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[Adventure] The Predicament of Mr. Gimo Tine [Judge:?]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Money is enough motive for anyone to become a cutthroat. This man's social and economical position is pathetic to say at best, I'm sure a few coins in his pockets would make the whole difference to him." replies the attorney to Bell's interjection, making it look bad at the eyes of the judge.
Morvannon's point, reinforced by Jarel seem to sink into the judges, who nod approvingly.
The tiefling judge stands up, and gestures towards the heroes. "Very well, if you say a step by step presentation of the investigation would reveal the truth, please present it. We had the evidence you brought to the court just this morning, and we are not familiar with it."

[sblock= The judgement of Gimo Tine]
Eladryn attorney: Bluff To duplicate Fail: 17 He makes a failed check counted double.
Heroes: Dimplomacy 27 ---> +1 success, +2 Fails (3 success for the defence, 3 Fail for the defence)
Secondary: History 21 ---> Gives a one time ability to counter a success removal from the fiscal through an intricate law trick.


[sblock= Notes:]
There are clues and evidences that have not been throughout investigated, as the necklace, and the hand prints. These could, or not be useful, in case you didn't notice them.

[sblock= Possible witnesses]
Mr. Simpletown Possible witness
Mrs Tine Possible witness
Mr Tine Possible witness
Mr Raspyhand Possible witness
Simpletown's foreman Possible witness
Watch's Captain Possible witness
Dwarf Possible witness
Mercenary leader Dead
Another Mercenary leader Lost in the explosion
Slime humanoid Dead
Mercenary fighter Possible witness

[sblock=Current Evidence]
-Slime horrors
-Flasks with the explosive reagents
-Murder weapon
-Physical enhancers
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
-A box with a broke flask.
-Shatered pieces of glass with orange liquied
-Schematics of somewhere
-A code: 5409385
-An address (Of the sewers)
-A necklace with an eye sculpted on it.

[sblock=Current clues]
-An Aboleth is surely behind the murder!
-Mercenaries are in some sort of trance, possible by the Aboleth.
-The mercenary leader wanted you dead for your intrusion
-You found the murder weapon, and a laboratory that was used to prepare the explosive liquid found in the crime scene
-You found physical enhancers in the secret lab
-You found a code on a public place schematic, perhaps its a password of sorts.
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing (Not in wagon, clay stablishment, nor watch)
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.
-The house was full of warriors with intentions of silencing anyone who intruded.
-There are hand prints of mud on the walls of the Sewers


[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]
- Final battle location
-Water trap room
-Secret chamber on the sewers-
-Mr Tine House
-The Clay pits
-Mr. Simpletown establishment
-Addressless door
-City watch
-Crime scene
-City Judge[Current Location]

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First Post
"Before we bring our next witness, I must inform more properly the jury about mind-controlling. Mind-controlling is to remove the will of someone. I think everyone know at least one person who have been drunk to the point of living a black out. You wake up and don't remember what happen last night. You did things during the night that you don't remember, thing that even your moral would have normally forbidden you.

Mind-control is worst than that, as not only you don't remember, you can't apply your moral, but instead of the alcohol, it is someone else who takes control of your body, who applies his moral. And if someone is willing to do that to someone else, what else can he does... any crime is easy as it become hard to prove your implication. That's what we will try to demonstrate to you today."

Jarel-karn sits down. "Let's move thing forward" he tells to his companions


First Post
OOC: Yeah, the dwarf was found next to Mr Raspyhand shop, at a numeroless door. He decline the entrance and it was impossible to open. After finding a code on a public place schematic (I would need to search the thread to remember how it happen exactly), we use it to open the door. We get rid of the group behind there and kept the dwarf alive to extract information about him... again, I`ll need to look back to see what he told us and what we found in that place. One thing was sure, the dwarf was mind controlled.
Last edited:


First Post
Bell gives a moment for her companions words to sink in. Then she poses dramatically.

"I call the mysterious dwarf door keeper to the stand!" After the crowd dies down, and the dwarf takes the stand, she will follow with. "Can you tell me what you were doing for the last few days sir?"


[Sblock=Block of Bell]Bell Jabson, Shardar-Kai Bard 4 ()
Init: +3; PI 15, PP 15; low-light vision
HP: 40/40, B 20; Surge 10 hp, 7/8
AC 21, F 15, R 19, W 18
Saves: +2 Racial bonus against the unconscious condition; +2 to all death saving throws
Speed 6; AP: 0

Skills: Acrobatics 8, Arcana 12, Athletics 5, Bluff 10, Diplomacy 11, Dungeoneering 5, Endurance 6, Heal 5, History 11, Insight 5, Intimidate 10, Nature 5, Perception 5, Religion 11, Stealth 8, Streetwise 11, Thievery 6(8)
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Tsugo, Magari, Draconic (Read Any)
Rituals: Arcane Mark (Arcana), Amanuensis (Arcana), Brew Potion (Arcana or Religion), Comprehend Language (Arcana), Enchant Magic Item (Arcane or Nature), Eye of Alarm (Arcana), Glib Limerick (Arcana), Purify Water (Arcana, Nature or Religion), Silence (Arcana), Tenser's Floating Disk (Arcana)

