Any interest in an unofficial "Feats & Powers" IH expansion based on non-core material?


After way too long of a delay, I present the second of the nine Disciplines, Devoted Spirit!

Epic Feat
Master of the Devoted Spirit

Requirements: Martial Lore 24 ranks, knowledge of 6 Devoted Spirit maneuvers, able to initiate 9th level maneuvers

You are able to learn and ready epic maneuvers from the Devoted Spirit discipline, provided you spend the time and experience in order to do so. Additionally, once per day when performing an attack of opportunity against a foe, you may initiate any readied non-epic Devoted Spirit Strike with an initiation time of one standard action in place of the attack of opportunity. If the strike successfully hits, the target must succeed at a Will save (DC 20+Cha mod) or be dazed for one round. (In addition to any other effects of the strike.)

Essence Rend
Standard Action

You lash out at a foe, a swirling stream of divine energy stripping away their magical defenses. Make a single attack roll against a foe. If it hits, the attack deals an additional 10d8 damage of divine energy and ignores the target's damage reduction. All non-epic spells on the target are disjoined and immediately end. Roll an opposed check between your initiator level and the caster level for each epic spell effect on the target or artifact in the target's possession. For each check you succeed, the epic spell in question is disjoined, and the artifact's powers are suppressed for the next minute. Finally, for the next minute, the target cannot benefit from damage reduction or spell resistance.

Labyrinth of Blades

While in this stance, divine energy extends the range of your blows, adding 20 feet to your base reach before any other modifiers are applied. This stance grants all the benefits of Thicket of Blades, and all foes within your reach provoke an attack of opportunity whenever they attack anyone other than you.

Immediate Action

Use this counter whenever an enemy uses one or more attacks or spells that requires an attack roll. Until the start of your next turn, all attacks directed at you automatically hit and are critical hits. However, instead of taking damage, each of these attacks restore your health by the amount of damage you would have taken. Any extra effects of the attacks or spells still occur, unless they require to deal damage to take effect. Additionally, during your next turn each of your attacks deals bonus damage equal to the total sum of health restored in this way.

Strike [Pinnacle]
Full-Round Action
You become a conduit for the unfettered divine power of your god or chosen philosophy, your weapon glowing with a terrifying power, capable of rending a soul asunder. Make a single attack against a target, dealing additional divine damage on a hit equal to the missing HP of the target. Should this reduce your target to 0 or fewer HP, and the target has a soul or spirit, they are immediately slain as their soul is ripped free from their body and you can inflict a fate of your choosing upon it. Options include (but are not limited to):

1. Immediately reincarnate the soul into a new body with an alignment matching your own and half it's previous HD.
2. Pass the soul along to any deity or afterlife of your choosing. (Some deities may offer boons in exchange for the spirits of particularly powerful or despised individuals)
3. Consume the soul, irrevocably destroying it. You learn everything it knew in life, gain a +1 stacking inherent bonus to their highest ability score, (Up to +5) and gain the use of a single spell, spell-like ability, martial maneuver, or (Ex) class feature that could be used by a character of half your level. (Ex. If you're 32nd level, you could pick a spell or maneuver of up to 8th level, since 16th level characters can generally cast up to 8th level spells.) If you pick a spell or spell-like ability, you can cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. The ability score bonus is permanent, but the chosen ability fades away after a number of days equal to the original HD of the consumed soul. Souls consumed this way are wholly unrecoverable, short of Alter Reality.
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Strike [Pinnacle]
Full-Round Action
You become a conduit for the unfettered divine power of your god or chosen philosophy, your weapon glowing with a terrifying power, capable of rending a soul asunder. Make a single attack against a target, dealing additional divine damage on a hit equal to the missing HP of the target. Should this reduce your target to 0 or fewer HP, and the target has a soul or spirit, they are immediately slain as their soul is ripped free from their body and you can inflict a fate of your choosing upon it. Options include (but are not limited to):

1. Immediately reincarnate the soul into a new body with an alignment matching your own and half it's previous HD.
2. Pass the soul along to any deity or afterlife of your choosing. (Some deities may offer boons in exchange for the spirits of particularly powerful or despised individuals)
3. Consume the soul, irrevocably destroying it. You learn everything it knew in life, gain a +1 stacking inherent bonus to their highest ability score, (Up to +5) and gain the use of a single spell, spell-like ability, martial maneuver, or (Ex) class feature that could be used by a character of half your level. (Ex. If you're 32nd level, you could pick a spell or maneuver of up to 8th level, since 16th level characters can generally cast up to 8th level spells.) If you pick a spell or spell-like ability, you can cast it once per day as a spell-like ability. The ability score bonus is permanent, but the chosen ability fades away after a number of days equal to the original HD of the consumed soul. Souls consumed this way are wholly unrecoverable, short of Alter Reality.
Very nice, the only note is that being an Epic ability and not a Divine Ability, I would allow a Lesser Deity or higher to recover the soul using wish or miracle, not Alter Reality which is the field of Sidereals.


Very nice, the only note is that being an Epic ability and not a Divine Ability, I would allow a Lesser Deity or higher to recover the soul using wish or miracle, not Alter Reality which is the field of Sidereals.
That's a pretty fair take, though I will admit I went with the restriction for a couple reasons.

1. The [Pinnacle] maneuvers in particular are meant to blur the gap between mortal and divine capabilities, in a similar manner to Epic Spellcasting, and will have a 30 level minimum to boot. I don't think it's too unreasonable to reach up in power for a brief and glorious moment and stab that one guy with the force a god considering the power levels the characters are already at. They aren't things you can do in every fight, (as [Pinnacle] strikes can't be recovered by any means) so there's no need to worry about someone gobbling up every goblin that looks at them funny.

