Doing the best imitation of myself
This is such a good point. I doubt that even 10% of the player base knows about the Law/Chaos conflict these days. I have to say that the best alignment rules in D&D were in 4E where most everyone is ... unaligned. It's a strange holdover from long ago that could have a lot of importance, but only if it was really explained and made to matter. But I do not expect that to happen. Alignment is sort of that vestige from days gone by. It's important to me, but I'm in that 10% who knows about Law and Chaos. I have no idea why the game chooses to cater to me in this one instance.Chaos/Law though I think has largely lost relevance and cultural cachet. I mean, I hate that no-one reads Moorcock anymore, but... they don't. They haven't for 20+ years. Ironically the one place keeping the flame alive for them seems to be MCDM, but maybe D&D should just cede that territory. Or not - they are part of the default cosmology, but maybe they should be refocused on as cosmological principles, not alignment components.