• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Carrion Crown AP (Savage Stampede) - OOC


Hero goods and riches are all well and good, but where do you spend them? You planning on leaving the country?
You plan on retiring in this backwater burg? ;) I don't plan on striking it rich, then building a cottage and becoming a farmer in this gloomy village.

I *could* pull a Roadhouse and become an over-the-top tyrant with an iron grip on the poor, simple folk, crushing them with kindness and a 20% protection fee. But hey. I have bigger plans... and I can't buy what I want here. ;)

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Everything you say is true, except for one thing. The whole country is a bunch of backwater superstitious hicks. According to the player's guide anyhow. Think Romania, Ravenloft etc. As for why Zeldana is here this has been discussed ad nauseum. To put to rest one of her only friends, follow his last wishes and apparently be tortured by the Lady she serves. In her office as overseer of the Fates.


Thy wounds are healed!
Well if you are all playing at home you will notice that the monster is down to 7 HP and Zeldana will be channeling for 7 dmg on her turn. With a -5 will save I think this thing may be toast, but you never can be to sure.

For those that can please post up an attack roll and when we get to 4 dmg dealt by the other members of the party then we will be for sure the thing is dead.

I will update the thread WED night and roll for those who don't have the free min.


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