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Against the Idol of the Sun: A 5e high-level campaign log


Session 23: 1/8/2022

Happy New Year! Our Cleric’s player is dropping out. She has too many other games and things going on :(
This game may go on pause while we do a couple of one-shots to introduce new players, so we don’t throw them into the deep end of high-level play.

The party headed southeast to Oztalun’s Lair and sold all but 300 lbs of adamantium, as well as the steel. I priced the adamantium at 50gp/lb and steel at 1gp/lb, with 1000gp of adamantium traveling back to Europe with Malamir. Between that and a few other items, the 3 players got 113,000 gp. They then went north to meet with the yuan-ti, who have lost another village to enemy action.

They reviewed their plan for attacking the nearby city of Tlalchantli, which involved using potions of invisibility and scrolls of Dimension Door to get in and out. Ultimately, they decided that with only one person able to cast DD, it was too risky. I told them with all the complexity on the enemy side, I wasn’t going to run several friendly NPCs to fill out the party too. That attack has been shelved with apologies to the yuan-ti until we get more players.

They head north to the edge of the map, then west to the edge of the ocean, without exploring…specifically looking for trolls so they can get some troll hearts implanted for regeneration.

Heading south, they find a valley whose bottom is a circular(ish) sheet of glass. Not sure what happened, but something big happened here a long time ago. In the next hex south, they find a cliff face carved to resemble a humanoid skull. Inside the mouth was a small cave with a swarm of snakes and a circle carved to aid in extraplanar summoning. They kill the snakes, an old foe from the very first session of Castle Dracula. Four manticores land on the air-skiff, which is hovering near the entry. The manticores attack and last about 1.5 rounds. (random encounter)

Heading south, the group encounters a small tribe of nocturnal Halflings, who wield flint knives and are mostly fishers who try to stay under the radar. When asked about trolls, they point the party to two hexes south, and explain that ‘tricksters’ (faerie dragons) help keep the trolls away, and they help the faerie dragons.

The team heads south, and finds a small troll village with huts, wooden shields, javelins, and the like. Ratel the monk and Dmitri the barbarian drop down while sending Teador the paladin to go park the air-skiff someplace safe. The discussion this whole time (going back several sessions) was “Let’s go kill some trolls and take their hearts.” Now they’ve arrived, and the trolls actually have houses and lives of their own. “Are we the baddies?” is asked.
I look at the MM entry and confirm that they can take a troll’s heart out without permanently killing it.

After some extensive out of character discussions, they decide to offer the trolls some magic weapons in exchange for letting them harvest a few troll hearts. I have to clarify that they can preserve the troll hearts for up to 2 weeks in the little freezer-boxes they got from the Fleshcrafter, so they don’t have to convince the trolls to take a 3-week round trip to someplace far away to get their surgery done.

When presented with a Returning Greataxe, a +2 Spear, and the Kraken Flail +2, the trolls talk a bit, do some rock-paper-scissors, and then select 3 unlucky members of the tribe. Ratel, with the best medicine skill in the game, performs surgery. It takes help from other trolls holding the donors down, and it’s messy and loud, but by the end of the day, Ratel is washing off the blood in the ocean and they have 3 troll hearts on ice to implant.

I then roll another random encounter as they head south. A couple of lightning bolts lash out at the air-skiff as they fly above the beach. Looking down, they now spot a kraken along the edge of the beach. Dmitri and Ratel drop down to attack, while Teador steers the air-skiff farther over and sets it to land before getting off on his Broom of Flying.

Dmitri gets whacked by tentacles and thrown away, but gets back in melee range pretty quickly. The kraken does more lightning damage to the boat, and I notice that it has 120’ telepathy. I had picked the boat as a target because what does a power-hungry kraken hate? Flying people with weird heart-powered boats. The Kraken speaks in their minds (except Dmitri, he has mind blank) and calls the air-skiff an abomination and proclaims the death penalty. They answer in kind and do some damage, but Ratel also responds that they stole it and are killing the ones who made it.

The discussion goes on, telepathically, in a fraction of a second. Ultimately, they agree that the kraken would prefer the Aarakocra gods dead (in accordance with notes on the Kraken page in the MM), and wouldn’t mind helping attack them other than the mobility issue (crossing mountains, etc.). They strike a tentative deal to pay the kraken to help them in their fight. They need merely return to this beach and say his name, Huizhong, and he would come.
After checking, Teleport does not limit the size of the creature being moved, although I do say a kraken would probably count for all 8 slots.

So now they probably have a Kraken lined up to help with a single battle.

The party then travels south over the ocean (slightly safer), noting an area with undead sharks and little life, plus an island, and then turn east to visit the Giantish city of Athos. Here, they spend several days searching and finally locate a Cloud giant named Marva, a Celestial Sorceress capable of casting Heal as required for the surgery. The best Medicine check in the party is about a +7, so they look for someone who can do that. I think, and roll some dice, and ask them “in a world with magic healing, who has a high medicine skill?”

Since the 5e books don’t include “Deliver Baby” or “C-Section” or “Fundal Massage” spells, a midwife would definitely have cause to boost Medicine skills as high as possible…and they find a Goliath midwife named Kaamia.

They’ve now hired the assistants they need to get troll hearts implanted and their bones plated with adamantium. I owe them costs for those assistants, and they’re talking about possibly hiring some goliaths or giants to help guard them on the way there and during the surgery.

DM Notes:
Wow! I did not expect what happened. Hiring assistants wasn’t on my radar, as I assumed a party cleric would do it. It’s a good solution available to those with wealth, though. I also didn’t expect the approach they took with the trolls, although I really appreciated how the trolls having their own bit of civilization instead of being mud-dwelling near animals changed how they viewed things. I like it when my players have to debate and plan and make interesting choices to figure out “what is right?” and “what does my character think is right?”

They skipped over some really interesting encounters by not exploring along the way. This “get wolverine surgery” thing has really grabbed their attention as an intermediate goal. I hope they go back to some of these areas.

The Kraken was just a random encounter for the area…but the info in the Monster Manual was just enough, and the willingness to talk back to it took it from a combat encounter to something totally different. I think making the final attack with an anti-deist kraken on their side is a pretty awesome idea. The High Temple of Huitzopochtli is near a very large lake, so they could pre-position him.

Session 24: 3/12/2022

We’re back! Dmitri’s player couldn’t join us, and Ratel the monk’s player had to join via Discord chat on speaker.

