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Awakening Apocalypse - Shadowrun 5E setup discussion (Recruiting)


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5/24/2015 - As of right now, there is 1 spot open for a new player on the next run. Please PM me if you are interested. If you are reading this message, it means the spot has not been filled yet. Any character type is welcome, although the character creation process has been modified for this campaign. If you are interested in playing with us, please be prepared to play a low-powered, low-tech game in a world about 70 years before the current Shadowrun storyline.

The world is changing, chummer. And in a big way. You feel it, right? Like an insect, always buzzing over your shoulder.

Awakening Apocalypse is a play by post Shadowrun campaign, using the 5th edition core rules. No other sourcebooks will be used for this campaign.

The following players are confirmed for this game:


Recruitment is currently closed. I will update this thread if/when this changes. Sorry, chummer!

Please refer to this discussion while creating your characters, as there are some restrictions and special considerations for this campaign. Which brings us to the following-

The Setting

The Shadowrun universe looked a lot like the real world, until history began to diverge around 1980. Awakening Apocalpyse occurs at the most critical point in Shadowrun history. It is about 45-50 years earlier than the typical Shadowrun setting, and as such, some of the tech in the core rules will not be available (or at least, not in the same form as it is in the sourcebook).

The year is 2011. Viral-induced toxic allergy syndrome, VITAS, is determined to kill everyone, and it's doing a damned fine job of it. When we finish counting the bodies, we will realize that more than 10% of the world are dead.

Another disease called unexplained genetic expression, UGE, has claimed about 15% of the children born in 2011. Children so afflicted are born either short, stocky, and stunted, or unnaturally slender, with misshapen ears. A few people have been born genetically abnormal in this way since 1980, but nothing remotely on the scale we have seen this year. Although these children are technically healthy, they are sure to be met with great hostility as they grow up. Some people are calling these children "dwarfs" and "elves" due to their resemblance to the fantasy creatures.

A strong Native American independence movement, NAIM, got started a few years ago. For the most part, this was an organized and peaceful movement, which may have actually been successful in time. However, radicals seized the initiative within NAIM, culminating in a terrorist attack on a US government nuclear launch site in 2009. The attackers managed to hack the facility's computer system and launch a single missile at an unknown Russian target, before government forces killed or captured all of the attackers. The missile vanished before striking its target. The official government explanation is that the missile was never actually launched, but we all know better. Government response to the NAIM attack was to forcibly relocate all NAIM-affiliated persons into internment camps, the largest of which is in Abeline, TX. Ironically, this internment has minimized native Americans' exposure to VITAS, and they are now the only population mostly unaffected by the disease.

A new way of accessing the internet has been invented, and is exploding in popularity. The internet is starting to be referred to as The Matrix now, as people use augmented-reality (AR) and occasionally even virtual reality (VR) to simulate an actual, physical interaction with their digital data. Older people grumble about how kids spend more time linked in to The Matrix now than in the real world, but just about everyone realizes this is the way of the future. And the future is freakin' cool!

Corporate entities enjoy larger freedoms than ever before, but also have more risk and responsibility. Within their spheres of influence, the largest corps have nearly completely assumed the role of government. The actual United States government isn't overjoyed by this, but it's hard to argue against the cost savings and efficiency this arrangement brings. Technology is booming like never before, mostly because of this corporate privelege. Of course, all it would take is a couple of high-profile public scandals to bring the whole corporate house of cards crashing down, and all of that freedom corporations have enjoyed becomes a thing of the past. For this reason, corps play nice with each other. In public, at least. In the shadows, it's a dog-eat-dog world, where corporate players hire mercenaries to ruthlessly punish their competitors. These Shadowrunners aren't on anyone's payroll. They don't have a 401k or health insurance. They never had to pass a Human Resources compatibility test. They don't exist at all, officially. The corporations realize just how dangerous these Shadowrunners are, because all it takes is a bigger offer from a competitor for a corp to see its own asset turned against it. If you want to know why a Shadowrunner died mysteriously, the first person you should investigate isn't his most recent target...it's his most recent employer.

It ain't easy, livin' in the shadows. But it sure is exciting, right? That's why you're here, innit. You ain't a wage-slave, a monkey in a suit, makin' some other fella rich with your work. No, not you. That's what it means to run the shadows, chum. Freedom. You'll likely die, broke and regretful. But the journey there... That's how men are meant to live.

