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Daggers & Deviltry


All art is by Storn A. Cook, who plays Kendrick and is talented enough to have done 3/4's of these sketches at the table.

First thing's first, I'm a player character. I'm not a character in a fantasy book and though me and those other fictions have some in common, there's tons that is just plain different. As of now, there's more of me that exists off the table than on the table. That is a damned lonely place for a player character to be. I've only been through one combat encounter of my first adventure, that's on the table. The rest is all back-story.

Back-story's nice, it gives my player something to build off of but it just doesn't have meat to it, like rolling a natural 20 while whittling at stick. But here we are, discussing back-story, let's get to it.


My name is Melech the Red and it isn't because I wear scarlet or because I have red hair. My hair's black, though I shave it bald to accentuate my horns, though I keep a black beard just like ole Asmodeus, the God-Tyrant of Hell, because the ladies find it dashing. I gained my moniker after my first kill. I was covered in blood like an amateur and my brothers thought it was all hilarious.

I'm a Dungeons and Dragons character, made up in that new fourth edition. I'm a Tiefling Rogue, grabbed that feat that allows me to take some Warlock nifties, mostly because my player had a vision of a rogue with a dagger in one hand and a wand in the other. My family used to kill for a Tiefling duke, back when we had an empire. We were the knives behind the throne. Nowadays, since the fall of Bael Turath, my family's nothing but thugs with knives. And I come from a big family. I have thirteen brothers and seven sisters, cannot even be bothered to count the cousins and uncles and aunts. We settled into an urban sprawl and carved out our place in blood.

Something happened, something I'm not ready to talk about just yet (my player hasn't made it up yet) and I lost my taste for the family business. I got the hell out, no pun intended. That was when I ran into the Fighter, Kendric Dell - Fafhrd to my Grey Mouser. Where I was raised in a family of devil worshipping killers he was raised by city guard, generations of them. His brothers all became city guards and his sisters all married city guards, or so he told me. Yeah, Kendric is a player-character too, couldn't you tell?


Kendric got into a duel with a noble and when he killed the bastard the city's rulers wanted him put to death. The Dell family saw differently and they let him go, told the ruling family that he had broken free. Nowadays he's on the lam, out into the world, adventuring with me. We were made as second level characters, which is a pretty swank way to start, I've got to say. We were joining two other P.C.'s after their first few adventures and the Dungeon Master wanted us to be of equal level. Our first level adventure was off-table, something our players thought up to fill in that gap between first and second level. If it was a module, it would have been called Night of a Thousand Knives; we ran like hell from my family, dozens of Tiefling assassins.

We joined two other player characters, Petal and Bok.


Petal is a Dragonborn Cleric, silvery lavender scales and a flower in her scaly mane for every time she's done good, every time she took out her morning star and thumped evil in the head, leaving the world a better place. Petal wants to take those points of light, those little pieces of the world that are just and right and weave them together to fight against the darkness. That is a nice thing. She wants to do it in Bahamut's name, breathing lightning and smashing skulls as she goes. That is a kick-ass.


Bok is an Eladrin Wizard, straight off the boat from the Feywild. Bok's pretty and carries a sword. He's more like me, morally flexible, Unaligned if you believe what the ole character sheets say. There is some debt from the Feywild that is eating at him but I only know about it because Petal's player mentioned it before Bok's player showed up and then Bok's player alluded to it when my player gave her a ride home. It is hard to remember that Bok is a man, in part because he's just so fey pretty and also because he is played by a pixie-ish lady. Bok and Petal had just cleared out some bandits and wouldn't ya know it, rather than meet up in some dingy tavern, Kendrick and I were on the trail of those same bandits. I love putting a knife in the face of a bandit; no one cares about a bandit.

We all had connections and reasons to head to Winterhaven (psst, I think the adventure's afoot in Winterhaven), so we all agreed to watch over a caravan that was headed over there to trade bolts of cloth for Winterhaven wheat. The roads are dangerous since the empire fell and they just seem to be getting worse all the time.

The lady selling the bolts of clothe mentioned kobolds. They attacked us on the road. Amateurs.

I was scouting ahead but I'm a city-boy, so that meant I went ahead a bit, nestled up against some rocks with some nice Stealth rolling and just took it easy. My Perception isn't so hot, so I didn't see the ambush coming but my Stealth was swank enough so they didn't see me coming either.

