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Aphonion Tales (New posts 6/13, 6/15, 6/19)

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Thanks, Quartz, although really of course most of the credit goes to our DM.

On with the story!

“I wanted to raise an issue with you about Dame Katherine,” began Blondsdale.

“What about Dame Katherine, Monsignor?”

“She is an attractive young woman. Perhaps it might be for the best, Dame Brionna, if people were to begin speculating that Dame Katherine is-- shall we say involved with? -- the Archduke,” continued the exorcist diffidently. “It might make certain things easier.”

“What sorts of things? I don’t understand why there would be a need for such a rumor.”

Monsignor Blondsdale sighed slightly and closed his eyes. It was such an embarrassing matter for everyone. Still, he saw no way to avoid the issue, and even with no direct pastoral responsibility, he was not one to shirk his duty to avoid unpleasant responsibilities. “You see, Dame Brionna, I have, ahem, heard certain rumors. I do not wish you to think for a moment that I would pass them on to others, but there are some among the clergy and nobles who say that… Well, you know, I presume, that everyone knows about the Archduke’s proclivities. In any event, there are those who suggest that you are involved with the Archduke.” The last sentence came out in a rush.

Dame Brionna blanched. “But… but… I am engaged! And I long for the return of my betrothed. Doing anything with the Archduke… it would be most improper.”

“Yes, of course. I stress that I do not believe these rumors, but I have heard them. From more than one source, in fact. So you understand why I mention Dame Katherine? Anything to keep the courtiers’ eyes off of yourself.”

“But it’s all lies!”

“Yes, I understand that, but…” The monsignor and Dame Brionna continued exchanging awkward reassurances for a little while longer before he concluded that he had attended to his duty, at which point he hurried off.

Dame Brionna returned to the Council chamber, her face ashen.

“Is everything well, Dame Brionna?” asked Alistair.

“Not exactly. There is a new set of rumors… we really need to give the nobles and the church something better to do with their time.”

Kit looked up sharply at that, fearing a conspiracy. “What’s going on?”

Dame Brionna swallowed hard, and then determinedly said, “There is a rumor that the Archduke and I are involved in an improper dalliance.”

Alistair and Kit burst into wild laughter, far from the shocked concern that Dame Brionna expected. After a moment, Alistair paused and said to her, still chuckling, “No offense intended, of course… It’s just… I’ve always viewed you as something of the Council’s moral compass. The idea that we would be having an affair…”

“I could never betray Sir Denro,” said Dame Brionna firmly, a little aggrieved that the rest of the Council thought this was a laughing matter.

“No one is suggesting… well, some people are, but no one who knows anything is suggesting that you would,” replied Alistair, calming down but still amused. “But I understand the concern about your reputation. We’ll have to take some steps to make sure people know that isn’t true.”

Dame Brionna nodded vigorously and then decided to assign herself the night watch for the next couple of weeks and to make certain that her patrols would be seen by many people.

The Council then turned to the last steps in preparing for Alistair’s engagement to Princess Kaitlyn. She was due to arrive in the formal council chamber within the hour for an audience with Alistair. The Council asked his Aunt Cecilia to double-check that there were no listening magics or other threats in the chamber, and she confirmed that she had isolated and disabled the last few bugs.

“They were broadcasting something out among the noble houses somewhere-- they are old, and don’t have much range. I’m not really sure they were still being listened to.”

“Do you know where specifically they were broadcasting to?” asked Kit.

“I would have to spend a little while tracking them,” responded Aunt Cecilia. Kit looked at her a little pointedly, and after a moment Cecilia said, “Oh, would you like me to do that?”

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, it would be very helpful,” said Alistair.

“Oh, no trouble at all, dear.”

“That should take care of the security preparations, your grace,” commented Dame Brionna. “Have you picked out a suitable gift to accompany the proposal?”

“I was thinking, in light of her training as a ranger, that a powerful magic bow from the Armory might make a good gift. Maybe along with a hunting lodge?”

