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D&D 5E Adventure to destroy the wall of faithless

DnD Warlord

Stating Gods is hard, and I get why WotC doesn’t do it often…

Okay, so the topic of the Cataclysm/wall of the faithless got me thinking and juicing the idea of a FR game where the good gods (or at least a subset of them) task high level adventurers tto destroy and remove the wall of the faithless… but none of the PCs can be clerics, the gods need to be able to ‘deny direct interference’ so game 1 would be an angel gets the party together…

Epic gaming: Mr Adventurer tear down that wall!!!

Level 15 Forgotten Realms heroes:

Feats and multi classing allowed but multi classing is discouraged.

Starting Stats 17, 15, 15, 13, 11, 09

20,000gp +1d12x250gp

3 free uncommon items, and 1 free rare item

Must be Good Aligned, and must have a patron deity of good alignment.

None of this "from a point of view" no "neutral leaning good, you and your gods are GOOD!

Inside of Fugue lays the wall of the faithless. Inside there are the souls of people, many innocent good people, who are being tortured into nonexistence. Green slime is the mortal and souls are the bricks as the unbelievers are crushed and mutliated for years, until they finally come to oblivion. A fate worse than hell. It wasn't always this way, -300DR was when the then god of Death Myrkul built the wall… before that souls would merg with planes.

Kelemvor sits on a throne of bones inside Fuge and judges all who die. Sending their souls to where they belong…including the wall of the faithless.

Torm LG god of duty loyalty, and righteousness), Illmater(LG god of endurance, suffering, martyrdom, and perseverance), and Tamara (NG dragon goddess of life light, mercy, and forgiveness) along with many lesser good deities have often lamented that wall. IT is after all a barbaric act to punish those who choose not to serve.

You have all had dreams of the wall for the last year. Not every night, but at least twice a month. It was crying out, in agony in pain… then for the last week you have felt a summons…

Buying items…DMG only

Common (expendable) 50gp

Common 100gp

Uncommon(expendable) 200gp

Uncommon (charged) 300gp

Uncommon 400gp

Rare (expendable) 600gp

Rare (charged) 1,000gp

Rare 4,000gp

Very rare (expendable) 6,000gp

Very rare (charged) 12,000gp

I figure have them run around the planes a while, run into people who agree, and people who do not agree with the plan… I can use the JLM (aka chosen of mystra) as antagonist, along with any godly based character that wants to keep the statis quoe…

Possible missions:

  1. got to hell and find this maralith general who has info on how devils and demons chip away at the wall (gotta take her alive though) this leads to a bonus mission… she wants to have a child and wants you to go to the sword coast and get a charming aaismar with a cult following him to come bang her (um…don’t think about details on how that works with snake parts) he turns out to be a spellfire, and that is why she wants him… and he is a horne dog (if you know Dr Who think Captain Jack) who wouldn’t mind crossing devil snake lady off the old bucket list)

  1. Go back to hell, where Tiamat is licking her wounds after her primary avatar was killed (ToD) and steal a scepter from the red dragon consort’s hoard… it holds the las whisps of the energy that was ripped from Mystral when whats his name tried to cast a 13th level spell… and that can be used to make goddly empowered weapons/focuses/armors….

  1. Enter the city of Brass and find the Noble effret who knows where the soul forge is… trade with him so you can take the above shard/whisp of a god to make items this leads to a bonus quest: he wants an elder brain that tricked him to pay… so the party sets out for an underdark city to kill an illithad elder brain… then they can find out where the soul forge is… but it is inside a dead god being held by a Gith warlord on the astral plane.

  1. Invade or deal with gith to get access to soul forge…

Of course all of this leads up to the big moment of going to the Fuge plane and trying to stop the all powerful LN god of death from using his wall… so at witch point slaying him may be the only answer (I say may be because my players are crafty and often as games run I find they completely change the end game even in the early games…) (also incase you missed it we are a mix of very immature people who try to make light of mature subjects, but we don’t want to be offensive, just a bit juvenal even though we are in our 30s,40s, and 50s)

So now comes stating Kelemvor… so I looked over Tiamat and the demon lords, and here is what I have come up with…

Kelemvor CR31

AC 23 (defensive) HP 700 (30d20+300) 30ft

40 Str+15 28 dex +9 31 con +10

24 Int +7 34 wis +12 31 cha +10

Saves: Str +18 Dex +12 Con +22 Int +10 Wis +24 Cha +22

Skills: Athletics +18, Arcana +16, Perception +21, Religion +16

Damage Immune: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning Piercing and slashing from non magic attacks

Damage Resistance: Cold, Fire, Lighting, Bludgeoning Piercing and Slashing from magic attacks

Condition Immunity: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, posioned, stunned

Senses: Darkvision 300ft, True sight 60ft, passive perception 31

Languages: All

Freedom of movement: nothing can stop or impede Kelmvor's movement.

Legendary Resistance(5/day): When kelemvor misses a save he instead can burn one use of this to succeed.

