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[Adventure] Lost Love (DM: Velmont - Judge: Renau1g)

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[sblock=just to clarify]That was 500g for the group on top of Pis' resurrection? So that'd be 100g each (if everyone thinks that's ok).

I'd completely forgotten about the cash for the rituals! But since that player disappeared, that works out pretty well.

FYI, Unit 16 (and I would assume Ryda and Jarren) are now 123 XP shy of level 6. I think it might be time to spend one of those nice shiny RP points... :)[/sblock]
Unit 16 looks around and checks the group to make sure everyone looks ok. After some reflection, he suggests that the group make a trip to Wroat to check on Pis.

[sblock=ooc]The suggestion to find Pis would come after any other chat people want to have. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Also, I have no idea where Wroat is. :)[/sblock]


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Yeah, the 500gp is a reward for the group, the resurrection is the reward for Pis. This is two different gift from Jasper.

The manor is situated near Wroat. It is a city in the same province as Sharn, and Wroat is the first big city on the Lightning Rail path. If you look at the map, you'll easily find it North-North-East of Sharn, along the lightning rail path.[/SBLOCK]


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[SBLOCK=Treasure] In itilized are the reward given by Jasper. I include in this post all that have been rewarded up to now.

300 gp at the start of the adventure, already spent on Rituals
500 gp given by Jasper

Awakening Hide Armor +2

Lucky Charm +1, looted on the cultists
Resurrection (value 500 gp)

Sandals of Precise Stepping

A diamond (not magical, but worth 840 gp)

Unit 16
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic)

[SBLOCK=XP Award]Priam will receive no XP, as he never really taken part of this adventure. He

Time: From June 28th to September 23rd, that's make 3 Month. Everyone gain 3 RP

Door of Sun: 100 XP
Room of Earth: 250 XP
Room of Air 1000 XP
Room of Water: 200 XP
Cultist Followers: 1050 XP + 200 GP for the River
Cultist Leader and Goon: 600 XP
Roleplay: 1000 XP

Double every XP awards above

Total: 8800 XP
Total per player: 1760 XP[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=DM Reward]3 months = 6 RP[/SBLOCK]

That's a pretty big Roleplay award, but it's cool.

APPROVED [/sblock]


First Post
That's a pretty big Roleplay award, but it's cool.


Maybe, but I like it much. The paranoia and stubbornness made me laugh more than once. I might spy over the next adventure this group go over if they stick together, to see the scar this adventure have left on them.[/sblock]


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Jarren seems more distant than usual as Jasper makes his farewells, and he seems reflective as Susan suggests making for Wroat. He finds himself torn - disturbed by the idea that he might be motivated by the frustration of the group's unfortunate encounter with the Gatekeeper, yet nonetheless, with little desire to share this suggested path. He wonders if the time may have come to go his own way once more.

[sblock=OOC]Thanks Velmont! Level 6, whoo!

But now I do find myself wondering if it might be time to retire Jarren. I don't really feel like I was ever able to find a good voice for him, and I just don't know why he would want to return to Sharn and look for another job at this point. Oh well, I'll give it some thought.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]No, Anti! Things are just starting to get GOOD! :)

Guys, really: this group is awesome, and part of why we're awesome is because we're all screwed up! All of the PCs in this group just went from being character sheets to three-dimensional characters. That's what adversity in life is for: to help you make yourself into the person you choose to be.

We've all been emotionally scarred a bit; we've been ambushed to no end, had a friend killed and brought back, been beaten up and interrogated and then handed a golden plate with all the food we can eat. This stuff is crazy! It will definitely screw with us! But we can't quit now: NOW is when the characters can really shine!

I think Jarren's voice is great! I think he's a wonderful even keel to balance some of the extremes in our group. He's low key and fairly neutral, but has a deep resonance that commands respect. His connection to the natural order helps to ground the group in a cohesive reality.

