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Starfinder [Arcanum of the Stars] "Dragonstarfinder"


World of Kulan DM
This thread will be where I will post my ideas for converting Dragonstar for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. This is meant to not only be for Dragonstar but also for my Arcanum of the Stars homebrewed campaign where my Realmsian Dragonstar pbp game is set.

First up, some quick and dirty ideas for going from the Dragonstar classes to the Starfinder classes and themes...

Barbarian (Imperial) > Starfinder Barbarian
Barbarian (Outlands) > Barbarian (PF Legacy) [modified]
Bard (Imperial) > Starfarer Bard/Icon theme
Bard (Outlands) > Bard (PF Legacy) [modified]
Cleric (Unification Church) > Starfinder Cleric/Priest theme
Cleric (Duelist) > Starfinder Cleric/Themeless
Cleric (Outlands) > Cleric (PF Legacy) [modified]
Druid (Imperial) > Mystic class (Xenodruid connection)
Druid (Outlands) > Druid (PF Legacy) [modified]
Fighter (Imperial) > Soldier class (any fighting styles)
Fighter (Outlands) > Outlands Fighter (modified Fighter legacy class)
Gundancer (PrC) > Gunslinger (PF Legacy) w/Techslinger Archetype
Gunslinger (PF Legacy) [modified]
Mechanist > Mechanic class
Monk (Imperial) > Operative (Ghost specialization)/Solarian [multiclass]/Priest theme
Monk (Outlands) > Monk (PF Legacy) [modified]
Negotiator (PrC) > Envoy class/Spacefarer theme
Paladin (Imperial) > Starfarer Paladin/Priest theme
Paladin (Outlands) > Paladin (PF Legacy) [modified]
Pilot > Operative class (Explorer specialization)/Ace Pilot theme
Ranger (Imperial) > Starfarer Ranger/Spacefarer theme
Ranger (Outlands) > Ranger (PF Legacy) [modified]
Rogue (Imperial) > Operative class (Daredevil or Thief specialization)/Outlaw theme
Rogue (Outlands) > Rogue (PF Legacy) [modified]
Sorcerer (Imperial) > Technomancer class (change Key Ability and spellcasting to Cha)/Icon theme [or new class design based on PF Sorcerer]
Sorcerer (Outlands) > Sorcerer (PF Legacy) [modified]
Technomancer (PrC) > Technomancer class/Themeless
Thug (NPC class) > Soldier class/Themeless
Wizard (Imperial) > Starfarer Wizard/Scholar theme
Wizard (Outlands) > Magus (PF Legacy) [modified]
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World of Kulan DM
Player's Companion PrCs

Adamantine Infiltrator > Operative class (Spy specialization)/Scholar theme
Arcane Commando > Soldier class (1st FS - Arcane Assailant; 2nd FS - any)
Celestial Guardsman > Mystic (Healer connection)/Soldier (1st FS - Guard; 2nd - any) [multiclass]
Combat Ace > Mechanic (w/Exocortex)/Operative (Daredevil specialization) [multiclass]/Ace Pilot theme
Dark Zone Explorer > Operative class (Explorer specialization)/Xenoseeker theme
Dragon Slayer > Soldier class (Arcane Assailant and Blitz fighting styles)/Bounty Hunter theme
Ecoterrorist > Envoy class/Outlaw theme
Imperial Arcanist > Mystic class (Overlord connection)/Scholar theme
Infowarrior > Operative class (Hacker specialization)/Outlaw theme
Imperial Legionnaire > Soldier class (Armor Storm and Guard fighting styles)/Spacefarer theme
Noetic Warrior > Solider class (any fighting styles) w/Phrenic Adept archetype
RES Trailblazer > Operative class (Explorer specialization) or Mechanic class, w/Forerunner archetype/Xenoseeker theme
Royal Marshal Inspector > Operative class (Detective specialization)/Bounty Hunter theme
Scientific Arcanist > Technomancer class/Scholar theme
Unification Missionary > Mystic class (Overlord connection)/Xenoseeker theme
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World of Kulan DM

Dragonstar Races
Centaur [Galactic Races]
Derro [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Doppel [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Drow [Alien Archive]
Elems ("Genasi") [Galactic Races] > Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undine [PF Reference Doc/Starfarer's Companion]
Eleti [Galactic Races]
Half-Dragon > conversion required (but see Lord Fyre's homebrewed Draconic Bloodline theme on the Paizo messageboard)
Ikeshti [Alien Archive] (replaces Lizardfolk from Galactic Races)
Ith-Kon [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Kobold [Galactic Races] [PF Reference Doc/Starfarer's Companion]
Orc [PF Reference Doc] or Scro conversion
Oruk [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Pershala [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Pevishan [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Quasta [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Sathoni [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Siarran [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Soulmech > use core Android race w/changed flavor or a new Soulmech theme
Tarn Idoun [Galactic Races] > conversion required
Tsalokhi (s-Human) [Player's Companion] > conversion required
Ulb [Galactic Races] > conversion required

