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Starfinder [Arcanum of the Stars] "Dragonstarfinder"


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I'm unclear on the rules for being Large in Starfinder. There's not much in the main book about it that I saw. Are there adjustments I need to make to weapon damage, attack bonus/AC, etc?

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World of Kulan DM
I'm unclear on the rules for being Large in Starfinder. There's not much in the main book about it that I saw. Are there adjustments I need to make to weapon damage, attack bonus/AC, etc?
Being Large doesn't seem to have the same benefits and restrictions in SF as v.3.5 and PF. All it says in the Alien Archive is that size determines your space and reach. Weapons sizes doesn't seem to affect damage (or even price). And I'm fairly certain size doesn't affect attacks or AC in SF.

Even the idea of armor sizes is simplified. When you buy armor, any adjustments for race are assumed to be included in the price. But, if you find armor that wasn't made for your race, you might have to get it adjusted.


World of Kulan DM
Physical Description: An Eletum (plural eleti) has an appearance similar to that of an animated humanoid skeleton. The bones of an eletum is held together by magic not by any type of flesh remaining on its bones. Eleti are genderless and can be either Small or Medium in size. When traveling in regions where undead aren't as accepted, they often hide their appearance under robes and hoods.

Homeworld: n/a
Starting Languages: Common and Eleti Sign Language (used in deep space).

Average Height: Medium: 5 - 6 ft.; Small: 3 - 4 ft.
Average Weight: Medium: 60 - 80 lbs.; Small: 20 - 25 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 1 (or rarely 2)
Maximum Age: n/a

Eletum Racial Traits
+2 Dex
Hit Points: 2
Size and Type: Eleti are either Medium or Small undead with the eletum subtype.
Darkvision: Eleti have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Unliving: Eleti do not have a Constitution score or modifier. See under Unliving on p. 158 of the Starfinder Alien Archive for more details.
Undead Immunities: Eleti have all the undead immunities listed on p. 158 of the SFAA.
Stealthy: Eliti receive a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
Gravity Tolerance: All penalties due to high or low gravity (see p. 402 in the Starfinder Core Rulebook) are halved for eleti. Eleti are still affected by extreme and zero gravity as normal.

Eletum in Arcanum of the Stars
The eleti have long been citizens of the Dragon Empire and they are garanteed the same rights as all races in the empire due to the Tenet of Active Morality. A being is judged on its actions not its alignment, or in the case of the eleti, its perceived alignment. The eleti, as a race, are no more prone towards evil than humans or other standard races.

However, life for an eletum isn't always a perfect thing. Yes, they are valued as space workers and soldiers due to not having to need to eat or breath, but there are still stigmas against undead in the empire and an eletum must be on guard when traveling in the Outlands. Often an eletum has come face to face with a overzealous cleric or mystic that has tried to turn or destroy him as an evil abomination.

In the Aegis Region, the eleti find solace in many places such as The Zafferan Colonies in the Domain of Golion and the wide expanse known as The Darkshift that divides the edge of the Domain of Altara from the Unknown Territories. There are many 'civilized' systems where they are not welcome including the Aegis System and the colonies in the systems along the Thei'math'shar Frontier, especially Lernaean and Tinja. They are also not welcome in the Leben System, the prime system of the crugar. The region of stars known as the Thunder Cluster is where they are most often encountered, although their colonies there are mystic hideaways where non-eleti are rarely welcome.