Immortal: Kelemvor does not age, has no need to eat, drink, or sleep, and can only be killed by another deity or someone wielding a godly empowered weapon/focus

Limited Magic immunity: Kelemvor is not affected by any spell level 5 or lower unless he wishes to be. He also has advantage on all saves vs magic.

Regeneration: Kelemvor regains 20hp at the start of each of his turns.

Temple of Death (at will): As per the Temple of the Gods spell, except Kelemvor can cast it in only 1 minute instead of 1 hour and can do so at will.

Panther form: Once per short rest, when Kelmvor is bloodied (350 or less hp) he turns into a raging panther. Any conditions on him end and he uses the stats below. If that form is dropped to o hp, or is killed he returns to this form at 349 hps and any or all conditions on panther form end.

Action Surge(4/short rest): As no action Kelmvor can take another action

Indomitable (4/day): When kelemvor misses a saving throw he can reroll it.

Reaper: when Kelmvor cast a cantrip or 1st-5th level spell that targets only 1 creature he can instead target 2 creatures up to 10ft apart.

Second Wind(2/short rest): as a bonus action Kelmvor heals 2d10+30hp

Sword bond: as a bonus action when Kelemvor does not have Deathblade he can teleport it to his hand.

Spells: Kelemvor is a 20th level spell caster with Wisdom as his prime stat, (+27 to hit and DC 35)

Cantrips: chill touch, spare the dying, sword burst, thaumaturgy, toll the dead

1st level (8): cause fear, false life, inflect wounds, ray of sickness

2nd level(6): blind/deaf, gentle repose, ray of enfeeblement

3rd level (6): animate dead, bestow curse, dispel magic, revivify, vampiric touch

4th level (4): blight, death ward, shadow of moil

5th level (3): anti life shell, cloud kill, contagion, enerveration, geas, raise dead

6th level (2): circle of death, soul cage

7th level (2): divine word, finger of death, Simulacrum*

8th level (2): earth quake, horrid wilting

9th level (2): astral projection, wish**

*Simulacrum- Kelemvor is a god so his use of the Simulacrum spell is to create avatars. He can only have 2 avatars active and they can not be on the same plane other than his Fuge dimension. They have lesser stats then him (half hp, 10 less in each stat, 1 less in prof, and half of the spell slots and can not cast clone or wish). He can use these to interact with other planes well staying in the safety of his fuge plane.

(He can also use Simulacrum like normal, legend says he has a simulacrum of Mystra herself…but the purpose of such an illusion is not something scholars wish to delve into.)

**wish- Kelemvor is a god so his use of wish is more altering reality to fit his whims, and as such doesn’t have the normal down sides.


Multi Attack: Kelemvor makes 5 attacks with his long sword when he takes the attack action. He can use a bonus action to make an unarmed strike as well.

DeathBlade (longsword): +28 to hit range 5ft Hit: 27 (2D8+18) slashing plus 13 (3d8) Necrotic (crit 18+)

Unarmed strikes: +28 to hit range 5ft Hit: 23 (2d4+18) bludgeoning plus 13 (3d8) necrotic (crit 18+)

Touch of Death. When Kelemvor hits he can twice per short rest add 45 to the damage.

Legendary Actions: Kelemvor can take 5 legendary actions per round after another characters turn.

They reset each round on Kelemvor's initiative.

Longsword attack (1 action) Make an extra Deathblade attack

Cantrip (1 action) Use a cantrip

Summon Spector (2 actions) Kelemvor Summons 1d4 Spector's of Death (see below)

Death Guise (2 actions) Kelemvor stares at a target and they make a wisdom save DC35 or become frightened, if you fail by 10 or more you instead are stunned.

Death Spell (3 actions) Kelemvor casts power word kill

Lair actions: If Kelemvor is on his fuge plane (why wouldn't he be?) on Intiative count of 20 and 10 the plane itself acts. When Kelemvor goes into his panther form the lair stops acting until he returns to kelemvor form.

On a 20 it forces all creatures fighting Kelmvor to make a Wisdom save DC 28 or become poisoned until the end of their next turn.

On a 10 it creates a negative energy wave that damages all living creatures, dealing 16(3d10) necrotic damage. Targets can make a Con save DC 28 for half damage.

Panther form

AC 18 HP 80 (10d8+20) 30ft

18 Str +4 19 dex +4 14 con +2

24 Int +7 34 wis +12 31 cha +10

Damage Immune: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning Piercing and slashing from non magic attacks

Damage Resistance: all but psychic

Condition Immunity: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, posioned, stunned

Senses: Darkvision 30ft, passive perception 22

Languages: none but understands common and celestial

Keen Smell


Regenerate: when panther form Kelmvor has 40 or less HP he regains 7hp per turn

Actions (Panther form Kelemvor has advantage on all attacks)

Bite +16 14 (2d6+7) plus 13 (3d8) necrotic (crit 18+)

Claw +16 12 (2d4+7) plus 13 (3d8) necrotic (crit 18+)

Legendary actions: in panther form Kelemvor only can use 3 legendary actions and the list is below:

Bite: (1 action) make a bite attack

Flurry of Claws (1action) make a claw attack against all creatures in 10ft of kelmvor, but these attacks only crit on a nat 20.

