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Besides RPGs and Video Games, What Do You Do For Fun?


I do archery with my English longbow. I really like 3D archery.

PLay boardgames, but sadly that happens way to seldom for my liking.

Reading, and trying to write stuff.

Spend way to much time looking at various youtube-videos... ;)
Really wish that I could take my bows out and plink a bit, but things have just gotten nuts around these parts. I used to be able to go down to the creek and set up a target but if I did that these days, a half dozen police would be on my butt in 10 minutes. I've got a 45# flat bow and a 45# Mongolian recurve. I also make the occasional bow with oak siyahs, out of PVC plumbing pipe.

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Gym, dogs, pubs, forests, good food. Not necessarily in that order
I have 2 cats and was never allowed to have a dog growing up so when I was able to get pets I opted for cats out of pragmatism? I think that is the word. I had mice in my house so I got cats. I love them as Im sure you love your dogs. See above on the good food. I dont enjoy going out to eat or to the local watering hole much anymore, but its nice on the rare occasion that I do. Im not afraid by any means but COVID kinda put a damper on that type of thing. People just seem to have more of a hair trigger these days so I stay home mostly. As far as physical activities, Im not built for the gym or the outdoors, but I was in the Boy Scouts as a kid and I can appreciate it.


Staff member
This is called "Gearitis"
AKA “Gear Acquisition Syndrome” or “G.A.S.”😁

I haven’t bought a guitar in a couple of years, nor a pedal since early 2022, but I’ve come close. My Wish List on Reverb is several pages long.

The one place I’m truly holding firm on not purchasing is amps. I’ve got two: a Fender HRD combo, and an Orange TH30 head with a 2x12 cab. I got the TH30 as a Christmas gift to myself in 2016, but have not played it since I got it home. (Only played in the store.) My plans for setting it up keep getting disrupted.

So I promised myself that I wouldn’t buy another amp until I could set the TH30 up and play it as I intended. Meanwhile, my amp G.A.S. list continues to evolve and grow. Right now, a Mesa Triple Crown 50w head and a Quilter Mach 3 are topping that list, supplanting other models from those respective companies. But there’s others from Supro, Carvin and Peavey I’d like to ge my hands on, and I’d love to get a good 1x15 cab, too.


There isn't enough time in the day for anything else. And if there was, I probably would use it to do even more rpg stuff.


I try to go golfing 3 days a week. Try to walk more often than ride to get some more exercise, if playing golf is considered exercise.

My son is finishing his Eagle scout badge and is going to engineering school next month, so that will just leave my cheerleading daughter. I have been involved in scouts with my son, but likely will transition more to help with cheer, but there is only so much I can do to help without looking like some pervert creeper.

My wife and I are celebrating out 20th anniversary soon and may go on a cruise again this year.


I play board games, usually 18xx or economic euros 1/week, and then usually something less dry once every other week in addition. Guards of Atlantis II has been a popular choice lately. for those, there's talk of starting up the Netrunner league again now that Null Signal has finally hit rotation, and we can play without Hard Hitting News eating up all the space in the meta.

Most of my screen-media is following assorted Youtubers and/or Dropout/Nebula. I am watching Star Trek when it's available on Paramount Plus, but I don't really do any television otherwise, excepting the occasional costume/wuxia chinese drama. Otherwise, I read a lot, usually fluffy fantasy. Reading is a hyperfocus activity for me, so it's less "I've got a few books active" and more "I spent Saturday reading three novels." I joke that I eat books, my relationship to it feels significantly more consumptive than how other people seem to do it.

I usually have some other project floating around, I'm just about happy with the home seltzer tap and flavor station I've put together, looking into getting my last bare walls set up with some art I like next, maybe some floating shelves.


I hang out with my kid and/or spouse.

I read a lot, especially on the patio in summer.

I listen to music and play bass along with it, which is sad but I like it.

I paint miniatures and terrain.

I write.

I do the groceries and cooking.

I host board game evenings with friends and family.

I do house projects with my spouse (we just finished redoing our stairs.

I work out about an hour/day but not for fun - at 55 it’s about maintaining function.


On the archery front I forgot that I made this a while back. Still trying to work out the straps to make it convertible from back to hip quiver, but it already has all the attachment points to be used either left or right. I just stuck it in front of a steel targe, for the hell of it.


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