goat. You're two feet too short to reach it!" Uthal laughed hard and Burrai smiled. "What dragged you back here anyway? Heard you'd gone native, put on a dress and found an old hut to dust and clean." Uthal gestured to a seat and Burrai hauled himself atop it.

"I had a lot of thinking to do Uthal, something I know doesn't come easy to you. Besides, fending off offers of work from Farrik took up most of my time." Burrai gestures for Uthal to keep eating, ignoring the confused and slightly admiring stares from the other mercenaries.

"Still searching for gold in them books?" Uthal said around a mouthful of some kind of grey, spicy stew.

"What's in there is more valuable than any currency you care to name - though obviously worthless to an illiterate oaf such as yourself." Uthal laughed and started to reply, but Burrai held up a hand. "As fun as it is to trade insults, Uthal. I do actually come here on business. Two pieces actually. The first I'll have to clear with Kadar - it's all contracts and insurance and other things you've never shown much interest in. I'm going to be out of town for some time and I'm renting out my homestead to a young businessdwarf, perhaps with a view for a permanent sale. I need an escort for him and, well, a contract for someone to keep an eye on the place. Just in case. Like I said, that's Kadar's side of things...."

Burrai lowered his voice slightly. "The second, however, might be open for a...freelance contractor shall I say. Just information mainly on a couple of people I need to speak to about some important transactions before I go. I know a little myself, but it's been some time since I refreshed my knowledge and things can change in the swing of a sword, as you well know." Burrai traced the scarred ravine running down his face. "I might not be back for some time so I need my business as lucrative as possible without negotiations.....

"So just information, on two men, on what they've been doing in the past year or so. I'm sure you know of them: Jarahdrin and Jabbar...."
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Once he parted with Ania he went back home and dropped into bed. He lay onto his back and ran over the events of the day over and over before finally getting a quick rest. Once he gets up he checks upon his brother and sisters, eats, and packs as preparation for his journey.
He thinks about who he could trust with all he learned, as it seems unwise to keep it solely to himself, not only that, but who would be safe with it, and who would know when and how to act with it. His brother is one of the most reliable people around, but isn’t very suited to all this intrigue. Lysen is old and watched over by that snake of a butler of hers, so he would only get her in danger even if she’d have the will to act, which is unlikely. His parents don’t have the skills or influence to do something with it either, it would only burden them. As foolish as it sounds, the best candidate might be his other mentor, Sassan. The man holds a sharp wit in that skull of his, with plenty of vigour and honour, even if somewhat twisted at times.
He decided to write to him a short letter highlighting the key points of his day and their connections. He tries to write it without bias, as he might be missing some points and doesn’t want him to jump to unnecessary conclusions. The man travels a lot, so he entrusts it to his brother Enkir so he can pass it along when he comes by. They exchange messages rather often this way, so it shouldn’t raise any eyebrows. Once he has everything arranged and prepared, he goes to meet Ania.

She doesn’t arrive, which gets him thinking about all the possibilities again. She might’ve had a change of heart, or got into conflict with Crusher over the dead they made, or maybe with someone else, like the goblin started scheming after all or her father. It could be also just as simple as she is going to meet him at the leaving point. As infuriating as it was, he couldn’t do anything about it, and thinking doesn’t help him anymore as his time is running out. He goes to the meeting place and finds there Izel.

He inspects his two guards that he’s met before. They haven’t gotten any more charming. The relief on Izel’s face is somewhat surprising, although he wonders how sincere it is. He finds it hard to calmly trust in anyone at this point, which is just as well probably, based on what he learned today.
“It has been a most interesting day, Izel.” He also wonders at the friendliness of the arm clap, that’s what he did with him when they first met, and he wasn’t sincere with it either. He stretches his shoulders. “I am fine, alive and free of mind control. So how do we proceed exactly?”


Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

Bill replies, "That had been my original plan, that is, to have Khaled make the introduction. Also, I did sign a contract to serve as guard until we reached Cabarda, which still technically hasn't happened yet. However, I know that he plans to terminate my employment as soon as the introduction is made, because he fears that my 'popularity' with the Hobgoblins might negatively impact his trading activities---can't say as I blame him on that one. At any rate, I could simply ask him for permission to be absent the rest of the night, and then arrange to meet him in the morning for the introduction. Do you think we have time for that?"

Jabbar: "Be quick about it and we'll be on our way. I'm sure Khaled will oblige you if he hears its a favor for me."

[It is as he says, Khaled dismisses you from your service without complaint and hands you a purse of 20 gold pieces for two weeks work.]

When you return to Jabbars tent you find he and Avar ready for a nights prowl dressed in dark cloaks. From there you ditch camp and make way along the base of the northern hill. No homes or farms are permitted outside the walls so anyone seen lurking on the hill is presumed to be up to no good. Fortunately the moon has not yet risen so there is cover still from the dark. Guards march along the top of the wall above you within shouting distance, but realistically they cannot see you sans moonlight without firing a few fire arrows in your vicinity first.

Jabbar leads you to a rocky outcropping surrounding what once was a cave entrance deliberately filled in with rubble and masonry. A message has been carved into the stone with several loose skulls lying at the base. The message reads: 'Do not pass on pain of death' above a metal medallion inset into the rock bearing the official seal of the Vulkyrie.

Jabbar: -Whispers- "This is the original cave entrance I spoke of. Guards check the integrity of the seal daily so there's no point trying to chisel your way through it."

He moves away for another twenty yards or so unto another rocky outcropping, partially concealed by shrubbery. This one has no obvious cave entrance. Jabbar reaches into a shrub where you hear a definite click before a makeshift door on hinges opens revealing a man-made tunnel. Jabbar signals for silence and spends a few moments listening at the blackness within.

[Billanverthorne: Make a listen check and a spot check using your infravision.]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne, Near The Side Cave Entrance...

[Billanverthorne: Make a listen check and a spot check using your infravision.]

Bill listens intently, and also scans the area, using projected Infravision to ensure that no one is watching them.

(Rolls: Listen check = 24, Spot check = 11.)

[ I don't want to be detected by the Vulkyrie, so I will spend a Fate Point to re-roll the 11. ]

(New Spot Check = 24.)

[ What noises do I detect? What do I see? ]

Voidrunner's Codex

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