Bok noticed two of the Kobolds, Dragonshields, with heavy armor and pointed them out to Petal, who was on point. That was when the slinger jumped up on the boulders whose shadow I was hiding under and hit our resident priest of Bahamut with a pot of glue-crap. Until Petal made her save, it was going to be tough for her to maneuver. She was promptly swarmed with kobold minions. Those little bastards move fast.

Having an enemy, particularly the ranged attacker, end up next to a Tiefling Rogue like me is like Asmodemas morning (like Christmas, only bloodier). I put a hard whack on the Slinger as soon as the surprise was over. Shurikens shaped like pentagrams hit him in the neck, leaving him a bloodied mess, both in the fiction and on paper. Then the bastard hit me with some kind of pot and I went on fire. It didn't hurt but I hate being set on fire; it reminds me of my sisters, always setting me on fire for kicks when I was a boy. On instinct, I took out my wand, thinking I'd hit him with the Hellish Rebuke but by the time I cleared the smoke from my eyes, pointed the wand at the proper pot and hit, it would be too long by my player's reckoning. When it comes to murder and to love, my pa always said, keep it simple. I knifed him and he shifted, then ran.

On the other side of the battlefield, Petal was trying to get out from the midst of kobold minions so Bok could do her...his thing. Kendrick was wading in, last to step up but this gave him a good view of the battlefield and he slipped in when and where needed. The kobolds talked some smack to Petal in Draconic, a language I don't grok but I heard later they said something about her breeding being questionable...bad move. Once Petal hacked her way free, Bok dropped icy death left and right. I didn't see it, as I was on fire and taking a knife to a kobold down the road, but I did see several Dragonshields frozen solid. Their hands, once broken from their frozen arms, made lovely popsicles.

Koboldsicles. Yum.

Working with Petal was a good time. She strode up to the Slinger, healing my wounds with a glance and a prayer to the Platinum Dragon she worshipped, all six foot five of her bulk right in his face. Once he was between us, it was no big thing for me to come up behind him, shove his head into Petal's armored chest and knife him in the armpit.

"You like fire, now?" I asked his corpse.

Petal's chest had some kobold gore on it, from my little flanking-inspired murder; I apologized and offered to wipe it off when she turned for the remaining minions and Dragonshields.

We won the day handily.

One of the Dragonshields, the last remaining of his ilk on the road, threw down his sword and surrendered. "Please, leave my bloody armor here, so they think I'm dead. If they think I live, they'll kill my family."

Petal got him tied up.

"Is it Dragonborn tradition to tie up captives before we knife them to death?"

Kendrick and Petal looked at me with disapproving glances.

"He surrendered, Melech," Kendrick said, chastening me. Bok laughed, though. I'll have to give a visit to the Feywild some time. I bet they could find uses for a knife of my skills and temperament.

We ended there, Bok thought to ask about the treasure they might have on them but we never got to it that session. Sleep, salsa dancing and other real life stuff that players need to deal with meant an early end for our game.

We'd better meet again. I don't want to end up one of those sad character sheets in the back of a Players Handbook, the one that only got one half-session in before the game went south, the kind with all kinds of unanswered questions. I hope not; I'm curious to see what I become.

What does Bok owe and to whom? Will we run into my murderous, Asmodeus-worshipping family? Will Kendrick's past catch up with him? Will Petal make the world a better place in the name of Bahamut by smashing evil in the face with a morningstar? Who has this kobold's family under threat? We'll find out in future sessions, I bet and once we do, I'll likely knife our problems in the face, maybe setting them on fire from the shadows before I do so. I look forward to it.
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Jim DelRosso

First Post
I'm glad y'all are enjoying the game. I certainly hope that we get these questions answered -- if the sessions thus far are any indication, the process should be a damned blast. :)

(Is it bad that part of me wants to substitute ":close:" for "blast" above?)


Cerebral Paladin said:
A fun start! I like the narrator's voice, and the self-conscious meta-comments on being a PC are amusing.

Thanks for reading. Melech's voice comes very naturally, which is nice and writing him with Order of the Stick-style self-awareness is a hoot. Glad you enjoyed it.


Scheduling difficulties have been as aggravating as a horde of kobolds shifting around the battlefield.

But you should definitely check out Vor Kragal, City of Ash, a tale of the lost capital of my people. My great-grandmother claimed to have seen the city before it fell. She said she had a clockwork toy of Tiamat forged in the Hellforge Crucible by Rithzalgor. She spoke of the city with great romance for the past, telling stories about her dalliance with the ambassador from Sigil and how this affair angered the necromantic matron of House Barikdral, forcing her family to put her into hiding rather than face undead retribution. It was there, on the frontier borderlands between Tiefling and Dragonborn empires where she met my great-grandfather.