Dmitri, Ratel, and Teador all got adamantine plating applied to their bones and troll hearts implanted. I skimmed this pretty fast instead of doing any description, because after the nearly 4 weeks of surgery and recovery time, the two new party members met up with them (coordinated with Sending in the background): Saqwam the tortle Fathomless warlock, and Rivkah the satyr Creation bard.

They discuss plans to attack Tlalcehutli, the city of the Aarakocra earth goddess, and we review what they know about the city layout (last discussed 3+ months ago). They decide to do some more reconnaissance before making a plan. The warlock had chosen Soul Cage as his 6th level mystic Arcanum. This lets him, as a reaction, grab the soul of a nearby humanoid that dies (no save).
There are several suitably unsettling applications, like draining life from a captured soul, but the big ones are:
Query Soul. You ask the soul a question (no action required) and receive a brief telepathic answer, which you can understand regardless of the language used. The soul knows only what it knew in life, but it must answer you truthfully and to the best of its ability. The answer is no more than a sentence or two and might be cryptic.
Eyes of the Dead. You can use an action to name a place the humanoid saw in life, which creates an invisible sensor somewhere in that place if it is on the plane of existence you’re currently on. The sensor remains for as long as you concentrate, up to 10 minutes (as if you were concentrating on a spell). You receive visual and auditory information from the sensor as if you were in its space using your senses.
A creature that can see the sensor (such as one using see invisibility or truesight) sees a translucent image of the tormented humanoid whose soul you caged.

They decide to go find an Aarakocra patrol, Soul Cage a priest, and use the priest’s knowledge to find out more about the temple they’re planning to attack. To increase their chances of success, they decide to watch and target the biggest enemy patrol they can find, on the (correct) theory that a larger patrol will have a higher-level priest in it.

The enemy patrol was 9 strong including 2 priests and a wizard. As usual, Ratel used long-distance archery to kill enemies, while the others used Dimension Door to appear on the back of the enemy air-skiff, after half the patrol had charged towards Ratel and was 2 rounds of movement away.
Some spells were thrown around, and Saqwam took some substantial damage, but nobody was in serious danger. Teador the paladin got hit with the Sky Nail spear, failed his save, and spent the last 2-3 rounds of the fight stuck to the sky (reverse gravity, single target) launching firebolts down and wishing he had his griffon with him. The enemy wizard spent most of the fight under Greater Invisibility, but launching magic missiles and blights. One of the enemy priests tried to Blind the 3 PCs who had landed on the air-skiff, and ate a 5th level Warlock counterspell. Rivkah pulled out See Invisibility, and the writing was on the wall at that point. It was also late and Spring Forward (lose an hour) night, so we called it because there’s no way the enemies would successfully escape. The 10th level enemy war priest was Soul Caged, and we’re supposed to get a list of questions between sessions (so I have time to compose answers).

DM notes:
One person on Discord slows things down a lot… things kept cutting in and out, so his turns took substantially longer.

We have two new players, both pretty new to D&D (they’ve been through a couple of lower-level 1-shots).
One is playing a satyr Creation bard, and she didn’t join in the one-shots until they were partway through (mom of one of the other players). Bard has a lot of options and levers but not a lot of damage. I think she’ll be re-working spell selections after tonight.
The other is playing a Fathomless warlock, serving Oztalun the aboleth. Warlocks are fun! He gets a big built in plot hook and some objectives and information that the rest of the party doesn’t know or understand yet. Nothing PVP, but he’s got the inside scoop on what’s going on with Ssword. His Mystic Arcanum are Soul Cage, Finger of Death, and Maddening Darkness. He’s definitely leaning into the ‘eldritch creepy’ side and I think the huge area of Maddening Darkness is going to occasionally totally shut down groups of enemies, especially in confined spaces.

We lost time with Discord setup and with item assignments and inventory checks that I’d asked people to do beforehand that nobody did, so we only got about 2-2.5 hrs of actual play in.

There was still a lot of “what do you do?” “Hey, what should I do? Opinions?” and looking up spell lists and options. Bard has a LOT of moving parts and options.
Fathomless is pretty useful… the watery tentacle is basically a free 3rd level Spiritual Weapon PB/day.
Both are still learning where to find things on their character sheets, and having custom items that aren’t on DNDB doesn’t help.

I’ve run several of these “fight an Aarakocra patrol” scenarios now, as they’re fairly common. In this one, the party faced 4 champions, 2 subcommanders, 1 wizard, 1 war priest, and 1 senior priest. That’s 5 different enemy types with 3 different spellcasting blocks to pick from. It’s good to have variety, but I’m thinking about going through and cutting down some of the variety to a smaller number of priest-types, and perhaps to shorter spell lists also. It doesn’t matter if they have cantrips ready because no fight is going to last long enough for them to run out of spell slots. I’ve also noticed that the “gish cleric” war priests are not good enough at offensive casting, nor do they have a good enough melee to-hit (+8) to make reliable use of their melee casting buffs like Holy Weapon. I think there needs to be a niche for a mid-level cleric, but I’d like to do it in an easier-to-run fashion.
I also keep making the mistake of putting all the enemy spellcasters in the same initiative grouping (because there are only a few of them), which means I have to pick and resolve 3 different spells all at once.

Session 24: 3/26/2022

Dmitri’s player was unable to make it, so Ssword has moved over to be with Teador the Paladin. They discuss and execute a modified version of the original plan for the attack on Tlalchantli, the city of Tlaltecuhtli, the earth goddess. They meet up with a large group of yuan-ti nearby and get some scrolls of Dimension Door and potions of invisibility, and then spend a couple of days sneaking to the city. The yuan-ti have a spy base nearby, so this goes pretty smoothly.

They decide to attack at mid-day, when the patrols are out of town and the temple isn’t full of sleeping priests in large numbers. The yuan-ti launch a couple of major raids on the north and south end of the city, closest to the garrisons, firing arrows, lighting warehouses of food on fire, etc. The group waits a few minutes, downs potions of invisibility, and slips through the roads until they are within Dimension Door range of the temple. They teleport up to the top, finding, as expected, a vertical flight shaft that connects all the floors and leads straight down to the altar, 120’ below.

Not everyone has flight, so 3 of them ride down in a Bigby’s Hand elevator (it moves 60’ per round and can grapple a huge creature, so it can carry a few willing medium creatures) while Ratel the monk slow-falls down. They did occlude sunlight on their way down, so the priests at the bottom were not caught totally off-guard.

We paused the fight due to time about 5 ½ rounds in (2.5 hours of combat, approximately). At this point, Cipactli is dead, the high priestess has Antilife shell up but is down about 100hp, and one senior priest is dead…and the altar is destroyed by means of Ssword draining divine energy through it.

