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Aphonion Tales (New posts 6/13, 6/15, 6/19)

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My apologies for the long delay. Fortunately for the readers of this storyhour (although less fortunately for me), I spent all day yesterday stuck in an airport waiting for a plane. So I now have several updates worth. I'm going to post about twice a week until I run out of material-- I'm thinking in general Monday and Thursday mornings or so. With luck, I'll be able to keep writing at a pace that will sustain that posting schedule for a long time. And now...

Session 29:

The next morning began smoothly. The Council reviewed a missive from the Zorplona-Aragoni announcing the installation of a new leader in Region 9, Prince Hinuu’sinta, while the current coordinator attended to the succession matters. The message read:

“Unto His Most Eminent Grace the Archduke Alastair, Protector of the Faith of the Light on Drucien, Guardian of the Skies, Ruler of the Heights and Depths of the Barrier, Ally unto the 9th Region of the House of Moriquendi'rim

From Prince Hinuu’sinta ap Curini'rim Moriquendi'rim

All Hail and Greetings:

I am honored to address an ally of my beloved cousin Princess Del'reada Cilthronosi'thalindril ap Curini'rim Moriquendi'rim and bring to him and his empire the guarantee of the continued friendship of the 9th Region, of Zaploni-Aragoni and of this family within the great house of Moriquendi'rim.

Be it known therefore to His Eminent Grace and his court that I will arrive together with my seneschal to take charge of the court in Zaploni-Aragoni during the 2nd week of Skard, probably upon the 18th day of the month.

I look forward to meeting with you after my arrival upon the continent. I have heard wonderful things of you – and look forward to entertaining you at my court.”​

“What do all of those odd titles for you mean?” asked Kit. “Guardian of the Skies and Ruler of the Heights and Depths? I’ve never heard those before.”

Alistair thought for a moment. “I think one of my ancestors claimed those titles at some point. They never really became part of the standard style, and they fell into total disuse some time ago. A generation or two before my grandmother, I think?”

Dame Brionna added, “But that isn’t very long ago at all for the Noldar. They probably wrote down the style your grace’s ancestor used and still treat it as part of proper etiquette.”

Alistair nodded. “In any event, we will certainly need to accept his invitation for political reasons.”

“I guess so,” said Kit, “but I don’t like it. The Noldar are far too dangerous for me to be comfortable about the idea of you going into one of their strongholds.”

“I agree with Dame Katherine. If we could avoid it completely, that would be best.”

“The Noldar are evil, but they are also mostly honorable, with the notable exception of Quinliart. I find it hard to imagine that they would strike against a guest. That would constitute at least as grave a violation of elven hospitality as it would among humans.”

“Perhaps, Your Grace, but it still concerns me. It is my responsibility to keep you safe, which will be nigh impossible in their sphere of control. Also, I worry about what the Noldar might mean by ‘entertaining’ you.”

“As for that, I am an adult and can be trusted,” said Alistair.

“You are an adult, your grace.”

“Dame Brionna!” remonstrated Alistair in mock outrage, while the whole Council, including Alistair, gave way to laughing. After a long laugh, he continued, “Still, I think we need not worry overly much. If he behaves according to Noldar forms, he will set up his court upon arriving in Drucien. That will take a few weeks as he ferrets out some conspiracies. We will then probably be the first court he will visit-- he will visit the major human kingdoms that are not openly hostile in descending order of power. I would guess that after Canberry, Ulfay will be next. It would be Debonai, but the rebellion there will damage them badly in the Noldar perspective. After the major powers, he will work his way down. It should be fairly easy for us to reciprocate shortly after his arrival, by Noldar standards, while still postponing the visit for a decade or longer. In this case, their different sense of time works in our favor. You also don’t really need to worry about their entertainment. It will be much like what you would expect in a human state visit, although more grandiose. We should, of course, bring our own means to detect poison, although they will also supply food tasters and the like.”

“As long as we can postpone the visit for a long time, your grace, I won’t worry too much now. We can simply send the appropriate diplomatic response and move on.”
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After the chamberlain received his instructions, Dame Brionna headed over to her sister’s townhouse to check what intelligence she had been able to gather.

Lady Elaine welcomed Dame Brionna warmly and brought her in for tea. Her arrangements managed to convey both formality and intimacy at once.

They made small talk for a while, chatting about the pages and Abigail’s progress and so forth. After a few minutes, however, Lady Elaine asked a more serious question. “Are things going as direly in the west lands as I have heard?”

“What have you heard?”

“That there are orc hordes and trolls raiding; that some villages have fallen; and that there are insufficient troops to put down the hordes.”

“There have been raids, and Grokken did fall. But with some adventurers and their troops now in the area, things will be dealt with soon. I can’t say that I’m surprised that there are some rumors, especially after the ship crashed.”

