Str - Titan. Built on throwing and smashing, using heavy weapons and armor.
Dex - Poise. Cool combat maneuvers with mobility and finesse.
Con - Corpus. Drugs, food, alchemy, yoga, etc let you expand your body's abilities.
Int - Savant. Little schemes or nifty gadgets to take advantage of the circumstances.
Wis - Animus. The intuitive spellcaster. You draw upon environmental energy.
Cha - Voice. Manipulate people.
But everyone can learn spells, join organizations that grant powers, and use magic items.
Dex - Poise. Cool combat maneuvers with mobility and finesse.
Con - Corpus. Drugs, food, alchemy, yoga, etc let you expand your body's abilities.
Int - Savant. Little schemes or nifty gadgets to take advantage of the circumstances.
Wis - Animus. The intuitive spellcaster. You draw upon environmental energy.
Cha - Voice. Manipulate people.
But everyone can learn spells, join organizations that grant powers, and use magic items.