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[Adventure] Madness at Gardmore Abbey


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Papolstaanas looks worriedly from Drew to Eva, clearly not liking to see a confrontation between his new companions. Struck by Drew's words, he follows the movements of the skeleton anxiously. Is it really someone's actual body? Papolstaanas had thought that it might be, well, fake, somehow, like made out of temporarily solid magic-stuff, because it just appeared out of thin air, and how do you get someone's dead remains to just ... appear? Does that mean that some grave is now sitting empty because the person's bones have been teleported here? And can they be put back again? Because that would be sort of bad, wouldn't it, if they couldn't.

"M-maybe you should just, um, put it back where it came from," he mumbles.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Peace, kids. You boy, she might consider dragons despicable if her village was destroyed by one and yet, here you are venerating them. You girl, have some sense and at least hide that thing. It's really not necessary that whoever sees us knows our true strength. You will learn eventually that elders learned their patience through painful experience which they are trying to shield you from. Which is of course in vain, people learn through pain." the sorcerer absent-mindedly fingers his tattoo

"If you're lucky, you have someone to shield you from the worst of it.
Now make up, kiss and go to sleep."


Eva scratches her head in apparent confusion, but after a few moments, she finally shrugs and snaps her fingers. The skeleton crumbles into a pile of its constituent bones, mostly obscured by the flowers.

Eva answers Illarion. "That's fine for now, I guess. The skeleton might actually attract weirdos anyway."

Then, to Drew: "Sorry for the suprise."

OOC: Minor action to end the Summon Shadow Servant spell.

Papolstannas: The spell's flavor text is ambiguous ("formed from shadows and the bones of the dead"). I imagine the bones were "donated" by someone who died in this very spot ages ago. I usually play up Eva's other undead raising spell (Restless Dead) the same way, with old animal skeletons raising themselves from the ground. Though if no real skeletons were available, they could be "formed from shadows" instead.

"For now!? You should stop doing it at all!" Drew subsides a bit
"I know, I know, that's what you do, right? It just feels wrong, taking somebody's body for such purpose."

"I'm sorry I yelled, I should have more control over my behaviour."
The monk sits down in meditaton.


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Papolstaanas looks very relieved. The last of the mysterious wind that he somehow conjured up dies down. He cleans his sword, sheathes it, and turns to stand guard.


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Merri covered her head and pretended to sleep during the argument. Conflict like this between people who were supposed to be friends upset her greatly. She was glad when the monk and her friend Eva stopped disagreeing so loudly.

Those close to her could feel her worry radiating out of her. Merri wasn't sure how she was reading them like this (normally it was only her emotions others could feel), but she knew the two of them were not happy with each other and the disagreement wasn't over.

Son of Meepo

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You awake the next morning refreshed, though perhaps a little sore, from the previous evening's battle. The sun is already at your back, creeping over the horizon behind you. After a quick meal and few hours more time you crest a small ridge. The road here plunges steeply into a wide valley. At the far end you can see a keep tucked into another small rise at the far end. Several flags fly from the turrets, each displaying the same coat of arms as the knight's shield on the card Mayor Brunt handed you yesterday.

GM: I came back from vacation to find out that I have been signed up for a training class all next week. I will be moving things slowly, mostly sticking to roleplaying next week rather than starting a new combat encounter.


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"Is that it?" asks Papolstaanas as the turrets come into view. "That wasn't so hard. Maybe we'll be in time for lunch? If they have lunch. I mean, of course they have lunch, but would they give it to us, if, you know, if we're in time? I hate eating trail rations all the time, don't you?"

"I'm guessing we'll be guests, if this is really as important as the mayor made it sound. And if not, there must a tavern where we can eat. Do not worry, dragonkin."


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Merri takes a big stretch before the sunrise, smiling happily about her. Her companions can't help but be a little more cheery as she starts to rouse and stir the fire. She pulls some sausage and eggs from her side pouch as well as a surprising large skillet. She hums gently as she prepares some food over the fire. Before the rays of the sun break the horizon, Merri pulls out her large traveling cloak and hat, and puts them on.

She enjoys the hike toward the keep in the morning sun.

"I think you're right, Drew. What a pleasant trip this will be!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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