Sure. I am game. My computer is in the shop so I am posting from my phone, which is a pain to cut-and-paste from, so you'll just have to trust these are my rolls: 6, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2.
Sounds strange but interesting.
Dubi Gan is our highest skilled PC and the lowest stamina. He also is a pretty poor wizard.
Skill: 6
Stamina: 14
Luck: 9
Background: Venturesome Academic
You spent the last few years in the academies of the Yellow City, in theory reading about magic, but in reality devouring travel journals and philosophical treaties. But you
do know a spell, that's good enough right?
Money: 8 silver pieces and 100 rupees
• Reading Glasses in a sturdy case (you
cannot read without them).
•Sword of your Father: you grew up in the yellow city, but your father is from the far reaches of Sugh and of a fiercer demeanor. Once he learned of your decision to search for the Blue Palace yourself, he declared that it was time, and gave you his sword (imagine a chef's knife with a 20 inch blade...)
• Bundle of Candles and Matches.
• Writing materials.
• Journal.
Generic equipment: knife, rucksack, lantern and oil
6 provisions, lovingly prepared by your worried mother.
Advanced Skills
2 Evaluate
2 Astrology
1 Healing
1 Spell – Sleep
1 Sword Fighting
1 Sleight of Hand
You may Test your Luck to recall facts
that you might reasonably be expected to have encountered relating to the
natural sciences and humanities.
SLEEP: cost 2 stamina to cast, skill test (6+1) to cast successfully.
The wizard convinces a target to forgo wakefulness for a time, causing them
to sleep until woken unless they successfully Test their Luck. Remember:
fighting is loud.
For a little while Dubi Gan will be still GM controlled, but within a post or 3 Fitz will take over