• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: Get Me to the Church on Time (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Renau1g)


First Post
OOC: Just noticed today in the charter that Dragonmark feats aren't allowed, so I'll ignore the mark of passage effects and pick a new level 2 feat after this encounter...
GM: I should have caught that. If you've got something in mind that doesn't add too many changes to the sheet, feel free to add it in. You can swap it out when you level up.

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First Post
GM: I should have caught that. If you've got something in mind that doesn't add too many changes to the sheet, feel free to add it in. You can swap it out when you level up.

OOC: I swapped it out for Cunning Stalker - CA against enemies that have no creature adjacent to them other than me.


First Post
Spider jumps up and follows Zardi's charge; he leaped over the water and rushed though the debris pile and impale the Archer.

"I an I gonna kill all a ya!" he yelled.

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]
Move: to V20
Minor: Berserker's Charge Stance
Standard: Charge MBA

Free: Power Strike: 1d12=8
[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 3
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: +11, Passive Insight: +11


AC: 18, Fort: 19, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging)

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage

HP: 39/39, THP: 0/5 Bloodied: 19, Surge Value: 9, Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +10 vs AC - Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12+9 (Crit: +1d12 +1d8)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +9 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+8

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance, Pass Forward (Move)
Encounter: Furious Assault, Power Strike #1, Power Strike #2, Half-Orc Resilience
Daily: Vanguard Weapon Daily

1 Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4

[/sblock][sblock=Spider's Journal]
1. Lord Adelin Mallaby recruits me and some other adventurers from the Tavern. He asked for protection, on a trip to Allaria. He is to be wed to Elena of Terconis, daughter of the Count of Terconis. According to tradition, the wedding must take place at the ancient chapel of the Terconis family, and the chapel in Count's Crovale lies in the high hills of old Allaria. The lady and the Count are already there.
2. The adventurers board Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig. The ship is built for speed, not cargo or battle.
3. Intended Path: Land at Ristaren (100 miles south of Fromish), and make our way up the old highway to here. A mile or two off the highway is the village of Achirem, which is still thriving in the midst of rough country, so they say. From there we cross Derianis ridge, and then down to Crovale. The last part through the hills may be dangerous.
4. We land at Ristaren, and it is a small, poor town.
5. We killed a bunch of spiders.
6. We arrived at Achirem, where Kelvan told us to watch out for:
a. Bramble scar: some kind of trap/pit thing we can't avoid.
b. Hzaka Raiders
c. Ismene: Local robin hood bandit type. Lady, with a band of rugged ladies.
7. Get Jumped, or try to Jump, some Hzaka Raiders.
8. Meet up with Ismene's band, but managed to talk our way through it.
9. Encounter: Angry Bear, Angrier bees, and a hungry frog. Graval got eaten by a frog, but Spider saved him.
10. Meet with Ismene and convince her to give us safe passage if we help her take on a local Goblin raider.
11. Launch surprise attack on Goblin tower. Climb to roof and take out archers. Jump in the tower, and find more hobgoblins.
12. Run in to some creepy mushroom field. Attacked by big mushrooms.
13. Stop to rest in an abandoned (?) charcoal burner's hut.
14. Get to Church: wife/father-in-law sent Lord M on a wild goose chase, and don't want to marry him after all.
15. Find out true love Ismene is kidnapped, and we go to her rescue.

Mista Magi
Lor' Malabee


First Post
As his allies charge into battle, Mallaby makes a mad dash to his right, weaving in and out of the brush, dodging rocks and trees.[sblock=Mallaby's Actions]Surprise Round: Stand Up
Double Move: Z23->Z24->Z25->AA26->Z27->Z28->Y29->X30[/sblock]The hobgoblins are, for the moment, more occupied with their immediate attackers.
"Intruders! Point Seven!" the flail-wielder that Zardi attacked calls out.

"What's going on out there!" comes a voice from the tent. A big hobgoblin armed with a heavy mace and a longbow steps out, sees what has transpired, and starts barking orders.

"Squad A, form up facing Eight! Squad B, shift to Seven! Sentry Eight, reinforce squad B! Other sentries maintain. This may be a feint. Archers pick your targets!"