Battle highlights:
The altar acts on initiative 20 each round, opening a 10’ wide pit 1d10+1x10’ deep under the closest target (Dex save to avoid falling in). On the next round, it opens a new pit and the old one slams shut. Only one character fell into a pit (Teador) and he misty-stepped out.
Someone fired Synaptic Static as an opener and did over 100 points of damage to 4 of the enemies. The debuff sticks around a long time with none of them having INT save proficiency.
High priestess opened with Bones of the Earth. The strength 12 warlock tortle is still pinned between the ceiling and a pillar (it’s a strength check to get out, not a strength save). He’s taken some damage, but also has been out of the way of the biggest threats and appeared incapacitated until he dropped Maddening Darkness on about 1/3 of the room, doing a pretty good amount of damage. It’s still up.
The battlefield has been too mixed-up for the lower-level priests to use Fireball effectively. They’ve mostly been missing with Sacred Flame and Guiding Bolt. Almost every single Inflict Wounds the priests tried to use has missed also.
The enemy priests did land a Banishment and a Hold Person, but concentration got knocked down fairly quickly for those.
Ratel the monk got swallowed by Cipactli and managed to do enough damage to get thrown up, as well as landing enough Stunning Strikes to burn through Cipactli’s legendary resistances and stun it. Cipactli died shortly thereafter.
Ssword spent 5 rounds draining the altar and is now back in play.
Psychic Lance is pretty good at disabling enemies… lots of INT saves failed in this fight.

I’m pretty sure we’ve hit the turning point in the fight, but several PCs have been knocked about quite a lot, and reinforcements are probably on the way relatively soon (it’s been about 45 seconds since they were spotted).

DM notes:
The party:
Rivkah, 16th level creation bard, satyr - has analysis paralysis and actually used her dagger once instead of a cantrip like Thunderwave. Still did some damage with Psychic Lance, Electric Guitar (lightning bolt), and I think synaptic static.
Saqwam, 16th level Fathomless warlock, tortle - still figuring out what he needs to do with stuff. Maddening Hex was a good pick though.
Teador, 16th level vengeance paladin, half-elf - Solid mobility and damage carrying the fight. Hasn't used Lay on Hands yet.
Ratel, 16th level kensei monk, wood elf - I think he's out of ki points. More stuns this session than the previous 24 sessions!

Enemy forces:
1 high priest capable of casting 9th level spells
2 senior priests capable of casting up to about 7th level
4 sun acolytes casting up to 3rd level spells
2 champions (melee)
1 Cipactli, a CR 20 huge crocodile creature covered in mouths that bites everything near it, and hits for +14 with a 3d12+8 bite attack, plus tail slap, etc. It also can burrow through the ground and is tough and scary.

I’m not optimizing my tactics too much here. The enemies are mostly focused on “biggest threat” rather than “lowest AC”, which means they were missing a lot. I had the two melee enemies do the same thing each turn, and the Sun Acolytes would all cast the same spell so I didn’t have to use as much mental bandwidth. The simplified caster statblocks seem to be working. The big slowdown is waiting on dice rolling and dice math, plus the newer players taking time to figure out what to do. They are getting faster!
The High Priestess has Mass Heal (700hp healing) on her list, and I’m not using it, as that would have wiped out all the damage the party did in 4 rounds of combat. This doesn’t need to stretch out further and the resources burned means it could turn into a TPK. This is the second session for 2 of my players.
I may edit her statblock to reflect some other earth-themed 9th level spell.

It may have looked grim for the PCs for a while, but with no DM fudging aside from sub-optimal tactics and ignoring one spell, they are going to win this. High level PCs are pretty tough and have ways to recover from problems. This is why I don't worry about "How will my players solve X;" they'll figure out a way. It's just my job to give them interesting problems to solve.

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Session 25: 5/14/2022
We’re back! We’ve been doing 2nd & 4th Saturdays, but Dmitri’s player has not been making those days even though they’re when he’s supposed to be available. We’re also only running from about 7:30(7:45) to about 10:30, which is a short-ish 3 hour session, so we are going to switch to “Most Saturdays” instead.

We picked up mostly where we left off, working off of a couple of photos of the battlemap. Top of the round, with Cipactli dead, the High Priestess against a wall but protected by Anti-life shell, Saqwam the tortle still trapped against the ceiling by Bones of the Earth, and 40% of the room covered by Maddening Darkness.

Ratel the monk shot a couple of arrows at one of the Aarakocra champions menacing Saqwam, and Rivkah the bard moved over and lined up a lightning bolt from the Guitar of Electricity that hit four of the Aarakocra. Teador moved over to attack the HP, but was stopped by Antilife shell. His Chill Touch missed. The High Priestess spent her turn chanting while touching the ground…not good. Saqwam realized he could attack the pillar, and hit it with the Warlock tentacle and Eldritch Blast, blowing it up and sending him crashing to the ground.

Ratel shot the high priestess, breaking the concentration on Antilife shell. Rivkah lightning-blasted the Aarakocra again with her guitar, and the High Priestess resurrected Cipactli (1/3 HP, disadvantage on attack rolls). Luckily, Cipactli was right before the High Priestess in initiative order. The party focused the High Priestess down, then killed Cipactli pretty quickly, although not before the giant crocodilian creature bit Ratel and grappled him in its jaws. The junior priests spent this time failing to connect with Hold Person or Sacred Flame, although Rivkah did get held once for one round.

Once we hit 4 enemy priests, all with fewer than 30hp, it was apparent the fight would be over, so I said it was basically over… no need to roll it out. The Aarakocra don’t retreat, it’s against their ethos. Teador used Ssword’s divine sense ability to tell that, although the priests on the upper floors were alarmed, there weren’t enough present and grouped up to meet an immediate counterattack. They had time – a few minutes, perhaps – to check the temple. They loot the high priestess’s body, and then decide to take the whole corpse along to prevent easy resurrection.

There were two halls and two doors out of the main sanctuary, and the two doors would not open (enchanted to stop those with ill intent).
They almost didn’t check the treasury, but looked there last. First, Ratel found the high priestess’s very rich quarters (looted easily grabbed décor for 250gp), then he went the other way down the side hall and found a room with extensive alchemical and enchanting supplies, and grabbed wizardry inks plus woodworking and leatherworking tools.

