Fantastic, all. Thank you for making the adventure compatible with 1st Edition AD&D first.
Thanks SirAntoine! Not a problem. It'll be presented with 1st edition compatible rules because it was conceived that way, matters to the original play style it was used for, and also matters in order to reproduce the original material of 1977/78 as faithfully as we can.
From there, you can take the dungeon and setting and use them in any number of ways, which includes the original play style of Lake Geneva we're going to go through and explain in detail, i.e. running games in big dungeons with open tables this or that week at the hobby shop, what to expect from the games, how you get it off the ground and so on.
That also means you can use it in other ways, for instance as a set piece in a different type of campaign with long plot arcs and the like. Or as part of a game with a different way to abstract the exploration of the dungeon and wilderness, like say, Torchbearer or other newfangled games like this. Or maybe you want to customize it for a different setting, one of your own perhaps, or a different game altogether, like say, in a sci-fi context, or in modern horror games and so on. It's not impossible, and we're going to explain how to work with the setting to make it work in a variety of contexts, whether that's in terms of genres or play styles. You could also have several versions of the dungeon in different worlds reflect one another, mix and mash play styles, and those possibilities are talked about and integrated in the design of its world and cosmology, if you want to use them.
Regardless of all the options and advice and possible conversions we'd add on top of this, it'll be playable as it was originally played and intended, for 0e/1e games. We wouldn't have it any other way.