The big leader draws his bow and looses an arrow at Zardi. He is joined by another archer from behind the tent. The boss's arrow goes wide, but the other hits its mark. The damage isn't much, but the archer yells "Mark!" and the leader nods, already plotting readying his next arrow.

The archer which Spider hit stumbles backwards, and shoots an arrow at him, again going wide.

On their leader's command, the rest of the hobgoblins move, switching off targets, as the one that Zardi hit, steps away from him and then goes rushing at Jarro, with little success. The swordsman next to him also tries for Spider, and also misses, but another swordsman, coming around from behind the tent charges at the half-orc and manages to get a good thump in.

A hobgoblin with a flail rounds the big tree that Zardi is standing next to, and lashes at the goliath--enough of a hit to get his attention. Yet another swordsman rounds the tent, but fails to hit Zardi.
The sentry that had been guarding the trail turns at his leader's command and charges at Zardi, with another stinging blow.

Finally another hobgoblin emerges from the tent, this one smaller than many of the others, and dressed in robes rather than armor.

"Blast them, Azar!" shouts the leader.

"I can't get a good shot!" Azar says, sneering. "I wouldn't want to waste my power!"[sblock=Enemy Actions]Boss
Move (from tent): to L13
Standard: Longbow vs. Zardi (1d20+11=16) miss.

Bow 46
Move: to L14
Standard: Longbow vs. Zardi (1d20+10=26, 1d10+4=5) 5 damage, and the Boss has a +2 on his next ranged attack vs. Zardi.

Bow 25
Move: shift to O19
Standard: Longbow vs. Spider (1d20+10=14) miss.

Flail 34
Move: Shift to O15
Standard: Charge to P17 Flail vs. Spider (1d20+8+1=13, 1d10+5=11) miss.

Sword 37
Move: to Q17
Standard: Longsword vs. Spider (1d20+6=12) miss.

Sword 42
Move: to K18
Standard: Charge to P18 Longsword vs. Spider (1d20+6+1=22) 5 damage

Flail 97
Move: to O13
Standard: Flail vs. Zardi (1d20+8+1=25, 1d10+5=8) 8 damage and Zardi is marked until the end of the Hobgoblin's next turn.

Sword 66
Move: to O14
Standard: Longsword vs. Zardi (1d20+6=11) miss.

Spear 79
Move: to V12
Standard: Charge to Q12 Spear vs. Zardi (1d20+11+2=18) 4 damage.

Spear 70
No actions

Move (from tent): to N13[/sblock][sblock=Perception DC 16 (Active or Passive)]There are more sentries in the brush at L2 and C16. They have not moved.[/sblock][sblock=map]

[/sblock][sblock=status]Goldenhorn: W20 HP 37/37, Surges 9/10, AP 1, second wind unused
Spider: Q18 HP 34/39, Surges 9/10, AP 1, second wind unused
Tyris: Y18 HP 29/29, Surges 5/7, AP 1, second wind unused
Zardi: P13 HP 34/48, Surges 8/11, AP 1, second wind unused, marked by Flail Hobgoblin 97

Mallaby: X30 HP 26/26, Surges 5/5, second wind unused
Thais: Y24 HP 38/38, Surges 5/5, second wind unused

Sword Hobgoblin 26: Q13 HP 0/1 dead.
Sword Hobgoblin 37: Q17 HP Minion
Sword Hobgoblin 42: P18 HP Minion
Sword Hobgoblin 66: O14 HP Minion
Spear Hobgoblin 70: L27 HP Uninjured
Spear Hobgoblin 79: Q12 HP Uninjured
Flail Hobgoblin 34: P17 HP 13 Damage Taken
Flail Hobgoblin 97: O13 HP Uninjured
Bow Hobgoblin 25: O19 HP 20/39
Bow Hobgoblin 46: L14 HP 39/39
Hobgoblin Caster: N13 HP Uninjured
Hobgoblin Boss: L13 HP Uninjured +2 to next ranged attack vs. Zardi.[/sblock][sblock=NPCs in Combat]This combat is a little different in that there are two NPCs, one of whom is reasonably competent.

Any PC can take a move or minor action to have an NPC perform a move action (or a minor action).
Any PC can take a standard action to have an NPC perform a standard action.

