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D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

A WizKids miniature reveals the iconic character's face for the first time.

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The Dungeons & Dragons Red Box, famously illustrated by Larry Elmore in 1983, featured cover art of a warrior fighting a red dragon. The piece is an iconic part of D&D's history.

WizKids is creating a 50th Anniversary D&D miniatures set for the D&D Icons of the Realms line which includes models based on classic art from the game, such as the AD&D Player's Handbook's famous 'A Paladin In Hell' piece by David Sutherland in 1978, along with various monsters and other iconic images. The set will be available in July 2024.

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Amongst the collection is Elmore's dragon-fighting warrior. This character has only ever been seen from behind, and has never been named or identified. However, WizKids’ miniature gives us our first look at them from the front. The warrior is a woman; the view from behind is identical to the original art, while the view from the front--the first time the character's face has ever been seen--is, as WizKids told ComicBook.com, "purposefully and clearly" a woman. This will be one of 10 secret rare miniatures included in the D&D Icons of the Realms: 50th Anniversary booster boxes.



The original artist, Larry Elmore, says otherwise. (Update—the linked post has since been edited).

It's a man!

Gary didn't know what he wanted, all he wanted was something simple that would jump out at you. He wanted a male warrior. If it was a woman, you would know it for I'm pretty famous for painting women.

There was never a question in all these years about the male warrior.

No one thought it was a female warrior. "Whoever thought it was a female warrior is quite crazy and do not know what they are talking about."

This is stupid. I painted it, I should know.
- Larry Elmore​

Whether or not Elmore's intent was for the character to be a man, it seems that officially she's a woman. Either way, it's an awesome miniature. And for those who love the art, you can buy a print from Larry Elmore's official website.

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Cry havoc! And let slip the pigs of war!
It’s cool to be like “whatever” but let’s face it: the fact that we are discussing it says something. WOTC intended something. It was not casual or accidental.

The only people who care much about that picture are surely long term fans. Was this change for them?

I guess I don’t get the purpose.


Whether or not Elmore's intent was for the character to be a man, it seems that officially she's a woman.
I mean, if you decide the faceless billion dollar corporation gets to decide artistic intent rather than the artist who drew the damn thing, sure. It's such a modern Wizards move to decide this for a painting they did not pay for (unless you argue they paid for it when they bought DnD, which, sure, I could see that argument).

Now let me take off my normally-welded-on cynical hat for a moment to say, god damn, that figure looks naughty word incredible, and as a passionate fan of all armored warriors regardless of their gender identity, god damn I am tempted to go out of my way to get that thing. If she's even half as buff as that image shows her as on the real model, YES PLEASE.


I mean it probably went down as the sculptor seeing that the warrior's back being turned to the viewer meant they had a tabula rosa for depicting the character's front half—and decided that it would "subvert expectations" to make the character a woman.

Whether you (the general you) agree with the choice or not is up to you. But can we drop the pearl clutching and acting like this is some great affront. Because it's not.


Reeks of Jedi
I actually think the opposite, some maybe feel the original creator was disrespected by not only not being consulted, not even warned. This product was targeted at old school fans and treating Larry so rudely may cause a backlash with canceled orders.

I mean the dude has done countless women warriors, women mages, maybe women clerics, ect..., I mean they could have done a whole set of minis based on his art (OMGs that would do so well).

They should apologize.

That’s what disappointed me. “Hey here is this iconic figure from a belove image by a master fantasy artist! Once in a life time mini! …. Oh we changed it. Better luck at the 100th Anniversary!”

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