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A jesus fish for role players

Tequila Sunrise

To preface: I saw this show on the Christians of old Rome, when they were a minority. If one Christian met someone on the road, whom the Christian thought might be a Christian too, he would casually draw an arc in the sand with his sandal. If the other person was in fact a Christian too, he would recognize the sign and draw a second arc in the sand, which created the Jesus fish image. So that was one of the ways that early Christians recognized each other while avoiding the fate of their Lord.

Now, role players aren't in any danger of execution for practicing our faith *cough* I mean hobby, but we are a minority and many of us do at least feel persecuted. So I think we role players need a Jesus fish to recognize each other. Either a symbol that looks just like a random doodle to the uninitiated, or a unique phrase that can be casually dropped into conversation.

For a symbol I'm thinking of a rectangular box with two letters in it. For example the first gamer draws a box with one letter taking up half the box. The letter would depend on which game or system he or she is "testing for"; R for Role Play, D for D&D, or even Ex for Exalted. If the second person recognizes the test he or she completes the symbol with a second letter.

For a phrase, all I can think of is "that's the way I roll" which nobody would ever use because it's ambiguously sexual. And lame on top of that. Anyone got any better ideas?

I know most people who reply here won't see the point in these sort of codes. Most of us here can find gamers easily enough via message boards and networking sites or by simply talking to people; but there are a lot of gamers out there who don't have regular internet access or who are closet gamers or who just aren't as savvy or who live in oppressive social environments. So even if this idea seems silly, give it a little thought before responding.


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First Post
There was the "go play" green triangle for a while a couple of years ago that tried to accomplish just this. It might be something that folks still recognize.


I had a whole post written out but it got lost :(

the gist was, persucted that seems a bit over sensitive to me, I've had conversations with people in the office before about D&D and wasn't derided for it.

Jerks are jerks whether they know you roleplay or not.

Also its a vital life skill to tell between banter and persecution, plus if its that big a deal just speak up.


First Post
Now, role players aren't in any danger of execution for practicing our faith *cough* I mean hobby, but we are a minority and many of us do at least feel persecuted. So I think we role players need a Jesus fish to recognize each other. Either a symbol that looks just like a random doodle to the uninitiated, or a unique phrase that can be casually dropped into conversation.

I was interviewing teachers for a position at my school when a guy walked in. My gamer radar was screaming. I knew this guy had to have been playing D&D since Jr. High.

He walked slouched over, dressed sloppily, was overweight, had a beat up backpack over his shoulder, looked smart, but carried an air of "I have no social skills" about him, had a different air about him when I went to shake his hand (wow!), and talked about teaching like he was dissecting 3rd Edition grappling rules.

So I don't kneed any way to recognize fellow gamers. I got it all figured out. ;)


A slightly less dramatic tactic might be, "do you play games like D&D or Magic the Gathering?" :) In a world where people engage in some truly bizarre hobbies and activities, getting together with friends around a card table to roll dice, make jokes and eat Cheetoes is one of the more "normal" ones out there!

I for one REFUSE to be treated strangely when other people skydive or bungie for fun, or paint themselves blue and orange at a football game in 12 degree weather to cheer on their team. :D

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