• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Curse of Strahd

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First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

No punches pulled, sandbox feel but with a great overarching story to tie it all together. My new favorite offering from Wizards for 5E.

Johann Lloyd

First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

Just excellent. I played the hell out of the original (and online conversion *cough) but this takes it to the next level. Much more focused than the 3e attempt, with locations and encounters that make sense and fit the theme. Scary, gruesome and in spots hilarious. Great sandbox that will challenge any player. Not easy to DM, but what new RPG release is these days? Do your homework, make copious notes and prepare for months of horror. This module is a winner.

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

Here's why: Wizards finally introduces other worlds in the D&D multiverse, (Ravenloft) interesting mechanics for setting games utilizing horror/gothic themes, use of an updated specialty deck of cards, (taroka, to be released as a deck by Gale Force 9) that lead for customization of the story plot and can be used as an in-game prop, first time Wizards includes a huge pull-out poster map in an adventure book, (they listened to player input in their online surveys!!) and it is the first AP produced in-house by WotC. With CoS Wizards has taken one of the most popular modules of its 2e and has updated it in a very unique way to the newest 5th edition. The book is big, 256 pages big, which lays out an adventure that is sand-box in style, (vs the traditional linear format). This allows for re-playability and regular use as both a campaign setting book for Ravenloft, and an adventure path that is easy to tailor/customize. The book further introduces an appendix of monsters that are added to the Monster Manual, as well as new magic items that are found in the Ravenloft setting. This book is a new direction for D&D and if its anything of what is to come, then its the first AP that really expands the Forgotten Realms core setting into other worlds. Im excited because its both classic and original.


First Post
4 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

  • Great production values. Gorgeous art that is very thematic.
  • Individual locations in Barovia seem well fleshed out and well written.
  • Captures the gothic feel very well.
  • Very little supplemental crunch. Most of which is obtainable by free downloads.
  • However, the lack of organization make its read like a setting book with an adventure shoehorned in. It feels like it is "sandbox" as much by production constraints as by thoughtful design. Compared to well designed sandboxes like Paizo's "Kingmaker" or some of FGG's work (Sword of Air or Slumbering Tsar), the Curse of Strahd suffers a bit in comparison. Still a good effort all around.
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5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

Reading through this and preparing to play it soon, I can say that this rivals some of my favorite adventure paths from Paizo. I haven't been this excited to start a campaign since we began playing ENWorld's own Zietgiest. Owning Pathfinder's Carrion Crown AP, for example, I can say this take on a horror adventure is superior. Here is hoping that all of WotC's upcoming adventures are of similiar impeccable quality.


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

I've read through the adventure and played a couple of sessions, but have no experience with the original. The adventure is set in its own "mini" plane so it is almost setting independent. Characters start at 1st or 3rd level, romp around the countryside looking for treasure and allies and then at some point head to Castle Ravenloft. Castle Ravenloft is a complex megadungeon and serves as a fitting culmination of the adventure. One unique twist is the the location of key story elements is determined randomly, adding a dynamic element to the campaign. Overall the adventure presents a tightly constructged region for players to explore.


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd

A lovely sandbox outing into Barovia. The players are free to roam wherever they like, and no two playthroughs of this campaign will ever be the same.

Voidrunner's Codex

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