A $2 Viking RPG from Robin Laws based on Ars Magica I never knew existed???!

I was not aware there was a 112 page dual statted Rune/d20 adventure The Last Hero in Scandinavia.
Oh yeah, the d20 boom was going strong and dual-statted stuff was pretty common - for better or worse. There's a Feng Shui/d20 dual-stat adventure as well called Burning Shaolin as well.

It was an interesting time to be behind the counter at a game store. Everything with "d20" on it sold at first, the trick was guessing when the honeymoon would end and not get stuck with a mound of dead stock and DOA preorders. You could tell the stores that hadn't gotten bit by earlier booms (sports cards in the late 80s-early 90s, comics in the mid-90s, even the Fallen Empires debacle with Magic), they were nowhere near cynical enough for their own good.

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I figure anything written by Robin Laws is at least worth a skim. Plus I like Viking-ish stuff.
Can't argue with that. It's much more video-game Viking than historical and abit tongue in cheek at points - IIRC your between-battle "short rest" style healing (very innovative back then) was explicitly described as taking a few minutes breather to grunt manfully while shrugging off your wounds. :)

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