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Al-Qadim: Land of Fate (5e conversion)

Well, here's the booklet I've put together explaining to any interested players in my group how to play an Askar.

Some context:
1. I am stealing from Dungeon World here. The idea is that on the first day of play there will a table covered in pathbooks - one for each of the kits I'm converting - players will then each choose one or two that interest them and make characters (and back-up characters) accordingly.
2. I am using the following optional rules:
  • Honor - from the DMG - but modified to fuel stunts as well as its normal functions
  • Station - from Al-Qadim - but modified to help honor fuel stunts
  • Dehydration and Heat - instead of the rules in Al Qadim I've modified the long rest rules so that you only get a long rest if you can truly 'beat the heat' this means materials, shade, AND water
  • One Unique Thing - from 13th Age - it's one thing you get to write about your character that is only true of you in the land of fate. If you say, "I'm the only right-handed dude" then that's true. A curse (one no one but you notices) has rendered all men sinsiter in Zhakara.
  • Evil Eye & Imploring Fate - Al Qadim - more or less as written
  • Icons & Factions - from 13th Age & Princes of the Apocalypse - but modified for Al Qadim
3. I'm missing some things in my Al Qadim library, so I had to makedo when it comes to geography - I did really want to emphasize the more military unique weapons from the Al Qadim handbook.
4. I'm not satisfied with the formatting either, but it's good enough for draft review. It was built using Scrivener and then Gdocs.

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This looks great! I know it takes a lot of work to pull conversions together by yourself and you've done it. I've spent countless afternoons just mulling over a simple rule and its wording.

Great take on Honor - In my game, we tried to do something similar but neither I nor my players are experienced enough role-players to get it down. Additionally, my rule-stickler was having a hard time with the mechanics of it so we scrapped it, sadly. Let me know how it works out and some examples of interactions that utilize (or influence) Honor if you can.

While this conversion document is for 3.5, I found it easy to port over to 5e and my players are loving the new weapons. We decided the Saber would be conceited a finesse weapon since there's no Rapiers in Zakhara.


I think the rules for honor in the DMG are pretty good, I just thought they weren't personal enough for the idea of honor at work in Al Qadim so I decided to try making it 80% that rule and 20% hero points.

I also thought making Station something a little bit more than simply a 1-20 number would be helpful for letting players see how deeply heroism is integrated into the setting/society.



[h2]2. THE SHA'IR (Noble Genie Patron)[/h2]
Sha'irs are the famed genie ambassadors and binders of Zakhara. In 5th edition they are warlocks who take The Noble Genie as their patron at 1st level, and furthermore must take Pact of the Chain at 3rd level to appease their gen familiar. Foremost of the of Noble Genies are the four rulers of geniekind:
  • Caliph of the Djinn, Husam al-Balil ben-Nafhat al-Yugayyim, Master of the Clouds and Son of the Breezes.
  • Great Khan of All Dao Kabril Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil, Fountain of Wealth, Atamen of the Mountain's Roots, the Stone Sultan.
  • Grand Sultan of the Efreet, Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben-Lazan, the Lord of Flame, the Potentate Incandescent, the Tempering and Eternal Flame of Truth, the Most Puissant of Hunters, Marshall of the Order of the Fiery Heart, the Smoldering Dictator, the Crimson Firebrand.
  • Great Padishah of the Marids, Kalbari al-Durraf al-Amwaj ibn-Jari, the Keeper of the Empire, the Pearl of the Sea, the Mother of Foam, the Maharajah of Oceans, Emir of All Currents.
Genie Lore
Starting at 1st level, your Noble Genie patron has taught you the Primordial language, and grants you advantage on all checks to recognize the works of geniekind, such as genie illusions, spells, curses, and genie prisons.

Gen Servant
Starting at 1st level, your Noble Genie patron teaches you the summon familiar spell (which doesn't count against your number of spells known) and you can cast it as a ritual. The Noble Genie grants you a gen, a small elemental familiar who helps council you about genie kind and provides you with spells. Your gen familiar resembles a tiny degenerate version of the kind of genie your patron is (dao, djinn, efreet, or marid); these are called daolanin, djinnling, efreetikin, and maridan respectively. Its statistics can be approximated using a Mephit of the appropriate type: Dust mephit for daolanin, smoke or steam mephit for djinnling, magma mephit for efreetikin, and mud or ice mephit for maridan. Gen tend to be Neutral in alignement, though they often take on the alignment of their master.

