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D&D 5E CB's Stonefast IC -- COMPLETE

Roscoe--fully and fearfully enraged--ran forward to join Colden. The Halfling barbarian wasted neither time nor energy; he immediately pierced the sleeping Winged Kobold2 through the throat, killing the wee beastie where it laid on the floor.

The crone pointed and spoke. "Ondath eror!" Her intonation was familiar, as was the spell's following effect. All went silent as the grave, and each of you was defeaned. With a wicked grin at her dark-skinned compatriot, the crone turned and strode away. Only Guran and Fulgrim made out where she went--into a larger hall beyond the corridor, then to the left. Soon she was out of sight.

OOC: Spec, Colden, and Roscoe are unable to see beyond R/S 35/36, which means from their present position they are unable to see the dark-skinned she-elf, or Kobold5 or Kobold6. Guran's up to bat, [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION]! The area in pale brick red demarcates the silence spell cast by the crone. Colden, Roscoe, Fulgrim, Spec, and Guran are deafened.

Deafened: Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there. A deafened creature can't hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing.


Dark-skinned she-elf 21
Fulgrim 20
Colden 14
Winged Kobold1 12
Roscoe 11
Crone 10
Guran 10
Spec 10
Kobolds 5

Crone __/__
Dark-skinned she-elf __/__
Kobold1 5/5
Kobold2 5/5
Kobold3 5/5
Kobold4 dead
Winged Kobold1 7/7
Winged Kobold2 dead
Kobold5 5/5
Kobold6 5/5

Don't forget that Colden will use his Reaction to Riposte. She-elf Concentration check 19 [/sblock]

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OOC: Doesn't Roscoe have an ongoing Light spell on his short sword? If that is still active, he and Colden should be able to see around them.

Still trying to think of snide things to say to the crone, Guran advances with his short sword in hand. Pausing in front of Fulgrim, Guran stabs at the sleeping Kobold1 (with advantage because it's Unconscious), then keeps going into the mouth of the hallway opposite Kobold2 (stopping at Q40).

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Doesn't Roscoe have an ongoing Light spell on his short sword? If that is still active, he and Colden should be able to see around them.
OOC: I'm afraid Spec moved the light to his shield in IC 1207 -- sorry. When he can move, Spec will bring it up!

Guran crept forward. He paused in front of Fulgrim to use his shortsword to kill the sleeping Kobold1, then continued onward. He took a measure of protection by hiding in the first square inside the hallway running to the west, near Colden.

OOC: Confirming that Roscoe's light on his short sword was snuffed when Spec cast his own light (on his shield, I think). Guran's in Q40. Map update to come later. Kobold1 is dead. Spec's turn, [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]!

Dark-skinned she-elf 21
Fulgrim 20
Colden 14
Winged Kobold1 12
Roscoe 11
Crone 10
Guran 10
Spec 10
Kobolds 5

Crone __/__
Dark-skinned she-elf __/__
Kobold1 dead
Kobold2 5/5
Kobold3 5/5
Kobold4 dead
Winged Kobold1 7/7
Winged Kobold2 dead
Kobold5 5/5
Kobold6 5/5

Don't forget that Colden will use his Reaction to Riposte. She-elf Concentration check 19.[/sblock]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Engulfed in Silence, Spec remembers the disadvantage that this gave to the part previously. He dashes forward, at top speed. He opens his throat, and begins to intone one of his favourite hymns. He keeps moving forward until he can hear his own voice. His mouth makes the shapes around the words

"When you start upon a journey, the horizon is your home.
Ever forward, ever onward, ..."

And his voice kicks in with the end of the second line: "..take the path and ever roam."

He is thrilled to hear his voice, and startled at the creatures he can see illuminated by the light in his shield. He is ready to sing the refrain, but realizes he can tune it to this particular situation: "O Fharlanghn, O Fharlanghn, in this deep dark catacomb."

OOC: Move and Dash, forward, and then sidestep without attracting an opportunity attack, and leaving space for his comrades. I think that can tai him to S35, with a double move in row 39, but feel free to suggest somewhere else.

End of Round 1, Start of Round 2

Spec moved forward until he was faced head-on with the dark-skinned she-elf. This room was much, much colder than the rest of the hold. The ceiling in the grand salon north of the she-elf looked to be double the usual height, reaching perhaps as high as twenty feet. In here, however, the ceiling was its usual ten feet. The floor in the grand salon looked to be covered in a sheet of black ice. Here and there, snow dotted the floor in piles and clumps.

As Spec closed in on the she-elf, he could see that her robes billowed--the finest silk silhouetted a comely form swathed in an ermine-lined black cloak. Her body was perfection--curves flowing into angles--and she would have been classically lovely were it not for the cruelty in her eyes. As Spec moved into the room with the she-elf and Kobolds, movement at the periphery of his light caught his eye. It caught Colden's and Roscoe's and Fulgrim's eyes, too. There, in the grand salon--if it could be called that--beyond the she-elf, stood another drow elf, a male. His skin was mapped with scars and in one hand he bore a longsword with a curved blade. Spec could see runes glittering with malice along the length of the blade's curve. The sword, while remarkable, was put to shame by the item in the male drow's other hand. He held a leash of black chain, at the end of which stood a dragon, collared, white with hoar frost along the spiny ridge of its back. The beast was easily as tall as the male elf. When Spec neared, the dragon unfurled pale wings, reared on hind legs, and bellowed a cry of unrest. The creature's sapphire eyes bore into Spec, ill intent and intelligence mired in equal measure.