Creating Your Character

The only sourcebook we will use for this campaign is the 5th edition core rules, which will be modified a bit to work better with pbp, and to better reflect the lower-tech setting we'll be playing in. The following rules will restrict your characters for this campaign:

1) Any Magic rating you receive during character creation will be granted over the course of the first few missions. Your Magic rating will be effectively 0 at the start of the campaign, but will reach it's normal potential through in-character roleplay.
2) No character may be created with a Resonance rating, as Technomancers will not exist for quite a long time.
3) All gear including cyberware and bioware are restricted to availability 4 or less. Specific exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.
4) Use the "street level play" rules for character generation (see page 64).
5) Orks and trolls do not yet exist in this campaign. If you choose to play as an ork or troll metatype, your character will undergo goblinization at some point during the campaign.
6) Mystic adepts will have their power sharply reduced (magicians, adepts, and aspected magicians will be created as normal), as follows
-Mystic adepts are only available if Magic is priority A or B at character creation
-Instead of their normal rewards for priority A, mystic adepts receive the following: Magic 4, two rating 4 magic skills, 6 spells. For priority B, mystic adepts receive: Magic 2, 1 rating 4 magic skill, 3 spells.
-Mystic adepts must purchase powers at a cost of Karma x4 per power point during character creation (regular adepts will receive powers for free, as normal)
These house rules are meant to balance the very high power ceiling mystic adepts enjoy, and are not meant to "punish" people for choosing to play as a mystic adept.

Anyone with a magic rating should strongly consider taking the mentor spirit quality. This will greatly reduce the time and effort it will take your character to unlock his/her magical potential!

All characters will have a contact named "Aleksander," who is their contract fixer. His connection rating is 4. Alexsander is an online handle (not a real name) for a fixer who is either Greek or impersonating a Greek. Aleksander will contact your character from time to time to offer Runner jobs. Refuse these jobs at your own risk, as Aleksander has proven to be quite well connected and he has yet to lead you wrong. It is unlikely that any of you have met Aleksander face to face, as he(she?) is a very private and cautious person, and will under no circumstances meet face to face with anyone lower than loyalty 6 (and even then, only if there's just no other option). Players must "purchase" Aleksander as a contact as described in the character creation rules. If your character does not have enough points to purchase Aleksander as a contact, then he/she spends all available points, and obtains Aleksander as a contact at Loyalty 1. Anyone who chooses to have loyalty 6 with Aleksander, please contact me via PM. Depending on the specific circumstances, I may require that player reduce their loyalty with Aleksander to a number lower than 6.

Feel free to discuss your character ideas in this thread, however try to avoid talking about the specific values of your skills and attributes. These numbers should only be available to the GM and the character's player. If everyone is ready by next weekend, the first in-character game post will be one week from today, Sunday 2/22/15.

If anyone does not have access to the 5th edition rules, please contact me via PM.

There's only one great truth in the world, chummer. The more everything changes, the more everything stays the same.
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Going for an adept...an Amerind who's background I will discuss with you in a PM. :)

Hm, question...seems like the time also makes a lot of Qualities anachronistic too, yes? Things like SINner, and any VR-related positive or negative qualities?
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Arthur Young was born in Chicago on September 18th, 1945, to Raymond Young, a yardmaster for C&NW, and his young wife Margaret. When Raymond died in the early '50s Margaret remarried, this time to WWII veteran George Clark. Art enlisted with the United States Marines in the '60s and spent most of the next decade in Vietnam. After the war he started on the road to a medical education with the help of the GI Bill but civilian life didn't suit him and he returned to service in 1981, this time with a commission. In 1983 he was one of over 300 casualties in a bombing in Beirut.

Now confined to a wheelchair, Art was forced back into civilian life and he continued his education. He specialized in a field suddenly important to him: Prosthetic development. By the late '90s he was working alongside researchers at the forefront of the field with Lifeshield Medical Group. By 2003 it was clear to the team that the future of the industry was cybernetics. In 2008 Art was selected by LMG as a subject for the corp's first prototype cyberlimb therapy. By 2011 Art was shadowrunning in the new war.


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Going for an adept...an Amerind who's background I will discuss with you in a PM. :)

Hm, question...seems like the time also makes a lot of Qualities anachronistic too, yes? Things like SINner, and any VR-related positive or negative qualities?

Right. There are a few qualities that don't make sense within this campaign setting. SINner is an obvious one, but things like "elf poser" apply also. I'll take a look at everyone's characters as they are submitted to me, and double-check for these types of qualities. Some qualities (like the VR-related stuff you mentioned) will have their points adjusted in order to reflect how much of an impact it's likely to have in the game. If you have any questions about particular qualities, let me know and I'll give a ruling before you finalize the character sheet.