NPCs can take free actions and opportunity actions normally, without the direction of PCs. They are always considered to have their weapons in hand and don’t need to spend actions unsheathing them.

If, in a given round, none of the PCs give instructions to Thais, she will take a single non-offensive action, either a move or total defense.

If, in a given round, none of the PCs give instructions to Lord Mallaby, he will attempt to make his way to the tent, using two move actions--stealthily at first, but in the open once spotted. He's determined to take an active part in this rescue, and going straight for where he thinks Ismene is kept is the best plan. He can, of course, told not to, but unless he's doing something else useful, he'll want to make for the tent.

If either NPC becomes bloodied, that NPC will use Second Wind as a standard action without needing actions on the part of a player.[/sblock][sblock=NPC stats]Lord Adelin Mallaby
HP: 26, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 6
AC: 15, Fort: 12, Ref: 13, Will: 14
Speed 6
Skills: Diplomacy +8, History +6, Stealth +3, Perception +1
:bmelee: Rapier +6 vs. AC, 1d8+4 damage
[o] Second Wind

HP: 38, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9
AC: 16, Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 15
Skills: Arcana +6, Nature +11, Stealth +3, Perception +4
:bmelee: Staff +7 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage
Spore Strike Ranged 10 (one creature)
Attack: +5 vs. Will
Hit: 1d4+4 poison damage and the target is blinded until the end of its next turn.
[o] Bramble Patch Area Burst 1 within 10 (all enemies in burst)
Attack: +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the attack creates a zone which lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy that starts its turn in the zone takes 3 damage and is slowed.
[o] Tree Step (move action)
Effect: Thais teleports 8 squares.
Requirement: Both the starting square and the target square must be adjacent to trees.
[o] Second Wind[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]Flail Hobgoblin
AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 15, Will 15
Passive Perception 18
:bmelee: Flail: +8 vs. AC, 1d10+5 and target is marked until the beginning of the Hobgoblin's next turn.
These guys have an immediate interrupt, the result of which the first time in a round that one of their adjacent allies would be hit by an attack vs. AC or Ref that hits by a margin of less than two, the attack misses.[sblock=nature 13]Hobgoblin Battle Guard
Level 3 Soldier
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]Phalanx Movement: As a move action the Battle Guard and each adjacent ally can shift 1 square. The allies must shift to a square adjacent to the Battle Guard.[/sblock][/sblock]Sword Hobgoblin
AC 17, Fort 15, Ref 13, Will 12
Passive Perception 11
+2 to AC if adjacent to at least one hobgoblin ally.
:bmelee: Long Sword: +6 vs. AC, 5 damage.[sblock=nature 13]Hobgoblin Grunt
Level 3 Minion
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]Hobgoblin Resilience (encounter): When the Grunt suffers an effect that a save can end, the Grunt can make an immediate saving throw.[/sblock][/sblock]Spear Hobgoblin
AC 20, Fort 18, Ref 16, Will 15
Passive Perception 13
+2 to AC if adjacent to at least one hobgoblin ally.
:bmelee: Spear: +11 vs. AC, 4 damage.[sblock=nature 14]Hobgoblin Sentry
Level 4 Soldier Minion
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]Hobgoblin Resilience (encounter): When the Sentry suffers an effect that a save can end, the Sentry can make an immediate saving throw.[/sblock][/sblock]Bow Hobgoblin
AC 17, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 13
Passive Perception 18
:bmelee: Longsword: +8 vs. AC, 1d8+2 damage. (not drawn at present)[sblock=nature 13]Hobgoblin Archer
Level 3 Artillery
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]When the Archer hits with its longbow, in addition to damage, it grants an ally a +2 bonus to its next ranged attack against the same target.
Hobgoblin Resilience (encounter): When the Archer suffers an effect that a save can end, the Archer can make an immediate saving throw.[/sblock][/sblock]Hobgoblin Caster
AC 17, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 17
Passive Perception 15
:bmelee: Staff: +8 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage.[sblock=nature 13]Hobgoblin Warcaster
Level 3 Controller (Leader)
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]The Warcaster has the following attacks:
Shock Staff (recharge 4-6): melee attack that does lots of damage and dazes the target until the end of the Warcaster's next turn.
Force Lure (recharge 5-6): range attack that slides the target in addition to damage.
Force Pulse (recharge 6): Close Blast 5 which pushes and knocks prone in addition to damage.
Hobgoblin Resilience (encounter): When the Warcaster suffers an effect that a save can end, the Warcaster can make an immediate saving throw.[/sblock][/sblock]Hobgoblin Boss
AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 17, Will 16
Passive Perception 11
:bmelee: Mace: +9 vs. AC, 1d8+6 damage. (not drawn at present)[sblock=nature 14]Hobgoblin Warmonger
Level 4 Artillery (Leader)
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]A creature hit by the Warmonger's longbow grants CA until the start of the Warmonger's next turn.
Battle Cry (recharge when bloodied): area burst 1, in which an enemy hit makes a basic attack as a free action against a target of the Warmonger's choice, and in which the Warmonger's allies each can make a charge or basic attack, and regain hit points if they hit.
Phalanx Movement: As a move action the Warmonger and each adjacent ally can shift 1 square. The allies must shift to a square adjacent to the Battle Guard.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
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Zardi is distracted by the sight of several more hobgoblins streaming out of the tent, and does not manage to connect with his next hit on the flail-weilding hobgoblin.[sblock=Actions]Standard: Howling Strike vs. Flail 97 (1d20+9=10, 1d12+1d6+6=19) Natural 1!
Minor: Stone's Endurance (Resist 5 to all damage until EONT)[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Zardi - Goliath Barbarian 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Normal vision
AC:17, Fort:18, Reflex:11, Will:13
Melee Basic Attack Fey Strike Greataxe: +9 vs AC, 1d12 +6 damage (When charging, add 1d6 damage from Howling Strike)
Ranged Basic Attack Throwing Hammer: +8 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage
HP:34/42, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:12, Surges left:8/11
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: un-used
Powers: Howling Strike, Pressing Strike, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage
[-]Stone's Endurance, [/-][-]Feral Might: Swift Charge[/-], Great Cleave, Combat Sprint
Bloodhunt Rage

