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Adventure: Echoes of O


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Les sits up with a hiss and throws a glare towards the eladrin. "Yes, I'm awake. Where's my chain and armor? And where is that traitorous backstabber Marley. And...Seven-Rabbit, what the heck did you do to your neck?"

Kruk sits up as well, giving a evil eye to the eladrin for staring so 'inappropriately' at Les. Something catches Kruks eye though. He leans back and states "Les, you got one on your lower back." He chuckles out loud, but then gets serious and wonders out loud, "What the heck is going on! And where's my axe!" He looks down and sees that he's not wearing much. "Where's my armor!"

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Dawn Raven

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Glancing over her shoulder, Les could see nothing. However she takes Kruk's words for truth. She frowned and looked back to Kruk. "Well this is all unfortunate enough. Hah! We've been marked by fate! This is not something I will forgive easily." She stands up and stalks up to Borius. "You owe us extra."

Don Incognito

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Borius places his hands gently on Les' shoulder. "Are you hurt, miss Ghentel? I could help soothe your soreness, if you like. I may not look it, but I am in fact an expert in the most fascinating art of massage..."

Allip coughs loudly. *ahem* "I -THINK- that they would be more interested in their current situation, Borius."

"Oh! Quite right. What would I do without you, Allip?" (Allip rolls his eyes) "Anyway, we have taken the liberty of putting our ear to the proverbial ground in order to discover what, exactly, transpired in the warehouse where you were found. This is what we know."

"You, apparently, working for Marley, an...er...entrepreneur, of sorts. He had some connection to Rebekkah, and was also looking for her safe return (kudos to you, by the by, for keeping my name out of it. The circles in which I travel would be absolutely livid if they were to discover that not only had my faux-daughter lived in the slums, but actually was involved with such an unsavory character). The culprit, it would seem, was a rival gnoll thug by the name of Hyann, who was kidnapping girls for some sort of foul ritual. With the help of Marley's loyal retainer Ash," (Borius points to Raiyek. The eladrin apparently has trouble distinguishing between anyone who isn't a woman) "you were able to find some sort of evidence linking Hyann (or, at least, a person in Hyann's employ) to the murders. Unfortunately, Hyann caught wind of the plan and had Marley kidnapped."

"You made your way to the warehouse, where despite your efforts, you were unable to stop the ritual. Although Marley was destroyed, the exotic magical dwarf in your group" (Borius points to Kruk) "was able to call down some sort of magical blue fire from the sky that incinerated the ritualist. In a rage, Hyann struck you all down and left you for dead. You were found shortly thereafter by the city guard, unconscious. I, using my masterful skills of negotiation and persuation," (Allip groans) "convinced the guard of your innocence, and was able to not only clear you of all charges and have you brought to my estate so that I could personally oversee your recovery, but to actually have the charred corpse found with you to be examined by Alllip, so assures me that it is indeed the body of the one who killed my dear Rebekkah. You were hanging by a halfing's whisper (if you parden the expression, Allip)" (Another groan) "for a time, but luckily you were all able to make a full recovery. You've been out for roughly six days."

"Despite a few setbacks, congradulations on a mission accomplished!" Borius smiles and bursts into applause.


Dawn Raven

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Borius's long monologue is met with an open mouth and a blank stare. Despite all the importance behind what he had said, one thing stuck in Les's mind. "What, what?! We were out for six days? IN YOUR HOUSE? Did you put these tattoos on us? I swear if you touched me, I will flay the flesh from your bones and feed the remains to a shark...."

She looks over to the others. "Erm....of course I'd never do something so literal. That story doesn't really sound like what I remember, but I'm kind of fuzzy on the details after being knocked unconscious." Here, another pause.

"Borius, we have gone above and beyond expectations with this matter, have we not? Even leading to the unfortunate happenstance of our own physical deformity! Do you not think that this warrants more than an applause? Perhaps an increased fee is in order."

Diplomacy...of FAIL = 9 Perhaps her plucky good nature and sweet looks can give a bonus? *pleads*


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7 Rabbit listens to Borius's words with half an ear. He seems to be trying to see his own neck.

"I have a spell scar? Oh boy! I wonder what it does!" Eventually he gives up and looks at his companions. "So who wants to come with me to the Isle of O to learn more about this?"

