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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)

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Of course I've been here the whole time :p

The tall boy has been barely perceptible during the boat ride, and blinks in and out of visibility as he moves through the shadows near the beach. "Will we be going to this village you mentioned first, or strait to the cave? If the village is being attacked by bugs, the who knows what might have happened while you were at the Hanged Man gathering help."
OOC: What time of day is it when we arrive?


OOC: You were recruited in the tavern in the late morning and only spent about two hours in the boat. It is in the early afternoon.

Lenyara: You notice footprints in the sand past the surf. You gather that the kobolds probably left the island in this same spot.

"No, no, village is cave. You don't know kobolds? Stay in caves!"

At Lenyara's urging, the pair of reptilians hurry up and start walking inland. Ten minutes into the trek, the terrain remains hilly and littered with large boulders. The surroundings become increasingly wooded, but not so much as to impede movement at all.

[sblock=Lenyara]About 15 minutes into the hike, you spot movement obscured behind a low pile of rocks. When you maneuver for a better view, you determine that the movement belongs to a quadrupedal animal tearing into the flesh of some type of kill. It's probably the wolf that the kobolds were talking about.[/sblock]
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Emsy, the Deva who has been with the party the whole time, suddenly realizes that she hasn't spoken much ever since she rushed to the docks, found the kobolds Tak and Deemus, and agreed to help them rid their village of giant centipedes.

OOC: Welcome to the adventure, treex!


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The young woman who had been leading the group along the kobolds' back-trail suddenly stopped, peering intently into the woods ahead. After a moment she carefully stepped back towards the others. Her voice was a raspy whisper. "I think we found your wolf," She purred, pointing. "Looks like he's eating something. Do we try to sneak around, or do we fight?"


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[sblock=skill check]Perception check to see the wolf = 20.[/sblock]

The Minotaur looks towards where the woman points and responds in a low rumble, "Not a bad idea, but I'm not equipped for sneaking."


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Seeing the eagerness in the eyes of his adventuring party, Flervin takes a glance around. His eyes grow slightly somber as he whispers "Please forgive my beastly appearance, as I know this may come as a shock to some."

With that, he begins to hunker over, placing a fist on the ground. His hands enlarge and form dark brown scales, where his sleeves had been, red, brown, and speckled green feathers now exist. His nose warps in to a beak, and his beards shift to accommodate. His eyes grow larger, and look to have been sparked by a green/yellow fire. His knees reverse direction, and his feet make way in to clawed talon like structures.

Once he has transformed, he gives a reassuring glance at his newly changed hands, as if checking for full functionality, he stretches slightly, as if relieved to have managed to make it through yet another successful morph.

"I'd say we strike whilest the beast is distracted" he says through his beak.

OOC: This is essentially what you now seeing, only it is red/brown with speckled green...black hands/feet with dark brown, and try to ignore the bone beak, Flerv's is more of a light brown pointed beak that fades in to the color of bone. Flervin is still a maximum of 4'4" as per the rules found in PHB2 for their size not really being altered, just their appearance.


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The willowy boy cracks his neck to one side as he tries to get a line of sight on the beast. "Well I for one would rather not have that thing sneaking up on us from behind, look at those teeth."

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