Conditions: marked by Flail 97[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: This map convinced me I need to spend my feat at level 4 to retrain one of the encounter powers I have to be a burst melee power.

A little help, please?


First Post
"There," says Goldenhorn, pointing at Spider as he turns around to speak to Thais. "Whatever you can do!" He continues to advance toward the tent. Thais raises her staff and thorny brambles entwine the legs of the hobgoblins surrounding Spider, leaving him untouched.

[sblock=actions]Standard: Thais uses bramble patch, centered on P18, vs Reflex, Bow 25; Flail 34; Sword 37; Sword 42; damage
2(1d20) +5 = 7; 20(1d20) +5 = 25; 8(1d20) +5 = 13; 9(1d20) +5 = 14; 6(1d8) +5 = 11
Thais crits Flail 34 for 13 damage and hits Sword 42. The other two are missed.

A zone goes from O17 to Q19. Enemies starting their turns in it take 3 damage and are slowed. Thais's bramble patch encounter power is expended.

Move: Goldenhorn moves to R15.

Minor: Thais moves to T18.[/sblock]

[sblock=Goldenhorn]Ingvar Goldenhorn Male Minotaur Cleric|Runepriest 3
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:12, Will:17
HP:37/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:9/10
Action Points: 1
Righteous Brand
Word of Binding

Goring Charge
Divine Glow
Beacon of Vengeance
Healing Word
Rune of Mending
Second Wind

Moment of Glory
Shield of Sacrifice


Rune State of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to me.
Rune State of Protection: While adjacent to me, allies gain resist 2 to all damage.

Defiant Word: Whenever an enemy misses Goldenhorn with an attack, he gains a +4 (non-cumulative) bonus to damage rolls against that enemy until the end of his next turn.

Full sheet: Goldenhorn[/sblock]


First Post
Spider side-stepped to follow the archer, but missed with his swing.

"Bumbaclot!" he cused.