Don Incognito

First Post
Borius nods at Les.

"Of course, of course. You all have performed SPLENDIDLY. I have decided to, in fact, DOUBLE your pay. So you all have earned a total of 90 gold! Your things are in the next room. Please, if you ever need anything (ANYTHING) feel free to drop me a line."

[sblock=OOC]At this point, the adventure is over. Officially. You all recieve 90 gold as a reward from Borius.

Pre-Ash (before he joined)
171+83 (already awarded)
Post-Ash (after he joined)
72(already awarded)
175(Burodorub) + 150 (Marley) + 200 (quest) + 166 (time) = 691

TOTAL: 691 + 72 + 171 + 83 = 1100 (including the exp already awarded)
TOTAL FOR ASH: 691 + 72 = 763 (including the exp already awarded)

Feel free to RP some more with Borius, ask a few questions, whatever. Also, feel free to leave and return to the tavern.

I have a sequel in the works (sort of), if anyone it interested.


Marley has not been seen or heard from since you have been found. Word on the street is that Hyann killed him. Without his leadership, the Reckoners have fallen into disarray and infighting, thus they are no longer a major player in Daunton's underworld. Marley's flat has been abandoned.

Hope ya'll had fun! And grats to those that reached level 2! (I think that's everyone other than Ash).[/sblock]


First Post

At this point, the adventure is over. Officially. You all recieve 90 gold as a reward from Borius.

Pre-Ash (before he joined)
171+83 (already awarded)
Post-Ash (after he joined)
72(already awarded)
175(Burodorub) + 150 (Marley) + 200 (quest) + 166 (time) = 691

TOTAL: 691 + 72 + 171 + 83 = 1100 (including the exp already awarded)
TOTAL FOR ASH: 691 + 72 = 763 (including the exp already awarded)

I approve of this exp and of the treasure awarded to the players in the adventure "Echoes of O" and 6 DM credits to Don Incognito
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7 Rabbit stands, stretches and turns to Allip. "You seem to know a lot about the magic forces of this land," he says. "Can you tell me more about these spellscars? I have only heard the name, I know nothing of the reality."

Yes, I know the tattoos aren't actual spellscars, but Rabbit doesn't!

So, let me see if I've got this straight. I don't have the Forgotten Realms books, so I've just been looking around on the DDI Compendium. This tattoo lets me take the Student of the Plague feat, right, and then I can use multiclass feats to pick Spellscarred powers? (Which are listed as Multiclass in the Forgotten Realms book in the Compendium.)

That's a pretty awesome reward - fits my character perfectly! (I was a little worried about running out of Con-based powers to take, but the Spellscarred powers let you pick the ability to use to attack with.)


First Post
"Marley wasn't dead. We saw him with our own eyes. Plus, I doubt Kruk could summon command any magicks at all." Ash rising from his bed and opening his eyes slowly. "No offense meant Kruk. But I must still find Marley and also the answer to this scar on me."

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek slowly sits up halfway through Borius' monologue, and then stares around the room as he finishes and the others start to converse. His eyes don't seem to focus on anything, really ...

"Er ..." the elf says. He looks down and (finally) seems to notice the situation he's in - bereft of his equipment, lying in Borius' mansion, and the rest of his companions the same. "Um ..." he says. Now, with a furrowed brown, he looks around the room again, finally taking in details. With a quick visual assessment of each of his companions to make sure they're ok - noticing the strange new tattoos on them, as well as himself - Raiyek turns to Borius and Allip. "Uh ... what?" he says. "Where's all of my equipment, where did these tattoos come from, and why are we here??" he asks, utterly bewildered.
[sblock=OOC]Sweet! Thanks for the game, Don, it was great. I also think the spellscar-ish tattoo is a pretty neat idea - now I have to go check out the spellscar powers again! Perhaps they'd be useful to Raiyek, hadn't really thought of them for him before.

Oh, and I know that the reasons we're here and what happened has all been gone over already. I'm just giving a reason why Raiyek was strangely silent this past week ;) I don't expect you to actually go over it all again, though if someone wants to get Raiyek in the loop, I'm sure he'd appreciate it ;)[/sblock]

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