The other three checked the other hall, finding a storage room containing 3’ high urns full of unclotted blood, and bowls full of preserved hearts. The other area down the hall led to a larger room with a lot of curtains, a faint smell of perfume, and a DC 16 Calm Emotions effect. Rivkah felt really calm and chill as they explored this room, finding curtained-off areas each containing a bed, stools, a small crib, and blankets. When they leave the room, they notice they’ve all healed 1hp from a low-level ongoing effect in the room. An earth and fertility goddess has a labor and delivery room for the well-connected…

Eventually the party does check the locked doors to the treasury, and immediately are confronted by a pair of stone golems. After two round, they’ve done over 180hp in damage, and the golems have slowed 1 PC, missed 6 times, and hit twice for 40 rounds. The outcome is clear and nobody’s in danger of getting killed, so they proceed to loot the room.

After this, they exit the front door of the temple and immediately Teleport back to a rendezvous point with the yuan-ti, who then use Sending to communicate to the diversionary forces. It’s time to count the loot and LEVEL UP TO 17!

17,850gp worth of gold, silver, gems, décor, gem-encrusted weapons, etc.
Shield +1
Dagger of the War Mage +3. We determined that this stacks with the Rod of the Pact Keeper +2, so Saqwam’s Eldritch Blast is getting a serious to-hit boost.
Potion of Longevity
Oil of Sharpness
2x 6th level spell scrolls (I rolled, Arcane Gate & Disintegrate)
1x 7th level spell scroll (Symbol)
1x Earthquake scroll
Quake Plate +2: Legendary, requires attunement
This +2 full plate armor is crafted from precisely shaped slabs of grey rock dyed dark red with blood. When struck, the wearer may use a Reaction to cast Earth Tremor with a DC of 14. The wearer may cast Move Earth once per day. If the wearer can cast spells, Earthbind and Erupting Earth are added to his list of spells known and prepared as long as he is attuned to the armor.

This was a good place to end. Teador the Paladin has access to Holy Sword, giving him +2d8 damage/hit as long as he can keep concentrating with his +15 Con save. Ratel is probably going to take a level of Rogue, as +1d6 sneak attack, 2 expertises, etc. is better than “+4 ki if you have no ki” at 20.
The bard & warlock both have 9th level spells to choose.


Session 40: 3/18/2023

Ratel and Troudar took the Epic Boon of Undetectability (+10 Stealth, immune to scrying/divination). This frees up an attunement slot and gives them two spare Amulets of Protection from Detection and Location. Teador takes the Boon of Recovery, so he can heal half his HP as a bonus action once per day. Saqwam takes an extra Mystic Arcanum and takes Circle of Death.

After some discussion, the party Teleports to the stone where the Crystal Sword had been. They then fly west to the largest Giant city. Teador rides his griffon with 1 passenger (speed 80’) while Saqwam, still a Planetar, uses his fly speed of 120’ and carries the other PC. They make good time overland. As they travel, Saqwam the temporary Planetar and Teador the 20th-level Paladin who can sprout wings bicker over who is actually more Good and holy.

Troudar, as a Goliath, knows the pass-phrases to unlock one of the concealed stone doors.

This city is partly segregated based on size, for the safety of all the Goliaths who are only knee-high to the Giants. Troudar leads the group to a Goliath bar and gets some beer and asks some questions. They look for someone who’s interested in adventure, and get referred to a young Golitath named Fui-Fui, who works at a fletcher’s, at least for now. The general mood they get is that nobody is very worried at this point.

Saqwam, still a planetar with wings, waited outside because he was too big, and because Teador declined to Dispel the True Polymorph when asked earlier. A Stone Giant named Ha’aheo approaches him and pokes his wing, and asks how he got them. I ran this straight off the two-sentence description in the city listing, with Ha’aheo being obsessed with getting wings and being able to fly. Saqwam said something about learning magic to fly or get wings, with the Giant responding that he was told he didn’t have any talent for learning magic. I don’t precisely recall how the conversation went, but one line was something to the effect of: “How can I learn the magic that you learned, when I’m not good at learning magic and you said you didn’t learn your magic by studying, but learned it without learning it?”

By the end of the conversation, Ha’aheo is planning to head east to find Oztalun and make a deal to become a warlock, and has directions for how to do so. Saqwam lets Oztalun know to be on the lookout for him.

The others leave the bar, and Teador dispels the True Polymorph after Saqwam has successfully recruited someone to his Aboleth cult.

Instead of seeking out Fui-Fui, the group decides to approach the city leaders. I briefly recap what they know about the government structure and how the leadership is consensus-based and very slow moving. They get to the government area, and I run it similar to a City Council, where they have to sign in, indicate what they wish to speak about, and then wait for their turn.

Hours pass. The discussions are very boring.

Eventually, it’s their turn, and they get called up to discuss getting the giants to go to war, which hasn’t happened in 1500 years.

They make an initial pitch and say they have evidence. A cloud giant named Pono is tasked with taking and reviewing their evidence to make a report. I used the XGTE name tables as recommended in the Demographics section a lot this time! Pono calls in some experts, including a Goliath sage who questions the group, and a cloud giant Lore Bard named Fef, who has a big magnifying glass for small documents. After doing his review, he points out that these are mostly personal letters, and that there’s something there, but not much in conclusive evidence. He can learn more with Legend Lore, but isn’t prepared to cast it today.

Teador opens his pack and pulls out a scroll of Legend Lore, handing it to the giant. I don’t even have in my notes when they got it, but it’s been a while! Fef casts the spell, and once he’s done, looks very worried. The wording on Legend Lore is pretty clear that it can reveal secrets and unknown things, and especially if you start from a position of high information, you get good unknown details. He consults with Pono, and messages are sent to ask sages and others with access to appropriate magic to try to double-check this, so that a consensus report can be presented rather than that of a single loremaster. The party is informed that this will take days.

When they meet with Fef the next day, he mentions having pulled out and read a couple of books on war the previous night – as they have been free of major organized war for 1,500 years, or a few generations. How, exactly, does the party propose to maintain a “supply chain” (whatever magic item that is, it’s not defined), and how do they expect the giants to travel 200 miles overland without being detected and bombarded from the sky?

The party starts discussing options, along with the duration and size limits of Teleport, Teleport Circle, Wind Walk, Transport Via Plants, etc. Ssword volunteers that there may still be a hidden Teleport Circle under the High Temple in the main Aarakocra city. However, it’s in a basement behind a thick stone wall, and only connects to a tunnel that goes out into the nearby lake. It’s not viable to bring Giants in that way.

