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Spelljammer Circle of the Void - a Druid sub-class for Spelljammer

Irda Ranger

First Post
I'm currently playing in a fun TftYP campaign, but the next DM in rotation has said he plans on running Spelljammer. We've already discussed who'll play what, and I took druid. I wanted to make a Circle just for druids of wildspace, so the below is what I made.

As a design note you'll notice that it tracks fairly closely to the Circle of the Land. That's not an accident. I used the Circle of the Land as my base circle and modified the abilities and spells for space.

So without further ado...

Circle of the Void

Many mistake druids as being one with “life”, but this is not quite accurate. Druids worship and become united with the natural world of the Prime Material Plane, whatever form that might be. High above the air where birds fly or clouds loom, there are druids who are attuned to the natural world of stars and the voids of Wildspace. The druids of this realm, so unlike any terrestrial environment, are members of the Circle of the Void.

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn the Light and Word of Radiance cantrips. If you already have one or both of these Cantrips, you can learn one cantrip of your choice from the Druid spell list instead.

Starting at 2nd level, you always have the Create Fresh Air spell prepared and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Further, your body is a constant source of fresh air. You are immune the effects of stale air and you do not count against the number of creatures that an given air purifier (whether natural or magical) can support.

Your mystical connection to wildspace grants you the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells connected to the natural feature of the void.

Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Circle Spells
3rd Darkness, Moonbeam
5th Melf’s Minute Meteors, Fly
7th Asteroid Field, Fabricate
9th Genesis, Starbirth

Starting at 6th level, you no longer bounce around like so much flotsam on a gravity plane. You can stand on a gravity plane even when it extends through air, facing either “up” or “down” (relative to observers, it’s always “up” for you) as you choose, and you can switch orientation as an action or by using half of your move.

In addition at 6th level, your affinity to light of the stars allows you to deflect harmful light. As a reaction you can interpose a free hand, or a shield or weapon you are holding, to impose disadvantage on a radiant attack made against you have or give yourself advantage on a saving throw against any radiant damage or effect.

When you reach 10th level, your font of air becomes stronger. You generate enough fresh air to support the breathing requirements of a number of creatures equal to your druid level. In addition your font of air forms a permanent protective bubble around you. You are immune to gaseous poisons and have advantage on saving throws against breath weapons and damage or effects from gaseous attacks, spells, and traps.

When you reach 14th level, you gain the ability to cast a special form of Teleport Circle. Your material component is a vial of mercury worth 25 GP, which the spell consumes. Your Teleport Circle may be cast on the ground (in which case it acts like a normal teleport circle) or it may be cast in Wildspace. If you cast Teleport Circle in Wildspace it forms a silvery liquid sphere 10 feet in diameter with a strong gravity field. All unsecured creatures and objects (including spelljammers with a mass of less than 5 tons) within 90 feet of the sphere are pulled into it before it winks out of existence, and they appear in the nearest unoccupied space at the destination. You can target either a permanent teleport circle you know, or a druid grove that you know. When you initially learn this spell you learn the key to one druid grove, not two permanent teleport circles. Once you use this ability you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

New Spells

4th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of an asteroid)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a field of densely swirling asteroids that violently careen into each other and any other creature or object who enters the field. You can make the field in the shape of wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 10 feet thick, or in the shape of a 30 foot cube. The thick and constant movement of asteroids means that anything inside the field or on its far side has half cover.

When the field appears each creature within its areas must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d8 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a successful save. Objects within the field take 5d8 bludgeoning damage. A creature or object also takes the same damage when entering the field for the first time or ends its turn within the field.

Reference Spell: wall of fire

1st level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You create fresh air to replace the stale air that has built up over time. The air will fill a volume of a sphere of 30' radius centered on the spellcaster. Created air will displace old air, which will dissipate into the surroundings. If in wildspace, the old air will trail into the void. If in the Flow, it will mingle with the phlogiston to create a radiant rooster tail that lasts for 2d6 rounds.

Casting the spell from a slot higher than Level 1 will increase the effective radius by 30 feet per slot above 1.

Reference Spell: Create Fresh Air, Spelljammer Campaign Setting for AD&D 2E

(Note that the below spell is not on the druid spell list; I made it for the wizard in the group)

3rd-level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a bosun’s whistle that costs at least 1 SP, which is not consumed)
Duration: 1 hour

Choose a point within range. The spell creates five ghostly sailors in or around that point in unoccupied squares that can perform simple ship’s tasks at your command until the spell ends. They are considered proficient with Spelljammer ships but not shipboard weapons. Each sailor has AC 10, 1 hit point, move 30, and a strength of 8. It can serve an able crewmember but not attack. It can use the Use an Object, Dodge, and Dash actions. If the sailor drops to 0 hit points it disappears.

Once on each of your turns as a bonus action you can command the sailors (verbally or using a bosun’s whistle) to begin some simple sailing task (such as swab the decks or reef the sails). They do not understand multi-step tasks or keep watch, and will simply take no actions if commanded to do so. They will continue with their assigned task until it is complete, they receive new instructions, or the spell ends.

If you command the sailor to perform a task more than take it more than 100 feet from the point of origin, the sailor disappears.

Cast at Higher Levels: When cast using higher level spell slots, you summon an additional five crew for each spell slot above third level. When cast as a ritual, you summon a number of crew as if the spell slot used was the greater of 3rd level or one level lower than the highest level spell slot you have.

