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Adventures in RPG Self-Publishing


Hi there,

One year ago this week, Parsantium: City at the Crossroads was published after more than a year of writing, revising, editing, proof-reading, layout and design by me and Kate. We published the book through our own imprint, Ondine Publishing, because RPG contracts are largely work for hire, with the rights to your work sitting with the publisher. I’d been running my Parsantium campaign for five years, my players had enjoyed it (and still do!) and if I was going to turn the city I had created into a game supplement, I wanted to keep the rights to it, as well as any profit from its sales. Also, Kate is a professional editor and has published books for other authors so I knew we had the necessary skills.

I hoped to sell 150 copies and, more importantly, hoped that people would like the book.

I am delighted to report that Parsantium has sold nearly 500 copies to date, and has picked up some great reviews from the likes of Endzeitgeist and others. And I've been thrilled to hear about people running games in the city.

I thought it would be interesting to share a few stats with those of you considering doing something similar and publishing your own RPG book.

PDF vs Print

As well as producing a PDF of Parsantium, we set up Print on Demand versions with both One Bookshelf (drivethrurpg.com and rpgnow.com) and directly with Lightning Source. We also made a print and PDF bundle available for $3 more than the price of the print edition alone. Jon Roberts’ map of the city was so gorgeous that we included this as a separate high res file to anyone buying the PDF or the bundle.

As you can see from the chart, PDF was by far the most popular format, helped by including the eBook in several 30% off promotions on OBS and Paizo.com (GM’s Day Sale, Christmas in July, Not Going to GenCon etc). The print/PDF bundle did well too - a high percentage of OBS and Paizo customers who wanted a print book also wanted the convenience of a PDF and thought an extra $3 was a fair price to pay for it.

Where Parsantium Sold

I knew I wanted to have Parsantium available on One Bookshelf and Paizo, but I was also keen to have the print edition available on Amazon and through other online bookstores. It’s not cheap to get your book set up with Lightning Source directly, but this does mean it gets an Amazon listing and is available to order from Barnes & Noble, Waterstones etc, and is the easiest way to get print copies to Paizo. It's also very straightforward to get copies for yourself to sell to friends or at conventions.


The chart shows the sales split by sales channel for Parsantium. The vast majority of sales came through OBS which isn't surprising, but significant sales went through Paizo, helped by the Pathfinder logo and compatibility, and to a lesser extent, Lightning Source (which includes Amazon). Direct sales were print copies I bought from Lightning Source at cost and sold myself; Other includes d20PFSRD.com and my two local game stores.

Thanks to everyone for the support you’ve given Parsantium in the last twelve months by buying the book or talking about it. It was a lot of hard work for both of us getting the book out there but I’ve enjoyed (almost) every minute of it and I’m looking forward to writing and publishing two follow-up products – Icons of Parsantium and Tales of Parsantium – in the coming months.

If you're thinking of publishing your own RPG and have any questions, please let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them.



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Guide of Modos
Parsantium: City at the Crossroads was published after more than a year of writing, revising, editing, proof-reading, layout and design by me and Kate.

You guys are rockin' it! What's your commission on producing and selling other people's stuff? Lots of authors around here...


Well done! 500 downloads is a lot - what do you put that down to? How did you market your product?
Thanks! I'm really proud of the book – I spent a lot of time writing and revising my work so it was good as it could be, then Kate did a very thorough edit. I think the cover is very strong and the map is gorgeous so both of those helped too.

In terms of marketing, I started a blog about the book as I was writing it and continued with it as we went through the publishing process, previewing the cover and interior art, publishing excerpts and asking for comments. I also talked about the book on social media and on ENWorld, Paizo.com, The Piazza and other forums to build awareness. This meant that when it finally came out, there were a group of people who were already interested in checking it out.

I continued writing blog posts after the book was published – some of these had extra content like icons for 13th Age or write ups of character races for 5e. Others included updates on sales, reviews, and posts asking for feedback on what people wanted to see next in terms of follow up products. I've tried to answer all the comment and questions I've had and have really enjoyed hearing about the games people are running using Parsantium.

I already mentioned including Parsantium in site-wide sales and promotions on drivethrurpg.com and Paizo. OBS also give you publisher promotion points each month, based on sales the previous month, and you can spend these to promote your title on the front page or to send emails to people that have bought your products. I made good use of these to promote the book when it was discounted and this also helped boost sales numbers.




You guys are rockin' it! What's your commission on producing and selling other people's stuff? Lots of authors around here...
That's very flattering - thank you! Maybe in the (far) future, but we've got our hands full at the moment working on our own stuff.


Seeing as your it is on sale right now. Do you have any insight how those boosted your sales?
Most sale promotions at OBS and Paizo are around 30% off the usual price. Typically the rate of sale doubled when I included the PDF in one of these sales.

I tried to make sure people knew about the promotion through social media and the blog, and increased on-site merchandising on OBS by spending my publisher promotion points.



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