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Aurek Squad: Heroes of The Rebellion [RECRUITING; OOC]


Queen of Everything
I posted that second post before seeing your response to the first! lol

It looks like I can get my hands on all three books, though it would take me some time to get through them, they are huugggeeeee books!!!! As someone new to this whole system, something simpler is probably better. I don't want to seem cliche here but someone who starts off like where Rey is would probably really help me because obviously I have no idea what I'm doing lol

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I posted that second post before seeing your response to the first! lol

It looks like I can get my hands on all three books, though it would take me some time to get through them, they are huugggeeeee books!!!! As someone new to this whole system, something simpler is probably better. I don't want to seem cliche here but someone who starts off like where Rey is would probably really help me because obviously I have no idea what I'm doing lol

Not a worry! So, the good news about the books is that character creation is like 10% of each book; the rest is mostly setting information, GM stuff, and GORGEOUS ARTWORK MY GOD DO I LOVE IT.

Creating a character basically boils down to:
1. Species. Each book as a few that overlap (Bothans feature prominently in Edge and Age) and a few that don't (Mirialans and Zabraks are exclusively Force and Destiny). However, all species are cross compatible with all book options: you can play a Zabrak Smuggler (FaD Species with EoTE Career) if you so choose, and this can lead to a lot of fun combos.

2. You pick a Career. Your Career is kinda like a Class: it determines your Career Skills (which cost less XP to upgrade) and your access to Specializations.

3. Pick a Specialization. Sure, you're a Smuggler, but what KIND of Smuggler are you? A hotshot Pilot? A roguish Scoundrel? A cunning Thief?
Every Career contains 3 Specializations. These give a few more skills and Talent Trees; Talents are basically feats you can unlock that make you REALLY good at what you do: removing difficulty from certain tasks, adding bonuses to certain actions, and just generally making you awesome. You automatically begin with one Specialization in your chosen Career. You can spend XP on more Specializations: those in your Career cost less than those outside it (So you can be a Smuggler Scoundrel and then purchase a Force Sensitive Specialization along the way).

There are a few fluffy bits that help too. Motivations are what drive you. Edge characters have Obligations: something hanging over their head they have to deal with. Age characters have Duty: how well respected they are in the Alliance, granting them access to better gear and services. And Force characters have Morality, the constant struggle between the Light and Dark, where they have a Moral Strength, such as Compassion, Bravery, or Discipline, and a Moral Flaws, such as Ambition, Greed, or Stubbornness. Obviously Strengths are Light Sided and Flaws are Dark Sided.

There's a bit more to making a character than that, but I swear that over half of each book is more setting detail than actual rules and such. And as always, I'm happy to answer any questions or clear things up.


Hm. Well, for starters there is a Free Adventure, Under A Black Sun, which the first several pages are basically a quick reference on the rules and characters, and even provides 4 Edge Of The Empire PreGenerated characters for your perusal.

Until you get books are access to the full sets, however, what you can do is tell me what you're looking to play and I can come up with an amalgamation of what that would look like. Basically a PreGen you tell me to design, and are free to customize and tweak, if you will.
The idea I had was this: A clone trooper who somehow survived the Clone Wars and has been using his skills as a mercenary or bounty hunter ever since. He hates the Empire, so joining the Rebellion would make sense. Mechanically, he should have skills and abilities that support ranged combat and maybe formation / unit stuff, if that exists. Tack on some vehicle stuff, maybe, if possible.

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The idea I had was this: A clone trooper who somehow survived the Clone Wars and has been using his skills as a mercenary or bounty hunter ever since. He hates the Empire, so joining the Rebellion would make sense. Mechanically, he should have skills and abilities that support ranged combat and maybe formation / unit stuff, if that exists. Tack on some vehicle stuff, maybe, if possible.

Right, so, there are 3 ways I see doing this, and I like the concept a lot.

1. Edge of The Empire. The Career would be Hired Gun with the Mercenary Veteran Specialization. They gain combat abilities and a few uses for the Leadership skill to help boost your allies, sorta like small squad tactics. They become very devastating combatants, gaining extra health and even a small boost to grenades.

2. Edge of the Empire Bounty Hunter Gadgeteer . These guys are tough, even able to make their armor better by getting a few boosts to the Mechanics skill to upgrade their equipment. One part of their tree makes them a better melee fighter, while the other focuses on slight boosts to ranged combat but mostly sticks to being scary, tough, and not too bad with a hydrospanner.

3. Age of Rebellion Commander Tactician . Less combat skills, but focuses definitely on leading troops. You gain benefits to movement and navigating terrain, a few defensive abilities, talents focusing on boosting your allies and letting them act more, and keeping them protected while stressing yourself.

Secondary Specializations could be Sharpshooter from AoR Soldier which makes you a VERY devastating Ranged Combatant, Driver from AoR Pilot or EoTE Explorer which is all about planetary vehicles like Speeders and Walkers, or the Assassin from Bounty Hunter which adds some boosts to Stealth, critical hits, and a few defensive abilities as well as a means to push your weapon's range beyond the norm and start negating enemy defenses.


I think I like the Commander - Tactician option. This reflects the angle I was looking at for the character. He's been a bounty hunter and merc out of necessity, but he was trained to fight with a unit and lead troops. He should still be good at those things.