They continue noodling on the problem, and Saqwam decides to ask his patron. Warlock-Patron communication is very much a grey area, but Aboleths seem telepathic-ish, and he’s a 20th level Warlock, so it makes sense that they can talk. Oztalun says it will get back to Saqwam the next day.

The next day, it does send him a message with an area to check on the map, mentioning an old document where someone had copied runes related to teleportation on a drawing… and the document eventually came to him. Aboleths remember everything.

It’s in one of the areas the party hasn’t been to, so they teleport in a couple of hexes away and travel there. There’s some joking about never getting random encounters, and this time when I roll the d8s, they get one. Saqwam’s player specifically jokes about the giant snakes and… I roll the giant snake.

It bites him out of the air and swallows him in a surprise round. The fight commences, and on his turn, Saqwam declares that he True Polymorphs into an Ancient Brass Dragon. Had he gone with a Large dragon, the snake would have still had him in its belly. A gargantuan dragon in a gargantuan snake? That’s too much. The snake is declared dead.

They find a 20’ diameter adamantium ring, marked with arcane runes related to planar travel, specifically to the Ethereal Plane. It’s ¾ buried. The solution to “how do you dig it out?” is that Teador’s Quake Plate allows him to cast Move Earth once per day. That dug it out.

Moving it is a bit harder. It’s too big to teleport, and too bulky and heavy to carry unless Saqwam wants to fly as a dragon for 150 miles. Ultimately, they use the Anyspell Tome to cast Reduce on it, which shrinks it to 10’ across, and Teleport it to Oztalun’s lair. It will take two weeks to prepare.

They then teleport out to visit a Yuan-ti village in 15.09 to try to get the sigil sequence for the hidden Teleport Circle under the temple.

DM note: That was about 2 ½ hours at the table, with ½ round of combat. Further battles aside from random encounters are mostly at their discretion, as they are invisible to scrying and move about too much to be easily attacked. Since they’ve been concealing their location so well, the Aarakocra don’t even have much to go on in terms of going after the Yuan-ti or other supporting groups, aside from getting lucky – which I am reluctant to have happen too often.

They actually got TWO random encounters. The second one is some Shadow Cats stalking them at night and reporting their position back so they can be attacked. The Cats managed to stay hidden, but the party solved the problem so quickly that the attack force never got a chance to form up and reach them. With several “teleport and kill” teams having failed, this one would have been 10+ air-skiffs and about 400 soldiers, including a newly-inducted High Priest of Tezcatlipoca able to cast Power Word: Kill.

At this point, the duration of the campaign is entirely up to what firepower and forces they want to have show up at the same time as them for the final battle in the city. We’ve discussed that these will be handled ‘off-screen’ rather than rolled in the fight, but will determine enemy response times, forces and reinforcements available, alertness, etc. They want to stack the deck on this fight, and I think that will also serve them well in terms of preparing for the question of “what happens after we win?”


Session 41: 4/1/2023

The party is escorted directly to the leader of the Yuan-ti village, who is happy to see them…they are important, and Teador is trailed by a number of people as he carries the Ssword of Sseth. It will take a few days to find someone who may have records of the Teleport Circle under the high temple, but they think it can be done.

There is some discussion of how to get the Yuan-ti to the final battle. They can sneak to the area in the jungle in small groups, but will need to know when to go, and what to do. They aren’t suited for open field battle. It will take two weeks for the teleport ring to be ready, so they decide to have the Yuan-ti check in with them once per day with Sending, and will count on the Yuan-ti’s long-established internal communication channels to distribute word from there.

There is a logistical problem – nobody in the party can cast Sending. If they get the giants to agree to come and fight, and set up the ring as a destination for the Teleport Circle spell that will fit the giants (unlike the under-temple one)… how do the giants know when to cast the spell from 100 miles away and come through? They travel south to the next Yuan-ti hex and recruit Priya to come with them. Nobody specifically asks about her spell list, but she definitely has Sending, Invisibility, and Teleport Circle.

There’s discussion of how to get the portal ring in place in the Aarakocra city. Options discussed true polymorphing into a dragon, getting turned Invisible, and flying it in, as well as shrinking it, Teleporting in, and setting it up, or carrying it in on/under a stolen air-skiff.

The group returns to the giant city via Helm of Teleportation and meets with Pono and Fef, who look very concerned. In the absence of the party, a very large Aarakocra force showed up and issued an ultimatum: If the giants work with the party, the Aarakocra will return and bombard the city, killing everyone there.

The PCs are immune to scrying and divination…. But the Giants are not. It is still 12 days until the portal ring is ready. Extended discussions ensue, with thoughts of diversionary strikes, hitting the capital early, trying to defend the city, bag of holding bombing raids, and the like. The final choice is that the giants officially kick out the players and refuse to work with them.

Unofficially, Fef is a point of contact for Sending and will spread the word. There will be some volunteers acting in a non-endorsed individual capacity when the party is ready to go in two weeks. It’s a reduction in their force, but better than nothing. They make a mediocre Deception check with advantage showing disappointment and leave. If they’re lucky, this will be enough to fool the divination spells the Aarakocra are using.

Teador has the party take a couple of days doing a sweep of the hexes around the city looking for any enemy Forward Operating Bases. None are found. After some discussion, they decide to kill time by hunting enemy patrols to thin their numbers until the ring is ready.

They use the Ssacred Library of Sseth (very well hidden, within 2 hexes of the enemy capital) as a teleport destination, and start traveling around, looking for enemy patrols. There’s no way they can’t win, and over a few days, they wipe out 3 patrols (3 air-skiffs and 30-something enemies) in 3 hexes. Saqwam snags a few priest souls to interrogate with Soul Cage, but doesn’t verify much new information. They continue their search, but the next patrol they run across is six air-skiffs and 70-something Aaracokra.

The group decides that it’s too much to take on, and that they should leave… but Teador wants to use Chain Lightning from his ring first to thin them out. It has a range of 150’ and hits several enemies. By this point, Ratel’s player has had to drop off Discord for the evening, so nobody has anything longer ranged.

They hide in the path of the enemy force, but not well enough. They are spotted. The air-skiffs hold back, and the enemy force spreads out in two wings to encircle them completely, before advancing all at once. When they hit 150’, we roll initiative to see who is fastest off the mark with spellfire.

With 72 enemies, I am not tracking individual spells or HP. Instead, I use multiples of 6 to determine how many enemies of each type, and then decide that they’re spaced equally around.

Saqwam opens with Circle of Death. I do some quick math on a 150’ diameter circle, and it hits around 1/7th, or about 10 of them. Unfortunately, the damage on a failed save is about 24, so it doesn’t kill any enemies.

