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[Adventure] The Broken Tower DM:Grimmjow Judge:TwoHeadsBarking

After nearly falling to the floor below (a fall which would likely kill her), Eldreth decides that it might be best to skirt around the unsteady and broken center of the floor they were on. Moving north and then west, circling around past Kruor, Eldreth leaped over a small section of rubble and charged south. Miss-timing her attack, her hammer smashes into the floor. However, she wasn't about to let that goblin escape the wrath of her hammer, and spinning around, she slugged one of them in the hip, ensuring that he wasn't getting very far any time soon.

[sblock=Revamped actions]
NOTE: Eldreth's Defender Aura is currently active.

Starts turn at H21

-- Minor: Switch to Defend the Line stance.
-- Move: Move from H21 NW to G20, then from G20 W to C20.
-- Standard: Charge from C20 to B21 to B24, attacking GS2 with MBA; She hits AC 15, which misses. This triggered the goblin's one/round free action shift, which he did. However, by doing so, GS2 triggered Eldreth's:

Battle Guardian (At-Will Opportunity Action ✦ Martial)Knight Attack
Trigger: An enemy subject to Eldreth's Defender Aura either shifts, or makes an attack that targets an ally of Eldreth but not Eldreth herself or an ally of Eldreth who has an active Defender Aura.
Effect: Eldreth makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. If the attack misses, the enemy still takes 5 damage.
-- Opportunity Action: MBA vs GS2: Hits AC 25 for 10 damage. Because Defend the Line is active, GS2 is Slowed until the end of Eldreth's next turn. GS2 then shifts to C26.

-- Free: Action point
--- AP Standard: MBA vs GS1: She hits AC 16 for 10 damage. GS1 is slowed until the end of Eldreth's next turn. [/sblock]
[sblock=Eldreth's Stats]
Eldreth Forgemark - Dwarf Knight 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 20, Fort 17, Reflex 12, Will 10
HP 32/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 12/13
Speed 5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind []
MBA - +8 vs AC, 1d10(b2)+7 damage RBA - +8 vs AC, Range: 5/10, 1d6+7 damage
At-Will Powers: Defender Aura, Battle Guardian , Defend the Line, Cleaving Assault
Encounter Powers: Power Strike [], Stone Panoply [], Dwarven Resilience [][/sblock]


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First Post
As Everlin reaches the top of the stares and takes in the scene before her, she starts humming under her breath. She moves around the outside of the room then charges one of the goblin sharpshooters.[sblock="actions"]Minor: Skald's Aura
Move: to A20. Owlbear moves to A22 going around the yellow squares.
Standard: Charge Sharpshooter 1: 1d20+10=17 Hits for 14 damage[/sblock][sblock=Everlin's Stats]Everlin - Human Skald 3
Passive Perception 11, Passive Insight 11
AC 20, Fort 14, Reflex 14, Will 18
HP 36/36, Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 9/9
5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Bolstering Speech, Song of Savagery, Song of Serendipity
Encounter Powers: Lesser Flash of Distraction, Moment of Escape, Unicorn Charge
Daily Powers: Disruptive Words, Stirring Shout


First Post
The goblin numbers are starting to dwindle, with the skeletons dead and the hexer having fled, the current goblin's are starting to look shaken. The goblins near the base of the platform drop their crossbows and attack, on at Skyla and one at Eldreth. Both weird short swords that bounce harmlessly off of the hero's armor. The two goblins on the platform have no luck either. One bolt sticks in the wall were the next to Kruor, while the other flys past Eldreth. The goblin's on top then move away from the edge of the platform, out of view.

[sblock=combat]attack roll 17 vs eldreth's AC misses (goblin 1)
attack roll 10 against skyla's AC misses (goblin 2)
both of the goblins on the top missed....by a lot

Hero's turn

Welcome to second combat.

Average initiative is 14.6666666 or 14 on a die. If you roll 14 or higher go ahead and go

room features

hey everyone one thing about life on this one. Make sure that you add the damage to the monsters in forms of x+x+x+ in this one. Its important for the encounter.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...3SUFpMUE#gid=0 <-----link for combat[/sblock]


First Post
Kruor saw the charred and crumbling floor before him, marveling at the wonders of what magic could do. Perhaps if he had the chance, he would like to take up the ways of the arcane.