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]
Move: shift to P19
Minor: Poised Assault Stance
Standard: Charge MBA

Free: Power Strike: 1d12=8
[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 3
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: +11, Passive Insight: +11


AC: 18, Fort: 19, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging)

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage

HP: 39/39, THP: 0/5 Bloodied: 19, Surge Value: 9, Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +10 vs AC - Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12+9 (Crit: +1d12 +1d8)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +9 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+8

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance, Pass Forward (Move)
Encounter: Furious Assault, Power Strike #1, Power Strike #2, Half-Orc Resilience
Daily: Vanguard Weapon Daily

1 Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4

[/sblock][sblock=Spider's Journal]
1. Lord Adelin Mallaby recruits me and some other adventurers from the Tavern. He asked for protection, on a trip to Allaria. He is to be wed to Elena of Terconis, daughter of the Count of Terconis. According to tradition, the wedding must take place at the ancient chapel of the Terconis family, and the chapel in Count's Crovale lies in the high hills of old Allaria. The lady and the Count are already there.
2. The adventurers board Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig. The ship is built for speed, not cargo or battle.
3. Intended Path: Land at Ristaren (100 miles south of Fromish), and make our way up the old highway to here. A mile or two off the highway is the village of Achirem, which is still thriving in the midst of rough country, so they say. From there we cross Derianis ridge, and then down to Crovale. The last part through the hills may be dangerous.
4. We land at Ristaren, and it is a small, poor town.
5. We killed a bunch of spiders.
6. We arrived at Achirem, where Kelvan told us to watch out for:
a. Bramble scar: some kind of trap/pit thing we can't avoid.
b. Hzaka Raiders
c. Ismene: Local robin hood bandit type. Lady, with a band of rugged ladies.
7. Get Jumped, or try to Jump, some Hzaka Raiders.
8. Meet up with Ismene's band, but managed to talk our way through it.
9. Encounter: Angry Bear, Angrier bees, and a hungry frog. Graval got eaten by a frog, but Spider saved him.
10. Meet with Ismene and convince her to give us safe passage if we help her take on a local Goblin raider.
11. Launch surprise attack on Goblin tower. Climb to roof and take out archers. Jump in the tower, and find more hobgoblins.
12. Run in to some creepy mushroom field. Attacked by big mushrooms.
13. Stop to rest in an abandoned (?) charcoal burner's hut.
14. Get to Church: wife/father-in-law sent Lord M on a wild goose chase, and don't want to marry him after all.
15. Find out true love Ismene is kidnapped, and we go to her rescue. Fight a bunch of goblins.

Mista Magi
Lor' Malabee


First Post
Tyris moves silently forward and stops behind a tree, then slowly moves out and wraps his garrote around the neck of one of the hobgoblins, quickly strangling him and releasing him again as he drops to the ground.
[sblock="actions"]Move: to T17, stealth 1d20+7=26 Hidden from everything I have superior cover/total concealment against
Standard: Garrote Strangle vs Sword 37 - shift to r16 then CRIT for 20 damage (figures I'd crit on the minion...)[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Tyris Male Shade Executioner
Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Darkvision

AC: 18, Fort: 13, Reflex: 15, Will: 16

HP: 28/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 5/7
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused


Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Rapier 1d8+4
Ranged Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+4

At-Will: Garrote Strangle, Poisoned Dagger, Quick Lunge, One With Shadow, Silent Stalker
Encounter: Assassin's Strike
Item: Id Moss Powder (0/0), Bloodroot Poison (0/1), Skald's Leather Armor

1 Rapier: 1d8 (Main Hand)
6 Daggers: 1d4 (Off hand)
1 Garrote: 1d4


Attack Finesse: 1/turn deal 1d8/2d8/3d8 (by tier) extra dmg with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun, or shortbow.
Quick Swap: 1/turn draw or stow a weapon as a free action, then draw another weapon
Two-Weapon Defense: +1 bonus to AC and Reflex when holding a weapon in each hand.
Multiclass(Cutthroat): Bluff check to cause diversion to hide is a minor instead of a standard action.
Mark of Passage: Whenever a power lets Tyris shift or teleport, he can shift or teleport 1 additional square as part of that move.[/sblock]
OOC: I wanna get up and garrote the caster, but I couldn't get to him this turn :(
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