Guiding Strike, Staggering Note
Focussed Sound], Dissonant Strain, Shadow Jaunt, Majestic Word 0/2, Words of Friendship, Second Wind
Stirring Shout, Song of Defense, Swordmage Warding, Harsh Songblade +1, Onyx Dog Summon

Trigger (An enemy adjacent to Shard attacks Bell)
Bite (Standard; At-Will); +7 vs AC; 1d6+3[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The judges take note of what the genasi say, and nod and write down some of it.
Nervously, the eladrin interjects. "I have never doubted of these forces existence, but I ask you, members of the judge, even if giant slugs from the chaos plane exist, should we assume they influenced our everyday life? Think of this." his comment is so out of place, that the judges give him a stern look immediately.

The dwarf sits where indicated, and mumbles a reply to Bell. "Well, I can't certainly tell you, since I woke up just yesterday in a prison cell. The last memory I have was that my squad had been assigned to clean up the sewer system. Captain told us that some important fellow from Daunton's town hall asked for a mercenary crew to dispatch some otyoughs or somethin' in the sewers. We got down there, no problem, and started killin' those nasty buggers, when suddenly Richards got pulled into the water. Then Jhonas, then Hintch, and Filias too. I was the last standing there, so I started running to the dry area of the pipe, but never made it, I was pulled down from me leg, and that's the last thing I remember. I thought I had died, but here I am, all beat up, but still kickin'." tales the dwarf. The crowd starts "Aaaahhh"ing, and the judges have to intervene, hitting the table with their hammers. One at a time, making a curious rhythmic hammering noise.

[sblock= The judgement of Gimo Tine]
Eladryn attorney: Bluff To steal a success: 17 He fails
Heroes: Arcana 25 ---> +1 success (4 success for the defence, 3 Fail for the defence)

A one time ability to counter a success removal from the fiscal through an intricate law trick is available.


[sblock= Notes:]
There are clues and evidences that have not been throughout investigated, as the necklace, and the hand prints. These could, or not be useful, in case you didn't notice them.

[sblock= Possible witnesses]
Mr. Simpletown Possible witness
Mrs Tine Possible witness
Mr Tine Possible witness
Mr Raspyhand Possible witness
Simpletown's foreman Possible witness
Watch's Captain Possible witness
Dwarf Possible witness
Mercenary leader Dead
Another Mercenary leader Lost in the explosion
Slime humanoid Dead
Mercenary fighter Possible witness

[sblock=Current Evidence]
-Slime horrors
-Flasks with the explosive reagents
-Murder weapon
-Physical enhancers
-A bag with 100gp used to bribe Mr Raspyhand.
-A box with a broke flask.
-Shatered pieces of glass with orange liquied
-Schematics of somewhere
-A code: 5409385
-An address (Of the sewers)
-A necklace with an eye sculpted on it.

[sblock=Current clues]
-An Aboleth is surely behind the murder!
-Mercenaries are in some sort of trance, possible by the Aboleth.
-The mercenary leader wanted you dead for your intrusion
-You found the murder weapon, and a laboratory that was used to prepare the explosive liquid found in the crime scene
-You found physical enhancers in the secret lab
-You found a code on a public place schematic, perhaps its a password of sorts.
-Gimo smells lie rotten water
-The dwarf at the strange door had weird eyes.
-Gimo's shovel is missing (Not in wagon, clay stablishment, nor watch)
-Gimo appeared to know nothing of what happened
-Several witnesses recognized him
-Mr Simpletown and Mrs Tine are certain Gimo is innocent
-Gimo's memory gape happened in the backstore of Mr Raspyhand
-Mr Raspyhand was bribed by someone to send Gimo to the addressless door next to his pottery.
-There is a password that the group needs in order to enter the addressless door. They could also attempt to bash in. Apparently there's a magical ward from the other side that makes trespassing the door almost impossible.
-The house was full of warriors with intentions of silencing anyone who intruded.
-There are hand prints of mud on the walls of the Sewers


[sblock=Places to go you actually know of]
- Final battle location
-Water trap room
-Secret chamber on the sewers-
-Mr Tine House
-The Clay pits
-Mr. Simpletown establishment
-Addressless door
-City watch
-Crime scene
-City Judge[Current Location]


First Post
Jarel-karn stands up and address to the jury. "I think our attorney here is not conscious of the reality of Daunton. Strange thing have happen too many time in this city. I must recall you, just lately, Rinch the Riser, a famous chef of a band of cutthroat have unleashed a band of zombie in the Fisherman's alley, have send an abomination to Vena's Grace Hospital. Rinch himself was reported to be killed more than once and everytime, have come back to life. I have seen each of them with my own eyes. I was part of the group who stop Rinch once and for all.