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Arthur Young was born in Chicago on September 18th, 1945, to Raymond Young, a yardmaster for C&NW, and his young wife Margaret. When Raymond died in the early '50s Margaret remarried, this time to WWII veteran George Clark. Art enlisted with the United States Marines in the '60s and spent most of the next decade in Vietnam. After the war he started on the road to a medical education with the help of the GI Bill but civilian life didn't suit him and he returned to service in 1981, this time with a commission. In 1983 he was one of over 300 casualties in a bombing in Beirut.

Now confined to a wheelchair, Art was forced back into civilian life and he continued his education. He specialized in a field suddenly important to him: Prosthetic development. By the late '90s he was working alongside researchers at the forefront of the field with Lifeshield Medical Group. By 2003 it was clear to the team that the future of the industry was cybernetics. In 2008 Art was selected by LMG as a subject for the corp's first prototype cyberlimb therapy. By 2011 Art was shadowrunning in the new war.

Welcome to the shadows, grandpa Arthur! We're gonna' get off your lawn now.


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Hello everybody! I'll try and come up with an idea for a character ASAP. At this point in time I have no clue what kind of character I want to play lol.


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I am looking at a focus on stealth, with some B&E skill mixed in. Shan't be the heaviest hitter, but if I can get surprise attacks they won't have defenses, which can be pretty devastating in this game. :)


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Notes on Edge

In order to keep the pace of the game from stagnating every time a dice roll is made, Edge effects will be modified. I have made every effort to preserve the relative power of this stat compared to the others.

Edge cannot be used for the Second Chance ability. This is to prevent the entire narrative from having to stop after every die roll to verify that the character will not be using Edge.

To replace the loss of Second Chance, Edge will be given a new power, called Narrative Shift. This will give players a very small amount of the power normally reserved for the GM. Players may spend a point of Edge to add something to the narrative, as long as it doesn't replace the results of an actual dice roll, or directly effect an NPC. This will always be a subtle, plausible addition to the story.

Example: The decker Samson is trying to hack into a night club's security camera system. Samson is viewing the Matrix in VR outside of the night club, cursing the paranoid club owner's excessive electronic security. The security cameras are networked behind some pretty mean looking ICe and firewalls. Samson probably won't be able to hack through these defenses, and even trying to do so would probably alert the meat-space security in the area. Just as he's about to give up, he notices a data cable that looks out of place hanging over the side of the roof. Upon scrutinizing the cable, he sees it connects the advertising billboard to the club's internal computer network. The ICe don't seem too interested in protecting the billboard as Samson hacks into it, gaining a direct link that bypasses most of the club's electronic security.

For the above example, Samson's player spent a point of Edge to make a plausible edit to the narrative, namely the electronic device which was mostly overlooked by the club's security.

Any Edge spent in this way may not work exactly as the player had hoped. The bigger or more overt the change, the more likely it is that the Narrative Shift will cause more problems than it solves. Also, using Narrative Shift repeatedly over a short time will be very likely to have unintended consequences. I have high hopes for this change, but if it doesn't work as well as I expect, I promise I will find another way to preserve the usefulness of Edge.

All other uses for Edge will work as described on page 56 of the core rules. Also, I welcome any feedback on the above house rules. If everyone absolutely hates Narrative Shift, I'll come up with a different alternative to replace the Second Chance rule.

Notes on Karma

Players will receive only half of their Karma from the GM. The other half will be awarded by the players, to each other. Before every run, I will give each player equal amounts of Karma to award to other players however they like. I urge you all to give Karma based on particularly awesome, fun, insightful, or emotional contributions to the game, however ultimately it's up to you how to award this Karma. You can award someone a point of Karma on the spot for particularly good role playing, or you can wait until the run to distribute it all at once.

This method of distributing Karma will completely replace the core rules for Karma awards.


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Charles St. James was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. He joined the Marines right after High School and right when he was about to finish his first term the trade towers were hit and he was sent to Afghanistan. He was attached to the Marine Expeditionary Unit on the USS Boxer, a Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship. He served two more tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, his last tour ending in Iraq. He was honorably discharged from the Marines as an E7 Gunnery Sergeant in 2008 at the age of 30. He came home and got into the private security business and coincidentally goes back and forth between Iraq and home as a military/security contractor.

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