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[Adventure] He Chained Their Minds (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder; Judge Needed )

OOC: Sorry for lack of posts guys, heavy work and school load + lack of home internet for last 5 days or so.

Evan, seeing that everyone is ready and rearing to go after a short rest, leads the group through the grassy plain. Though he certainly isn't much of a combatant, he truly was a skilled hunter, and knew the lay of his land quite well. Twice he was able to steer the group away from the lairs of hidden predators (one a family of badgers, the other a den of bobcats) as they made their way through the tall grasses. After a half a day's travel, the group makes it to a small village. A dozen bramble and reed houses stand about in a semi-circle around a large central fire pit. Though it would normally be burning (even slightly) throughout all hours of day and night, it lacked even a smoldering stream of smoke that left the place feeling quite empty. Well, that and the general lack of any living person.

"This is my village, how I found it three days ago."

To Ignatz, the scene is eerily familiar. Though the housing may have been different, and the layout not-at-all the same, the feel of the scene was exactly what the half-orc experienced when he came upon his own empty village.

"I doubt that after three days there would be many clues as to where they could have gone, but if anyone can get a lead on them, I'm sure you could."

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"Can anyone search for tracks- not for the folk who lived here, but to see if there are any which seem strange or out of place? And can anyone determine if there are traces of magic left behind? It has been too long- I don't think I will be able to sense any lingering traces of emotion, but perhaps the remnants of powerful magic might linger still?" Joy's voice still managed to sound confident, but the lingering music in the air around her was unusually soft and subdued, as if the bulk of her attention was elsewhere.

OOC: Arcana +9=27 ; Perception +9= 19; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3989749/


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Ignatz takes in the scene, his usually jocularity profoundly absent. In its place is a cold resolve. "Hy vill find dese people," he says. He strides purposefully into the empty village, searching it methodically (and making a considerable mess), inside and out. He seems too preoccupied with his own thoughts to be able to pick up a very cold trail.

Perception: 12

Though it is faint, Joy's senses a disturbance in the threads of magic woven into all things. Though she is not able to specifically identify what spell or spells were used, it is evident to her that some form of magic was used... She wasn't quite sure why, but labeling it as "magic" somehow seemed a bit off to her. She couldn't put her finger exactly on why that was until she walked over near the central fire pit and spotted something glowing in the dead embers. First making sure that the dead coals were fully cooled, Joy reached into the fire pit and retrieved a tiny, flat shard of crystal, wrapped in some kind of plant material.

OOC: Feel free to have Joy make a Nature check. Anyone who Joy shows the crystal and plant material to is free, also, to make a Nature check.


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Kane also extends his arcane sense and becomes aware that the residual imprint of power does not resonate with his own. Seeing Joy find an object of interest he moves to stand her shoulder, eyeing up the crystal shard.



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Kama'zer searches around the village but doesn't seem to find anything useful. After joy finds the crystal, Kama'zer investigates it as well. It spurs a memory of her people which she tells the others about. "I do not know that it is relevant to the situation, but in the history of my people they use psionic powers as much or more than normal magic. And the psionic masters use crystals to hold their power and for other uses I'm not certain of."

Perception = 1d20+4=7, Nature = 1d20+4=18
History = 1d20+10=25


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Vander inspects the bundle Joy holds to see if he can determine anything of interest, then flits around the area searching for anything else of interest.
OOC: Nature: 1d20+6=19, Perception: 1d20+9=28 (same link)

While searching through the empty village, Vander comes upon what looks like a few pinkish blue scales. The tiny fey creature's knowledge of the natural world is enough that he can tell the scales are not reptilian in origin. No, they are actually more insect-like.

[sblock=Sound of Stone: Perception DC 10]
You immediately recognize the color patterning of the scales held by Vander, and recognize that the scales belong to a female of your Red Granite clan called "Color of a Speckled Lizard When Viewed From The West During A Winter Sunset, of the three twelves and 8th clutch of the Red Granite"...or simply "Color of Winter" for short. You're not sure why she would have been here, and where the rest of your clan is, but you are sure enough to stake your life on it that the scales belonged to your clan-mate. [/sblock]

On the other side of the village, next to Joy, Kama'zer is able to piece together one piece of information: The plant that the crystal was bundled in is not of a fey origin. In fact, Kama'zer recognizes the plant as something more local to the northern parts of Daunton's shore-line. And as a matter of fact, you happen to remember that there is only a quarter mile strip of the shore that grows that particular plant, and there is only one natural harboring point in that section...


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Kama'zer explains to the others about the area in northern Daunton where just such a plant grows. "We should go there with all speed. There is one natural harbor in that area. If the people of your village have been taken, that is the area they may be travelling through. We need to make haste."

Voidrunner's Codex

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