That a single thing that have happen lately in Daunton, and I could spend the whole day of speaking of some other events, many of them related to the Five. Many things that would have been heard only in scary bedtime story somewhere else have happen in this city, and we also be lucky to have good women and men to counter all these things.

My point is that we can't assume that everything is happening in Daunton, but we must keep our mind open, because strange things is happening in our good city. If we don't keep our mind open and stay aware of those things, they might get uglier, and innocents might die for our blindness."

Jarel-karn sits down and tells to Bell "I am not a good speaker, I hope my point was made."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Diplomacy roll and Jarel-karn also hope that his reputation will help him on this speech. He gained a good reputation during Zombie and Crooks, because he has stopped Rinch the Riser. [/SBLOCK]


First Post
Bell thinks about the dwarves words for a moment and then expands on them. "Thank you Mr. Dwarf for proving my point! Any arcanist worth their salt will tell you that otyughs rarely travel in groups of any significant size, and their aggression is generally subdued to try go unnoticed as long as possible. Unless they have a patron they can communicate with. Such as a fellow abberant, that can speak telepathically, such as an aboleth. Which would explain being suddenly tugged under the water as well the lack of memory."

Arcana 30

[Sblock=Block of Bell]Bell Jabson, Shardar-Kai Bard 4 ()
Init: +3; PI 15, PP 15; low-light vision
HP: 40/40, B 20; Surge 10 hp, 7/8
AC 21, F 15, R 19, W 18
Saves: +2 Racial bonus against the unconscious condition; +2 to all death saving throws
Speed 6; AP: 0

Skills: Acrobatics 8, Arcana 12, Athletics 5, Bluff 10, Diplomacy 11, Dungeoneering 5, Endurance 6, Heal 5, History 11, Insight 5, Intimidate 10, Nature 5, Perception 5, Religion 11, Stealth 8, Streetwise 11, Thievery 6(8)
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Tsugo, Magari, Draconic (Read Any)
Rituals: Arcane Mark (Arcana), Amanuensis (Arcana), Brew Potion (Arcana or Religion), Comprehend Language (Arcana), Enchant Magic Item (Arcane or Nature), Eye of Alarm (Arcana), Glib Limerick (Arcana), Purify Water (Arcana, Nature or Religion), Silence (Arcana), Tenser's Floating Disk (Arcana)

Guiding Strike, Staggering Note
Focussed Sound], Dissonant Strain, Shadow Jaunt, Majestic Word 0/2, Words of Friendship, Second Wind
Stirring Shout, Song of Defense, Swordmage Warding, Harsh Songblade +1, Onyx Dog Summon

Trigger (An enemy adjacent to Shard attacks Bell)
Bite (Standard; At-Will); +7 vs AC; 1d6+3[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
The judges nod and start arguing among themselves, after hearing the two defending heroes. The eldarin attempts a rebuttal, but the half elf sorcerer counters cleverly, leaving him resource less. The elderly human hammers the table in front of him. "We the judges," he says, as he sits down agan. The tiefling takes his place rising and hammering his hammer. "find Mr. Gimo Tine," and sits, only for the sturdy looking elf judge to stand, and hammer the table "Innocent of all charges. Guards, release the prisoner and the Goliath. Orders will be given to investigate the probable rise of another criminal organization" He sits, and the trio says at the unison "This session is over, please leave the court room in an orderly fashion."


Outside the court room, Mrs and Mr tine are reunited, and tears well their eyes. It is an emotive gathering, and even the mercenary dwarf shares a tear or two.
"Thank you my saviours, I don't think this small amount of coin could be of much aid to your cause, it's our life savings, but it's the least we can do after you saved my old hide." Mr Tine says, as his wife gives him a small pouch of gold coins.

2 more successes for the defence! I automatically used your history bonus check to cancel whatever the eladrin was planning to do. Skill challenge over, and adventure over as well, congratulations, you Saved Mr. Gimo Tine in Time! I'll post rewards later. You can either take the coins from Gimo or not, not taking the coins will give you extra XP.


First Post
"Mr Tine, I am happy to see you free again." and Jarel-karn turns toward the two mercenary. "And I am sorry for your companions. You are both free to go too. And I hope you'll have no grudge about my speech before your testimony, I just wanted to be sure you don't cower and start to lie to protect yourself. We needed to make the proof of the mind-control and the evilness of the aboleth."

He then turns toward Mr Raspyhand. "But you, you should have been aware that 100gp is not meant to be given for a simple prank."

He then come back to Mr Tine. "I am not in need of gold at the moment, you'll need it more than me. I won't take my share. Even considered innocent, you might need some time to fully clean your reputation sadly. I hope people will forgive for what you never willed to do. I wish you good luck."

Voidrunner's Codex

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