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Adventure: Escort Duty (DM: KarinsDad, Judge: TBD)

Voda Vosa

First Post
Hilkalas is a silent man, and he walks with militar peace. He does not exchange any words with Jasper nor with the man with the mule. His eyes keep open to the possible threats ahead. It is then that the others notice that rain bounces off him, as if he were protected by an invisible force field.

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Rava notices nothing unusual.

The man (apparently a farmer from his clothes and the conditions of his hands and face), pulls his mule to one side of the road and passes the group. He continues his journey.

Jasper pulls a barking Pumpkin to the other side of the road. It appears that Pumpkin thinks that mules are meant to be barked at.


Jayce sees nothing unusual as the man walks away.

The group stops for lunch, alone in a gray mist of drizzle. After lunch, the group continues down the road. About an hour later, they see another traveler. A young human woman this time, possible in her late teens or early twenties. She steps to the side of the road to let the larger group pass.

Rava was beginning to get a bit suspicious of the random, unescorted travelers. People don't just walk into a room full of armed mercenaries, thugs, warriors, etc, asking for an escort, if they don't have good reason to suspect that the escort may be needed. Either that, or every volunteer in this group should have the word SUCKER tatoo'd on their forehead for so easily falling into a trap. She didn't have specific evidence against Jasper's involvement in such a situation, but she wasn't about to walk willy-nilly into a trap either. She kept a weather eye on Jasper's looks, reactions, and mannerisms as the woman stepped aside to let them pass.

"Good day to you. May The Host grant you safe travels."

Voda Vosa

First Post
Hilkalas shoot a mental message to each of his comrades, alternatively, and excluding Jasper: "I think the people we are encountering on our way are most unusual. Keep your guard up, we might be getting a surprise soon enough. If we are ambushed, I need we perform a turtle move, with the most capable melee fighters surrounding Jasper and Rava. We'll discuss the tactic more deeply when the need arises, if it ever does. Just know your place if that happens."


"Well, Pumpkin just gets excited to see people. She's really a good dog, she just barks and growls a lot. She's a good watch dog. You'll notice that she stopped barking and growling at all of you, so she'll let us know if someone is coming."


Rava was beginning to get a bit suspicious of the random, unescorted travelers. People don't just walk into a room full of armed mercenaries, thugs, warriors, etc, asking for an escort, if they don't have good reason to suspect that the escort may be needed. Either that, or every volunteer in this group should have the word SUCKER tatoo'd on their forehead for so easily falling into a trap. She didn't have specific evidence against Jasper's involvement in such a situation, but she wasn't about to walk willy-nilly into a trap either. She kept a weather eye on Jasper's looks, reactions, and mannerisms as the woman stepped aside to let them pass.

OOC: Just as an aside, could we keep the "tactical thought conversations" to a minimum? Nobody else can hear what Rava is thinking (unless Hilkalas is setting up a mind link), so observations, ideas, and suspicions that are not spoken aloud shouldn't be relayed to other players. If you need to express private thoughts, figure out a way to get Hilkalas to help you with that (presumably without Jasper becoming suspicious of you in the process). Thanks. ;)

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