But Kruor too stupid, he thought to himself. Kruor will do something silly like make Kruor blow up...

He sees his friends brawling it out, sword against shield, arrows flying astray, blood trickling down their body...blood. Mmm, Kruor hasn't eaten yet. Just then he saw an opening, as one of the goblins flailed himself back in a desperate attempt to evade the dwarf's might hammer, only to suffer another strike, winding him and dropping him to the ground.

His instincts kicked in: no opportunity goes untaken, no prey left to live. A quick leap sent him flying forwards, desperate to reach the goblin before he recovered. With the rest of his momentum he vault himself across Eldreth, coming to a tumble before the goblin. Without hesitation, he plunged his huge syringe straight into it's chest.

Kruor raised his arm high up into the air, lifting the goblin off it's feet, thrusting his syringe further yet into it's heart. His eyes glowed a murderous red, as he studied the fear etched upon the little goblin's face. Something inside him cringed for a moment, but he cast that feeling aside.

"Finally! Kruor gets to eat!" he cried, the whirring of the pump in his body gradually growing louder and louder. He cooed and cackled to himself as he saw the delicious crimson liquid travel through the various tubes that snaked across his body.

Move = Move to B26 while evading yellow squares, might evoke an attack of opportunity from Goblin 1 (I need to lrn2rules).
Action = Taste of Life @ Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (HIT for 14 damage)
Kruor gains 4 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

Eldreth, not wanting the still-living goblin to get away from her, swings her hammer at the green-skinned menaces' head. However, the gruesome display from Kruor was so much a distraction that she looked away from the goblin for just a second...enough for the little blighter to dance out of the way.

"Arrrggh! Stay still y'little vermin'! Yer gonna die n'matter what, so y'might's'well stan' still an' take it like'a man! It'll hurt less'n'be o'er quicker if'n ye do!"

Circling around her goblin adversary while taunting it, Eldreth tries to make sure all attention is on her, so that Everlin is completely in the goblin's blind spot, and more easily able to find a vulnerable point with her sword.


-- Standard: Eldreth attacks GS1 with MBA, but misses.
-- Move: Eldreth moves to A26, into a flanking position with Everlin. This might provoke an Op Atk from GS1.


[sblock=Eldreth's Stats]

Eldreth Forgemark - Dwarf Knight 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 20, Fort 17, Reflex 12, Will 10
HP 32/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 12/13
Speed 5, Initiative +0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind []
MBA - +8 vs AC, 1d10(b2)+7 damage RBA - +8 vs AC, Range: 5/10, 1d6+7 damage
At-Will Powers: Defender Aura, Battle Guardian , Defend the Line, Cleaving Assault
Encounter Powers: Power Strike [], Stone Panoply [], Dwarven Resilience []

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First Post
OOC: btw, now that you know about the floor go ahead and remove monsters as you kill them. and i believe CFW was asking about the platform and im not sure if i ever answered. 20 athletics to climb, with a robe on top that can be dropped down for you to climb up for free


First Post
OOC: think of it almost like a wooden box. while there are places for you to grab onto in between where the planks are built, its basically just a big wooden box with goblins on top


The horrid winged creature that smashed the skeletons fly merrily towards the remaining goblins. Floating almost at the level of the southernmost one, he starts making some very obscene gestures that convey, in a amazingly accurate fashion given the lack of verbal communication, that the goblin's mom smells bad. Driven by rage, the goblin prepares to jump towards the group's most recent member...

Move: To current position. Notice that pixies can fly, so he can move over the dangerous terrain without trouble. He ends at altitude 1.
Standard: Undeniable incitement on SS3. Notice that this power has range: melee 2, so I could theoretically target foes 20 feet over ground level. This should pull the goblin to I24, drop him prone, and deal 20 damage (13 from power and 7 from flurry of blows), but I don't know if moving from I25 to I24 means falling in which case the goblin is entitled to a saving throw. If he succeeds, he falls prone in it's current position but takes no damage. If he fails, then it takes additional damage from the fall.

Regardless of the goblin falling or not, I get +3 to AC until the end of my next turn

I've not updated the goblin's stats, pending the DM's rule about this[/sblock]
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