At the dragon's bellow, Kobolds 5 and 6 started in fear. Kobold 5 darted forward--half an eye on Spec all the while--to stand before a sleeping comrade, and fired a light crossbow quarrel at Guran that avoided any cover the dwarf had from being partly around a corner, dealing 4 points of damage. The kobold croaked in glee and started loading another bolt. Encouraged by its brethren's success, Kobold6 crept forward, a dagger in its hands. It looked at Spec, then at Colden, then froze, terror in its eyes. The male drow barked an angry command at Kobold6, but still the creature did not move.

The she-elf grew visibly impatient. She closed her eyes and began chanting. There was rhythm and meter to her words, though the tongue was foreign. Instantly, Guran ceased to be limned with violet light; the priestess's energy was expended elsewhere at the moment. Her cries grew to crescendo, yet still she chanted, not ceasing. The she-elf opened her eyes and pointed at Colden. All went black. Spec found himself effectively walled off by magical silence and darkness; he could see forward, but behind him was a wall of inky mute black through which he could neither see nor hear. He was alone in the room with only the she-elf and her colleagues.

Guran, Colden, and Roscoe find themselves caught inside a black void of silence that not even Guran's keen eyes could pierce. Fulgrim, who remained behind in the antechamber, found himself--like Spec--suddenly alone. He could not hear, and now he could not see anything much at all beyond the square immediately to his front (he could still see to his left and right, however).

OOC: No riposte was necessary this round, [MENTION=6787159]Skarsgard[/MENTION], because Colden was not targeted by an attack. Guran and Spec may make either an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check DC 14 to know what spell the she-elf cast. Fulgrim knows she cast darkness, and that the spell was centered on Colden in R39.

End of Round 1, start of Round 2. Fulgrim's turn, [MENTION=95059]Forged Fury[/MENTION]!



Dark-skinned she-elf 21
Fulgrim 20
Male drow 16
Colden 14
Winged Kobold1 12
Roscoe 11
Crone 10
Guran 10
Spec 10
Kobolds 5
Dragon 2

Crone __/__
Dark-skinned she-elf __/__
Male drow __/__
Dragon __/__
Kobold1 dead
Kobold2 5/5
Kobold3 5/5
Kobold4 dead
Winged Kobold1 7/7
Winged Kobold2 dead
Kobold5 5/5
Kobold6 5/5

She-elf Concentration check 11[/sblock]
Last edited:

OOC: The pale brick red circle indicates silence's AoE. The larger dun-colored 40' radius circle indicates the limits of Spec's nimbus of dim light. The magical darkness is not on this map, but is a 15' radius centered on R39. Be careful not to use out-of-character knowledge when you state your actions for Round 2, please. The faerie fire spell is dismissed.

Forged Fury

First Post
OOC: As far as OOC information, since the dark elf who cast darkness was the very last action, I would think that everyone's positions as of the map above would be fair game.

Realizing he was falling behind the rest of the group, Fulgrim moved forward and drew his warhammer, hoping his companions wouldn't stab him on accident. Nearing a spot where he had recently seen a sleeping kobold, he smashed down with all of his might.

OOC: Move: S41
Item Interaction: Draw Warhammer
Action: Attack (k2) Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Round 2

Fulgrim stepped into the inky dark and found his way by sheer temporary memory to Kobold2. He hefted his warhammer high in the air and brought the blunt end of the weapon to bear on the sleeping kobold's head, crushing it. Were it not for the silence, he felt certain the blow would have been thunderous.

Spec alone could see and hear what happened next. The male drow with the tethered dragon marched forward, dragging the dragon after him. The beast's long claws rent the stone floor with deep gouges. The dragon--which surely would have been nothing less than fiercely proud when free--yanked in resistance at its chain. Hatred filled its eyes. It huffed, sending a spray of cold and snow from its nostrils, and Spec felt the temperature in the room plummet. He watched as ice formed beneath the feet of the dragon in a 15' cube centered on the drake. The male drow wore fur-lined boots and seemed sure-footed even on the ice, but the she-elf less so. When her male counterpart forced forward the dragon, ice formed beneath her feet and Spec's feet, making the ground slippery and dangerous.

The male elf clung to the chain leash, keeping the dragon mostly at bay, at least for the moment. The Elf cursed in Undercommon, which Spec understood, recognizing the words as something like, "Ilvara! Get back! You're ill equipped for the folly that is this ice drake. I'll do the capturing, leave it to me." The male elf re-focused his attention on Spec, brandished his beautiful cruel blade with a flourish, then thrust. The strike was masterful, hitting Spec in the mid-section for 6 points of damage.

OOC: Make a Constitution saving throw DC 13, [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]. Failure by 5 or more has not-so-good-results. The floor in a 15' cube centered on the dragon is covered in ice, requiring a Dexterity saving throw DC 10 check to avoid falling prone if Spec attempts to move more than 5'. Colden is up, [MENTION=6787159]Skarsgard[/MENTION]!


Dark-skinned she-elf 21
Fulgrim 20
Male drow 16
Colden 14
Winged Kobold1 12
Roscoe 11
Crone 10
Guran 10
Spec 10
Kobolds 5
Dragon 2

Crone __/__
Dark-skinned she-elf __/__
Male drow __/__
Dragon __/__
Kobold1 dead
Kobold2 5/5
Kobold3 5/5 -- sleeping
Kobold4 dead
Winged Kobold1 7/7 -- sleeping
Winged Kobold2 dead
Kobold5 5/5
Kobold6 5/5

She-elf Concentration check 11[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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