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The acid stings into Corragan's newly opened wounds, causing him to fall back and real in pain. As he hears the rumble of the other Kruthik below, he mutters as his body shifts back into elven form, "We're going to need some help here". He holds himself tall and calls upon Jeremy Fisher to come to their aid. The toad appears and lashes out at the queen as Corragan backs away to recover.
Free: Take 5 acid damage, ignored due to resistance 5 from Sha'kar
Minor: Wild Shape back to elven form. Shift to Q54.
Standard: Summon Giant Toad in U49
Move: Move to Q57
Free: Save against ongoing acid and weakened: PASS
Giant Toad: Appear in U49 and attack the queen, +8 vs reflex: MISS
Initiative +5; Passive Insight 17 Passive Perception 24; Senses Low-Light
HP 38 Bloodied 19 Surge Value 9; Surges Per-Day 7
AC 18 Fortitude 13 Reflex 16 Will 18
Speed 8 Size Medium
Damage Taken: 18
Wild Shape, Savage Rend, Fire Hawk, Grasping Tide
Thorn Spray, Savage Bite, Predator's Flurry, Elven Accuracy, Surprise Strike, Battle Awareness
Summon Giant Toad
Action Points: 1
OOC: Just to confirm, I think Corragan has taken 18 damage. 28 as showing after the Queen's attacks - 5 from the Queens charge, -5 from the acid spray (due to the resistance 5 that Sha'kar granted) +0 acid damage through the resistance from the start of the turn.


First Post
Sha'kar looks toward Corrigan and enchants his allies armor, causing a lightning bolt to lance out and strike the queen.[sblock="actions"]Standard: Thundering Armor on Corrigan - he receives +1 AC TENT. Attack vs queen hits for 8 damage and pushes her 1 square.[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Sha'kar Menoth Male Genasi Artificer
Initiative: +2, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Normal

AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 16, Will: 16
Resist 5 Psychic

HP: 46/46, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 11, Surges Left: 4/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Tsugo

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +4 vs AC - Quarterstaff 1d8
Ranged Basic Attack: +5 vs AC - Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1: 1d8+1

At-Will: Magic Weapon, Thundering Armor
Encounter: Burning Weapons, Shocking Feedback, [-]Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture[/-], [-]Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula[/-], Void Assumption
Daily: Icebound Sigil, [-]Restorative Infusion[/-]
Item: Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 (Encounter), Warmage's Uniform Leather Armor +1 (Daily), Alchemist's Fire (0/0), Tethercord (1/1)

Quarterstaff - 1d8
Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 - 1d8+1 (Equipped)
Current magazine: 5 bolts
Full Magazines Remaining: 13


Crossbow Caster - Use Crossbow as implement for implement attacks
Voidsoul - Resist 5 Psychic damage
Arcane Empowerment - Empower magic item once per day + once per milestone (Augment Energy or Impart Energy)
Augment Energy - A weapon gains a +4 bonus as a free action once. A weapon can't be infused twice (lasts until next extended rest or until used)
Impart Energy - Recharge a daily magic item. An item can't be recharged twice in a day.
Arcane Rejuvenation - When an ally uses a daily magic item they gain 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: [MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION] When are we looking at an update mate? It would be good to perhaps make a concerted effort to finish this encounter and then head for the boat.

The sounds of battle rage among the adventurers and the kruthik, who fight for their territory. Suddenly, the metallic sounds of digging can be heard directly beneath Boris, and a single claw shoots up from beneath the crumbling ground and stabs into Boris' leg, pulling him down into the hole created by the sentinel's burrowing. At the same time, another sentinel resurfaces, see's Boris' precarious position, and pounces, slashing him. Thanks to his magical blade, however, the wounds are not serious. That may not be the case soon if Boris cannot get away from the thrashing menace he's been entrapped with, though!

Roll a save vs falling prone.

After being blasted by lightning and shoved away from Dina's magical eye, the Kruthik Queen screams in anger before loosing more globs of acid onto her closest attackers, whipping around to spray Sha'kar as well. The spray is tremendously potent this time, burning flesh with the sickly smell of melting skin and hair.

Feeling the vibrations of a new meal appear above her, the Kruthik Princess burrows straight up to the surface and pounces on the Giant Toad that Corragan summoned. Hearing the queen scream in agony only pushed the princess into a further state of ferocity, and the toad was instantly sent back to its summoning plane when the princess' claw sliced cleanly through it's bulbous neck.


KS3 -
Move: Burrows to the surface beneath Boris
Standard: Attacks Boris with claw grab, hitting AC 21 for 4 damage and grabbing him. This causes Boris to fall into the 5' hole alongside KS3 (roll save to keep from falling prone). While grabbing Boris, KS3 has +2 AC and Reflex and deals 6 damage with his aura if Boris is adjacent to him (same square is adjacent).

KS4 -
Move: Burrows to the surface
Standard: Attacks Boris with claw grab, hitting AC 20 for 4 damage and grabbing him. While grabbing Boris, KS4 has +2 AC and Reflex and deals 6 damage with his aura if Boris is adjacent to him.

Queen -
Standard: Attacks Dina, Corragan, and Sha'kar with Acid Spray, rolling 25 vs Dina's Fort, 18 vs Corragan's Fort, and 18 vs Sha'kar's Fort, dealing each of them 10 acid damage (Corragan only takes 5 of this due to resistances)

Princess -
Move: Burrows to the surface near the Giant Toad, moving within the Queen's aura.
Standard: Attacks the Giant Toad with MBA claw, hitting AC 28 for 24 damage (double damage from queen's aura), instantly destroying the Giant Toad.


