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[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)

"Appreciate the assist, Lore!" Gnorth takes another heavy swing at the skeleton, hoping to end its accursed state.

OOC: Attack! [roll0] [roll1]. If the blow manages to destroy him (fingers crossed), Gnorth will move around the pillar and up to N2

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Forged Fury

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Gnorth struck the skeleton a resounding blow, but alas it remained standing. The violence he inflicted on the creature snapped the creature out of the divine terror that had caused it to cower. Turning to face Gnorth, the creature swung its rusted sword at the half-orc. The skeleton seemed to have been infused by some evil fury in response to shedding Lorenzo's castigation. The sword cut deeply in the half-orc's arm.

Boddynock, with one eye on the skeleton to the north, moved to the far eastern wall of the room and launched a bolt of flame at the skeleton the rest of the party was fighting. The flame caught the skeleton full in the rib cage and burned it to the ground, ending its unholy animation.

OOC: Skeleton1
Move: None
Action: Dodge (Still Turned)

Move: None
Action: Attack Gnorth - [roll0], Damage [roll1] <- Ouch, crit damage in the OOC. Total of (13) damage.

Move: N4
Action: Cast fire bolt - [roll2], Damage [roll3]
@CanadienneBacon: Brue is up. Only Skeleton1 remains, it is dodging.
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Brue darted in and swung her stone maul at Skeleton 1.

[sblock=OOC]Hopefully the skeletons have damage vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.

Move: M2.
Action: Attack with Maul of Earthen Embrace [roll0] with disadvantage from Skeleton 1's Dodge [roll1] for [roll2] +3 bludgeoning damage (Great Wpn fighting style re-rolls included) EDIT: 11 pts dmg, or 22 pts if Skeleton 1 is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage
Bonus Action: None
Reaction: None

hp 23/39
AC 17[/sblock]

Forged Fury

First Post
Brue swung her maul in a broad arc. The skeleton stood no chance; starting from its left shoulder, the stone hammer inexorably smashed through the bones that comprised its form. Shoulder, rib cage, hips snapped apart and fell to the ground.

With combat over, the room fell to silence. If anything else was living inside the manor, it didn't react to the sound of battle.

OOC: Combat is over. Good job!

Brue was winded. She slumped against the chamber wall and worked at catching her breath. Bits of lightening-seared skin were already starting to raise to boils on the exposed flesh of her hands and face. She idly peeled away a layer of dead skin, letting the flake fall to the floor. "What was that thing?" She gestured to the rubble of bones toward the other side of the room.

Forged Fury

First Post
Boddynock piped up, his voice squeaky. "It was a bone naga. Fell undead creature created from one of the naga. Pretty awful process too, considering nagas are otherwise immortal." As the gnome spoke, Brue felt she could almost fill in the details of what he was saying. She knew what a bone naga was.

With the fighting having drawn to a conclusion, the party got a better look around the room. The most obvious features were the four statues standing near the corners of the room. While each statue appeared to have been carved from the same type of expensive marble, the subjects were different: a creature with the head of a bull and body of a man, a creature with the torso of a man and the body of a horse, a creature with a humanoid body, but with horns and the feet of a goat, and a creature with the body of a lion and the upper torso of a woman. Examining two of the statues, Boddynock commented, "Looks like the work of different sculptors."

Aside from the statues, there were mahogany and glass display cases in three corners of the room, a few lavish chairs, a pair of beautifully carved oak bookshelves, and a door in the south wall of the room. The overall impression the party takes away from the room is one of wealth and taste.

OOC: Boo-boo on my part. Brue, having proficiency in Religion, would have known what the bone naga was. We'll just treat that as a bit of left over amnesia. ;)

If anyone wants to take a shot at Intelligence (History) & Intelligence (Nature) checks to identify what types of creatures the statues represent, be my guest.
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Corilo looked at the sculptures with skepticism "Bunch of strange creatures. Why would anyone make statues of them?". Then, he started examining the rest of the room "In any case, someone's got money to burn here. This place is fancy, alright."

OOC: Corilo examines the room. The display cases, especially, are bound to catch his attention. Here's a perception roll, if one is needed [roll0]

Forged Fury

First Post
Walking around the room, Corilo quickly took stock of the contents in the display cases. The case in the northeast contained three well-cut gems resting on a swatch of velvet. The case in the southeast contained a small well-made chest; the lid was closed. The case in the northwest corner of the room held the most interesting object so far: a strange rapier crafted from bone, with an amethyst set in the basket hilt and words in a fluid script etched along the length of the blade.

All three cases are locked.

Voidrunner's Codex

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