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D&D General Bob World Builder Recreates WOTC's "Do You Like Me?" Survey!


Bob World Builder posted a video in which he took up the project of building a Google Forms replica of the survey Wizards of the Coast posted a few days ago (which has since been taken down) regarding WOTC's and D&D's overall popularity and future outlook.

Watch Bob's video here:

And take the survey here:

Unlike the WOTC survey, Bob plans to release the results in a month so we can all see what they are.

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Bob World Builder posted a video in which he took up the project of building a Google Forms replica of the survey Wizards of the Coast posted a few days ago (which has since been taken down) regarding WOTC's and D&D's overall popularity and future outlook.

Watch Bob's video here:

And take the survey here:

Unlike the WOTC survey, Bob plans to release the results in a month so we can all see what they are.
Oh this will go fine.

I've got nothing better to do right now, so I took Bob's version of the survey. The results will probably be pretty predictable, but I'm still interested in hearing them. Here's my answers.

1- How do you feel about D&D - neutral
This was the hardest question for me to answer. As a fan of 4th edition, I'll never be happy with 5th or it's upcomming revision. That makes my overall view of the brand as negative. On the other hand, I do feel that D&D has been making some real strides in making D&D more modern and welcoming. In particular I'm pretty happy with the changes they're making to species. So I feel that D&D should get some bonus points for that. Bringing my overall view to neutral.

2 - When was the last time you recommended a D&D product - More than a year ago
I'm not active in the tabletop scene so I don't get asked this question much, but even with my bias I'd still recommend 5th ed. D&D to someone looking to get into tabletop rpgs. It's just by far the most supported and therefor easiest to get into game in the space.

3 - Do you think D&D is becomming more or less popular - Staying the same
I think the years of growth have stopped for the foreseeable future, but it's not shrinking either.

4 - How do you feel about the current direction of the D&D game - neutral
To me this is the same question as #1.

5 - How do you feel about WotC - hate
I don't have a high bar when it comes to corporations, but WotC is still limboing under them. Hate may be a bit strong. I don't go out of my way to critisize them, and I'll still recommend D&D to newcommers, but my negative view of them is more strong than saying I just dislike them. So yeah, I'll go with the most severe option.

6 - When was the last time you recommended a WotC product - about a year ago
see #2

7 - Do you think WotC is getting more or less popular - less
Easyest slam dunk in the survey. I don't know anyone who is even slightly paying attention to the news that has a positive view of the business side of WotC.

8 - How do you feel about the direction of WotC - strongly negative
to me this is the same question as #5

9 - How often do you look for news - about once a week
Sometimes more, sometimes less. I pay enough attention to get the gist of what's going on and occasionally have conversations here and there. Not super active, but I keep myself up to date.
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