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D&D 3E/3.5 BoVD 3.5e: Hellbound!

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First Post
Simply click on any ENWorlder's username to pull up the menu. The link to their website (if any) is included, along with things like email, IM, and their ENWorld profile.

And Nifft, this is pretty damned awesome. Keep up the vile, evil, and nasty work.


First Post
Kvantum said:
Simply click on any ENWorlder's username to pull up the menu. The link to their website (if any) is included, along with things like email, IM, and their ENWorld profile.
thanks man, there's always something new to learn @ EN World

Kvantum said:
And Nifft, this is pretty damned awesome. Keep up the vile, evil, and nasty work.
can i hear an Amen?



Penguin Herder
GeoFFields said:
Any chance of all of this being made into a pdf to download?

The chance exists, but it's not likely. I'd rather add new stuff on here than be forced to version and update a PDF.

-- N


Penguin Herder
I <3 Binders! And I <3 Evil!

Role: Evil Binder

Feats: Evil Brand
Skill Ranks: Intimidate and Kn(Planes) 8 ranks each
Special: Ability to bind 3rd level Vestiges, Suppress Sign class ability
Special: Peaceful contact with an [Evil] Outsider.

HD: d6
BAB: 3/4 (as Cleric)
Good Save: Will
Skill Points: 2 + Int bonus
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Kn(Arcana, history, religion, the planes), Profession, Sense Motive

[u]Lev  BAB Fo/Re/Wi  Special Abilities [/u]
1    +0  +0/+0/+2  Hellbinder, Aura of Evil, Fiendish Augmentations
2    +1  +0/+0/+3  Bind Fiend (Babau, Barbazu)
3    +2  +1/+1/+3  [i]Fiendish Teleport[/i] 1/day
4    +3  +1/+1/+4  Bind Fiend (Succubus, Kyton)
5    +3  +1/+1/+4  [i]Fiendish Teleport[/i] 3/day, Extra Augmentation
6    +4  +2/+2/+5  Bind Fiend (Vrock, Osyluth)
7    +5  +2/+2/+5  [i]Fiendish Teleport[/i] 5/day, [i]Plane shift[/i] 1/day
8    +6  +2/+2/+6  Bind Fiend (Hezrou, Hamatula)
9    +6  +3/+3/+6  [i]Fiendish Teleport[/i] at will
10   +7  +3/+3/+7  Bind Fiend (Glabrezu, Gelugon), Extra Augmentation, [i]Plane shift[/i] 3/day

