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D&D and the rising pandemic

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My point was a bit more rhetorical than this, but, sure. So, can someone explain to me how these people are not terrorists. Other than the really, REALLY big elephant in the room?
Being a jackass or assaulting people doesn't make you a terrorist as such.

Might be violating other laws.
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Staff member
One of the problems we face is distrust (often earned) of Experts Telling People What To Do, so a product you can buy when you find out you were exposed and take at home without having to get Official Permission first, will be a good thing.

If this can be advertised to the public in the same vein as "take your vitamins" (One-A-Day, Flintstones, Geritol), it will help break the current dysfunctional cycle.
As pointed out, this is going to be by prescription only at least until it gets full approval. And even then, it may not become OTC for years. Or ever,

Another thing we are seeing worldwide, is a lot of the vaccine hesitancy occuring in strong religious communities. And sometimes we even see churches encouraging their members not to get vaccinated.

I think governments need to take a stronger stance against that, and simply pull their tax exempt status for doing that.


That's my theory to. Removal of tax exemption.

Here theoretically they can shut the churches down if there's an outbreak there.

They haven't really used the carrot or stick approach though so keep kinda muddling along.


Staff member
Mmmmm…I don’t think there’s enough meat on that particular bone to get enough votes to strip tax exempt status from anyone’s house of worship.


Mmmmm…I don’t think there’s enough meat on that particular bone to get enough votes to strip tax exempt status from anyone’s house of worship.

Government here could theoretically do it.

Big upriar on social media as the cops basically don't break up protests here and they were in lockdown.

There's a petition to arrest him and it's been reveled he basically doesn't pay tax but received wage subsidy and those wages of course tithe to the church.

And today Covids leaked out of Auckland. They're pushing the get vaccinated message hard now I doubt they can contain it.

First dose vaccines are 79% locally 83% with 55% double dosed locally. Mostly that 6 week wait between shots.

90% is the magic number they want. Subcontext is less aroha and cuddles more stick with vaccine passports and the national airline has made vaccines mandatory if you want to travel internationally.

Mask use is mandatory in stores. Only saw kids ignoring it today.


Lady came into my comic store thursday with two kids in tow... one little girl kept coughing and coughing and the little boy was sneezing and coughing. (I thought for a second he was going to take his mask off to sneeze). They were touching EVERYTHING.

It was probably NOT Covid, but come on, lady... no one is comfortable with you dragging your sick kids into their place of work.


Lady came into my comic store thursday with two kids in tow... one little girl kept coughing and coughing and the little boy was sneezing and coughing. (I thought for a second he was going to take his mask off to sneeze). They were touching EVERYTHING.

It was probably NOT Covid, but come on, lady... no one is comfortable with you dragging your sick kids into their place of work.
I am facing a similar dilemma to that lady today. My 6-year old daughter has had a bad cough for about a week. She is otherwise fine, and was scheduled to start her first day of school holiday care today. She is super excited about it, and burst into tears when I told her she may not be able to go. She certainly doesn’t have Covid (there is none here at the moment) and has no other symptoms. My theory is that it is seasonal. It is spring here and the cough’s arrival coincided with me developing different hay fever symptoms. A couple of years ago I would not have thought twice about letting her go. As of right now, I honestly don’t know what I am going to do*. Anyway. I guess I am just trying to say that sometimes those decisions can be really hard as a parent.

* Actually, having finished this message I have now decided to call the programme lead and have a chat to her about it.

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