Any time you witness or research a spell of a level you can cast, as a bonus action you can send your gen familiar to retrieve the spell for you. How it achieves this is up to the gen (and the terms you set out for it), but at your next short rest your gen returns to you with the spell which you may add to your spells known. Keep track of how many spells your gen retrieves over your adventuring career. The maximum number of retrieved spells you may have is equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus, reflecting the limit of your gen's abilities. If you wish to send your gen to retrieve further spells, you must sacrifice one of the spells you already know to the gen which it uses as a bargaining tool in its elemental negotiations for the new spell you seek.

Elemental Protection
Starting at 6th level, you gain protection against elemental attacks, including those from elemental creatures or spells of flame, sand, sea, or wind. You have advantage to your saving throws against such attacks. This also allows you to survive on any of the Inner Planes without the need for spell protection.
When your gen familiar is at your side, you gain resistance to damage from spells of its corresponding type; sand and earth-based damage for daolanin, wind and air-based damage for djinnling, fire-damage for efreetikin, and sea and water-based damage for maridan.

Genie Binding
Starting at 10th level, you can call a genie to magically bind it to its word, and you can craft a genie prison.

Call a Genie: You learn the conjure elemental spell if you don't know it already, and you can use the spell to summon a genie of the type you choose (or by name, if you know a genie personally). Doing so breaks the normal limit on the summoned elemental's challenge rating. However, the genie is not necessarily friendly and its service must be won thru some combination of persuasion, threats, blackmail, payment, promises, and favors. Whatever terms of the agreement you come to, the genie is magically bound to uphold them.

Craft a Genie Prison: Gain proficiency with one form of artisan's tools if you don't have such proficiency already. With these tools you can fashion a genie prison which requires 20 days of work; the end product is worth 100 gp. After fashioning the prison, you must use it within 10 days or its magic expires. While within 100 ft of a genie you can see, you may take an action to trap them in the prison; the genie makes a Charisma saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. Success means the genie remains free, knows who just tried to trap it, and the same prison cannot be used against them for 24 hours. Failure means the genie is trapped within the prison until the prison is shattered or the genie is released in a manner defined by you at the time you imprison it.

Common conditions for releasing a genie from a prison include:
  • The genie will be an end entered servant of whoever liberates it from the prison for a period between 100 to 1,001 days.
  • The genie will grant three wishes within its power to whoever next summons it from the prison.
  • The genie will remain imprisoned until a period of time elapses, up to a maximum of 100 years.
  • The genie will remain imprisoned until a certain event you define comes to pass.
  • The genie will remain imprisoned until a certain type of individual touches the prison (e.g. an honest thief).

The maximum number of imprisoned genies you may have at any given time is equal to your Charisma modifier. Furthermore, imprisoning a genie is considered a hostile act and can earn you bad blood among other genies of the type you've imprisoned, not to mention the undying loathing of the individual genie you imprisoned.

Inner Planar Travel
Starting at 14th level, you can perform a 10 minute ritual to planeshift to a known site on an Inner Plane of your choice; you and your companions appear at the new site at the end of the ritual, and you incur a level of exhaustion. If you don't name a known site, then you appear in the border region of the intended Inner Plane. You must take a short or long rest before using this feature again.

[h2]Sha'ir Eldritch Invocations[/h2]

Friend of the Jann
Prerequisite: 5th level, Noble Genie patron
When in the desert or other forlorn lonely place, you can call on the jann (a lesser genie) for assistance once per day. A single jann will arrive within an hour, usually flying invisibly, but sometimes in an alternate form or rising on the back of a camel; it is friendly and will provide shelter, guidance thru the desert, and protection should you be attacked. If you want more from the jann you will need to curry its favor with gifts. Occasionally your janni allies may call on you for help in return.

Genie Overtures
Prerequisite: Noble Genie patron
You can request the presence of a genie whose name you know by performing a 10 minute ritual during which you must offer a gift pleasing to that particular genie. If the genie deigns to answer your summons, they may appear in their corporeal form or as a disembodied voice. The genie is under no obligation to you, is free to act according to its nature, and is not subject to being oath bound (you must be 10th level and cast conjure elemental with more formal proceedings to bind a genie).

Great Ambassador of Geniekind
Prerequisite: 15th level, Noble Genie patron
Your reputation precedes you among geniekind, and you may request an audience with one of the four rulers of geniekind once per month. When you request the audience, usually you do so thru an intermediary such as your gen or an allied/bound genie; within a week, a procession of the ruler's followers comes to escort you to the ruler's court. The ruler will meet with you personally, provide counsel as per a contact other plane spell, hear your pleas, and negotiate terms. While in its court, both you and the ruler are subject to the Bond of Salt, the 3 day code of guest hospitality common among Zakharans and genies alike.