Dame Brionna nodded approval. “That seems quite appropriate.”

“Not Lyneham?” asked Kit, a little concerned about the idea that Alistair would give it to his bride-to-be. “I thought you viewed that as your hunting lodge.”

“Oh, no, not Lyneham,” responded Alistair. “The Archdukes of Canberry are not some petty nobles who only have a single hunting lodge. I was thinking one of the lodges within the Duchy of Canberry itself—the sort of place that Kaitlyn might use as a retreat within a day or two’s ride out from Canberry City. We have several possibilities.” Alistair did not mention that he had already privately decided that he would give the Barony of Lyneham to Kit if she ever became pregnant with one of his children.

“Oh. That’s fine, then.”

Alistair looked at his aunt. “Do those preparations seem suitable, Aunt Cecilia?”

“Most appropriate, dear.”

“And will you be attending? You have a right to as a senior member of the family.”

“It’s best that I not. I wouldn’t want to say anything that might cause trouble.”

None of the Council mentioned how relieved they were by that, but of course, with her ability to “see” things, Aunt Cecilia read their emotions as well as if they had.

Alistair and Dame Brionna each dressed in finery and entered the formal council chamber, along with young Lord Brightspan and Stythus, to add formality to the meeting and to give them some experience with high court manners, and a group of reliable guards. Kit watched from one of the hidden passageways.

A chamberlain announced Princess Kaitlyn and a formal audience ensued. She entered, dressed in what was undoubtedly her finest surviving gown and wearing her best jewels, and curtsied as a high noble entering an audience with a monarch. Alistair greeted her and they spent several minutes engaged in small talk with the extreme formality of full court etiquette. While they spoke, Kit established a clear read on the Princess’s surface thoughts.

After suitable preliminaries and the presentation of the bow and manor as a gift from Canberry to the House of Stormreach, Alistair stood from his throne and stepped forward towards Princess Kaitlyn. He reached out a hand towards her and said, “Your royal highness, on behalf of the House of Ashberry, the Archduchy of Canberry, and the Empire of the Sardonyx Throne, and subject to the adoption of an appropriate treaty between our respective Houses, we ask for your royal highness’s hand in marriage.”

Kaitlyn courtsied deeply, bowing her head to conceal the smile that passed over her face. Kit could clearly hear her thoughts of relief that Alistair had chosen to propose. “On behalf of my House and myself, I accept your proposal with gladness.” The Princess rose from her curtsy and took Alistair’s hand with another bow of her head. “Has your eminent grace given thought to the terms of the engagement treaty?”

“We have.” Alistair signaled to Lord Brightspan, who brought a piece of parchment over to Princess Kaitlyn’s chief attendant. “As your highness will see in the draft treaty that we have prepared, we propose the following terms: Your highness is to be crowned queen of Stormreach and all the South Kingdoms before the engagement is made public, to cement the claims on those lands. Upon the marriage, your highness is to be crowned Archduchess-Consort of Canberry, with all the precedence that implies. At the same time, the Archduke is to be crowned King and co-ruler of all of the South Kingdoms.” Alistair paused. If any of the terms would be likely to result in objections, it would be the unevenness of the political status after the marriage.

Princess Kaitlyn remained silent. Kit could hear her thinking, <<The junior partner in a political marriage, then. The best that can be hoped for, given our respective positions.>>

Alistair proceeded onwards, “The crowns of Canberry and of all of the South Kingdoms are to merge with the ascension of the heir.”

<<Yes, that’s rather the point, isn’t it?>> thought the Princess, but she remained silent.

“We recognize that your House is not traditionally Glor’diadelian, but the children of the marriage must be raised Glor’diadelian to comply with the requirements of our House. We do not require the consort of the Archduke to be of the established faith, but it would be best if your highness converted.”

“I agree and will accept baptism into the Light prior to the wedding.”

