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D&D 5E Combining LMoP, ToD, PotA & SKT


So I'm running my first Forgotten Realms campaign since I briefly gave it a go when the original grey box came out so I am a realms novice but have DMed a lot. I grew up on 1e as did most of my players and as a rule we prefer a slightly slower advancement. I like most of the WOTC adventures. So my plan, which is still in its infancy, is to run all the Sword Coast adventures together. I think probably not OotA even though that might get dragged in.

this is my proposed set up. Any suggestions, especially with helpful foreshadowing and crossover stuff is very welcome. I have looked around to see if there is a source of helpful material for this sort of amalgamation but have only found bits and pieces, some of those bits and pieces I have stolen to include here.

to start with a slightly altered background to the big 3 campaigns.

Background: Tyranny of Dragons + Princes of the Apocalypse + Storm Kings Thunder

Severin discovers a Dragon Mask location in a ruin and researches it in Candlekeep where he gains much of his knowledge.

The cult of the dragon is taken over by Severin who works towards summoning an aspect of Tiamat. To perform the complex arcane ritual they need arcane spellcasters, the 5 dragon masks, a huge hoard of treasure "looted from the realms", a sacrifice of a noble enemy of the children of Tiamat at a place called the Well of Dragons.

To do this he uses the cult network and its draconic allies to locate and secure the 5 dragon masks and personally locate the Well of Dragons. He meets and allies with some disaffected wizards of Thay and each decides to use the other.

In doing this he gains powerful allies (the cult, the wearer's of purple, dragons and his dragon mask wearers).

He fails to recruit Klauth or Gnawbones to his cause but does recruit Iymrith who offers to capture the sacrifice - specifically the Storm Giant King Hekaton - in a way that will place the blame for his disappearance on the Lords Alliance and the Harper's so as to both provide a sacrifice, cripple the possibilities of the Giants rising up to interfere with the summoning and to wreak havoc against the alliances that may seek to interfere.

Iymrith had already gained a position within the Maelstrom Court due to his ability to assume the form of a storm giant. He greedily seeks possession of the Wyrmskull throne.

Iymrith knows that for Severin and to cause maximum chaos in the court he must keep Hekaton alive and hidden until the time is right and so contacts the Kraken society. He knows the Kraken Slarkathel is an enemy of the Maelstrom Court. The society agrees to help, both by assisting in the kidnapping of Hekaton and holding him until the time is right.

The attack on Hekaton is more successful than anticipated. Hekaton is captured and his wife Queen Neri is slain. The Court is paralysed with machinations as some argue about how to find Hekaton, some wish to strike back at the perceived perpetrators of the regicide and some just wish to be the next monarch. (No deities involved just chaos within the Ordning)

Giant lords across the north take the opportunity to attack the small folk, thinly veiling their actions by justifying it as retribution. Some don't see the death as a bad thing and while the Maelstorm Court fumbles they will push their own agendas.

Meanwhile Severin and his cult massively increase their gathering of a hoard of loot. Openly and brazenly attacking towns up and down the Sword Coast. It is not just the value of the hoard that matters but that it is gained by being looted.

As the eyes of the forces of good on the Sword Coast are focussed on the threats and the chaos of Giant and Dragon attacks a group of small but perverse cults in the Dessarin Valley takes an opportunity to scale up their activities. The four elemental cults claim to each other that they will summon all the evil elemental lords to wreak havoc but each secretly believes that to be able to summon their patron they must show that they are the greatest of all the elements. So they begin to work together but also to treacherously undermine each other seeking to be the dominant cult.

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Foreshadowing in LMoP for ToD + PoA + SKT

Sildar Hallwinter is an ex griffin rider from Waterdeep. His griffin died a couple of years ago and he was very sad. He left the corps. However he has heard of a group that trains aerial mounts in the Dessarin Valley (the Feathergale society) and wishes to see if he can join and get one for himself. He doesn't wish to rejoin the Waterdeep Griffin Corps.

Some of the potential rewards offered by Sildar Hallwinter will have to be paid in Neverwinter. On the trip back to Neverwinter they will see a shipwreck being rescued by Queen Neri. If they go to help they may have to defeat a land based creature that is lurking on shore waiting to pick of survivors. Queen Neri will be busy but obviously well disposed to small folk. Immediately after this event Queen Neri is killed and King Hekaton captured - offscreen.

Venomfang is related to Chuth, the green dragon allied with Neronvain a dragonmask wearer (RoT chap3) and the cultists in Thundertree are his followers. They are trying to recruit Venomfang and will mention the codename of their leader to Venomfang which may be overheard (not his actual name - he is known as Drelaphis or The Mantis.). If Venomfang is slain there will be consequences. If he is driven away he will join the Cult of the Dragon and be met later.