Special Abilities:
  • Hellbinder: Your Hellbinder levels stack with any other levels that grant you an effective binder level. However, you can no longer bind any Vestige with the [Good] descriptor. (yeah yeah I know)
  • Aura of Evil: Like an Evil cleric whose level is equal to your EBL.
  • Fiendish Augmentations: Add the following benefits to your list of binding augmentations:
    • DR +2/magic and cold iron
    • DR +2/magic and silver
    • +50 lbs teleport capacity
    • Poison immunity
    • Disease immunity
  • Fiendish Teleport (Sp): When bound to a fiend, you can greater teleport like a fiend -- that is, transporting only yourself plus 50 lbs. of objects. You may use your Augmentations to increase this capacity. This is a spell-like ability, usable once every 5 rounds.
  • Extra Augmentation: This is in addition to whatever pact augmentations you have gained from Binder levels or the like.
  • Plane Shift (Sp): When bound to a fiend, you can use plane shift as a spell-like ability.
  • Bind Fiend (Su): The Hellbinder's signature power, first gained at 2nd level. You can bind fiends in place of vestiges. The power of the fiend you can bind is determined by your Hellbinder level. Note that you can never bind both a Demon and a Devil at the same time. Each Fiend occupies a "binding slot" as though it were a Vestige. Each Fiend provides certain benefits, detailed below. As with Vestiges, each benefit is Supernatural (Su) unless otherwise indicated.
    • Babau: You gain the Babau's stealth, protective slime, and its sneak attack ability.
      Sign: A slimy red jelly coats your skin.
      - Protective Slime: You must show the Babau's sign to gain this benefit. Any weapon that touches you takes 1d8 points of acid damage from the corrosive goo, and the weaponís hardness does not reduce this damage. A magic weapon may attempt a Reflex save to avoid taking this damage. A creature who strikes you with an unarmed attack, unarmed strike, touch spell, or natural weapon takes this damage as well but can negate the damage with a Reflex save. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 EBL + your Con bonus.
      - You gain a Profane bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks equal to 4 + 1/4 your EBL.
      - Sneak Attack: You gain +1d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6/4 EBL. This damage stacks with Sneak Attack from any other source.
    • Barbazu: You gain the Barbazu's lust for battle, and you can summon a wicked glaive.
      Sign: A stiffly wiry red beard grows on your face.
      - Battle Rage: As a Swift action, you can enter a minor Rage. You gain a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, and a +2 bonus to Will saves, but you suffer a -2 penalty to AC. Your Rage lasts for 3 rounds, after which you suffer no ill effects. You cannot enter Battle Rage for five rounds after it ends.
      - Glaive Focus: You are proficient with glaives, and you gain Weapon Focus (glaive) and Weapon Specialization (glaive). If your EBL is greater than 12, you also gain Improved Critical (glaive). If you already have Weapon Focus or Weapon Specialiation in glaive, you instead gain Greater Weapon Focus (glaive) and Greater Weapon Specialization (glaive), as appropriate.
      - Wicked Glaive: When showing the Barbazu's sign, you can summon a magical glaive into your hands as a Swift action once per 5 rounds. This wicked glaive persists while you wield it, and for one round after you release your grip (e.g. should you throw it, or should it be sundered or disarmed). The exact abilities of the wicked glaive depend on your EBL as follows:
      EBL up to 8: +2 glaive
      EBL 9-10: +2 flaming glaive
      EBL 11-14: +3 flaming burst glaive
      EBL 15-18: +3 unholy flaming burst glaive
      EBL 19+: +3 unholy cold iron flaming burst glaive of wounding
    • Gelugon: You gain an ice devil's fearsome aspect and attacks.
      Sign: You grow large mandibles of translucent ice.
      - Frozen Bite: While showing the Gelugon's sign, you gain a bite attack (primary or secondary natural, 1d8 + Str for medium). Any foe you strike with your bite attack must make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Con bonus) or be slowed for 1 round.
      - Frozen Terror: You project an aura of icy dread. All foes within 10 ft. suffer 1d6 + 1d6 / 4 EBL cold damage each round on your turn, and must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus) or become shaken, as though by the fear spell.
      - Frozen Attacks: All of your attacks (including ranged attacks) deal +1d6 cold damage, which stacks with the Frost special ability.
    • Glabrezu: You gain the Glabrezu's pincers and its perception.
      Sign: A pair of pincers grow out of your shoulders. Your armor magically adjusts to accomodate them.
      - Pincers: You gain two pincer natural attacks (secondary or primary, 1d8 + Str for medium). Your pincers are considered magic, chaotic and evil for the purpose of overcoming DR. Additionally, your pincers gain the benefit of Improved Grab (initiate a grapple attempt as a free action when you strike a foe with a pincer).
      - True Sight: Continuously, as the spell.
      - Bewitch: Once every 5 rounds, you can use one of the following effects: confusion, reverse gravity, or greater dispel magic (area or single target only). DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus.
    • Hamatula: You gain the deadly spikes of the barbed devil.
      Sign: Cruel barbed spikes grow out of your skin. Your armor magically adjusts to accomodate them.
      - Spiked Claws: While showing the Hamatula's sign, you gain two spiked claw attacks, which deal horrible damage (primary natural, 2d8 + Str for medium, and you can inflict 3d8 + 3/2 Str damage with a successful grapple check). Your claws are treated as magic, lawful and evil for the purpose of overcoming DR.