Maybe I will write her a letter if we ever get to play again.


Entering Winterhaven

We were on our way to Winterhaven with a Kobold prisoner. Since the prisoner could only speak Draconic, it was up to Petal, our favorite armored Dragonborn do-gooder for Bahamut to speak to him. I just stood behind her, making various hand-motions that let the little bastard know that I was going to kill him if I got the chance.

As the Kobold had asked when he surrendered, we left his armor behind, so folks from home would think he was dead. He claimed if they thought he had surrendered, they would kill his family. Nice folks from home he's got; I can relate a bit. I tied the little lizard to my hip and considered the pro's and cons of a Kobold pet.

We hit Winterhaven's outlying farms before the town proper. Emilia, the merchant we were protecting, said the town had degraded further. More farm-houses were vacant and there were sigils here and there, sigilsl to Orcus, we figured out. The Kobold (whose name we never got...does that make us bad people?) told us that the wyrm-priests from his home under a great waterfall had stopped their worship of Tiamat. No :):):):):) and they had begun to worship, what he called, the goat-headed god.

Kendrick asked me if my family worshipped the Demon Prince of the Undead.

"No, Kendrick, Orcus is a demon. My family worships devils and specifically, Asmodeus, God-Tyrant of Hell."

"Devils, demons, what's the difference?" he asked, between puffs of his pipe.

"Demons have no class," I replied, in lieu of a real answer that I didn't have. But looking back, I think my answer sums it up nicely.

I enjoy those little moments of buddy-dom between me and Kendrick. Bok and Petal have a similiar vibe, leading our adventures to feel like Elric and Moonglum out on the road with Fafrd and the Grey Mouser, a pair of pairs living by wits, blades and sorcery.

The crops were fecund but had a rot to them, as if some kind of disease had set in. It was foul, something rotten in Winterhaven.

One of the farmhouses was prominently marked with that Orcus sigil and we could feel eyes on us from within. I tied the Kobold to Emilia's cart and took a closer look, sneaky-like. There is a kind of myth among city thieves that out in the country, everyone leaves their windows wide open, maybe with a pie cooling on the sill. There wasn't a pie on the sill but the window was open. It was a little shack of a place, two rooms, dishevelled and it smelled like death. Inside was a farmer, kneeling, head to the ground, worshiping at a makeshift blood-smeared altar to a goat's head.

I took out my wand and my knife, thinking I would knife this infernal yokel and burn the barn to the ground.

But then I'd have to go out there and explain this to Kendrick and Petal whose Lawful Good alignment would impede their ability to see the pragmatic logic behind my murder and arson. I remain sure that if this farmer is willing to set in his own filth and worship a goat's head smeared with who knows who's blood on his fireplace, that we are going to have to end up fighting him later. With my knife and wand, I kill the guy while he prays to his goat-head, take out a worshipper Orcus wouldn't care about anyway and burn a message to the rest of the farmers who have taken up infernal religion.

"Don't be a jack-@$$," would be my message.

But my Bluff score isn't so hot and I really didn't want tensions to be high before we even got into town.

Mercifully and regretfully, I left the farmer and his home just as I found it, filled with death and sin. If we have to fight that guy later, I'm going to tell Petal and Kendrick just where they can stick their alignments. Bok would understand, us Unaligned see the world with clear eyes.


Hunkering Down in Winterhaven

When you walk into a small town with a human armed to the teeth, an Eladrin man from the Feywild who is prettier than any of the town's girls, a horned and tailed thief who has gained powers through a pact with infernal powers and nearly three hundred pounds of Lawful Good Dragonborn whoop-ass, all with a bound Kobold, you are going to raise some eyebrows. One almost has to feel sorry for the guard at the gate when a party like us saunters up.


He stuttered and summoned the Captain of the Guard. The Captain let us know that us Player Handbook races (species, really) would be welcome in Winterhaven. Apparently they have Teifling merchants and he actually knew the difference between an Eladrin and an Elf just by sight. And the kicker, really, was that he had fought alongside Dragonborn mercenaries in his younger days.

Yes, the Captain of the Guard had that whiff about him, as if he would be the Dungeon Master's player character were he able to get out from behind the screen and get his own character sheet. He shushed us when we brought up ole Orcus and didn't continue the conversation until we were safe at the local lord's manor.