Troudar the fighter is next. He dodges, as he has no weapons long-enough range to hit.

I look at the spell lists for the enemy senior and junior priests, and rather than splitting things up, have them all advance 30’ to a range of 120’, and eighteen castings of Fireball fly at the party.

Fireball’s average damage is 27, with a Dex DC of 12-16 depending on caster.

I have everybody roll 4 dex saves to see how they do. Teador and Troudar pass all 4, and Saqwam fails one save.

Using D&D rounding (down), Teador takes 27 x .5 (passed saves) -> 13 x .5 (fire resistant) -> 6 damage per Fireball. 18 x 6 = 108 damage.

Troudar is not fire resistant, and 13 x 18 is 234, so he is reduced to 0hp.

Saqwam takes more than 234hp in damage and is killed (reduced to 0 then plenty of hits).

Troudar, as a Samurai, can take a full turn when reduced to 0. He uses Second Wind, then grabs the other two and activates his Helm of Teleportation. Teador Revivifies Saqwam.

Teador rolled poorly on initiative, and never got to go. It was a short fight.

It’s only 3 days until the portal ring will be ready, so the party puts things in motion – they use the next check-in to tell the Yuan-ti to move, and they send Saqwam and Troudar to teleport to the west coast to call the Kraken’s name and wait for him to arrive, so that he will be ready to be teleported to the battle site.

Next session will be sitting down with the map of the enemy capital city and planning what they will do in what order to kick things off, and then we’ll start the final battle.

Everyone gets an epic boon for getting the plan in place and lining up allies. No choices have been made yet.

DM Notes: Another 2.5 hour session. I’d rather do longer sessions, especially for the Big Finale.

18 Fireballs was hilarious. There should be 2 sessions left, unless they decide to change plans or something.

Session 41: 4/15/2023

Epic boons selected:

Troudar: Fighting Style: Blind Fighting.

Ratel: Hearing the Air, blindsense 30’ when not deaf

Teador: Aura of Blades, allies within 30’ do +PB force damage with attacks

Saqwam: Epic Spellcasting

We were able to start earlier tonight, leading to a session that lasted close to 4 hours for once. Roughly the first two hours were spent putting together an attack plan as a group. I gave them the list of questions / things I needed to know, and we got them checked off one by one, including the logistical issues. There was some back and forth, as the kraken didn’t want to be the first one in. The final plan, which they had 3 days to set up before the teleport ring was ready:

1. Priya, the Yuan-ti wizard, gets the party’s Helm of Teleportation. She collects the (Reduced) teleportation gate from Oztalun’s lair, then teleports to the west coast to meet with Huizhong the kraken.

2. They attack at sunset, when the enemy troops are back and their air-skiffs have mostly landed for the night. With the help of some Yuan-ti (spellcasting and troops), they use the Teleport Circle hidden in the bottom of the temple from when it belonged to Sseth, and enter the city.

3. After one minute passes, Priya will teleport to the city, using the pebble the party’s Silver Raven figurine retrieved as a material focus. She will bring Huizhong with her, with the kraken carrying the gate. The Teleport spell makes no restrictions on the size of creatures teleported, or the size of anything they bring as long as it is a carried object, and a STR 30 kraken can certainly carry a 3500lb gate. She will land near the edge of a large square stone building near the temple. The gate can be leaned up against the wall, and she will then use Sending to contact the giants who are unofficially coming to help. They can use it as a focus for a long-duration Teleport Circle and flood through, while Huizhong moves to the water and engages nearby Aarakocra with his lightning bolts, 30’ tentacles, etc.

4. One the main battle kicks off (loud noises, obvious battle magic), the Yuan-ti along the edge of the city will begin attacking. With the paladin’s input, their direction is to kill anything that resists them, but to not destroy the city.

5. Assuming victory, enemy survivors will be allowed to surrender. Ssword will allow surrendered Aarakocra to worship him, and will allow most of them to even retain their property within the city… after all, his new empire will be stronger with more subjects and more species, and he’s no longer a Yuan-ti chauvinist. However, any who enslaved Yuan-ti, participated in sacrifices, etc., will have their guilt verified (magically) and will be executed with no exceptions. Harsh but fair justice.

For the interior of the temple, I keep rough track of how many rounds it’s taking, and don’t worry about specific attack rolls. A 20th level party backed up by 12+ Yuan-ti assassins, wizards, and Abominations can bring down some AC 16-18/HP 30-90 guards very fast at range.

The party teleports into the temple, and Teador sets up Aura of Power, which gives advantage on saves and an evasion-type on all “save for half” things for all allies within 30’. This lasts for 10 minutes as long as he maintains concentration. The Teleport Circle is indeed functional and hidden, albeit dusty. One way out of the room leads down to the lake outside in an underwater passage. The other way out is a short set of stairs that lead to a blank stone wall. Examination determines that this is indeed a mortared-shut wall, not a hidden door. They have the Yuan-ti use Sending, and get someone who can cast Stone Shape sent along in the next group teleport to the circle. They lose some time due to this.

Emerging, they shoot some guards at long distance, break down a magically locked door, and go upstairs. They follow the same pattern for the next four floors up, making a beeline for the stairs and killing anything in their way. The Yuan-ti split off in groups to deal with any other guards. I think the only time they ever got off the direct route was breaking down a locked armory door, seeing what’s inside, and telling their followers to grab any better gear they found.

After around a minute and a half, they emerge on the outside of the temple, just below the 50’x50’ roof section that the animated Idol (avatar) of Huitzopochtli is on. They can see giants coming out of the portal and throwing spears and stones at the Aarakocra around them, as well as Huizhong firing lightning bolts at other enemies. They also see a couple of beams of golden light shoot down from above, striking the kraken and burning it.

Initiative is rolled, and the Idol goes first. It walks over to where the party is and blasts down at them with Sunburst, which Saqwam counter-spells, then several shots of golden 6d8 radiant light from its spear tip, and a mote from Crown of Stars. It backs up.

Saqwam pops up on his Broom of Flying and casts Circle of Death to greatly weaken a lot of the enemies, but the Idol counterspells it.