“Yes, but rumors had already begun. Some of the talk, really, started before the coronation, after the incident involving the House of Caldra.”

“Sympathy for the House of Caldra?”

“Not per se-- there is a lot of faith in His Eminent Grace, but also a lot of worry among the ladies. They are, for the most part, being kept here, rather than returning to their homes. And they talk of fear of the orcs, fear for their estates-- a lot of fear, except for the Great-Aunt of one of the nobles, the Baron of Bitterspring. Dame Alicia Bitterspring assures any who will listen that the situation will be dealt with soon and brooks no argument. But when she isn’t present…” Lady Elaine trailed off.

Dame Brionna nodded. “What have you heard from the nobles of the South Kingdoms?”

“There is great hope. Most hope that they will be taken under the guardianship of Canberry, through the obvious means. I should add that there is also great hope based on your position, because if he is so open that you have risen so far, there is hope that they could advance as well if they swore loyalty to Canberry.”

Dame Brionna spluttered a little, modestly trying to minimize her own importance.

Lady Elaine simply waived aside Dame Brionna’s humility, and then moved on. “Did you know that there is a rumor that a number of distant branches of some of the families survived?”

“Of the noble families?”

“Of the royal families,” corrected Lady Elaine. “Not close branches, but of the blood.”

“Where are they?”

“I am not sure that it’s not completely rumor, but supposedly at least two branches of the family of the Isle that had lived on the mainland survive. If you credit the rumors, they live among the refugees but have carved out more substantial holdings. ‘Thorneydale’ is supposed to be the holding of one of those branches. I am not sure where that is, but I gather it is somewhere in the west. Reports are that they brought in some troops, stabilized the populace there, and have directed the building of forts.”

“Interesting, and worth following up on,” commented Dame Brionna. She thought about how that might complicate any annexation plan but decided to keep that to herself.

It's great to be back to posting, Fimmtiu! I'm just happy that there are still people reading.

I've updated the post two posts ago-- I located a copy of the letter and fiddled with some of the dialogue. Here's a new post as well:

“What is your assessment of the Princess herself and her close retainers?”

“Her Royal Highness has a certain amount of hope, but she is under no illusions. She hopes, at best, to be the junior partner in a political marriage, to give the Archduke children and heirs, and to bring her people under his protection. She is remarkably straightforward for someone of her rank.”

“She was never meant to be the heir, of course.”

“Perhaps that is it. In any event, she has hope, finds the Archduke comely enough, but does not expect to ever capture his heart. But then, you know how rarely marriages are for love among people of our rank.”

“You loved your husband,” Dame Brionna observed.

“Deeply, but we were the exception rather than the rule. I never had the impression that you felt similarly towards Sir Denro, for example.”

“We would have made an honorable marriage,” protested Dame Brionna. “Perhaps we didn’t get caught up in overly romantic things, but…”

“I meant no criticism. I was simply observing that your marriage would have been more about honor and responsibility than about love. That is not a bad thing, but simply how things are for most nobles.”

Dame Brionna shifted the topic quickly. “What about her mage?”

“He was the reason she survived. He is a potent wizard. I do not know for certain how powerful he is, but he can cast at least the lowest cycle of the rune spells. That is unusual for a human mage. Based on that level of power, he may still owe allegiance to the Court of Chaos. I think he would prefer to go back to teaching; he was at the academy, when our homeland still stood.”

“Really? We plan on founding an academy. Perhaps we could honor her by appointing him to the faculty, while also protecting her from chaotic influences.”

“Note that I have no evidence for his association with the Court of Chaos, simply his power. I also believe he is older than he appears. According to rumors, he is beyond his ninetieth winter.”

“My thanks for that information. We will conduct some investigation of our own. On a different topic, have you heard any recent rumors of inappropriate behavior by His Grace in the North or cruelty?”

“Yes, but they have been disregarded out of hand. The general sense is that he is a womanizer but not harmful. His reputation seems to have started when he was quite young.”

“That certainly seems to be his reputation,” replied Dame Brionna.

“Not that I would suggest that His Grace is in fact a womanizer,” added Lady Elaine, with perhaps a slightly too pious tone to be fully believed.

“Of course not. I would never suggest such a thing.” Dame Brionna winked at her sister. “Just between us, I choose his grace’s chambermaids carefully. For security reasons.”

“Oh? Has that been a source of threats?”

“There was an assassin placed within the palace. Quite comely--I have no doubt that she was intended to seduce His Grace into a circumstance where she could attack him. Fortunately, we kept her, and all other particularly attractive servants, well clear of His Grace to eliminate any risks as a precaution even before we knew that there was an assassin among the servants. When we did find out and went to arrest her, she exploded.” Dame Brionna shook her head sadly. “A good guard died in that incident.”