Additional Races for Arcanum of the Stars
Aasimar [Starfarer's Companion]
Acubon > conversion required
Aellar [d20PFSRD/Bloodforge]
Android (Aleerin/Mechalus)
Aperusa > conversion required
Bhruu > conversion required
Boccord > conversion required
Canidae (Woffen *) [Wildstorm Industries] [LINK]
Catfolk (Crugar *) [Starfarer's Companion]
Cleash > conversion required
Dabber > conversion required
Deepfallen > conversion required
Dohiryuu (Dragonborn *) [Wildstorm Industries]
Dowhar > conversion required
Dracon > conversion required
Dralasite > conversion required
Em'liy > conversion required
Falkevolk > conversion required
Formian (Scatti) [Alien Archive]
Giff > conversion required
Gray (Fraal) [Alien Archive] (alignment changed to N)
Grendle [d20PFSRD/Bloodforge]
Grippli (Blount *) [Starfarer's Companion]
Hobgoblin [PF Reference Doc]
Hoop > conversion required
Houri [d20PFSRD/Bloodforge]
Jäger > conversion required
Juna > conversion required
Maraquoi (Hadozee) [Alien Archive]
Minotaur [d20PFSRD/Midgard Campaign Setting]
Muadra > conversion required
Niomus > conversion required
Piper [d20PFSRD/Bloodforge]
Raia > conversion required
Ramian > conversion required
Salu > conversion required
Sathar > conversion required
Sathoni > conversion required
Scarmis > conversion required
Sesheyan > conversion required
Shantha > conversion required
Thivin > conversion required
Thriddle > conversion required
Tiefling [PF Reference Doc/Starfarer's Companion]
T'sa > conversion required
Ursine (Bronth *) [Wildstorm Industries]
Vrusk > conversion required
Watcher [d20PFSRD/Bloodforge]
Weren > conversion required
Yazirian > conversion required

* These races will be reworked to fit them into Arcanum of the Stars.

Other Possible Races
Races in this list that are marked with an asterisk (*) are now considered core for Arcanum of the Stars. The other races aren't as likely to be included in my setting, although I might include some of them once I actually have a copy of Alien Archive. Dragonkin may stand in for Half-Dragons, if I decide I don't want to do my own conversion.

Abrial [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Almas [Tome of Aliens]
Ambysian ("salamanderfolk") [Tome of Aliens]
Argenex [Cosmic Race Guidebook]
Barathu, Early Stage [Alien Archive]
Belrop [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (NPC race only *)
Boggle [d20PFSRD/Remarkable Races] *
Choqua ("chickenfolk") [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (think Foghorn Leghorn with attitude) *
Chukulak [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (NPC race only *)
Cilderon [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (NPC race only *)
Contemplative [Alien Archive]
Cruonseri [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Draelik [Alien Archive]
Dragonkin [Alien Archive]
Draykon [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Esinsina [Tome of Aliens]
Evern [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Faelyn [Wildstorm Industries] *
Flelsh [Cosmic Race Guidebook]
Gargoyle, Awakened [d20PFSRD/Scions of Stone] *
Fyr [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (NPC race only *)
Goblin, Space [Alien Archive/First Contact] *
Haan [Alien Archive/First Contact] *
Il'kir'aan [Tome of Aliens] (a possible stand in for Raptorans or Aarakocra) *
Invectron [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (NPC race only *)
Kalo [Alien Archive] *
Kasatha *
Kitsune [Starfarer's Companion]
Lashunta *
Mrok [Cosmic Race Guidebook]
Ne-Gokong ("monkeyfolk") [Tome of Aliens]
Nogard [Cosmic Race Guidebook]
Nuar [Alien Archive] *
Numistian [d20PFSRD/Remarkable Races] *
Ogtara [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (a rodent/primate hybrid race) *
Ohahn [Cosmic Race Guidebook]
Pendar [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Pexpin [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Plewd [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (looks a bit like the 'Great Gazoo') *
Qrp [Cosmic Race Guidebook]
Reptoid [Alien Archive]
Ryphorian [Alien Archive]
Sarcesian [Alien Archive/First Contact] *
Sarn [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Schizovores [Cosmic Race Guidebook] (NPC race only *)
Shirren *
Shobhad [Alien Archive] *
Shogran [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Skittermander [Alien Archive] (definitely not)
Soman [Wildstorm Industries] *
Sombra [Wildstorm Industries] *
Svartalfar [d20PFSRD/Wayfinder#2] *
Taur'fei [Wildstorm Industries]
Tikka ("lemurfolk") [Tome of Aliens] *
Tordax [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Uavaryon [Cosmic Race Guidebook] *
Urog [Alien Archive]
Verthani [Alien Archive] *
Vesk *
Witchwyrd [Alien Archive] (maybe)
Woodkyn [Wildstorm Industries]
Wrikreechee [Alien Archive] *
Ysoki *
Xax [d20PFSRD/Remarkable Races] *
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World of Kulan DM
Ideas for Dragonstar inspired themes

• Celestial Guard
• ISPD Agent
• Legionnaire
• Outlander
• Scion of Asamet
• Scion of Qesemet
• Solarian Knight (Paladin/Blackguard option)
• Soulmech
• Zorzi

Legendary-based Themes
• Faithful Servant
• Galactic Conqurer
• Machine Man
• Master Roboticist
• The Rebel

School-based Themes
• Celestial Wind
• Child of the Blade
• Duelist
• Fate Reaver
• Guardian of Dorrugan
• Ios
• Order of the Wolfpack
• Soldier of the Iron Star
• Vigil of Sakar
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Buddha the DM

The Starfarer's Companion from Rogue Genius Games has class conversions/adaptions for Bard, Cleric, Magus, Paladin, Ranger and Wizard. The SFC also has stuff for animal companions and several races. RGG also has a Starfarer's Codex: Witch Legacy Class.