The senior priests use Harm, but both targets save, and Aura of Power means save for half becomes save for none, causing 2 7th level spells to be completely wasted. Ratel shoots one of the priests for substantial damage. The High Priest stays near the middle and casts Holy Aura, giving attacks against every ally of its within 30’ disadvantage. Troudar attacks whatever is near him 4 times and does a lot of damage. The Ahuitzotls climb up from the lower tier; Saqwam doesn’t start drowning, but one does manage to grapple him. Teador uses his action to sprout spectral wings, and creates a 1 minute aura. Any enemy approaching to within 30’ of him, or starting its turn within 30’ of him, has to make a DC 20 Wisdom save or be frightened, having disadvantage on attack rolls and such. This causes a lot of misses in round 2.

The Idol takes no legendary actions in Round 1 because nobody has come up to it yet.

The Idol approaches the edge again at the beginning of Round 2 and attacks the party, firing a mote, some blasts from its spear, and casting Black Blade of Disaster. Teador gets good use from his one casting of Shield (from a feat?) and blocks both spectral blades as well as some other damage.

Saqwam True Polymorphs into a Balor, ending the grapple. He flies up and over to get out of melee (for now), and eats whatever hits out of 4 readied Guiding Bolts from the Sun Acolytes on the top level. Ratel uses his Eclipse hammer to cast Darkness on the hammer, and moves up to the top level. It takes an action to cast the spell, so he doesn’t get to do any damage. The enemy High Priest, lacking good targets for AOE spells, Dispels the Darkness, then attacks him once. The Slayers make a huge flurry of attacks, but most are at disadvantage so it’s a lot of misses. Troudar kills one of them, then starts in on the next one. The Idol hits Ratel with another golden beam for damage – actually, for a 72-damage crit until we remember the adamantium skeleton plating. Teador flies up with Ssword, declares Vow of Enmity, and attacks twice, dumping smite slots and both Inflict Wounds from Ssword while also getting himself Healed (I should have put a 1x/round limitation on Ssword’s spells). He does about 140 damage to the Idol, who reacts in surprise. The attacks also burst two of the ten hearts around Huitzopochtli’s neck. Ssword comments that he’s been waiting about 300 years for this.

We end here due to time.

DM Notes: If another Epic Boon came along, Troudar could take one that would double the numerical benefits of his fighting styles, including the range of Blind Fighting. The better blindsense option Ratel got is thanks to being an elf.

I discouraged splitting the party in their planning for the final battle.

There would ordinarily be enemy reinforcements coming from within the temple and around it, but their plan has neatly drawn those reinforcements off, or tied up in-temple ones (amounting to another 15-20 enemies) up with Yuan-ti.

Opposition is:

1 idol

1 high priest

2 senior priests

1 gray guard – a swordsman with magic armor and a Defender +3 sword set to defend, so he has AC 25, action surge, and 3-4 attacks per round. This was a “if the battle is going to be too easy, insert this” option, and I opted to delete him before he engaged the party.

4 sun acolytes (5th level priests)

4 champions

4 slayers (dual short-sword wielders with good damage and resistances)

Lower on the temple: 2 Ahuitzotls (drown-causing dogs) and 1 War Priest.

This is on the high end of how many enemies I want to run. I have them divided into 4 initiative blocks, and the casters are generally all casting the same spell on their turns.

I felt bad about having Counterspelled the Circle of Death. He was pretty disappointed, but that’s high level D&D caster play. I should have reminded him that he can Counterspell a Counterspell, but I didn’t think of it.

Lack of AOE damage is making this drag out a lot. The other test party opened with Meteor Swarm and a chain of Counterspells, although I did beef up the non-magical guards after that by adding 4 Slayers.

If they can bring down the idol, a lot of the weaker enemies will drop dead. They planned all the lead up to the battle, but not the battle itself. Out of 8 player turns, 4 have resulted in net 0 damage to enemies (Counterspell, True Polymorph, cast Darkness, pop Paladin wings/fear aura). Teador’s aura was probably worth it, as it’s causing a lot of misses.

I still think they’ll win, but it’ll probably be 3-4 rounds, maybe less if they get their act together and focus on primary targets instead of trying to individually kill every single guard.

Session 42: 5/7/2023

This is it, the final session!

We picked back up mid-battle, at the top of the round. The Idol of Huitzopochtli attacks Teador, who’s flying next to him, 3 times. He misses either 2 or 3 times, starting a trend that continued all night long. Teador had Ssword and was doing most of the damage to him, so he was a primary target, including for many off-turn Legendary attacks. The Idol got Nat1s on at least 5 attacks versus Teador, as well as a large number of 2s, 3s, and 4s. I was using my good dice, too. The Idol also casts Blade Barrier along the wall to split the attacking force in half. This ultimately proves, if anything, counter-productive. It’s high along the edge to hit Teador, which means Saqwam and Troudar are below it and unaffected. Ratel doesn’t retreat through it, and Teador’s Circle of Power spell means he takes no damage on successful saves. Meanwhile, standing in Blade Barrier gives ¾ cover, or +5 to AC. Teador spent much of the fight either in the Blade Barrier, or returning to it for the extra AC.

At initiative count 20, I decide that the kraken down below will take a few pot-shots, and lightning bolts from it hit the war priest who’d be most visible from its location, doing 30-something damage. Saqwam (in Balor form) attacks twice, doing some damage to a couple of enemies, and drawing some melee attacks on himself. Troudar works on hammering his way through the Slayers hemming him in, dropping a very consistent 20-30 damage per hit x 9 hits in a row with Action Surge and Fighting Spirit. Teador goes for the Idol, bursting one of the 10 hearts every time he strikes it with Ssword. The hearts power Legendary Resistance, and also can be used (once per round) to heal the Idol 100hp. Teador crits, and the idol heals the next round. Teador used his Epic Boon of Recovery to heal himself 107hp (half HP) either this round or the next round. Ratel tries to hit the High Priest and the Idol, but the High Priest’s Aura of Power causing disadvantage, and Legendary Resistances, are too much for his Stunning Fist to overcome. One of the priests tries to Dispel the “person turning into a Balor” they saw. A high roll is needed, and I roll in front of the DM screen so everyone can see it. Nat 20.

The next round, the Idol attacks Teador again, and also hits Ratel once. I don’t recall what spell it cast, but whatever it was, it wasn’t very effective. Ratel goes down from the Idol’s 2d12 fire aura at the start of his turn, and spends much of the remainder of the combat healing 2hp (troll heart) and then going back down from the aura.

Troudar does more damage but gets knocked to 0, using his Samurai ability to power through a full turn, kill his attacker, and heal himself with Fighting Spirit. At init 20, the kraken contributes a bit more lightning damage.

