AGELESS Campaign Characters & Out-of-Game Talk

orchid blossom

Well as long as we have Red Steve standing by.....

Ok, my very smart my had an excellent idea. Let's get this chapter rolling and we can worry about converting to 5E as we go, whether mid-chapter or for the next sessions.

So let's get rolling! I will get a thread up by next weekend. In the meantime, how about if every one posts their current character (or leveled up if SM gets the XP done) here.

Would this thread be here on EnWorld or over at Circvs where we can use more creative language?

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Well, the Story Hours are here so our language needs be be grandma friendly in the end. That doesn't mean we can't pus the limits and find euphemisms to use.

Secondly and more importantly, we will do much better recruiting here at ENWorld that at CM.

orchid blossom

Well, the Story Hours are here so our language needs be be grandma friendly in the end. That doesn't mean we can't pus the limits and find euphemisms to use.

Secondly and more importantly, we will do much better recruiting here at ENWorld that at CM.

As I've forgotten my password for Circvs anyway, I'm cool with staying here. :)

Character sheet coming in a few minutes.

orchid blossom

I worked her up as a Bard and made some changes reflecting the more upper-class background than I had originally envisioned. I went with 6th level since that's where I anticipate being, but cutting back to 5 would be simple if I need to.

STR - 12 (+1)
DEX - 16 (+3)
CON - 10 (0)
INT - 17 (+3)
WIS - 10 (0)
CHA - 18 (+4)

HP = 24 AC = 13 Touch AC = 13 Initiative = 3

Saves: Fortitude = 2 Reflex = 8 Will = 5

BAB = +4 Weapons: Rapier, Colt revolver

Appraise = 5 (3+2)
Bluff = 6 (4+2)
Decipher Script = 8 (3+5)
Diplomacy = 7 (4+3)
Gather Information = 7 (4+3)
Knowledge Arcana = 6 (3+3)
Knowledge History = 12 (3+9)
Knowledge Religion = 12 (3+9)
Knowledge Royalty = 11 (3+8)
Knowledge Architecture = 6 (3+3)
Listen = 4 (0+4)
Perform Vocal = 10 (4+6)
Perform Violin = 10 (4+6)
Perform Piano = 6 (4+2)
Ride = 8 (3+5)
Spellcraft = 6 (3+3)
Spot = 6 (0+6)

Feats: Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot, Still Spell, Weapon Finesse

Know Direction
Mage Hand

Comprehend Languages
Cure Light Wounds
Animate Rope
Feather Fall

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Silver Moon

So close.....located my Sidewinder Recoiled book and folder of character sheets, but it unfortunately turned out to be the sheets from Game 7 of "Seven Outlaws in Search for a Bank" rather than Game 8 where Callum Stuart was a playing character.

So I now have the revised sheets for Deadeye Douglas, Mae Clark and Flying Arrow, who were joined in Game 7 by British thieves Willamina Fitzclarence, Bertram Kent, Niles Weatherdale and Horatio Xavier Smythe to steal the Crown Jewels.

Willamina Fitzclarence was an old spinster who was the illegitimate child of a prior monarch and sought revenge against Queen Victoria. Bertram Kent was the muscle, a smarmy ex-soldier with ties to London criminals. Horatio Xavier Smythe was a flamboyant middle-aged washed-up Shakespearian actor. Niles Weatherdale was a former Cambridge University professor who was discharged for dabbling in the occult.

Now to figure out where I put the follow-up module.
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Silver Moon

I found "Seven Outlaws" Module 8!

Module 7 ended with the Bertram Kent making off with several pieces of the Crown Jewels while creating a distraction by betraying his teammates, who were then arrested. In Module #8 Kent was found to be in St. Petersburg, Russia.

In true "Suicide Squad" fashion, the outlaws were given the opportunity to go to Russia, catch Kent and return the stolen jewels in return for a pardon from the Queen. The 7th Outlaw (replacing Kent) was a prisoner awaiting execution by the name of Evan Adair. They traveled to Russia on the Nautilus and Callum went along in the role of their guard.

As Sidewinder Recoiled is a straight western without fantasy elements Callum's sheet was a straight fighter (Tin Star class) rather than a fighter/magic-user so I will need to make some modifications to the character sheet. Plus "Seven Outlaws" assumes all characters to be 6th level, so I need to dial him back to 2nd level. My son currently has my 3rd Edition books so I will need to get those back from him. I should have the character sheet posted in a few days.

orchid blossom

As Sidewinder Recoiled is a straight western without fantasy elements Callum's sheet was a straight fighter (Tin Star class) rather than a fighter/magic-user so I will need to make some modifications to the character sheet. Plus "Seven Outlaws" assumes all characters to be 6th level, so I need to dial him back to 2nd level. My son currently has my 3rd Edition books so I will need to get those back from him. I should have the character sheet posted in a few days.

2nd level seems awfully low. New characters started at 4th level I seem to recall.


Queen of Everything
You let Even Adair loose on society???? *faint*

George started at 2nd level and is only up to 3rd currently.

I'm going to be working on a full character sheet for Mina. It seems odd to me that the world explorer Mina Parker is only 4th level while her granddaughter the troublemaker is higher level than her. :lol:


Queen of Everything
So close.....located my Sidewinder Recoiled book and folder of character sheets, but it unfortunately turned out to be the sheets from Game 7 of "Seven Outlaws in Search for a Bank" rather than Game 8 where Callum Stuart was a playing character.

So I now have the revised sheets for Deadeye Douglas, Mae Clark and Flying Arrow, who were joined in Game 7 by British thieves Willamina Fitzclarence, Bertram Kent, Niles Weatherdale and Horatio Xavier Smythe to steal the Crown Jewels.

Willamina Fitzclarence was an old spinster who was the illegitimate child of a prior monarch and sought revenge against Queen Victoria. Bertram Kent was the muscle, a smarmy ex-soldier with ties to London criminals. Horatio Xavier Smythe was a flamboyant middle-aged washed-up Shakespearian actor. Niles Weatherdale was a former Cambridge University professor who was discharged for dabbling in the occult.

Now to figure out where I put the follow-up module.

Which is the game I played in, where I played the Sawbones... who broke into my other character's Three Gods Meeting House, robbed it and blew it up? That was a *tough* one :cry:

Silver Moon

The "AGELESS" campaign has now passed "Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things" in Story Hour views, making it the 2nd most popular of the six Story Hours set on this world. Still quite a while to go before it reaches "Ballots and Bullets".

All four of our Wild West PBP threads should soon be getting increased readership, as the next AGELESS chapter is the conversation between Ruby and Gonzales, referencing several of them, so I plan to bump those threads for interested readers.

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