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World of Kulan DM
XP 400
LE Medium monstrous humanoid (iscinite)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +5
HP 22
EAC 16; KAC 18
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 30 feet
Melee 2 claw +11 (1d4+5 S plus grab) or lapin +8 (1d6+5 S)
Ranged red star plasma pistol +8 (1d8+2 E & F, critical burn 1d8) or pulsecaster pistol +8 ranged (1d4+2 E nonlethal)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str +3, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5 (+9 while hiding in natural environment)
Languages Common, Tchaun Tse
Environment Worlds of the Choungran Octagonal (any); or traveling throughout the fringe worlds of the Domains of Golion and Altara (rare)
Organization Solitary, mated pair, patrol (5–20), or colony (30–300)
Gear graphite carbon skin, lapin (hooked ultrathin curve blade), pulsecaster pistol, red star plasma pistol

Crugars are descendent's of a primitive feline species from the world of Leben. Through the genetic manipulation work of the fraal Iscin, this race was altered into intelligent bipeds with opposable thumbs. The most factual account of the life of Iscin states that a crugar named Choungra was responsible for the death of the xeno-geneticist. In fact, the word choungra means assassin in the languages of all Iscin’s creations except that of the crugar language, in which it means liberator.

Crugars have short tempers. Although they may show restraint when deciding whether or not to fight, they are committed once they’ve decided to attack. Crugars rarely disengage from any conflict once it has begun. Their sheer speed often helps them in any sort of physical combat.

Crugars as a PC Race
Physical Description: The crugar feline body is approximately human-sized: just more slender and a little shorter. The crugars tan hair is worn cropped close to their bodies. Only the Cygra, an elite unit of crugar warriors, can wear their hair long.

Homeworld: Leben
Starting Languages: Common and Tchaun Tse.
Crugar speak their own racial tongue, called Tchaun Tse, as well as Common. Crugars pronounce “ch” as “sh”. Most misunderstand the crugar pronunciations, assuming the “sh” sound to be the result of a slurred accent. Crugars squint when they speak, a trait often bothersome to most other races. Crugars can appear very intimidating; arching their backs and hissing, they look even more formidable than they actually are.​

Average Height: Male: 5.5 – 6.5 ft.; Female: 5 – 6.25 ft.
Average Weight: Male: 160 – 200 lbs.; Female: 125 – 165 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 15
Maximum Age: 70 + 2d20

Crugar Racial Traits
Ability Adjustments: +2 Str or +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Crugars are Medium monstrous humanoids with the iscinite subtype.
Darkvision: Crugars have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Clawed: Crugars have strong claws, and can use them to make attacks. These claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage.
Scent: Crugars gain the scent ability.
Sprinter: Crugars gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Crugars in Arcanum of the Stars
Crugars are known for their unnatural cruelty towards other races. Over two hundred years ago, the crugar frigate Cat's Eye came across the woffen transport Tiburón floating helpless in space. The Tiburón had been infected by an unknown plague and over half of its crew had died off in the weeks before the crugar frigate discovered it. A human doctor on board the Tiburón was sure that he had found the vaccine formula necessary and all he needed was access to the right equipment. However, the crugar refused to help and mercilessly destroyed the transport with a hail of plasma cannon fire.

Even more recent was the crugar invasion of the Zafferan Colonies. Only now, some 60 years later, is life settling down from the resulting hostilities. However, the Zafferan Colonies are still a hotly disputed region. Although the Choungran Octagonal has agreed to obey the current treaty set down two years ago, several crugar fleet captains have refused to abide by the treaty and continue to attack the Zafferan worlds. There are least 6 fleets of these raiders, with over three dozen ships spread out amongst them. For centuries, the crugar have fought to reclaim worlds that they claimed thousands of years ago. The Zafferan Colonies are just the latest worlds that fall under that claim.

The crugar religion of Chen Ichi celebrates the glory of revenge and the righteous action of Choungra. They see themselves as liberators, not murderers, and in a sense they did liberate the other races created by Iscin. However, the crugar Choungra believed that his race was destined for greatness and tried to force the other Iscin races to submit to crugar rule. This is also why the word choungra also means dictator in the other languages of the Iscin races. The other races did not submit, which caused more death and suffering then Iscin ever did. As a result of Choungra's views, Tauch-kie priests teach crugar superiority and many battles and attacks, lead by the Tauch-kie, are fought in the name of Chen Ichi.


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