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D&D General Crisis on Infinite Subraces! Suggest a plausible subrace that doesn't exist


A suffusion of yellow
Dungeonborn. It's Dungeons and Dragons, and we have characters descended from dragons. Well we need characters awoken from parts of dungeons.

Living sumps.


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It's 1991.

TSR comes to you and tells you, grim-faced, that the company is in dire financial trouble.

But they have figured out a solution: The kids love subraces. What AD&D needs is new subraces. Dozens of them.

So, what do you come up with? Without making joke subraces, how many new subraces can you come up with? Bonus if you make them truly compelling.

1991, so Ravenloft, Spelljammer, Dark Sun exist, but no planescape yet. Also Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, and Lankhmar to play with.

Subraces suggests variants of existing things, not entirely new ones so no tapping that sweet sweet Buck Rogers well for Spelljammer races.

Dark Sun suggests lots of psionic sub races for optional use with baseline D&D. Psionic humans and elves and dwarves tap into that x-men outcast born with weird genes and weird powers theme. Baseline stat half giants instead of the Dark Sun higher baseline stat ones. Tap into the variety of giants for half frost and half fire ones and the dozens in 2e.

Spelljammer suggests space races. Gith as a githzerai/githyanki further subrace building off the Gith pirate monster entry.

Dragonlance has protagonist draconians at some point, so that is a launching point for early PC dragonborn types with different varieties of PC ones based on the multitude of dragon types.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
There should absolutely be Tabaxi Subraces based on things like cheetah, snow leopard, tiger, etc.
tabaxi are larger cats but big cats and small cats are different animals as were smilodons and inexplicitly ocelots.
I call these people- elves.

Like these people, just add an O or A to the animal- lion-o, panthro, cheetara, not sure where Snarf come from.

View attachment 329630
was snarf a multi dimensional wizard or was that the other one?
With a tick subrace that carries battle spoons.
ticks are spiders but worse in every way that matters.

Arboreans, a race of lesser Demigods, tied to Mount Olympus and simular places. Subraces for all the Olympians and Key Gods like Hades. Tie it into the Persus Jackson's Half Blood thingy in ads.

Oneiro a race of dream figures that escaped from dreams.

Demilings, a race that evolved in a series of discarded Demiplanes from creatures trapped there.

Dabs, like Aasimar, but for half Dabus.

Cranors, a race of half cranium rat people.

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