2. The ability feels kind of underwhelming on it's own, so giving it the niche option of "kill a guy so dead even the gods can't put him back together" gives it that little extra bit of cool factor that may make someone want to actually use it.

You're of course welcome to errata this if you want to use it for your own purposes.


New Cosmic Ability

Reality Shield
Prerequisite: Force Field, Cha 70
Benefit: You gain a number of defensive advantages while your Force Field is active. First, you are immune to new non-damaging conditions and effects, including those not originating from attacks. (Existing effects continue to apply normally.)
Second, enemies can't draw line of effect to you while your shield is active, except for attacks. (Example: You couldn't be targeted by a Hold Monster spell, but someone can still shoot an arrow at you or throw a fireball.)
Third, if you have at least 2,500 maximum HP, your Force Field strength increases to 2% of your maximum HP multiplied by the number of Force Field abilities possessed, and the regeneration is increased to 10% of your maximum shield amount.
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New Comsic Ability

Reality Shield
Prerequisite: Force Field, Cha 70
Benefit: You gain a number of defensive advantages while your Force Field is active. First, you are immune to new non-damaging conditions and effects, including those not originating from attacks. (Existing effects continue to apply normally.)
Second, enemies can't draw line of effect to you while your shield is active, except for attacks. (Example: You couldn't be targeted by a Hold Monster spell, but someone can still shoot an arrow at you or throw a fireball.)
Third, if you have at least 2,500 maximum HP, your Force Field strength increases to 2% of your maximum HP multiplied by the number of Force Field abilities possessed, and the regenration is increased to 10% of your maximum shield amount.

Wow this is pretty awesome. I would have to see the scaling in action and I'd probably make some changes to draw line of effect ability. Maybe make certain effects or abilities, like any effect requiring a Fortitude save for example, just to make it a bit more fair, but Force Field generally has such low hp it probably isn't a problem honestly.

All in all a good ability, I think I'll use it in my campaign and see how it plays out.


Wow this is pretty awesome. I would have to see the scaling in action and I'd probably make some changes to draw line of effect ability. Maybe make certain effects or abilities, like any effect requiring a Fortitude save for example, just to make it a bit more fair, but Force Field generally has such low hp it probably isn't a problem honestly.

All in all a good ability, I think I'll use it in my campaign and see how it plays out.
Very nice. The intention is to give sidereals some defense against stuff like Thelemic [Effect] and other similar insta-kill effects that don't really have a dedicated defense. The LoE thing is subject to change, but the idea is the shield has to be brought down for you to be "targetable". If that proves too strong, I might move that portion up to a Transcendental and think of a couple of goodies to give it to make it a proper chain. Also Force Field seemed really sad at 50 hp and I wanted to give it some love.

Very nice. The intention is to give sidereals some defense against stuff like Thelemic [Effect] and other similar insta-kill effects that don't really have a dedicated defense. The LoE thing is subject to change, but the idea is the shield has to be brought down for you to be "targetable". If that proves too strong, I might move that portion up to a Transcendental and think of a couple of goodies to give it to make it a proper chain. Also Force Field seemed really sad at 50 hp and I wanted to give it some love.
Agreed, Force Field is only good at super low levels when you can't really qualify for any other divine abilities. I actually made a Cosmic, Transcendent and Omnific version of force field at one point, I'll see if I can find it.

Here it is:
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This one's more fluffy, but still might be cool.

New Divine Ability

Shape Sealing
Prerequisities: Able to cast 9th level spells, one of: Spellcraft 40 ranks, Moon Domain

If you use a non-epic spell or spell-like ability to change the form of yourself or another living creature, you can change the duration to instantaneous. If you do so, this change modifies the creature's natural form to that of their new form. Additionally at your option, you may simultaneously apply a curse to the target, causing all further attempts to alter or magically disguise the target to automatically fail. This curse lasts indefinitely, and can only be removed by a Wish or similar power.

Next up I plan on working on more epic ToB goodies.
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This one's more fluffy, but still might be cool.

New Divine Ability

Shape Sealing
Prerequisities: Able to cast 9th level spells, one of: Spellcraft 40 ranks, Moon Domain

If you use a non-epic spell or spell-like ability to change the form of yourself or another living creature, you can change the duration to instantaneous. If you do so, this change modifies the creature's natural form to that of their new form. Additionally at your option, you may simultaneously apply a curse to the target, causing all further attempts to alter or magically disguise the target to automatically fail. This curse lasts indefinitely, and can only be removed by a Wish or similar power.

Next up I plan on working on more epic ToB goodies.
Honestly I really like this one, it's niche to be certain, but cool and totally usable.


Been thinking about IH:Ascension lately and considering possible Epic Feats/Divine Abilities for non-core classes and wanted to know if you folks would be interested in something like that. Would primarily focus on Epic Feats/Divine/Cosmic abilities since class really stops mattering past that point, though I might throw in some higher tiers for concepts that might be too OP for the lower power tiers. (relatively speaking of course)

For sure, I want to expand on the psionic material already in there, give Tome of Battle some goodies, and add stuff for some of the more popular non-core classes. There may be a few generic but flavorful and/or build enabling ones thrown in as well. (Ignore PrC requirements for a Divine? Sure, why not?
Epic Feat to uncap Iajutsu focus and a Divine to let you use it in conjunction with any Strike? Oh yeah.)

But I'd like to gauge interest before sinking my teeth into a project like this, and would like to see if there's any particular classes/playstyles you'd like to be covered if so.
I would be interested in a book of the collective works of Krusty's fans over the years. There's certainly enough material for a book. Admittedly some of it might need rewording or just tidied up a bit, but what I've seen so far is fairly interesting.

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