The Captain of the Guard, whose name is written among my game notes on my character sheet that is stowed at the Dungeon Master's house, pragmatically took us to the local lord whose family name was Padrig or something to that effect. Turns out Lord Padrig was a lady who had a greatsword over her mantle and the chainmail to match. We could all sense some levels on her.

She was referred to as Lord and never Lady, must be a Winterhaven thing; I don't pretend to fully understand humans.

Lord Padrig and the Captain let us know that Orcus had been a problem of late and they weren't entirely sure who in town they could trust. In situations like this, they understood the value of trustworthy, out-of-town muscle. We were quickly hired to put this little demonic cult uprising down. Nothing like gold to get me to stab a cultist in the neck.

Bok was Petal's frontman and I believe I was going to discuss the Copper/Silver/Gold particulars on behalf of me and Kendrick.

But before that, some food and a hot bath at the Inn.

It is as if all D&D inn's are the same damned inn. It is a small town so they knew we were coming and had set up rooms. Everywhere you could see the evidence of that Winterhaven's grain wasn't the mercantile draw it once was. The inn gave us each our own room and their bath-house was all but empty; we each got our own tub.

If this is a taste of the adventuring life, count me in.

We each went to our room, Kendrick and Bok heading over without a backward glance and Petal looking at us kind of nervously; she was used to the mercenary's life and having this much personal space made her edgy.

I had a surprise waiting for me in my room. The surprise was a funny thing, becuase I had seriously consider inquiring about finding a lady to warm my bed but reconsidered, not wanting to be crass (in or out of character). Still, here was this lovely peasant girl who, judging by the Dungeon Master's grin, was not what she seemed.

"Nice, I was going to inquire about a lovely lady to warm my bed."

She replied, "Garlach wouldn't approve of you touching one of his brides. He would likely gut you daily for a thousand years."

"I am willing to risk it," I said, pouring on the panache.

"Are you?" she asked, as her illusion fell and a devil was sitting on my bed.

But a very pretty devil, mind you. And I would know.

I went for my wand and my knife but thought better of it. If she wanted me dead, if she'd been sent by my brothers, I'd likely have been killed while in the throes of passion already.

"Still willing to risk it, yes. At the rate I'm going I will likely be tortured in hell anyway. Why are you here? Did my family send you?"

She laughed. "Your family? Your family is a moribund clan of inbred thugs. They haven't had an original idea in their head in centuries. They've even used Raise Dead and killed the same people twice."

"Don't speak ill of my mother." That Raise Dead in order to kill them twice was her favorite trick, dear old mom.

"But you, you surprised us. We never thought one of your clan would make a run for it. We never thought anyone would hack and slash their way out."

For some reason, I felt like I had to explain myself. "Listen, Kendrick and I only killed who we had to kill. If no one had gotten in our way, we would've walked out of the city in peace and good will."

"We don't care who you killed."

"That said, every bastard we did kill had it coming and good riddance to them. Have you seen the company I am currently keeping? Aren't you worried about my six foot six Dragonborn friend with the Lawful Good alignment?"

"Bahamut does not concern us. His folk can be used. We are watching you now. We are intrigued by your forward thinking and initiative. If you are interested in living for a while longer, I would consider looking into the cemetary. There are dark goings on there tonight."

The dialogue was snappier than that; it had some pop to it. The Dungeon Master and my player have a long history of gaming together and it lended itself to a fun little dialogue not really shown to its fullest here.

The long and the short of it:

Devils are watching me.

Got it.

Dark goings on in the cemetary. I might need some help with that one. A minute or so later, I knocked on Petal's door.

"Are you having trouble sleeping too? These single rooms are not helping my-"

"Petal, listen, something is going down in the cemetary."

"How do you know of this?" she asked, over enunciating in that way she does, all naive and nice.

I took a deep breath. "Bahamut sent me a vision."

Bluff roll = 1.

I cannot catch a break.

Her tremendous brow furrowed. "I don't think so but Bahamut does work in mysterious ways. We should probably check it out."

Kendrick and Bok woke up quickly and we were off to the cemetary, as advised by a Devil, sent to tell me that they are watching me. It seemed like a perfectly reasonable reason to arm up and charge into the cemetary at night. We hadn't yet had a fight this session. It was past time.

Tony Vargas

Are you the same guy who wrote the story hour from the PoV of the monsters, starting with a Ghoul?

That was amazing.

I hope this campaign you'e in keeps going for a while.

Voidrunner's Codex

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