Tasked Genie Bond
Prerequisite: 10th level, Noble Genie patron
You have bound a tasked genie to serve you for a year and a day, with certain agreed upon conditions. The tasked genie acts as your personal bodyguard, food-taster, and steward, in addition to whatever other tasks are within the terms of your contract.

I really like your work on converting Al Qadim to 5e.

The only change I've made for my home-world campaign is to bring Gen Servant a little more in line with the other 5e warlock patronage Expanded Spell lists. Since the spells granted will differ from Noble Genie to Noble Genie, like you, I have not specified the specific spells.

@L1. Gen Servant.
Your Noble Genie patron teaches you the find familiar spell (which doesn't count against your number of spells known) and you can cast it as a ritual. The Noble Genie grants you a gen, a small elemental familiar who helps council you about genie kind and provides you with spells. Your gen familiar resembles a tiny degenerate version of the kind of genie your patron is (dao, djinn, efreet, or marid); these are called daolanin, djinnling, efreetikin, and maridan respectively. Its statistics can be approximated using a Mephit of the appropriate type: Dust mephit for daolanin, smoke or steam mephit for djinnling, magma mephit for efreetikin, and mud or ice mephit for maridan. Gen tend to be Neutral in alignment, though they often take on the alignment of their master.

Sha’ir Variant Expanded Spell List

Any time you witness or research a spell of a level you can cast, as a bonus action you can send your gen familiar to retrieve the spell for you. How it achieves this is up to the gen (and the terms you set out for it), but at your next short rest your gen returns to you with the spell which you may add to the warlock spell list for you.

Keep track of how many spells your gen retrieves over your adventuring career. The maximum number of retrieved spells you may have is equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus, reflecting the limit of your gen's abilities. Ten of these spells can be used to fill the Sha’ir Expanded Spell List per level as granted by other Patrons (2 each at Warlock levels 1 through 9). At 1st level, you may select one cantrip instead of a spell, as long as it is appropriate to your Noble Genie’s elemental nature.

If you wish to send your gen to retrieve further spells, you must sacrifice one of the spells you already know to the gen which it uses as a bargaining tool in its elemental negotiations for the new spell you seek.
Example of an efreetikin familiar adapted from the magma mephit:

Efreetikin Familiar
Small elemental, neutral
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 1)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Stealth +3
Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Ignan, Terran (dialects of Primordial)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Death Burst. When the efreetikin is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes in a burst of flame. Each creature within 5 feet of it must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Elemental Nature. A gen familiar doesn’t require food, drink, or sleep.

False Appearance. While the efreetikin remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary hearth fire or torch flame.

A familiar cannot attack.


First Post
Hello there!

First of all, thank you for your ideas and concepts for the D&D 5e rules for Al-Qadim Quickleaf, your job is amazing! I began to search on the web for an adaptation for Al-Aqdim to D&D 5e and found your thread!

My idea here would be to present some concepts to update the main history and current events of Zakhara, seeking to have an updated version of the Al-Qadim for both D&D 5e and for the Forgotten Realms post-Second Sundering. I am looking initially to bring some up to date events for the Land of Fate, using your rules as a stating point. These updates are based essentially upon setting material for Al-Qadim Campaign Setting, AD&D 2nd edition (including Planescape) as well as D&D 3rd-5th edition and Pathfinder.

The Land of Fate and the Dark Omens

After the event that sages called the Fall of the Veil (that was called in the North the Spellplague), the people from Zakhara suffered great setbacks and challenges, which were revealed to the Grand Caliph as the Dark Omens by an ancient celestial entity of the ancient Ahura race (a kind of arabian angel), sent by the eight gods of the Path of Enlightenment.

The First Dark Omen: The Revenge of the Genies
The First of the Dark Omens spoke of the revenge of the “elemental slaves”, which would come to the world unbound due to the Fall of the Veil, seeking to conquer the mortals that enslaved them in bottles and asked them several wishes. With the Fall of the Veil, the planar barriers separating the four elemental planes and the Material Plane grew thin, allowing portals and passages to be opened and maintained for great amounts of time, and also creating planar nexus in places of great abundance of certain elements (the sea, the deserts, volcanos and windstorms). With these passages opened, the great rulers of the genies called the Four Sovereign came to Zakhara, seeking to expand their domains of the Land of Fate.

The Four Sovereigns are:

- The Great Khan of the Dao: Kabril Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil;
- The Honorable Maharaja* of the Djinn: Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim;
- The Most Respected Sultan of the Efreet: Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan;
- The Ancient Padisha of the Marid: Kalbari al-Durrat al-Amway ibn Jari

* I preferred to not use the title Caliph here (used in the official products), in order to differentiate it from the human Grand Caliph that still rule most of the civilized world (see below).