In a wonderful contrast, Pis is over-the-top gangbusters! He talks smack, he risks it all, and he has so many tricks hidden up his sleeve not even the party knows all about them. I mean, we've just been fed a major plot point in that he's been a changeling this whole time: how can you walk away from something that juicy?!? :)

Then you've got Ryda, the aloof killing machine, who has a few hidden bits to her past as well. She's suspicious and paranoid, and lord knows she'd tackle the world alone if given a choice: but she can't tackle the world alone, and I think even she's starting to learn that.

And Talkrai's breakdown is her just getting started. I mean, she set forth as a newbie with some training, trying to save the world: and now she's fallen a bit on her path, and whether or not she is strong enough to get back up (with some help) or gives up entirely is yet to be seen. It's like the beginning to a movie - a perfect setup! And I know Unit 16 is starting to see her as an opportunity to give back some of the only thing he knows in life so far: the art of war.

How someone handles the adversity truly defines their character: not just a bunch of stuff on a backstory section! And at this point, our characters really are starting to need - well, friends. C'mon guys, I'm trying to do the Bluto scene from Animal House: this could be the best night of our lives, but you're willing to let it be the worst! WHO'S WITH ME! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! :)[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]I confess that's some awesome inspirational posting. :)

Thanks for your lovely remarks about Jarren, it's good to know that he's come over that way. It does make a difference to know that you feel strongly about keeping the group together.

Still have my concerns, though - I'll PM you.[/sblock]


First Post
Ryda spends most of the time after being released in quiet contemplation. She didn’t know who had shot her in the back as she tried to leave the dig site, and no one volunteered that info. All her life she had been taught that House Tharashk was good and noble, yet shooting an innocent in the back was far from it. Her days of imprisonment and interrogation were a painful memory, but she would not break under their questioning. That druid had cast his damnedable spell, and like she expected, she wasn’t corrupted. If she gets the chance, she’ll kill that arrogant Khyber infiltrator, and cleanse Tharashk of his taint.

At the gift of boots, she manages to get out a quiet thanks, and stoicly goes along with Unit 16 in his attempt to reacquire their missing party member. Pis, the changeling. She understood the stigma of a changeling, no one trusts them, so they resort to trickery and deceit to slip into civilization. She didn’t really care that he was a changeling, what hurt the most was that he never told her. You put your life in the hands of your companions, and to find out that one tricked you on such a basic level, it’s a wound that persist and is slow to heal.

Though, it seems she should have been expecting the trick, it seems everything is an ambush of some sorts since she left the Shadow Marches. The Owlbears handlers, the dwarf who was “tied up”, twice in the water room, and again by Tharashk. It seems the only thing that hasn’t ambusher her was the one thing she was sure would, Jasper, unless all these rewards for getting him killed were to lure them into a false sense of security, or cursed items. Maybe these slippers won’t make her more nimble, but instead doom her to dance until her legs fall off. Hmm, she’d have to ask Jarren about these, he always seemed to have a level head and a good eye for these things.

Jarren and Susan, what a pair. Not the really the perfect companions, but no one can really doubt their effectiveness. Susan, when they first met she half expected a gnome to jump out of the back covered in gizmo’s and doohickeys and exclaim his new animated armorsuit to be a success. That idea was dashed after a few days together and he didn’t start smelling of refuse, though she supposed that there could be a way to clean that up. Jarren was the first person to see her in a long time, and that put her off to him for a bit, but he earned his place at her side. Between her fiery temper and Susan’s… lack of worldly experience… his even demeanor was a good moral compass. She always knew she’d gone to far when Jarren looked shocked.

What’s going to happen now? She didn’t know. Would they simply return to Sharn and press on with their lives? Would the traumatic events of the past few days jam an irremovable wedge in their band? Would Susan sprout so many panels he looked like a flower? Only time would tell. Time… perhaps it’s time she took a few days to herself and fully digested everything, away from those that partook.

Hey guys, I think I'll split off for a few days when we get back to Sharn. I need some time to reflect on the recent events. she says after a while, breaking her hours of silence.

Voidrunner's Codex

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