I believe it was this round where Saqwam’s player turned the tide of the fight. He had pre-selected Wish as the book in the Anyspell Tome, and used it to cast Antipathy. Wish means the casting is instant instead of 1 hour. He cast it on the Idol, specifying Aarakocra. Antipathy has no save, and causes any of the affected creatures who come within 60’ of the target, or who can see it, to need to make a (DC 20) Wisdom save or be frightened and forced to use their actions to move away. If they move more than 60’ away AND cannot see it, they can start making saves against the effect. The idol is glowing quite brightly and visible at a long distance, and is located in the open on the tallest building in the city. Aarakocra fly. This affected the entire enemy force of thousands of troops. Over the next round, almost every single enemy on the top of the temple failed their Wisdom saves. Only two Slayers, one Senior Priest, 2 Acolytes, and the High Priest were left.

Teador ends up flying around the Idol to the High Priest and dumping a 4th-level smite, plus having Ssword cast Harm on the priest to shatter his concentration with 80-something damage and taking down the Holy Aura that was inflicting disadvantage on far too many attack rolls.

The next couple of rounds were a slugging match between a critting, smiting paladin with impeccable Concentration and an artifact sword, and a deific avatar of a war god who rarely rolled higher than a 4. Troudar had to stay out of range of the aura due to low HP for a round or so until the Idol moved away, but still scored some damage with javelins. Saqwam used his Epic Spellcasting boon to cast Finger of Death for triple damage. The Idol made the save, but half of 21d6+90 is still 83 damage. This time on initiative count 20, with the entire enemy force in disarray, I asked if the party had discussed getting help in their planning phase. They settled on “Yes,” so Priya teleported onto the temple with two Giants (using spellcasting statblocks I had in place already) to help. I rolled for Teleport and they were off-target, but since it was a 500’ teleport, they only arrived about 90’ off-target. One giant hasted the other, and a Hasted Rune Knight Stone Giant showed up to miss every single attack he made… but he drew some attacks.

Somewhere in here, Teador gets Ssword to use its Mass Healing Word ability, helping Troudar and Ratel heal more.

The Idol tried to go after Saqwam for casting Antipathy, but Sentinel + crit meant that the Idol’s movement was stopped and more damage was dealt. The Idol later went after Saqwam using a legendary action to move, which let Troudar come up and start hammering at the High Priest, while Ratel was finally able to get up on his turn. Teador spent his turn burning 100hp of Lay on Hands on himself and followed the Idol, trying to get an attack from Sentinel or Vow of Enmity. The Idol cast Black Blade of Disaster (for the second time this evening; the first had only one hit for 9 damage due to fickle d12s), but missed Saqwam with both. It took a swing at Teador, and he hit it yet again with Ssword, bursting the next-to-last heart and reducing the Idol to 0hp. Ssword, which had been glowing greener and brighter throughout the fight, emitted a green flash, and transformed into a 2’ long jade green snake with iridescent green eyes as the idol stopped glowing. “Huitzopochtli, don’t you know that not all dead things stay dead?”

Every remaining enemy within a few hundred feet instantly took 100hp of poison damage. The party spent the next round finishing off the High Priest, who attempted to cast Prismatic Wall, but whose spell failed to go off as his connection to his god was temporarily disrupted. Ratel brought him low, and Troudar finished off the high priest and the Slayer.

The party could then fly around the city, with Ssword dealing 100 poison damage to every fighting Aarakocra within a few hundred feet every round. They specifically note that those not bearing arms are unharmed. Between that and the temporary loss of clerical spellcasting, the yuan-ti, party, and the giants are able to mop things up over the next hour or two.

The reborn Sseth proclaims a new government under his guidance, albeit one that will allow the Aarakocra who surrender and obey to retain both their lives and property, and which accepts other species.

The Aarakocra still have other gods, but they have all lost much power, as well as their organization. There is plenty of mop-up and other fighting, but nothing that the players can’t spearhead with their superior skill and firepower. Remnants of Huitzopochtli’s followers will trouble the new empire for the next 20-40 years, slowly retreating into the mountains.

The non-Huitzopochtli-following Aarakocra in the mountains remain as they are, although they can trade with the yuan-ti-run empire and their neighbors safely now.

The new empire accepts all species. It is lawful, but not tyrannical as the old Yuan-Ti-supremacist empire was. There is justice and law, but also freedom and some toleration, as reflects Ssword’s shift to a Lawful Neutral alignment and new values.

With Sseth restored, the Yuan Ti’s demographic problem goes away, and they no longer suffer a 90% failure rate with birthing male children. They reclaim their old cities, but end up sharing them with the subdued but more numerous Aarakocra.

Oztalun is not happy that Saqwam failed in his mission, but remains safe in the dark in his lair. Huitzopchtli winning would have been substantially worse for his plans.

The Tortles along the coast can stop living in fear, and live more peaceful lives.

The party didn’t interact much with the Scorpionfolk, so there wasn’t much of their impact to show there.

The giants suffer some internal political turmoil over the “unofficial” help that was given in a major war action, as it risked one of their cities. As the outcome was good, it is not anything that causes problems for anyone else.

The player characters are rich, powerful, revered by the Yuan-ti, and respected by others. Whatever they want to do, they can do it, and everything they say and do may be written down for history.

Ratel decides to stay in the area and found a new monastery, spending a few centuries training Yuan-ti and Aarakocra monks.

Saqwam is appointed by Ozatalun as the aboleth’s ambassador to the new empire. He travels around and finds likely converts, sending them to Oztalun to learn and serve. After a while, he is joined by his new apprentice… a stone giant who is very happy to learn Levitate at will when he reaches level 9. Saqwam eventually learns about the Chuul the party had earlier encountered, and connects them with Oztalun.

Teador decides to return to Europe. Being rich, famous, and regionally powerful isn’t anything new to him.

Troudar considers himself a mercenary and doesn’t want to get tied down. When Teador offers, he decides to go see this Europe as well, although he warns that his actions may not always line up with Teador’s values.

DM Notes: What a ride! I was worried for a while that this was going to be a TPK. The dice were nuts. The Idol missed a lot, and Teador scored many critical hits. The battle was slightly too tough (partly due to their own choices, like Ratel never turning on his ability that gives him invisibility and resistance to most damage), but they pulled it off. The use of Antipathy was absolutely a genius move that I would never have thought of.

Circle of Power and a +15 Constitution save is also a really all-star combo in terms of damage prevention.

If you’re going to run this campaign, note that the final battle is intentionally written to be very difficult, and the difficulty needs to be calibrated to the number of players and their skill and abilities. A party with combat healing or a 5th player would have had a much easier time.

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