“The whole thing is shocking. Still, your precautions were clearly wise. Even if His Grace’s reputation is overstated, he is a young man…”

Dame Brionna deliberately made small talk for a while before bringing up the next topic. “What are the rumors with regard to Dame Katherine of Lyneham?’

“That is an interesting question. She is known to be a member of the court--it is not fully public, but enough people have seen her that word has spread. There is some talk about the possibility that she is a rogue.” On the last word, Lady Elaine’s voice dropped into a whisper. Dame Brionna relied on years of practice to keep a straight face. “There has always been a popular sport among the nobles of Canberry of trying to figure out who is a member of the Archduke’s secret circle. The odds are running against her, 3:2, because she is too obvious, but some people think that she is the Royal Rogue. Others think that it is just an artful disguise, and that she is the royal psionic advisor. She has never shown any psionics, of course, but that is precisely why some people wonder. And then there are one or two that maintain that she is the Archduke’s mistress, but most observers agree that she would be hidden better if she were.”

Dame Brionna resolutely gave no confirmation for any of those guesses even though she knew that they were all true. “Nothing about her background?”

“Not much is known. She is clearly titled but no one is quite sure where Lyneham is. Most people guess her title is foreign?”

“Lyneham is a prosperous barony in the North. Good hunting there.”

Lady Elaine nodded. “Ah, that would explain why few can place it.”

I'm glad that that amused you, Baron. We don't really know much of anything about the Courts of Chaos-- the only references I've heard to them have been from you, and the vague references that this party has encountered. I assume you had much more contact or involvement with them in your games in Aphonion?


After Dame Brionna’s conversation with her sister, she returned to the palace. She found a palace security report of unusual activity. One patrol of palace guards had been found tied up and dipped in flour. She nodded in approval; the Sixth Daughter had clearly gone to work. A note with them suggested that something be done about increasing the fields of vision from the towers. The patrol had been ambushed while in a blindspot along the wall. The note also stated that a detailed report would follow after some additional testing.

Dame Brionna returned to the Council and ran through the most important of the information from her sister. “Rumors of the orc raids have hit the City, and your nobles are worried, Your Grace.”

“Not surprising-- I’m worried,” responded Alistair with a touch of exasperation.

“With regards to Princess Kaitlyn, the Southern nobles are hopeful. My sister reports that the Princess hopes to be the junior partner in a political marriage, with no illusions about either the nature of the marriage nor your relative standing.”

Alistair nodded. “Good. That will make things easier, if we go that route. Did you learn anything about Manyhands?”

Dame Brionna shared Lady Elaine’s comments about him.

Alistair whistled softly. “Rune magic is usually only used by elves, but others can learn it. Almost all rune spells are persistent, generally attached to objects. For example, rune magic is the basis of the wards on the palace.”

“Why are elves the only people who regularly practice rune magic?” asked Kit.

“Very few humans have the knowledge to be capable of it. Rune magic starts with spells of the tenth circle and works up from there. It is not unheard of for humans to learn rune magic, but only the most powerful human mages can even try.”

“I am more concerned about his possible association with the Courts of Chaos, your grace,” commented Dame Brionna. “If he has the blood of some entity of chaos-- or even if he is simply aligned with the forces of chaos-- he could pose a serious threat to the Archduchy.”

“I don’t disagree, but I think your plan of shunting him off into teaching at the school of magic could handle it well. He would greatly increase the attractiveness of the school to parents of potential students, but that would also remove him from playing a political role.” Alistair thought for a moment. “We might want to look into developing some resources of our own in that regard. Are there families that have magical powers derived from bloodlines with celestial or divine blood associated with Glor’diadel?”

Dame Brionna nodded slowly. “There are, your grace, but not on this continent. Most of those bloodlines are on Khamista, with perhaps a few on Zest’qua.”

“We should look into persuading some scions from those lines to resettle to Canberry, and we should take some active steps to breed their powers to new levels of strength, like what we have discussed with regard to the sight.”

“As you wish, your grace. I will contact the Church to arrange contact between the Archduchy and the more prominent families with divine or celestial descent.”

“Good. That should also help move the Archduchy into the first tier of realms in terms of magical prowess.”

Dame Brionna continued, “The last thing we should discuss is the betting with regards to Dame Katherine.”

“Have people figured out our relationship?” asked Alistair.

“No, for the most part. There is heavy betting on what role she plays, but relatively few people suspect the truth. There are some who hypothesize that she might be the Rogue.”

“The Rogue?” repeated Kit. “What does that mean? Is it the same as the Mouth?”