Boris: Taken 8/29 damage; STATUS: Grabbed. Will take 6 damage from each grabbing Sentinel he is adjacent to at the end of his next turn.

Ignats: Taken 39/48 damage; STATUS: Bloodied

Dina: Taken 23/34 damage; STATUS: Bloodied, Ongoing 5 acid & Weakened (save ends both)

Corragan: Taken 23/38 damage; Status: Bloodied, Ongoing 5 acid & Weakened (save ends both)

Sha'kar: Taken 15/46 damage; Status: Ongoing 5 acid & Weakened (save ends both)

KS3 - Taken 15/32 damage; Status: +2 AC & Reflex while grabbing Boris.

KS4 - Taken 15/32 damage; Status: +2 AC & Reflex while grabbing Boris.

Queen - Taken 47/148 damage; Status: Marked by Boris with Divine Challenge, Cursed by Boris with Warlocks Curse

Princess - Taken 30/110 damage; Status: Normal




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Son of Meepo

First Post
Deciding to help out Dina, Ignatz moves around the queen for a devastating strike.

[sblock=actions]Move: Q49
Standard: Pressing Strike vs Queen
Shift to S50
Pressing Strike (1d20+9+2=30, 4d6.minroll(2)+1d6+7+5=26)
Hits 30 AC for 26 damage (including the eye)[/sblock]

Dina starts to feel faint from the acid, but instead of tending to herself, encouraged Ignatz to try to injure it further.
With the queen injured, Dina then takes a moment to tend to her wounds.

[sblock=actions]Start of Turn: 5 acid
Standard: Commander's Strike (Ignatz takes MBA against the queen with +2 to hit and +5 damage).
Melee Basic Attack (1d20+9+2+2=29, 2d6.minroll(2)+7+5+5=26)
Hits AC 29 for 26 damage.
Minor: Curative Admixture (heal self for surge value + 4 = 13 hp).
Move: Relocate Punishing Eye to Q51
End of Turn: Saving Throw (1d20=16) (SUCCESS)[/sblock]

OOC: Well that was a productive turn.

BTW, My max hit points should be 39, not 34.

[sblock=Dina's Stats]Dina - Deva Artificer-Warlord 4
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 16
AC 19, Fort 13, Reflex 17, Will 18
HP 18/39, Bloodied 17, Surge Value 8, Surges 5/7
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0, Second Wind []
At-Will Powers: Magic Weapon, Commander's Strike
Encounter Powers: Provocative Order [x], Phantasmal Henchman [x], Phantasmal Henchman Attack [x], Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [], Use Vulnerability [], Curative Admixture [x], Inspiring Word [x], Adaptive Stratagem [x]
Daily Powers: Punishing Eye [x], Philosopher's Crown [x][/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Queen violates Boris' Mark: Immediate Reaction]The Queen was marked by Boris. Were the -2 penalty included in the attack rolls? May or may not make a difference. It means 16 vs Corragan or Sha'kar's FORT if it wasn't included.

The Queen also takes 4 radiant damage as an immediate reaction which will do +5 psychic damage thanks to the eye for a total of 9 dmg. [/sblock]

OOC: Edit: Damn, already used my AP. That would have been awesome. So just the one pulling me down is dead (KS3)

Boris tries to keep his feet as he is pulled towards the hole. His instincts cause him to lash out left and right at the kruthik below and beside him as he roars: "Light guide my blade!"

His prayers are answered. His blade slices through the attacker pulling him downwards like a hot knife through butter. The strike of the blow is strong enough to send the body flying away from him, cut cleanly in two.

He struggles with all his might to escape the grab of the other critter who has him held from the side but Boris uses all of his will to even move in his massively heavy suit of armour, let alone shake a rabid kruthik of his back. Fearlessly, Boris open himself up for attack in order to maintain his challenge upon the Queen. He raises his blade towards the Queen and he bellows once more sending a powerful echo throughout the cave: "Come and face the Light creature! You will not harm my companions! They have given me a name! I am Boris! You will face me alone or your eyes will burn inside your head!"

Standard: Eldritch Strike vs KS3
Edit: I have already used AP :(
Move Action: Escape Grab: Athletics vs FORT: Fail
Minor: Sustain Crown of Stars: Ranged attk vs Queen provokes OAtk from KS4
End of turn Boris takes 6 dmg from KS4 aura, reduced to 5 by his sword.
Miss: But Divine Challenge is maintained on Queen

[sblock=The Cursed One]

Human Hybrid Paladin | Warlock 3 (temporary)
Passive Perception/Insight 10
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:16, Speed:5
HP: 26/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:7/11
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter): USED

Conditions: Grabbed

MBA: Eldritch Strike +9 vs AC, 1d12+5 damage

Divine Challenge: Queen
Warlock's Curse: Queen
Eldritch Strike, Ardent Strike, Dire Radiance

Blade of Crimson: USED
Valorous Smite:
Otherwind Stride: USED
Asassin's Shroud: 0/2 uses left
Second Wind

Crown of Stars: USED Sustained
Bless Weapon: Active: +1 atk, +1d6 radiant dmg til end of encounter
Fullblade of Defense:

Combat notes: Fullblade of Defense: Resist 1 vs All dmg;
TCO will use his Fullblade of Defense Daily power to halve damage of an attack will reduce him below 0.
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OOC: Thanks [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION], I had actually forgotten about the attack penalty, which means that Sha'kar was not hit by the acid blast. I will increase his hit-points accordingly


OOC: I think Corragan's move was missed again - he should be in Q57, which hopefully puts him out of range of the Queen's blast. I'll post Corragan's turn shortly.

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