The Thayan wizard digging at Old Owl Well is looking for something at the behest of the Thayan wizard who works with Severin (name) to find....? location of mask

After going to Thundertree have the party meet Leosin Erlanthar and Nesim Waladra (HotDQ chap2) the other monk who have been following up with a Harper in Neverwinter to ask if they have seen much Dragon Cult activity given the green dragon of Kryptgarden & the black of the Mere of Dead Men to see how strong the cults connections are. They are pleased to say that the Cult doesn't seem to have allied with these two (whether they have or not is up to you). They are soon to board a ship going to Candlekeep to further their enquiries.


Interweaving LMoP + ToD + PoA + SKT

Part of the intention is to run a longer campaign with slower than normal 5e levelling up. By interweaving all these campaigns one needs to slow the experience received. Also if there are any sections of the campaigns that you don't like or that drag you can drop them or shorten them as you see fit.

1. start characters at 2nd level but at 0 exp (they need to get 900 exp to get to 3rd level) because 1st level goes by too quickly and death is too likely at that level, may as well skip it. Keep the exp requirement because 3rd level exp is so low anyway.
2. Halve exp awards for combat after reaching 3rd or 5th level, whichever level feels like the characters have reached a solid level of competence. Instead give some story awards focussing on advancing the plot etc.
3. Start with straight LMoP but include a stronger connection to Neverwinter and include the foreshadowing.
4. After Wave Echo Cave party can either A. go to Candlekeep to find out more about the forge of spells, B Go with Sildar Hallwinter to find the Feathergale Knights or C something else the players were attracted to.
5. If go with A learn that the the forge of spells is part of an anti dragon machine, hear rumours about increased Dragon attacks. The person they need to speak to is Leosin follow him to Berdusk therefore end up in Greenest when the attack occurs. Adjust parts 1-3 of ToD by adding more or stronger creatures to encounters where appropriate (although not too much the start of HotDQ is probably suitable for characters about level 3). Then with part 4 head back north.
6. If go with B run some of PoTA - the Feathergale Knights will tend to point the party in the direction of the river bandits as the cults fight amongst themselves. Sildar will want to join the Feathergale Knights. Because this is so sandboxy the party should leave the Valley and return periodically.


Agreed Dave.

SKT and ToD are just too intertwined to not run together IMO. Giants and Dragons putting into effect a bunch of weird plans and the characters trying to figure out what their plans are and how to stop them. Too much fun.

I am contemplating dropping out PoTA entirely. Failing that I need to work out how to break it into smaller chunks that the players will then leave alone (Feathergale/River Bandits/chap6 then go away come back for stone monastery/wicker man then go away come back all main temples but not the EEE finally return to deal with EEE & the PoTA endgame) and return to. I have always got the attack on Triboar in SKT to help them return.


Lowcountry Low Roller
I’ve weaved LMoP, ToD and SKT together quite successfully (I think), we’re in the middle of the final battle at the well of dragons ( 2 years after we started!).

I didn’t include PotA because I was a player in that campaign for a while and didn’t want to spoil it for myself. But I also think (from what I’ve learned about it) it would be hard to slot in. So I think dropping it is a good idea.

For my game, if the PCs survive, and want to continue, I’ll be weaving in OotA as a high level adventure. Basically the PCs job will be demon busters, clearing out the underdark of encroaching demons.


Oddly enough I have a bit more interest weaving in PotA with SKT than ToD. After all, they both have starting locations really close to Phandalin, SKT has an entire sidebar on what the cultists might be doing working with giants, and it can help mitigate the biggest problem of Princes: you gain a reason to leave the god forsaken megadungeon.


Lowcountry Low Roller
Oddly enough I have a bit more interest weaving in PotA with SKT than ToD. After all, they both have starting locations really close to Phandalin, SKT has an entire sidebar on what the cultists might be doing working with giants, and it can help mitigate the biggest problem of Princes: you gain a reason to leave the god forsaken megadungeon.

It really was a slog for the few months I was in it. I think it takes some masterful DMing to keep it engaging.

Dax Doomslayer

Interesting thoughts. I was actually thinking of doing HotDQ/ToD; Red Hand of Doom and SKT together. I think these would work pretty well. Some decent ideas here to pilfer too! I


I've been mixing the Tyranny plot into my running of Storm King. It's been great. The whole part about the depressed giant how has been tricked/coerced into working for the dragons in Skyreach Castle is weird and great. I'm in the middle of the Imryth battle now. I've set it up to go on to the Tiamat stuff but I'm realizing I probably would want to move on directly to the Well of Dragons battle. Not interested in the council of Waterdeep part.
I like your interwoven backstory for it. I haven't used the Apocalypse stuff. Maybe you could start with that instead of the Lost Mines? The Feathergale keep is my favorite part. It might make for a good intro to the area before giants start going crazy. Also those dungeons are a good back up if the players want to do some crawling, or maybe if you want to have them find legendary weapons instead of raiding barbarian burial grounds.

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