I think I like the Commander - Tactician option. This reflects the angle I was looking at for the character. He's been a bounty hunter and merc out of necessity, but he was trained to fight with a unit and lead troops. He should still be good at those things.

Fantastico. I'm work up something tomorrow evening and we'll go over it so you can see your options and how it all comes together


[MENTION=11437]Insight[/MENTION], here is what I've come up with. Do note that I made a slight error: You have 115 XP total, and have spent it all.

Example Clone Commander

So, the breakdown.

Your stats are generally average with slightly higher Agility and definitely boosted Presence. Agility will affect a lot of your ranged combat skills as well as things like Coordination (keeping your balance and such) and Stealth, so this is good to have. Presence affects the majority of talking skills, especially Leadership: Leadership will be your bread and butter since that's the skill that a lot of your talents will use and is used to help aid your allies.

You gain free ranks in 2 Non-Career skills: I chose a rank in Negotiation, as a Commander would probably be a little versed in accepting surrenders or trying to requisition more troops and supplies for the front (and a merc/bounty hunter would know how to negotiate a better fee), and Piloting [Planetary] to reflect some degree of skill with Speeders, Walkers, and other atmospheric and land craft.

For your Career Skills, you have a double rank in Leadership (again, should be your primary skill), and ranks in Discipline (you don't run and you're harder to intimidate), Vigilance (harder to take you by surprise and this is generally your Initiative check), Ranged [Heavy] (governs Blaster Rifles and other Longarms), and Knowledge [Warfare] (the Knowledge of military hardware and tactics).

For your talents, we cannot get much just yet: you have Toughened and Grit to help increase your Wounds (HP) and Strain (you spend this to do extra stuff), and a rank in Commanding Presence, which helps offset penalties to the Leadership and Cool Skills (Cool is for setting ambushes, also helps you not be flustered by social or physical stresses, and governs the wearing of glareshades at night).

I've set your Motivation to Cause: Overthrow The Empire, to fit the idea of someone who really wants those jerks in Coruscant to drop dead and gives this trooper a reason to take up the cause of The Rebel Alliance. I've left your Obligation blank because, well, that's for you to decide. However, I've had you take extra Obligation as this can give extra XP and Credits, and you need both. You've taken +10 Obligation to get 5 XP and an extra 1,500 Credits.

Your money was spent on a Blaster Carbine: 1 range less than a Blaster Rifle, but it weighs less and can be upgraded more. Your extra Sharpshooter talent tree will also give you the ability to push your range beyond its max as well. Your armor is Padded Armor: it's basically standard Rebel Trooper armor, a good fiberweave designed to try and dissipate most impacts. It's cheap, light, and effective, but it cannot be further modified. Laminate armor is the Clone/Stormtrooper armor, but it's a little expensive for you to start with. The Padded could very well be flavored as his older Clone Armor, just missing some pieces and having to be modified over the past 20 years without maintenance.

Your Soak value with your armor is 4 (Brawn value + Armor Soak), meaning you shrug off 4 damage every time you're attacked. Your Encumbrance Value is 7 (Brawn + 5), meaning you can carry an Encumbrance of 7 before being treated as Encumbered. Your armor has no Encumbrance so long as you're wearing it, and your Carbine weighs 3. Most gear you'll want will either weigh nothing or have an Encumbrance of 1 or 2, and there are items, like belts, packs, and combat webbing, to add to your Encumbrance.

Anyway, take a look, and I'll answer any questions on this that you need. This is just a very general example, but it's 100% acceptable to play if you want to keep all this.


[MENTION=11437]Anyway, take a look, and I'll answer any questions on this that you need. This is just a very general example, but it's 100% acceptable to play if you want to keep all this.

It looks great. In terms of the armor, I think it makes a lot of sense that his current armor is some patchwork of old Clone Trooper armor plus things he's added since he started doing merc and bounty hunter work.


Hey, got room for me? I know the system well (am in 3 F2F games). I am willing to play pretty much anything needed. I have all the books.

For Obligation, Duty, and Morality do you want us to take only the one from our book? (Or which book, if multiple?) Or just Duty, since we're Rebellion? Major Force users pretty much need Morality.

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Hey, got room for me? I know the system well (am in 3 F2F games). I am willing to play pretty much anything needed. I have all the books.

For Obligation, Duty, and Morality do you want us to take only the one from our book? (Or which book, if multiple?) Or just Duty, since we're Rebellion? Major Force users pretty much need Morality.

Kriff Yeah we have room! I only have 2 players interested so far, lol, you're more than welcome to join.

Again, we're sticking to just the Core Books for now, although there's a lot of options there so I feel that's pretty open.

And for the Obligation/Duty/Morality mechanic, yeah, we're going to get a little odd here.

Everyone is going to have Duty: You're Rebels. However, due to things I am going to do to you folks, Everyone gets the bonus XP/Credits for adjusting their values: Either the +10 XP, an extra 2,500 Credits, or 1,000 Credits and 5 XP. So go crazy.

Force Users need Morality, even if you just take one of the Force Sensitive Trees from EoTE or AoR, since The Force is still a part of your life and who you are.

The choice of Obligation is per Player. Anyone willing to take some type of Obligation (and therefore have it affect them) I'll award Extra XP to when it comes up in play. However, this is mostly a player choice as you folks will be primarily concerned with the War Effort, meaning almost everything else will have to be secondary.

Voidrunner's Codex

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