Reference Spell: unseen servant, tiny servant

5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a handful of mixed seeds and desiccated insects)
Duration: 8 hours

Choose a point within range that you can see and does not have full cover. The target must be “the ground”, although even a barren, airless, and rocky asteroid or moon is sufficient. A tiny missile of red radiance shoots from your finger to that point. Upon impact a bubble of fresh air expands upward and outwards to a 90 foot radius from the origin. Fresh water appears, filling at least one pond. Over the next 10 minutes, the ground sprouts life—trees grow, grass and soil covers the earth, invertebrate life burrows out of the rock and takes to the soil and air. The pond becomes stocked with fish.

Once the genesis has completed, enough fresh fruit, honey, tubers, and fish can be foraged to feed 10 people. The food and setting are idyllic and life-giving. Everyone who consumes the food gains 10 temporary hit points that last until they finish their next long rest. Any hit dice expended to recover hit points during a short rest produce the maximum result. During a long rest, two levels of exhaustion are recovered.

Additionally, a bodiless spirit of nature is summoned that inhabits the wood. It keeps watch over you and your allies while you sleep. You and your allies are woken immediately if any unknown creature enters the genesis effect and you cannot be surprised while the spirit of nature remains. As a bonus action you can command the spirit to summon forth or dismiss a thick fog in or from any part of the genesis effect or all of it, making everything within the fog heavily obscured. The spirit also muffles the sound you and your allies create, giving you advantage on stealth checks.

When the spell ends the spirit departs, the air bubble pops and dissipates, the insects and plants wither and die, any remaining food spoils, and any water that has not been placed in a seal container becomes brackish and non-potable. All of these effects take place immediately with respect to any conjured object or creature that is removed from the area of effect.

Before the genesis effect ends any druid can expend a 5th level spell slot to regenerate all the food and extend the duration of the genesis effect and the local spirit for another 8 hours. A genesis effect that is maintained for a month continuously becomes permanent, although the land reverts to a common meadow that does not provide any special healing effects and can only support one person with food. The 90-foot radius bubble of fresh air remains indefinitely if the genesis effect was initiated on world with poisonous or no air. The spirit of nature remains but it only provides assistance if you are present.

Reference Spells: Hallucinatory terrain (4th), heroes’ feast (6th), and guards and wards (6th).

5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Choose an unoccupied square within range. You conjure into existence a small star 2 feet in diameter. The star emits bright light out to 1000 feet and dim light another 1000 feet. It is considered starlight, not sunlight. Once conjured the star cannot be moved except by moving yourself. The star’s position remains fixed based on your relative position.

The star’s bright light pushes any spelljammer ship with sails unfurled away from the star at [TBD].

When the star appears any creature within 40’ of the star must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute. Creatures more than 20’ away from the star have advantage on the saving throw. A creature that ends its turn within 20 feet of the star takes 4d8 radiant damage. Creatures and objects that enter the star’s space immediately take 8d8 radiant damage.

As an action, you can cause the star to emit a beam of radiances at one creature or object that you can see within 90’ of the star. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 radiant damage. The first time you use this feature, the radius of the star’s damaging presence is reduced to 10 feet. Each time you use this ability the remaining duration is reduced by 10 minutes. If the spell had 10 minutes or less duration remaining the star winks out of existence immediately after resolving the attack.

Reference Spell: wall of light

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Elder Thing
Overall I love it. It's a really cool thematic twist tying into a setting I adore.

My one concern is the Deflect Light ability. While amazingly thematic, I believe radiant may be the least-commonly encountered type of damage in the game. You may have some takers grumble at the relative uselessness of this power.

In addition at 6th level, your affinity to light of the stars allows you to deflect harmful light. As a reaction you can interpose a free hand, or a shield or weapon you are holding, to impose disadvantage on a radiant attack made against you have or give yourself advantage on a saving throw against any radiant damage or effect.
I agree with Ath-Kethin; this is really well done and incredibly thematic. I think a page out of the Warlock book might be a good substitute for Deflect Light.

In addition at 6th level, your affinity with space allows you to vanish into that great nothing. Whenever you are above deck on a Spelljammer or otherwise exposed to the vastness of space, you can use your action to become invisible until you take an action or a reaction.

Irda Ranger

First Post
Thank you for taking the time to read it! I completely agree that radiant is a rare damage type, but if you look at the Circle of the Land (which is the reference sub-class), it gives you protection against damage from plants. So I was going for something about equally useful. :)

However! I have been working on an alternative 6th level ability that's cooler, but it uses you Wildshape. Check this out--

Starting at 6 th level, you gain the ability to use
your Wildshape feature to generate a powerful
starlight that shines out of your skin and clothes.
While you are the star man you gain the
following features—

You emit dim starlight with a radius of 30
feet and it impossible for you to hide in any
non-magical darkness.

You do not breathe and are immune to all
gaseous effects or the absence of air. You
can choose to inhale gasses for purposes of
speaking, but this has no other effect on

You can walk along a gravity plane as if it
were solid ground. As an action or by using
half of your move you can switch
orientation from one planar face to the
other. Falling to a gravity plane from a great
height causes no damage.

At 8 th level the light grows stronger. You
emit bright light for 30 feet and dim light out
to 60 feet. You gain a fly speed of 60.
You can deflect harmful light. As a reaction
you can impose disadvantage on any one
radiant attack made against you, or give
yourself advantage on one saving throw
against any radiant damage or effect. You
can choose to use this reaction after seeing
the initial roll but before knowing its effect.

At 12 th level you become a being of pure
light. You gain resistance to radiant damage
and non-magical piercing, slashing, and
bludgeoning damage. You can choose whether
your equipment falls to the ground, turns into
light, or remains being worn.
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