Lick wounds (1 action) Kelmvor heals 34(5d8+12) hp

Ghouls Bite(2 actions) Kelmvor makes a bite attack, and if he hits he heals equal to the necrotic damage he deals.

Spectors of Death

AC 16 HP 45 (6d12+6) 0ft 50ft fly

5 Str -3 18 dex +4 13 con +1

12 Int +1 11 wis - 14 cha +2

Damage Immune: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning Piercing and slashing from non magic attacks

Damage Resistance: Cold, Fire, Lighting, Thunder, Bludgeoning Piercing and Slashing from magic attacks

Damage Vulnerability: Radiant

Condition Immunity: charmed, deafened, exhausted frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, posioned, prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious

Senses: Darkvision 60ft, passive perception 10

Languages: none but understands common and celestial

Incorporeal Movement- the specter can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, it takes 5(1d10) force damage if it ends it's turn inside something.

Penitent gaze- when you see the Spector you can choose to advert your gaze (granting disadvantage on all attacks) or the target takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage and is effected by a bane effect (-1d4 to attacks) until the end of their turn. Targets can make a Charisma save DC 20 to negate the bane effect and half the psychic damage

Sunlight Sensitivity- the specter has disadvantage on attacks rolls and perception checks in sunlight.

Life Drain. Melee Spell attack +13 5ft reach Hit 13 (3d8) necrotic damage and the targets maximum hp is reduced by that amount until they take a long rest.

Now I didn’t read the novels (but one of my players did) and my knowledge of the realms is limited (I swore I would never run there again…but here we are) So I am looking for world building advise, concept advice and in general what do you think of my God Stats…

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As someone who used to be reeeeally familiar with the Realms, I think the fact they;re apparently going on an extraplanar adventure works to your favor becayse the planes are so coarsely detailed. Good luck!

DnD Warlord

As someone who used to be reeeeally familiar with the Realms, I think the fact they;re apparently going on an extraplanar adventure works to your favor becayse the planes are so coarsely detailed. Good luck!
Thank you and that was part of the plan... keeping them only nearish the book cannon when ever possible but in zones I can work more of my homebrew magic


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Several devils, who usually go pick up Faithless souls to use as bargaining chips, offer to provide a distraction while the PCs get into the Fugue Plane un-noticed. (They think they will have even better recruiting in a Wall-less future.) They can furnish battle reports, from other devils who attacked the Wall, that explain what did / didn't work. And they want to know if you are trying to retrieve some soul in particular.

DnD Warlord

And just when the dust settles and he prepares his move Jergal taps him on the shoulder "yeah, about that power I borrowed to you a millennium ago, I am afraid I have to take it back now"
I don’t get this reference... any chance you can fill me in?!? Please and thank you


I don’t get this reference... any chance you can fill me in?!? Please and thank you


Jergal arose from his throne with a weary expression and said, " The Throne is yours. I have grown weary of this empty power. Take it if you wish - I promise to serve and guide you as your seneschal until you grow comfortable with the position." Before the stunned trio could react, the Lord of the Dead continued: "Who among you shall rule?"

The trio immediately fell to fighting amongst themselves while Jergal looked on with indifference. When eventually it appeared that either they would all die of exhaustion or battle on for an eternity, the Lord of the End of Everything intervened. "After all you have sacrificed, would you come away with nothing? Why don't you divide the portfolios of the office and engage in a game of skill for them?" asked Jergal.

Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul considered the god's offer and agreed. Jergal took the heads of his three most powerful liches and gave them to the trio that they would compete by bowling the skulls. Each mortal rolled a skull across the Gray Waste, having agreed that the winner would be he who bowled the farthest.

Malar the Beastlord arrived to visit Jergal at this moment. After quickly ascertaining that the winner of the contest would get all of Jergal's power, he chased off after the three skulls to make sure that the contest would be halted until he had a chance to participate for part of the prize. Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul again fell to fighting as it was obvious their sport was ruined, and again Jergal intervened. "Why don't you allow Lady Luck to decide so you don't have to share with the Beast?"

The trio agreed, and Jergal broke off his skeletal finger bones and gave them to the players. When Malar returned from chasing the skulls, he found that the trio had just finished a game of knucklebones.

Bane cried out triumphantly, "As winner, I choose to rule for all eternity as the ultimate tyrant. I can induce hatred and strife at my whim, and all will bow down before me while in my kingdom."

Myrkul, who had won second place, declared, "But I choose the dead, and by doing so I truly win, because all you are lord over, Bane, will eventually be mine. All things must die - even gods."

Bhaal, who finished third, demurred, "I choose death, and it is by my hand that all that you rule Lord Bane will eventually pass to Lord Myrkul. Both of you must pay honor to me and obey my wishes, since I can destroy your kingdom, Bane, by murdering your subjects, and I can starve your kingdom, Myrkul, by staying my hand."

Malar growled in frustration, but could do nothing, and yet again only the beasts were left for him.

And Jergal merely smiled, for he had been delivered.

Voidrunner's Codex

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