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[Adventure] Underneath Hadeys' Door: DM ScorpiusRisk, Judge Renau1g


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Underneath Hadeys' Door

DM: ScorpiusRisk
Judge: renau1g

Adventure Information as of 07/13/2011

Active Party Members:
Sound of Stone Thri-keen Monk 3
Kamotz Shifter Cleric/Paladin 4
Hunzu Shardmind Mage 2
Illarion Meriele Changeling Sorcerer 4

Guarding Camp:
Cynthia Invoker/Shaman 1
Corvus Raine Human Warlord 2

Major Quests: Explore the mysterious building

Minor Quests:

XP Awarded: None

Treasure Awarded: None

Date Started: 06/09/2011
Days Played: 34

Rules of Play:

1. Please include your quick stats in your post on each post in combat, and on the first post where your status has changed.

2. In combat I will track your hitpoints and status effects but I'd like you to do the same in your quick stats. After all, I am not perfect.

3. If you are using a wishlist, and it gets updated, please let me know. If you are not using a wishlist, no worries. In L4W, not all treasure will be from wishlists, but I do use them.

4. I will rarely assign treasure to an individual. It is up to you to split things as fairly as you deem.

5. I will roll initiative for all. You do not need to wait for you're turn in initiative to post your actions. Enemies will usually go on one initiative.

Effects happen in the order you post. Any effects lasting for an entire round, that should effect you, do, but only once per round the effect exists, despite you're posting order.

If you tie for initiative with the enemy, you will go first.

6. I will not post full stats for enemies. All status effects will be posted. Auras will be posted once they first take noticeable affect. HP will be posted once bloodied. Defenses will be revealed individually once hit. Some familiar monsters are modified.

7. If an sblock is labeled for someone other than you, I ask you not to read it.

8. If you do not post for 2 days, and we are in a skill challenge or combat encounter, I will post for you. I will only use At-Will Powers.

9. If you have an image you'd like to use for your token, please send me the file bal112083(at)gmail.com.

10. I don't care how you roll your dice as long as its online and trackable.


The party has been chosen and they have a full evening ahead of them to prepare. I want to give you some time to roleplay as a group for the first time, if desired. You can use this time to buy supplies, find out more aout each other, or discuss possible tactics. I'll move forward to dawn, when things wind down, or you decide you're done.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Chaos Resistance; Bluff (1d10=6, 1d20+14+2+5=35) - Illarion gains resist 5 necrotic until next extended rest, you need to beat Insight vs Bluff 35 to consider Illarion anything, but blind elf :)

Illarion turns in general direction of the people he's to travel with.
"My name is Illarion Merielle. I hope we get to know each other better before we run into trouble."

He's of typical elven build, slender and graceful. The staff serves as both his weapon and his eyes, tapping in front as he moves. Long blond hair can be seen under the hood almost covering his white eyes.

On the hand holding the staff, a tattoo of snarling demon stylized through broken lines can be seen.

"I am a sorcerer."

[sblock=Illarion Meriele]
SPECIAL: resist 5 necrotic;

if 1st attack in the round is even gain +1 AC; odd - make a saving throw
+1 to all defenses vs traps

On nat 20: slide the target 1 square and knock it prone
On nat 1 MUST push all within 5 squares 1 square

AC: 18 Fort: 15 Reflex: 19 Will: 22
HP: 39/39 Surges: 7/7 Surge Value: 9

MBA Staff: +5 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
RBA Dagger: +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Level 1: Shadow Initiate
Level 2: Grasping Magpies
Level 4: Improved Defenses


Chaos Bolt
Blazing Starfall
Assassin's Shroud
Changeling Disguise

Changeling Trick
Mists of Disarray
Ice Dragon Teeth
Flame Spiral

Grounding Rebuke
Good Timing

Amulet of life encounter free action: spend additional surge

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First Post
Kamotz! shouts the shifter from atop his mount, Sorcerer, you blow stuff up? I'd like to see that, when we run into trouble. I'm a Death worshiper, recently pledged to hunt Zal'Ekthees, an enemy of Lauto, and undead in general.


First Post
Corvus is far behind the others as they moved forward, the man hadn't worn his armor in town, too hot and heavy to wear the scaled armor all day. Not sure how the others managed it, but he wasn't a spring chicken anymore and couldn't bear it all day. Corvus thought with a smile, "Probably get attacked by these heroes on sight too" as he went to his horse and begun the arduous process of strapping on the various pieces of armor.

***** Some time later *****

As you are all milling about, a heavily armored figure walks down the streets, the citizens of Daunton giving him wide berth. He's like something out of a child's nightmare, a suit of armor concealed his body from head-to-toe, midnight black steel, with thick plates of bone that gleamed as if polished to a shine. From small spines of bone on his shoulders hung a heavy cloak of royal purple. Atop it all, a helm of bone, a skull bound in iron bands. Nothing human showed through the grim facade, nothing peered from the gaping black holes of the mask.

"Greetings. If I haven't met you yet, I am Corvus Raine, enemy of the Oni, tactician, and warrior." the man states.


First Post
I like the look of you. states the shifter, before barking his name loudly again, Kamotz! tilting his head at a 45 degree angle he asks Who are the Oni?.