      - Spiked Defense: While showing the Hamatula's sign, your spikes inflict damage on any adjacent melee attacker (1d8 + Str for medium).
      - Spiked Terror: Once every 5 rounds, you can use one of the following effects: fear, hold person, or mirror image. DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus.
    • Hezrou: You gain a demonic stench and powers over miasma.
      Sign: You smell awful. Survival checks to track you by scent gain a +20 circumstance bonus.
      - You gain a +6 bonus to Strength and Constitution.
      - Stench: While "showing" the Hezrou's sign, you produce a prodigious stink. Any living creature within 10 ft. of you must make a Fort save or be nauseated for as long as it remains in the area, and for 1d4 rounds after. A creature that succeeds on a Fort save is merely sickened while it remains in the area. Once a creature has made its save, it is not affected by your stench for 24 hours. DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Con bonus.
      - Miasma: Once every 5 rounds, you can use one of the following effects: gaseous form, stinking cloud, or chaos hammer. DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus.
    • Kyton: You gain mastery over chains.
      Sign: A thick black chain tightly encircles your neck.
      - While showing the Kyton's sign, you gain proficency with Medium armor, and do not suffer any movement or armor check penalty from chainmail or a chain shirt. Furthermore, any chainmail or a chain shirt you are wearing gains 20 points of hardness, and automatically repairs itself 1 point of damage each round. Finally, any chainmail or chain shirt you are wearing provides you an additional Armor bonus equal to 1/5 your EBL.
      - You gain proficency with spiked chains. If you already had proficency, you gain a +1 Profane bonus to attack and damage rolls with spiked chains.
      - Animate Chain: Once every 5 rounds, you can animate a single chain within 20 ft. If the chain is attended, the attending entity may negate your attempt with a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha mod) -- and any chain that you fail to animate is immune to this power for 24 hours. You can cause a chain to extend up to 15 ft., to grow spikes, and to attack (once per round each, at your full attack bonus, including any feats you have pertaining to chains). You can automatically climb a chain under your control at 1/2 your base speed. The total number of chains you can control at one time is limited to 1/4 your EBL.
    • Osyluth: You gain the bone devil's sting, and powerful tactical abilities.
      Sign: A translucent scorpion's tail grows out of your backside. Your armor magically copes.
      - While showing the osylyth's sign, you gain a sting attack (secondary natural attack). This attack deals 1d8 + 1/2 Str damage (for a medium-sized Hellbound), plus inflicts a powerful poison (1d6/1d6 Str damage, DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Con bonus). The sting is considered magical, lawful and evil for the purpose of overcoming DR.
      - Tactical Aura: You and allies within 30 ft. of you gain a Morale bonus to grapple, trip, disarm, sunder and bull rush checks equal to 2 + 1/4 your EBL.
      - Tactical Ice: Once every 5 rounds, you can use one of the following effects: wall of ice, dimensional anchor, or major image. DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus.
    • Succubus: You gain powers of persuasion.
      Sign: A black and red skin discoloration appears on your skin in the shape of a heart with a barbed tail, either on the back of one of your hands or the back of your neck, as you choose.
      - You gain a +4 Profane bonus to Charisma while showing the sign.
      - You gain a bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate equal to 4 + 1/3 your EBL.
      - Mental Influence: Once every 5 rounds, you can use one of the following: suggestion, hold monster, or detect thoughts. DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus.
    • Vrock: You gain flight, talon attacks, and a vile screech.
      Sign: You grow purple wings and your feet become talons.
      - While showing the Vrock's sign, you gain flight equal to your base speed + 20 ft. (average). Your armor magically shifts to accomodate your wings.
      - While showing the Vrock's sign and flying, you gain two talon attacks (secondary natural, 1d6 + 1/2 Str for medium). Any footwear you have on magically melds into your purple talons. You do not gain the benefits of your footwear while showing the Vrock's sign. Your talons are considered magical, chaotic and evil for the purpose of overcoming DR.
      - Stunning Screech: Once every 5 rounds, you can emit a screech that stuns one foe within 30 ft. for one round. Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha bonus. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect.

... and a new Feat:

Expulsion Incarnate [General]
Prerequisites: Expel Vestige, Bind Fiend class feature
Benefit: If you have bound a fiend, you can expel it (as you would expel a Vestage). However, before leaving, the expelled fiend incarnates and serves you for 1 minute per EBL. The fiend in question does not count as summoned -- it has full use of its conjuration and summoning powers. Of course, you lose associated pact benefits when you expel the fiend, just as you would when you expel a vestage.

Special Note: The expelled, incarnate fiend is not necessarily banished back to the lower planes. It may hang around the Prime for some time, doing ill works. It will be well-disposed to its summoner, but otherwise, it is a normal fiend with normal fiendish proclivities.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
The Hellbound is brilliant Nifft. It reminds of the Infused prestige class found in Dragon Mag #321, only flip flopped for evil characters. Love it lots.

BTW I am working on compiling the info here for a neat little PDF.

Voidrunner's Codex

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