“Not quite,” answered Alistair. “It’s a position that fell into disuse. My great-grandfather had a Rogue, my grandmother did not-- she believed that it was not necessary and trusted her Mouth. It is not as ancient a position as the Mouth-- I suspect that it was an added role, but that my grandmother dropped it without anyone realizing. The Rogue traditionally did the hands-on work of the Archduchy. The Rogue personally snuck into others’ halls, to listen to them or for more direct purposes. If the Archduchy needed to secure an item and could not find a better way, the Rogue might be sent to bring it back. That sort of thing.”

Kit nodded in understanding. “I can see how that would be useful. And it’s probably better to have them think that I’m the Rogue then to know about my actual role.”

Alistair proceeded carefully. “True enough. We might think about whether it would be better for people to know about us, though.”

“I’m not sure that I want people thinking of me as just your mistress, Alistair. I’ve earned my status here, and I don’t want people thinking it’s just because of us. And that will make things a lot more difficult with Princess Kaitlyn, or whoever.”

“It would make things a little more difficult, but less than you might think. Such things are at least somewhat accepted. As for your titles and status, of course you’ve earned them. Everybody who matters knows that, and you shouldn’t worry about what other people think.” Alistair backed off based on Kit’s expression. “I’m not saying we need to do anything like this. It’s entirely up to you. I was just suggesting that it might help conceal your actual services to the Archduchy better.”

“Maybe. Let me think about it.”

“Besides, we could make a killing in the betting markets by placing some bets through proxies and then revealing our relationship.”

“We hardly need the money, your grace,” said Dame Brionna reproachfully. She could barely tolerate the existence of organized gambling among the nobles-- the idea of the Archduke participating was quite shameful.

“Still, it’s always useful to have a little more, and debts from nobles are also helpful in other ways than just money-- they can be used to get favors with regards to things I don’t want to, or can’t, give orders about. But mostly, it would be fun.”

“Wait!” Kit interrupted, her voice suddenly completely serious. “Something is happening. The dog is in trouble, in the market.”

Baron Opal

First Post
Cerebral Paladin said:
I'm glad that that amused you, Baron. We don't really know much of anything about the Courts of Chaos-- the only references I've heard to them have been from you, and the vague references that this party has encountered. I assume you had much more contact or involvement with them in your games in Aphonion?

I was a friend of the founders. Mok, Vex, Greystar.. we all adventured together. We were pals so they invited me along as the token lawful. I ended up getting involved with some intrigue with Sabrey and she pulled me along to the Enclaves. Which I've regretted ever since, by the by.

Not that this gives you any inside info, really. Greystar relocated to Ma'Sagavin, Vex to the Land (different primes). Mok died in an orgy of sex and violence, near as I can tell. I gamed in Aphonion 20 years ago. Heh. It's cool that there is a continuation of thought that has run this long through several editions of the game.
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Dame Brionna leapt up. “I can get there quickly on my mount.” Alistair nodded and she began rushing out of the room, while Kit hastily established a mindlink.

Kit said, “I’m going to send Alvin there as well. He should be able to get there almost as fast as Brionna.” She broadcasted a message to both Alvin and Dame Brionna. <<There is some sort of attacker in the main marketplace. My agent reported “brown hair, tall, tall, horse, stink, with pus, rot and ruin.” Check it out.>>

<<I will be there presently,>> sent back Alvin.

Dame Brionna arced in over the marketplace, flying high on her winged unicorn. The attacker was obvious: an incredibly evil mounted warrior with a hooked sword riding after a panic-stricken dog. The warrior’s aura was so evil that Dame Brionna could feel it while still flying, without even calling upon Glor’diadel to sense it. <<I have spotted the enemy chasing your dog,>> she sent back to Kit over the mindlink. <<I am charging him and evacuating the market.>>

With that, Dame Brionna leaned forward in the saddle, turning her mount into a combination dive and charge. She couched her lance as she picked up speed, calling on Glor’diadel to bless her strike against the forces of evil. The lance slammed into the rider, spearing clean through him and into the horse beneath. As the lance struck, an illusion faded, revealing the true forms of both horse and rider. The horse was skin and bones, but actually a living horse. The figure incredibly emaciated rider in contrast was clearly not among the living: the skin on his face and other parts of his body hung in ragged tatters from his discolored skeleton. He looked up at Dame Brionna and sneered, “holy b----!” as she rode past.

Before he had a chance to strike her, however, Dame Brionna was able to wheel her mount and charge him again, inflicting another great blow with a second holy smite. She heard the beginning of the words “my liege” carried on a wind as her foe called out to someone far away, but he had no time to do anything else before coming apart into a pile of bones, tendons, and scraps of skin. With its master destroyed, the horse collapsed to the ground, dead. Dame Brionna felt an odd sensation as her lance pulsed with energy, but it did not break.

The dog looped around a booth and then charged back, before turning and sending to Kit, <<She got him, mistress, she got him.>>

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