Not sure how keen you are on using homebrew in a Starfinder game but I'll drop a link to my file in this post. It is called Wildstorm Industries. It has a handful of races, a couple class options for the Soldier, a couple dozen starships, some pc-grade characters, some npcs, and a smattering of monsters. Have a look to see if you want to use it or grab inspiration for something else.


First Post
Since we're coming not from Pathfinder, but from D&D 3.5, it's also worth suggesting that the first stage in conversion would be to switch from 3.5e classes and races and so on, to Pathfinder. Then the conversion from Pathfinder to Starfinder is much easier. For example, I'm converting my Beguiler into a Sorceror. It's a little tricky, as the two classes play differently.

Beguilers are kind of 'rogue sorcerors' in 3.5e, and there's not really an equivalent to that in Pathfinder short of using a prestige class. I chose the Veiled Illusionist PrC to help get that flavor of sneakiness and deceptiveness that I felt was central to the character, even if it meant she loses a lot of the things in Beguiler that I liked. She gains stuff that she didn't have before too so it's just a question of coming up with a new concept for how she uses that.

Reading Starfinder, my sense is that Silhouette would probably best be served as remaining a 'legacy' character, in terms of her low-tech background and highly magical theme and nature.

Thrak is actually super-easy because there's a Pathfinder conversion for the Psychic Warrior that's nearly identical to the 3.5e version. :)


World of Kulan DM
The Starfarer's Companion from Rogue Genius Games has class conversions/adaptions for Bard, Cleric, Magus, Paladin, Ranger and Wizard. The SFC also has stuff for animal companions and several races. RGG also has a Starfarer's Codex: Witch Legacy Class.
I've already noted the Starfarer's Companion on my wishlist. :)

Not sure how keen you are on using homebrew in a Starfinder game but I'll drop a link to my file in this post. It is called Wildstorm Industries. It has a handful of races, a couple class options for the Soldier, a couple dozen starships, some pc-grade characters, some npcs, and a smattering of monsters. Have a look to see if you want to use it or grab inspiration for something else.
I've already looked at some other homebrewed stuff on the Paizo messageboard so why not see what you've done too. I'll check it out later. I have to go out this morning.


World of Kulan DM
Since we're coming not from Pathfinder, but from D&D 3.5, it's also worth suggesting that the first stage in conversion would be to switch from 3.5e classes and races and so on, to Pathfinder. Then the conversion from Pathfinder to Starfinder is much easier. For example, I'm converting my Beguiler into a Sorceror. It's a little tricky, as the two classes play differently.

Beguilers are kind of 'rogue sorcerors' in 3.5e, and there's not really an equivalent to that in Pathfinder short of using a prestige class. I chose the Veiled Illusionist PrC to help get that flavor of sneakiness and deceptiveness that I felt was central to the character, even if it meant she loses a lot of the things in Beguiler that I liked. She gains stuff that she didn't have before too so it's just a question of coming up with a new concept for how she uses that.
It's really up to you guys how you want to approach revising the PCs. My mind went to the idea of eventually creating SF themes for some of the 3.5 concepts. So, Silhouette could have a Beguiler theme that we could invent. Tweaking the PF version of the tiefling shouldn't be to difficult.

Shayuri said:
Reading Starfinder, my sense is that Silhouette would probably best be served as remaining a 'legacy' character, in terms of her low-tech background and highly magical theme and nature.

Thrak is actually super-easy because there's a Pathfinder conversion for the Psychic Warrior that's nearly identical to the 3.5e version. :)
I assumed that the Toril characters would be 'legacy' characters. They won't have access to the high-tech options beyond what they've been exposed to so far. I haven't started reading the classes chapter yet, but it's next on my to read list. :)


World of Kulan DM
Loooking through Buddha's document, I'm definitely going to use some of the races although I might re-skin them somewhat. In my Arcanum of the Stars setting, I use a Skyrealms of Jorune race called the Woffen. Thus, the Canidae race would be called the woffen (or maybe wolven). The Dohiryuu could stand in for dragonborn or even half-dragons, in a pinch, although I really like the name. Perhaps humans called them dragonborn in the past but their racial name is now Dohiryuu.

I like the Faelyn, cuz I like cat races. :D

Others I like and might use include the following: Soman, Sombra (related to the shades of Toril?), Taur'fei, Ursine (which would be re-skinned the Skyrealms race known as Bronth), and Woodkyn.
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World of Kulan DM
EDIT: Okay, i don't know what site it was i found those races on but it's gone now. -KF

ReEdit: Doh! Messed up!
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