Their arrival created another event, which some sages say that also occurred in the northern lands of the realm of Calimshan: the Elemental Awakening. Some mortals that were descended from genies awoke their elemental spark, and were transformed into genasi. The sages do not know if the genies knew that such event would be triggered due to their invasion of Zakhara or not, but they promptly enlisted the genasi into their own ranks in the conflicts that succeeded.

The Second Dark Omen: The Schism of the Faiths
The Ahura spoke of a Second Dark Omen that was related to a great schism in the faith of the men living in the Land of Fate, that would be separated into several different groups, wit two main and larger sects: The Eight Gods of the so named Path of Enlightenment and the League of the Pantheon would become different and (as the mindset of some) rival religions, resulting in the formation of the Holy Emirates of the Pantheon, composed from the former cities of the League of the Pantheon. They would sever their ties from the Empire, which would become the Caliphate, having Huzuz as its capital and the other greatest cities like Hiyal and Hawa as important political and commercial centers.

These new countries would begin a cold war of coin, ink and sometimes sword to dominate and rule the Land of Fate, seeking to expand their influence over other places, like the Free Cities of the North and the Pearl Cities, as well and facing the threat of the genies and their genasi servants.

The Third Dark Omen: The Coming of the Adversary
The Third Dark Omen is related to the coming of an ancient evil and its horde of demonic servants from the Lower Planes. The fiend Ahriman, lord of the Divs (undead genies from the Lower Planes), would also come to the Zakhara from an ancient portal in the Haunted land in the north, fighting genie and mortal alike and threatening all Land of Fate. Such prophecies and auguries would say that only the union of men and genies would be capable of turning the tide and avoiding the conquest of Ahriman and its hordes. But with their faiths and alliances shattered and separated, such mission would be practicably impossible.

In addition of the three Dark Omen described above, the Ahura spoke of a fourth, so terrible that the Grand Caliph refused to mention it even to its most faithful viziers. What the angelic entity informed in his dire prophecies, it was destined t the Grand Caliph´s ears alone.

Other events
Near the free cities of the north of Zakhara, a new hold was created by strange ajami wizards from the torn land of Halruaa, that arrived almost one hundred years ago in their skyships fleeing the disaster of their homeland. They created a city-state there, contrary to the interests of the other Free Cities, and they would live in an uneasy truce since them. Even with the recent news that their land returned to the northern continent of Faerun, some would stay still in the Land of Fate, bringing suspicious eyes and conflicts with urban powers such as Muluk, Qudra, Liham and Umara.

This is an initial brainstorming of ideas and concepts for a fresh new campaign for Al-Qadim in D&D 5e. Please share your thoughts, comments, critics and suggestions!

OBS 2: sorry for any mistake in English here, I am Brazilian! :cool:


[MENTION=61095]Bravesword[/MENTION] Obrigado for your ideas! Advancing the storyline of Al-Qadim is very interesting to me as well, though I think some fans of the setting might disagree since there was sooo much good material in the Land of Fate box set.

Back when we were working on updating the Al-Qadim meta-plots (see this thread: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?240388-Forked-Thread-Al-Qadim-Land-of-Fate-4e ) we had some cool ideas about equating the Spellplague with the breaking of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.


Elder Thing
I just wanted you all to know that I am very much enjoying your conversions work. More to the point: I wanted to follow new posts to this thread, and I couldn't figure out a way to subscribe to it and get notifications without commenting on it. So here I am.

Th Dark Omens plotline is pretty nifty, and reminds me of Wolfgang Baur's "Scimitars Against the Dark" article from Dragon Magazine #198. But to me the metaplot development feels a little too much like the WotC Adventure Paths, of which I am not a fan. I have over the years come to appreciate a more episodic campaign style.

For my part, I have incorporated bits of Al-Qadim stuff (largely inspired by Baur's essay) into my Primeval Thule campaign, which also incorporates the Xoth setting from The Spider God's Bride as a continent southwest of the main landmass. I'm really amazed at how well some of the Al-Qadim adventures fit in a Sword & Sorcery setting, and I've used much of Cities of Bone to good effect.

Anyways. Thanks for all of this stuff, and keep up the good work!


Just letting people know, I have updated the Warlock Genie-kind patron that I posted to the Database here on ENWorld. The updated version can be found here: http://connorscampaigns.wikidot.com/5e-warlock

As stated earlier, it works with all pacts and is a simpler translation of the sha'ir than literal translations from previous editions. [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] was going to have a look. Anyway, just thought I would mention for those interested in this.

Great work so far guys. :)

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