“Also, the South Kingdoms must become establishmentarian by the time the heir inherits, at the latest. We have received the tacit approval of representatives of the temple of Paranswarm—they will not raise an objection.”

“That is well. I would suggest that the South Kingdoms convert to the established faith sooner. It will help draw people in to the Light, not the Dark. Perhaps our conversion can be decreed at the time of the wedding, to coincide with your eminent grace’s coronation as King?”

“We agree. Are these terms agreeable in principle to the House of Stormreach?”

“They are. On behalf of my House and myself, I accept all of the terms proposed by Canberry.” Princess Kaitlyn spoke firmly and with confidence, but Kit heard some doubt in her mind. <<It is settled then, and my people will have their protection as long as I can survive the assassins—as soon as the engagement is announced, they will begin their attacks.>>

Alistair raised Princess Kaitlyn’s hand to his lips for a formal kiss. With that, the audience came to a close. The princess curtsied to Alistair again, and he bowed in return—not a deep bow, but deeper than any he had given her before. He held out his arm to his betrothed and escorted her across the Council chamber to the doorway, where he bowed again and showed her out.

After Princess Kaitlyn left, Kit came out of the secret passageways, looking shaken.

Alistair approached her and said quietly, “Kit-- I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Kit turned away from Alistair and said, somewhat coldly, “It’s politics.”

“It’s only politics.” Alistair could tell that while Kit was sending signals that she did not want to discuss the matter further, simply ignoring it might make matters worse. He continued speaking to her, quietly and gently, and gradually succeeded in comforting her. Things were not all well—it was not clear that they ever would be again—but things were better.

Some hours later, the “dog” from the kitchen hurried into the Council chambers, a message from the Scree tied to its neck. The message was poorly written but legible: “We drive him away, for now. Tonight.”

The Council waited until they were sure that the Scree would have completed the task of driving away the rat-lord. They could not tell from the terse message whether the Scree had already succeeded or were making a prediction about that night. Once they were sure, Kit reached out to Duke Snatterkaz. <<Allies have cleared a path to the gate. You can make it through, but you must move at once.>>

She received back the one word response, <<Understood.>>

Late that night, Abigail intruded on Alistair and Kit to give them a short message from the guard duty officer—the Duke of Snatterkaz, Princess Anastasia, what was left of his forces, and the Archducal Guards and magi who had held the gate had returned and were receiving healing.

Dame Brionna patrolled the upper city that night. She rode alone but made a point of stopping in at guard posts, churches, and the like, ensuring that she would be seen by many people. As she rode through the noble area, she spotted a frog-like man dressed in brown and black hiding, badly, in the rubble of the townhouse of Caligshire. She simply stared for a moment before concluding that he was the most civilized bullywug she had ever heard of. “You there,” she called. “What are you doing?”

The bullywug walked or hopped over towards her. “Looking, great lady. Finding interesting things.”

“What have you found?”

“Shiny things. Shiny glass. And not shiny things. Saw two big rats.” He emphasized the word big.

“Where did you see the rats?”

“They were crouched right here, eating this cat, but they moved when they saw big shiny woman on horse. Came up from that hole over there.” The bullywug gestured. “Not like other rats. Big as vixen, they were.”

Dame Brionna grimaced. Apparently some of the Caligshire threat remained. “Do you have a home?”

“Oh, yes, I good bullywug.” He described where his home was in the city.

“Then you had best be returning there. Those rats are very dangerous, and we would not want you to be attacked.”

He made an odd bow and hopped off in the direction he had indicated.

Dame Brionna rode quickly to the local watch station—not far in the wealthiest section of the town—and returned with several guards. Under her direction, they carefully sealed up the hole, moving heavy rocks over it. She nodded with satisfaction when they were done. No rat, even a giant rat, would be able to make it through that hole again.

[End Session 31]

Sorry about the long hiatus--it's been a busy summer. I am working on an update, and will hopefully resume posting soon, but I don't want to promise a specific date until I'm sure I can deliver. Thanks for the continued interest!

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