First Post
*Hunzu a well dressed shardmind joins the others as they await there soon to come departure. He holds a Talenta Sharresh within his grasp, and wears a black tux with a white shirt beneath the tux jacket. He is well groomed and not a spec of dirt lay upon him anywhere. He tilts his top hat up slightly as he arrives and looks around at the others. His thoughts entering the minds of all those currently present.*

"I am Hunzu Seisoku-Kurisutaru. It is a pleasure to met you all. I do hope you all have gotten your sea legs already."

[sblock=Hunzu]Hunzu- Male Shardmind Enchanter 2
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18

AC: 15, Fort: 13, Ref: 15, Will: 15

Initiative: +3; Speed: 6

HP: 28/28, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 14, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 8/8

Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Magic Missile

Action Point [ ]
Charm of Misplaced Wrath [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Shard Swarm [ ]
Suggestion [ ]

Strategist’s Epiphany [ ]
Wizard’s Fury [ ]


First Post
At the shifter's words:

"Demons. They haunt my homeland. They twist our Empire from within and without. They are not enemies to be trifled with, I barely am alive today after an ambush at their hands, but soon we will be free of them, that I am sure" Corvus says coolly, "So what is your story Kamotz? I heard you mention the elf is a sorcerer? How can a blind man wield such power without injuring his comrades?" the man asks.


First Post
With the power given to me by the great Palladys, I am here to help! says the young lady. You can call me Cynthia, and allow me to introduce you to my most faithful companion...

Cynthia waves the top of her staff in quick small circles, creating four little balls of energy of fire, air, water and earth, which combine together next to her into an elemental spirit with humanoid shape. Arronax, at your service! Arronax takes a good look at the people around, and turns to Cynthia. It's nice to see some new faces he giggles.

Cynthia smiles and turns towards Hunzu. Excuse my manners, but I have never seen anyone like you, where have you come from?

[sblock=Cynthia]Cynthia - Female Human Invoker|Shaman 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14

AC: 16, Fort: 13, Ref: 15, Will: 15

Initiative: +0; Speed: 6

HP: 21/21, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 10, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/6



Call Spirit Companion
Spirit's Wrath
Spirit Infusion
Spirit of the Tempest
Hand of Radiance


Healing Spirit(Hybrid) [ ]
Speak with Spirits [ ]
Thunder of Judgment [ ]
Beguiling Strands [ ]


Silent Malediction [ ]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
pledged to hunt Zal'Ekthees, an enemy of Lauto, and undead in general. [/COLOR]

"You hunt enemies of undead? I thought Lauto does NOT condone undeath? Or is it his queen? I was never good with subtle distinctions like that."

Hearing heavily armored warrior declaring his enmity against demons, Illarion smiles.
"I too am hunter of demons. I got my badge of distinction saving an island from being overrun by demons and preventing whole scale intrusion into our world."

he raises his hand, letting the sleeve fall, showing the rest of the tattoo depicting exploding demons and imploding gates (if you look close enough and know what are you looking at :) )

He then flinches as foreign thoughts penetrate into his.
"WHAT ARE YOU?! GET OUT OF MY MIND!" - Hunzu can feel utter revulsion with strong undercurrent of fear in this 'shouted' thoughts. A symbol, seven pointed star is foremost cause of this fear.

He takes the dagger out holding it our defensively, staff feeling the area behind him until he get his back to something solid.
"There is someone who can read minds close by. If it's one you, new companions, please say something normally. Now."

OOC: I'll assume Hunzu responds somehow os everything returns to 'normal'

He almost misses Cythia's introduction and Corvus question, but after a moment, he responds nodding toward Cynthia "Nice to meet you, lady. And you too, Arronax."

then back to Corvus "I can hear you well enough and in combat nothing and nobody can be perfectly silent. Even ghosts leave clear their location by sound's absence in the place where the opponent should be if I hear a friend fighting. Observe."

Illarion feels around for something to throw, finding small pebble and throwing it high above, his head cocked. At the moment it hits nearby roof, he looses coruscating bolt at it.

Illarion puts away his dagger.
"Corvus, demonhunter, would you describe the armor that so excited our pilgrim?"


First Post
I hunt Zal'Ekthees and undead. Kamotz gives a long pause, Zal'Ekthees is an enemy of Lauto, so far as I've experienced, the demon is tolerant of undead servants. The temple is concerned that Zal'Ekthees is attempting the shift into godhood. I've prevented the attempt thus far. Kamotz bangs his fist against his chest. I'm glad to be with other demon hunters, this pilgrimage is full of good omens.

The shifter idly scratches Whiggins ears, listening to the group introduce themselves. He laughs, a high pitched, hyena like yelping, as Illarion startles at Hunzu's invasion. Why do you worry Illarion, if something were to read our minds, it would find only one line of thought. The hunt. Kamotz gives a long look at Illarion, but let's it go, for now.
[sblock=OOC]Kamotz has a very high insight, but no where near high enough to actually figure out what is going on with Illarion. He'll be watching closely though ;)[/sblock]

Dipping his head toward Cynthia and Arronax, Kamotz smiles a toothy grin, Palladys, what sort of god is this?

The shifter gives telepathy a try, *Uh, can you hear, I mean uh, well... um... hello?* Screw it, you got ears right? Other than being pretty, what do you do? the shifter looks at Hunzu as if being pretty wasn't enough to go on this trip.

Voidrunner's Codex

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