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[Adventure] The Sibylline Idol (Judge covaithe)

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Walking Dad

First Post
Riardon will gladly share his great arcane and meager historically wisdom.

Arcana, History, Dungeoneering, Religion (1d20+1=21, 1d20+10=16, 1d20+1=10, 1d20+3=11) first should be +10, not +1 = Arcana 30

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 16 Insight: 11 Low-light Vision
AC 17 Fortitude 15 Reflex 14 Will 13
Hit Points: 24 / 24 Bloodied: 12
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 8 / 8
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Scorching Burst, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Lead the Attack

Condition: -


Amicus shakes his head, Likewise. I am afraid I am not familiar with any of these events.

Who did these Caput Mortuum serve? Perhaps we can speak with whichever body acted as their patron.

[sblock=Rolls]18 for religion; 12 for history; 4 for arcana

Honestly I didn't read closely enough, so I didn't think about aiding another. I think it's possible that he might try for history aid, but unlikely for religion (since he sees his religion and religious knowledge in personal terms).


First Post
"If you ask the gnome, he'll tell you only that Daemonic cults are rare groups of heretical non-believers who worship entities believed to be separate from the divine. Demonic entities. And I can give the ones that don't know this definition, the explanation fo what is numerology: It is the belief that numbers form an inherent connection between all things. In literature it figures heavily in reading further meaning into the position of letters, the numerical significance of certain words, and that sort of things." Dalzim says, toying with his orb. "That if you ask the gnome of course."


[sblock=Riardon]Wow I didn't think anyone would hit 30. That deserves more!

Riarlon remembers some tidbit he had read about warlocks who draw power from beyond the stars. Apparently the practice began long ago at the dawn of the empire when drow warlocks turned to powers from the Far Realm to gain an edge over their fey relatives. The original 9 starpact warlocks were called the Ærugoni Shedim. The Shedim found a way to contact beings they referred to as the Ghul'hadi or Old Ones and wielded terrible power that even other drow shunned.[/sblock]

[sblock=Amicus]Taking your history roll as an aid another will unfortunately not help either of the highest history rollers (16 for Riardon and 15 for Incarnation). If someone else volunteers to aid another I'll open up the next highest piece.[/sblock]

Amicus said:
Who did these Caput Mortuum serve? Perhaps we can speak with whichever body acted as their patron.
"I had not through of that direction; unfortunately I do not know. It will take some time to find out if they had a patron, a good start perhaps in your investigation." replies the old sage.

Dalzim said:
"If you ask the gnome, he'll tell you only that Daemonic cults are rare groups of heretical non-believers who worship entities believed to be separate from the divine. Demonic entities. And I can give the ones that don't know this definition, the explanation fo what is numerology: It is the belief that numbers form an inherent connection between all things. In literature it figures heavily in reading further meaning into the position of letters, the numerical significance of certain words, and that sort of things."
"You are quite right. I'm not sure if either is connected to this case yet, though I had been puzzling through it before my arranged meeting with Rosvodiz. I believe he was going to tell me something or show me something that would have been a great revelation." he says as well.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation pauses as he considers some of his less formal studies, and several things come to mind.[sblock=OOC]Dung; Religion (1d20 5=23, 1d20 5=23). W/ Aid another, Dungeoneering is over 25. Same w/ Religion[/sblock]
Hearing the gnome and the eladrin triggers a memory that's source is unclear, but the knowledge is crystal. It is said there are ancient caves beneath this place where the dark creatures dwell. As for those cults, they are not the only ones interested in paths other than the divine. Scholars have debated theories of religion, of gnostism, beyond those of the known. There are other worlds than this, a Far Realm where monsters dwell beyond all that is comprehensible.

The warforged looked pensive, if such a look could be had. The Five destroyed madness such from bellow Daunton once. It may be tied... from bellow us, they devour... Incarnation trails off.

OOC: I'll wait on history for anyone else's rolls.


First Post

"W-W-We don't want any m-m-monsters up h-h-here. Where is th-th-the old shifter's b-b-body?" Rurdev pauses, fingers tracing the hilt of his blade. "Wh-Wh-Whatever killed him may be tracked back to t-t-their l-l-lair."


Incarnation said:
Hearing the gnome and the eladrin triggers a memory that's source is unclear, but the knowledge is crystal. It is said there are ancient caves beneath this place where the dark creatures dwell. As for those cults, they are not the only ones interested in paths other than the divine. Scholars have debated theories of religion, of gnostism, beyond those of the known. There are other worlds than this, a Far Realm where monsters dwell beyond all that is comprehensible.

The warforged looked pensive, if such a look could be had. The Five destroyed madness such from bellow Daunton once. It may be tied... from bellow us, they devour... Incarnation trails off.

"It would appear that I've definitely found a capable group. You are all very knowledgable individuals. As you say, Incarnation, the threat presented to Daunton only two years ago is ever present in my mind these days. It was very interesting that Rosvodiz and the Caput Mortuum crew had encountered a similar cult uprising so many years ago. Rosvodiz had kept a strange idol that he found when they had raided the cult's bolt hole. Sadly thats gone now too. It was this strange greenish-brown metal that I've never seen before. The idol was of this squat demon like figure with large wings and a strange tenticular face. It was seated on a block or stone of some sort. The idol gave off the strangest sound when Rosvodiz allowed me to touch it once. Sadly that too is gone after his murder." replies the old sage.


Rurdev said:
"W-W-We don't want any m-m-monsters up h-h-here. Where is th-th-the old shifter's b-b-body?" Rurdev pauses, fingers tracing the hilt of his blade. "Wh-Wh-Whatever killed him may be tracked back to t-t-their l-l-lair."

"The body has been taken to the morgue and will be interred outside town in the graveyard. It was discovered in Rosvodiz's hovel, I can show you where it is if you like." replies Astrepius sipping his tea.

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