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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

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Shandra responds to Sabynha's commend about elf-kind with a humble smile. She knew she was perceptive, even for one of her kind, but she didn't want to seem arrogant about her skills. Her ears perked up at the mention of Kaibon and hoped that the treant would have a good tale concerning that particular menace.


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"Hmmm ... Kalbon ... Soryth's hound, her creature ... but not a slave. A devilish mind he has. Rosaline says it was he that found his way through the Crystal Cave. Rosaline says it was he that found Porpherio's tomb for the Hag. Whatever evil schemes she has dreamed and accursed upon this island, he has helped make them possible. A devil he is, furious and cruel ... wrapped in fire." He shudders at this last statement. "Speaking of fire ... it reminds me of the time I..."

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha is content that she has gleaned about all she can from what Oakstaff can say about Kaibon. She spends the rest of the time listening to his stories, looking for tidbits to add to her repertoire. Her need to rest for a moment battling her desire to ensure the safety of Propherio/Orlando.

Son of Meepo

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It is clear that Wat was becoming agitated. He understood the penchant of Oakstaff's kind for long, meandering tales, but they were on the tail of an assassin and no matter how guarded Orlando was, time was not their ally.

When there was a convenient pause in the tale, Wat cleared his throat.

"I don't mean to be rude, but while I enjoy a good tale as much as anyone, I just would feel much better the sooner I have seen Porpherio with my own eyes."


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The treants words drift away as Wat calls his tale to a stop. "Your eyes seeing Porpherio will not make my words any less true, fleshling. There is no place on the island safer than the Water Palace. If I have said so, then it is as true as the season's cycle. Such brash creatures ... I had almost forgotten. So, tell me. Why the need to see Porpherio with your own eyes. Rosaline told me you would come in his wake, but not of your purpose."

Shandra clears her throat, indicating her want to speak. "I too would see the Water Palace. But this is more for the want to find and deal with Porpherio's assassin than any lack of confidence in your words. Even if the assassin is unable to kill Porpherio, is there any assurance that Soryth won't also find out where Porpherio is and find some way to capture him? I would feel better knowing that the assassin had no way of releasing that information to anyone."


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The treant rumbles with obvious displeasure. "You answer a question with a question. Fleshings. I had forgotten what impolite creatures you were." He folds his mighty branch-like arms but does not respond to Shandra's query.

Nemesis Destiny

"Now you've made him angry! I thought you lived here?" Sabynha was annoyed by Shandra's social gaffe.

"I'm sure she meant no disrespect, treemaster. We fleshlings often speak in haste when our emotions get the better of us. My apologies." The vistani swept into a low bow, and shot a disapproving look toward the elf.

Son of Meepo

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Wat relates the tale of why they've come as best he can. It's clear that there is a bit of an angry edge to his voice. He's tired and is pretty much dealing with Oakstaff's meandering off topic.

OOC: Sorry, but I can no longer keep all the details of our quest straight in my mind. I know Juliana is someone else here and Orlando is Propherio, but I can't remember exactly how the mixup happened.

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