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Damage "per round"


Starship Cartographer
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If some effect does "X damage per round", do you apply X the instant that the effect starts; or do you wait a round before applying the first does of damage?

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An example where this would come up would be Stirge, which (once attached) drain d4 Con per round. Do they drain some Con the instant they attach? Or do you have a round to scrape them off before taking that first d4 of Con damage?

This, and other, examples include:

A stirge drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage each round it remains attached.

The swallowed creature takes 2d8+8 points of crushing damage per round plus 8 points of acid damage from the tyrannosaurus's gizzard

Lava or magma deals 2d6 points of damage per round of exposure

Fast-moving water ... On a successful Swim or Strength check (DC 15), it deals 1d3 points of subdual damage per round

A single patch of green slime deals 1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage per round while it devours flesh.

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Originally printed in the SRD:
A stirge attacks by landing on a victim, finding a vulnerable spot, and plunging its proboscis into the flesh. This is a touch attack and can target only Small or larger creatures.

Attach (Ex): If a stirge hits with a touch attack, it uses its eight pincers to latch onto the opponent’s body. An attached stirge has an AC of 12.

Blood Drain (Ex): A stirge drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage each round it remains attached. Once it has drained 4 points of Constitution, it detaches and flies off to digest the meal.

My opinion, con drain starts if it remains attached. Don't know why, that's just how it strikes me having read it.

As for swallowed creature, instant damage + damage again next round. Again, the way it reads seems to suggest that to me. Looks like this is just going to be my opinions in this reply as I can't seem to find any new evidence. Oh well, count these as my votes then. :)

Lava also equals instant damage. It's frickin lava. :) You don't wait 6 seconds until it starts to hurt.

Fast moving water, sounds more like it's tiring fighting against it, so as the text says with each successful check you take the damage. If you don't fight it the first round, no damage because you aren't tiring.

Originally printed in the SRD:
Green Slime (CR4)

A single patch of green slime deals 1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage per round while it devours flesh. On the first round of contact, the slime can be scraped off a creature (most likely destroying the scraping device), but after that it must be frozen, burned, or cut away (applying damage to the victim as well). Extreme cold or heat, sunlight, or a remove disease spell destroys a patch of green slime.

Here it sounds like damage on contact then continuing damage in subsequent rounds.



I'll second Jeremy's answers...

The stirge has an initial grab that needs to hit in the first round... after that, in the second round, he starts to suck.

And the large monster with swallow whole also has a bite that needs to work first, then he swallows...

Geez... 'suck', 'swallows'... is it wrong that I am getting turned on by this??? ;)

Marius Delphus

An Opinion on the Topic

-This Sucks

Round 1: The stirge, on its action, grabs hold and inserts its stinger into the poor PC's vulnerable flesh.

Round 2: Assuming it hasn't been knocked off the PC in the interval, the stirge deals 1d4 temporary CON damage on its turn.

Round 3: Repeat Round 2 if the stirge failed to roll a 4.

Rationale: Damage results from the monster's action. The stirge grabbed hold (round 1 action), then started draining blood (round 2+ action).

-I'm Being Swallowed by a Big Dinosaur

Round 1: On the T-Rex's turn, the hapless PC is swallowed whole.

Round 2: Assuming the PC hasn't removed himself or been removed from the T-Rex's tummy, the T-Rex deals crushing and acid damage (as an automatic free action against anything in its tummy) on its turn.

Round 3: Repeat Round 2.

Rationale: Damage results from the monster's (reflexive) action. The T-Rex swallowed the PC (round 1 action) then began to digest the PC (round 2+ action).

-I'm Melting

Round 1: On the PC's turn, she finds herself in contact with molten lava. The lava deals 2d6 damage.

Round 2: Assuming the PC hasn't broken contact with the lava, the lava deals another 2d6 damage on the PC's turn.

Round 3: Repeat Round 2.

Rationale: Damage results from exposure to a hazard. To me personally, hazard damage makes the most sense if it takes place at the beginning of the PC's action. ("You just took damage from lava. What are you going to do now?")

-Raging Rapids

Round 1: On the PC's turn, if making the check (trying to fight the current), the PC takes subdual damage.

Round 2: Repeat Round 1.

Rationale: Damage results directly from the PC's action.

-I've Been Slimed

Round 1: On the PC's turn, if he finds himself in contact with green slime, the slime deals 1d6 temporary CON damage.

Round 2: Repeat Round 1.

Rationale: Green slime is a hazard in 3rd Edition.

Those are the votes, folks.


Starship Cartographer
Hrrm, I was hoping for solid ruling rather than a case-by-case. Ah well, I guess that there is no such thing so it will just have to "DM's discretion" whenever it comes up.

I can't see someone being in lava for half a round and not take any damage. But I can't see a Stirge instantly draining Con either; so I guess I'm stuck.


First Post
Actually Marius, according to the DMG, Green Slime takes a round before it deals damage. Which basically supports the idea that, for lack of a better term, Bad Things Happen To Those That Wait (till next round).
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